MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 44365: A Note on Almost Stochastic Dominance

- Xu Guo, Xuehu Zhu, Wing-Keung Wong and Lixing Zhu
- 44360: A time series test to identify housing bubbles

- Diego Escobari, Damian Damianov and Andres Bello
- 44358: المؤشرات الاقتصادية وثيقة الارتباط بالاستثمار الحالة المصرية قبل وبعد ثورة 25 يناير 2011 (The Global and Local Economic Indicators Strictly Correlated with the Investment Trend Egypt Case:Before and after 25th Jan Revolution)

- Ashraf Mahmoud
- 44356: Household business index in Vietnam: a small area estimation method

- Cuong Nguyen, Trang Do, Thu Phung and Tung Phung
- 44351: Sources of Macroeconomic Fluctuations in MENA Countries

- Mehmet Balcilar and Kemal Bagzibagli
- 44347: Effectiveness of government interventions at labour markets: the case of women and youth in Serbia

- Jovan Zubović and Ivana Domazet
- 44343: Crime and regional growth in Italy

- Matteo Lanzafame
- 44342: Endogenous financial literacy, saving and stock market participation

- Luca Spataro and Lorenzo Corsini
- 44339: Comparative Studies on Cooperative Stochastic Differential Game and Dynamic Sequential Game of Economic Maturity

- Darong Dai
- 44338: When can we do better than autarky?

- Guoqiang Tian and Yuzhe Zhang
- 44336: Measures and Motivations: U.S. National Income and Product Estimates During the Great Depression and World War II

- Richard Kane
- 44322: Bayesian Model Averaging and Jointness Measures for gretl

- Marcin Błażejowski and Jacek Kwiatkowski
- 44320: Approximate Nash equilibrium under the single crossing conditions

- Nikolai Kukushkin
- 44318: Nota introductoria al cálculo del capital económico a riesgo en organizaciones con dos unidades de negocio (Introductory note to the calculation of economic capital at risk in organizations with two business units)

- Mauro Speranza and Javier I. Garcia Fronti
- 44317: « Brain drain » vs. « Brain gain » ? Division internationale des connaissances et promesses de co-développement (“Brain drain” vs. “Brain gain”? International division of knowledge and promises of co-development)

- Morad Diani and Noufel Ghiffi
- 44315: Bargaining over debt rescheduling

- Jacek Prokop
- 44314: Size Distributions for All Cities: Which One is Best?

- Rafael González-Val, Arturo Ramos, Fernando Sanz and María Vera-Cabello
- 44313: Zur axiomatischen Einheit von Kreislauf-,Geld-, Preis- und Verteilungstheorie (The axiomatic unity of circuit, money, price and distribution)

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 44310: Ευρωπαϊκή Δημοσιονομική Πολιτική και Οικονομική Μεγέθυνση: Η Νεοκλασική Οικονομική Θεωρία για την Περίπτωση της Ελλάδας (European Fiscal Policy and Economic Growth: The Neoclassical Economic Theory in the Case of Greece)

- Dimitrios Koumparoulis
- 44303: Targeting information policy for improved system performance

- Tugrul Temel
- 44301: Private label organic food products: profile and behaviour of Italian consumers characterized through a multivariate approach

- Angelo Belliggiano and Simona Staffieri
- 44298: Measuring Performance of Exchange Traded Funds

- Marlène Hassine and Thierry Roncalli
- 44297: Repere ale raţionalităţii limitate în ştiinţa economică (Highlights of bounded rationality in economics)

- Radu Constantinescu
- 44296: Lo sviluppo dell’economia italiana (The development of the Italian economy)

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 44295: Legitimacy and cooperation: A framed field experiment

- Jetske Bouma, K.J. Joy, Suhas Paranjape and Erik Ansink
- 44292: Financial and nonfinancial information in interim reports: Determinants and implications

- Schadewitz Hannu
- 44290: Mechanizm wczesnego ostrzegania firm inwestycyjnych (Early warning mechanism of bankruptcy for investment companies)

- Piotr Staszkiewicz
- 44289: Financial Inclusion for Youth Entrepreneurs in Creative Industry: a case of youth entrepreneurs in clothing industry in Yogyakarta, Indonesia

- Aloysius Brata
- 44285: Review on Fishery in Kerala Perspective

- Rajlaxmi Mohanty
- 44284: Linkage between Microfinance participation and securing Employment through MGNREGP

- Amit Kundu
- 44282: China’s wood furniture manufacturing industry: industrial cluster and export competitiveness

- Hongqiang Yang, Chunyi Ji, Ning Nie and Yinxing Hong
- 44277: Hiring Workers with Disabilities when a Quota Requirement Exists: The relevance of firm’s size

- Miguel Malo and Ricardo Pagan Rodriguez
- 44275: Temporary Contracts across Generations: Long-term effects of a labour market reform at the margin

- Miguel Malo and Begoña Cueto
- 44271: Perspectiva Macroeconomica y Tendencias en el Mercado de Deuda Latinoamericano: ¿El viraje hacia instrumentos de Fondeo Domesticos? (Macroeconomic Outlook and Trends in Latin American Debt Capital Markets: A turn to domestic sources of funding?)

