MPRA Paper
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- 78594: The Role Of Corporate Governance And Its Impact On Risk And Firm Performance Of Real Estate Industry: Amanahraya Reit

- Wahidah Mohamad
- 78590: The Relationship of Financial Risks Towards the Performance of Vivocom Intl Holdings Berhad

- Siti Junaidah Jono
- 78585: Monetary Policy and Structural Reforms in the Euro Area

- Ad van Riet
- 78583: The Role of Corporate Governance and Its Impact on Risk and Firm Performance of Consumer Industry: Apollo Food Holdings Berhad

- Nur Hayati Jamian
- 78581: Migration of Bulgarian Population – Characteristics and Relations to the Regional Socio-economic Disparities

- Vesselin Mintchev, Georgi Shopov, Iordan Kaltchev and Venelin Boshnakov
- 78579: Firm Performance And Risk In Real Estate Industry: Relationship Between Corporate Governance

- Nur Fateha Badron
- 78576: The Greek-Turkish Arms Race Using Artificial Neural Networks

- Andreas S. Andreou and George Zombanakis
- 78565: Performance and Risk: Empirical Evidence from Wah Seong Corporation Berhad

- Nor Amalina Zakaria
- 78564: Relative Verbal Intelligence and Happiness

- Boris Nikolaev and Jennifer McGee
- 78557: Are Individualistic Societies Less Equal? Evidence from the Parasite Stress Theory of Values

- Boris Nikolaev, Christopher Boudreaux and Raufhon Salahodjaev
- 78556: Agricultural Returns to Labor and the Origins of Work Ethics

- Vasiliki Fouka and Alain Schlaepfer
- 78554: Маркетинг взаимоотношений с поставщиками на промышленном рынке и его особенности (Маркетинг взаимоотношений с поставщиками на промышленном рынке и его особенности)

- Alena Mukhina
- 78545: Affin Bank Performance: Relationship Liquidity Ratio, Leverage Ratio and GDP to Profitability

- Nurhazimah Samsuri
- 78544: The Influence Of Implementation Brain-Friendly Learning Through The Whole Brain Teaching To Students’ Response and Creative Character In Learning Mathematics

- Widodo Winarso and Siti Asri Karimah
- 78523: Firm Risk and Performance: The Role of Corporate Governance of Wct Holding Berhad

- Ridhuan Othaman
- 78522: Performance and Risk of IOI Corporation Berhad

- Nur Ilyani Harun
- 78521: Relationship Between Level of Firm Performances and Risk in Food and Beverages Industry: Empirical Analysis on Khee San Berhad

- Nurulhidayu Erizal
- 78515: Firm Risk and Performance: The Role of Corporate Governance in Dutch Lady Malaysia

- siti Nasirah Alyamutty
- 78511: risk and performance of amtel holdings berhad

- Mohd Nur Arif Gamar
- 78510: Firm Risk and Performance: The Role of Corporate Governance in Hwa Tai Sdn Bhd

- Nur Syafiqah Khalil
- 78507: Firm Risk And Performance: Spritzer Berhad

- Thalhah Al-Anshari
- 78506: Risk Performance of Kawan Food Berhad

- Sabrina Kamaludin
- 78505: Risk and Performance of Elsoft Reseach Berhad

- Siti Khomariah Sutejo
- 78504: Evaluation the Impact of Specific Risk Factors on Inventory Turnover and Macroeconomics: Evidence from KUB Malaysia Sdn Bhd

- Flora Kumang Sylvester Andreas
- 78503: Performance and Size of Fraser & Neave Holdings Bhd (F&N)

- Ridhuan Othaman
- 78500: The Relationship Between Hong Leong Bank’s Performance with Leverage and Inflation

- Aini Rafiqah Rosli
- 78499: The Relationship of RHB Bank Berhad’s Profitability with Leverage and Size (Total Asset)

- Farah Nuramalina Sofi
- 78497: CIMB Bank Performance: Relationship between GDP, Leverage Ratio and Operating Efficiency Ratio to Profitability

- Syaza Laila Dinson
- 78489: Особенности продажи товаров на одностраничных сайтах (Features of selling products on landing page)

- Galina Miller
- 78486: Mathematical Thinking Undefended on The Level of The Semester for Professional Mathematics Teacher Candidates

- Toheri Toheri and Widodo Winarso
- 78475: Study of Relationship of Company’s Performance with Internal and External Factors on Maxis Berhad

- Way Han Koh
- 78461: Telekom Malaysia Berhad (TM): Study of Relationship Between Performance (ROA) and Internal, External Factor

- Sze Wee Teo
- 78460: Performance And Risk: Empirical Evidence From Rhb Bank

- Nur Athira Hashim
- 78459: Study of Relationship Between Performance (ROA) And Internal And External Factors On Axiata Group Berhad

- Pei Shan Lim
- 78457: Empirical Evidence of Risk and Performance: Top Glove Corporation Berhad

- Yu Zhi Lim
- 78439: Forecasting Chilean Inflation with the Hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve: Globalisation, Combination, and Accuracy

- Carlos A. Medel
- 78438: Does Higher Education Increase Hedonic and Eudaimonic Happiness?