- Maria Belen Avellaneda-Kantt
- 44270: Friends and health of the workers in Italy

- Damiano Fiorillo
- 44268: Le commerce international, l’adoption de l’innovation et le choix de l’entrée-sortie à l’exportation des firmes (International trade, innovation adoption and export entry-exit choice of the firms)

- Mohammad Movahedi
- 44265: Does Higher Education System of United Kingdom Produce Enough Graduates?

- Ashfaque Ahmad Shah and Amjad Arain
- 44264: Chinese monetary policy – from theory to practice

- Finn Körner and Dirk Ehnts
- 44263: Existence of Nash Equilibrium in games with a measure space of players and discontinuous payoff functions

- Guilherme Carmona and Konrad Podczeck
- 44262: Predicting corporate bankruptcy using a self-organizing map: An empirical study to improve the forecasting horizon of a financial failure model

- Philippe du Jardin and Eric Séverin
- 44261: Currency Undervaluation and Growth: Is there a Productivity Channel?

- Samba Mbaye
- 44259: Ecosystem Services - Ökonomische Analyse ihres Verlusts, ihre Bewertung und Steuerung (Ecosystem Services - Economic Analysis of their loss, their valuation and regulation)

- Lasse Loft and Alexandra Lux
- 44258: Ecosystem Services - Eine Einführung (Ecosystem Services - An introduction)

- Lasse Loft and Alexandra Lux
- 44257: Cluster policy in developing countries

- Maximilian Benner
- 44254: Financial development dynamic thresholds of financial globalization: evidence from Africa

- Simplice Asongu
- 44253: Return enhancing, cash-rich or simply empire-building? An empirical investigation of corporate real estate holdings

- Julan Du, Charles Leung and Derek Chu
- 44252: CVA, FVA (and DVA?) with stochastic spreads. A feasible replication approach under realistic assumptions

- Luis Manuel García Muñoz
- 44250: Improving customer churn models as one of customer relationship management business solutions for the telecommunication industry

- Ecaterina Slavescu and Iulian Panait
- 44249: Stylized facts of the daily and monthly returns for the European stock indices during 2007-2012

- Iulian Panait and Alexandru Constantinescu
- 44248: Particularități ale aplicării teoriei moderne a portofoliului in cazul acțiunilor listate la Bursa de Valori București (Particularities of applying Modern Portfolio Theory on the Romanian capital market)

- Iulian Panait and Tiberiu Diaconescu
- 44247: Stock market diagnosis

- Iulian Panait
- 44246: Silence is golden: communication, silence, and cartel stability

- Atin Basuchoudhary and John Conlon
- 44245: Beyond the privatization and re-nationalisation of the Argentine pension system: coverage, fragmentation, and sustainability

- Fabio Bertranou, Oscar Cetrángolo, Oscar Grushka and Luis Casanova
- 44242: Barriers to entry: abolishing the barriers to understanding

- Jan Horst Keppler
- 44241: Export Diversification Dynamics in Latin America

- Luis Chanci Arango
- 44240: Contracting under Incomplete Information and Social Preferences: An Experimental Study

- Eva I. Hoppe and Patrick W. Schmitz
- 44239: Бизнес-группы и неразвитые финансовые институты: пример России (Business Groups and Undeveloped Financial Institutions: The Case of Russia)

- Andrei Shumilov and Natalya Volchkova
- 44236: Crowd-sourcing with uncertain quality - an auction approach

- Athanasios Papakonstantinou and Peter Bogetoft
- 44233: UEM: valutando l’impatto dell’euro (EMU: assessing the impact of the euro)

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 44231: An additive two-stage DEA approach creating sustainability efficiency indexes

- George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
- 44229: Which Industry is Greener? Empirical Study for Nine Industries in OECD Countries

- Hidemichi Fujii and Shunsuke Managi
- 44228: From the Persecuting to the Protective State? Jewish Expulsions and Weather Shocks from 1100 to 1800

- R. Warren Anderson, Noel Johnson and Mark Koyama
- 44227: Improving Understanding of the Social Security OASDI Trust Fund

- Brian Schmult
- 44224: A conceptual model for the use of social media in companies

- Cristian Nistor
- 44222: Simple heuristics as equilibrium strategies in mutual sequential mate search

- Ismail Saglam
- 44221: Impact of low-interest credits on business R&D expenditures: Spanish firms and CDTI loans for R&D projects

- E. Huergo, Trenado, Mayte / M. and Ubierna, Andrés / A.
- 44220: Three's company: Wall Street, Capitol Hill, and K Street

- Deniz Igan and Prachi Mishra
- 44219: Estimating the value of additional wind and transmission capacity in the rocky mountain west

- Robert Godby, Gregory Torell and Roger Coupal
- 44218: Ageing, government budgets, retirement, and growth

- Martin Gonzalez-Eiras and Dirk Niepelt
- 44214: The impact of social capital on consumption insurance and income volatility in U.K.: evidence from british household panel survey

- Filippo Maria Pericoli, Eleonora Pierucci and Luigi Ventura
- 44213: Le banche popolari cooperative (The popular co-operative banks)

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 44212: The Role of Bounded Rationality in Macro-Finance Affine Term-Structure Models

- Tack Yun, Jinsook Kim and Eunmi Ko
- 44210: Veryfication of the disclosure lemma for Polish broker-dealer market

- Piotr Staszkiewicz
- 44208: PKB a upadłość (GDP and insolvency)

- Piotr Staszkiewicz
- 44207: Prospect theory in the health domain: a quantitative assessment

- Arthur Attema, Werner Brouwer and Olivier L'Haridon
- 44206: Risks of large portfolios

- Jianqing Fan, Yuan Liao and Xiaofeng Shi
- 44205: Why Guyana's self discovery is the missing link in its development strategy

- Collin Constantine
- 44201: Software uncertainty in integrated environmental modelling: the role of semantics and open science

- Daniele de Rigo
- 44200: La probabilità in Keynes: premesse e influenze (The probability in Keynes: background and influences)

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 44195: Ethics in international business

- Luminita Soproni
- 44194: Toward open science at the European scale: geospatial semantic array programming for integrated environmental modelling

- Daniele de Rigo, Paolo Corti, Giovanni Caudullo, Daniel McInerney, Margherita Di Leo and Jesús San-Miguel-Ayanz
- 44191: The Oomph in economic philosophy: a bibliometric analysis of the main trends, from the 1960s to the present

- Altuğ Yalçıntaş
- 44189: Forecasting the optimal order quantity in the newsvendor model under a correlated demand

- George Halkos and Ilias Kevork
- 44188: Europa: frontiere culturale interne sau areal cultural unitar (Europe: Internal Cultural Frontiers or Union Cultural Area)

- Mircea Brie and Ioan Horga
- 44187: Registrele parohiale de stare civilă din Transilvania în a doua jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea. Semnificaţie documentară (Parish registers of civil status in Transylvania in the second half of the nineteenth century. Documentary signification)

- Mircea Brie
- 44186: Profesiuni rurale versus profesiuni urbane. Determinismele socio-profesionale şi opţiunile maritale în Crişana (a doua jumătate a secolului XIX – începutul secolului XX) (Rural Professions versus Urban Professions. Socio-professional Determinisms and Marital Options in Crisana (second half of the 19th century – beginning of the 20th century))

- Mircea Brie
- 44185: Concubinajul – formă a erodării şi disoluţiei familiei în spaţiul Crişanei (începutul secolului XX) (Common-law Marriage – Means of Erosion and Dissolution of the Family in the Crisana Area (beginning of the 20th century))

- Mircea Brie
- 44182: Intra-industry trade and regional integration

- Pierre Ecochard, Lionel Fontagné, Guillaume Gaulier and Soledad Zignago
- 44181: Institutional changes of SPACs

- Milan Lakicevic, Yochanan Shachmurove and Milos Vulanovic
- 44180: „Volcker/Vickers hybrid“?: The Liikanen Report and justifications for ring fencing and separate legal entities

- Marianne Ojo
- 44179: Arquitectura de decisiones y paternalismo libertario: hacia una microeconomía empíricamente fundamentada (Decision architecture and libertarian paternalism: towards an empirically based microeconomics)

- Pablo Abitbol
- 44176: Family and society in north-western Transylvania (2nd Half of the 19th century – beginning of the 20th century). General framework: concepts, methods and approaches

- Mircea Brie
- 44175: Male authority vs. female authority in traditional rural society

- Mircea Brie
- 44174: Crizele de mortalitate şi vulnerabilitatea comunităţilor bihorene şi sătmărene în faţa morţii (a doua jumătate a secolului XIX – începutul secolului XX)

- Mircea Brie
- 44173: The european union external border. an epistemological approach

- Mircea Brie and Ioan Horga
- 44172: Inter-confessional dialogue and ecumenical movement in the latter half of the 20th century. case study: Oradea

- Mircea Brie
- 44168: Economic science, humanism and religion: the philosophical anthropology of "La Rivista Trimestrale"

- Duccio Cavalieri
- 44167: Marshall, l'economia classica e la logica della separazione (Marshall, classical political economy and the logic of separation)

- Duccio Cavalieri
- 44158: The performance of four possible rules for selecting the Prime Minister after the Dutch Parliamentary elections of September 2012

- Thomas Colignatus
- 44157: Birth dynamics and structure in the romanian village in north-western Transylvania (former half of the 19th century – beginning of the 20th century)

- Mircea Brie
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