- Boris Nikolaev
- 78437: Фирмата в Теорията на транзакционните разходи/The Firm as Transaction Cost Economics Concept (Фирмата в Теорията на транзакционните разходи)

- Plamen Tchipev
- 78436: Institutions & Well-being

- Daniel Bennett, Boris Nikolaev and Toke Aidt
- 78435: Historical Prevalence of Infectious Diseases, Cultural Values, and the Origins of Economic Institutions

- Boris Nikolaev and Raufhon Salahodjaev
- 78434: Сакрален ли е неокласическият икономически модел? (Опорни точки в защитата му) (Has the neoclassical economics model been sacred? (Critical Points of Defense))

- Plamen Tchipev
- 78432: Trade and Poverty Issues: A Country Case Study of the Philippines

- Leonardo L. Sta. Romana
- 78428: Between Trust and Performance: Exploring Socio-Economic Mechanisms on Directed Weighted Regular Ring with Agent-Based Modeling

- Lin Gao
- 78423: Risk and Performance of SapuraKencana Petroleum Berhad

- Nadia Jamalludin
- 78422: Risk and Performance of SapuraKencana Petroleum Berhad

- Nadia Jamalludin
- 78418: The finance-growth nexus in Namibia

- Joel Eita
- 78413: The Determinants of Profitability for Kerjaya Prosepk

- Yi Lam Lim
- 78411: firm risk and performance: the role of corporate governance in Amfirst reit

- Alyaa Asyiqin Rozli
- 78409: Firm Risk And Performance The Role Of Corporate Governance

- Nor Syazlinda Mohd Nor
- 78398: Firm Risk and Performance in A & M Realty Berhad

- Nur Hayati Jamian
- 78397: Corporate Governance and its Impact on Firm Performance and Risk in Food and Beverages Industry: Empirical Analysis on Dutch Lady Berhad

- Nurulhidayu Erizal
- 78396: The Role Of Corporate Governance And Its Impact On Risk And Firm Performance Of Real Estate Industry: Pavilion Reit

- Fadzilah Kamarulzaman
- 78391: The Influence of Corporate Governance on Changes In Risk Following The Plantation Industry: Evidence From Chin Teck Plantation Bhd

- Nursyafikin Zainal
- 78385: Gender Diversity In The Hermes Paris Boardroom And Risk Management

- Siti Noreiza Ramlan
- 78381: Corporate Governance and Performance of United Malacca Berhad

- Nur Ilyani Harun
- 78380: Risk Based Corporate Governance in Damansara Realty Berhad: A Case Study Approach

- Nurshafiqa Aqeela Sanadi
- 78378: Firm Risk and Performance: The Role of Corporate Governance in Bertam Alliance Berhad

- Nur Hu Yani Ramlan
- 78376: Necessity of Corporate Governance and Development of Risk Management: APB Resources Berhad

- Luqman Ghani
- 78374: Firm Risk And Performance: The Role Of Corporate Governance Of Redtone International Berhad

- Roushin Khoo
- 78364: Risk and Performance: Empirical Evidence from Bumi Armada Berhad

- Syahiadmah Ayub
- 78363: The Performance and Risk of Heineken Malaysia Berhad

- Wei Ying Song
- 78362: Firm Risk & Performance: The Role of Corporate Governance Of Bumi Amada Bhd

- Ayu Darwina Muhamad Fitri
- 78360: Risk and Performance: Empirical Evidence from Yinson Holdings Berhad

- Nuramalina Khalid
- 78359: The performance and risk of Kossan Rubber Industries Berhad

- Kun Youn Teoh
- 78358: Risk and performance: empirical evidence from bank of tokyo-mitsubishi ufj

- Nur Azra Farzana Aziz
- 78357: Performances And Risk Of Landmark Berhad

- Wan Fadzillah Anira Wan Moh Zaki
- 78352: Performance and risk: empirical evidence from gamuda berhad

- Nordini Nadzri
- 78350: Risk and performances: financial performance of sime darby berhad

- Wan Nur Imani W.Hussin
- 78348: Financial Risk and Performance: Empirical Evidence from OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad

- Muhammad Zahisyam Abdul Karim
- 78344: Performance and Risk: Empirical Evidence from Petroliam Nasional Berhad (PETRONAS)

- Norma Nayan
- 78343: The risk and performance of Careplus Group Berhad

- Shun Xiong Yong
- 78342: The performance and risk of Hartalega Holdings Berhad

- Kah Wai Wong
- 78339: Specific risk factors and macroeconomic factor on profitability performance an empirical evidence of Top Glove Corporation Bhd

- Choon Zhee Loh
- 78338: The Performance and Risk of Apollo Food Holdings Berhad

- Hwee Yin Wong
- 78334: The Relationship Between Risk and Performance in Bank

- Nurlida Mohd Amin
- 78329: Ajustarea seriilor de timp financiare,Partea întâi (Smoothing of financial time series, Part 1)

- Răzvan Stefanescu and Ramona Dumitriu
- 78328: The Causal Relationship between Corruption and Poverty in ASEAN: a General Method of Moments/Dynamic Panel Data Analysis

- Ina Purwantini Rahayu and Tri Widodo
- 78327: Expected Time to Achieve SDG 4.6: A Disaggregated Data Analysis for Pakistan

- Zahid Asghar and Maida Umar
- 78326: Industrial Organization: Indonesian Manufacture

- Tri Widodo
- 78324: Trends in Mediterranean Inequalities 1950-2015

- Vittorio Daniele and Paolo Malanima
- 78323: An Alternative of Poverty Line Measurement: a Case Study of Indonesia

- Tri Widodo
- 78321: Medical Brain Drain and Life Expectancy: A Comparative Analysis between Arab, American and Asian Countries

- Mohamed Kouni
- 78320: High skilled emigration and human capital: A theoretical and empirical essay for the case of Middle-Income Countries

- Mohamed Kouni
- 78319: The Impact of Social Safety Net Scholarships Program to School Dropout Rates in Indonesia: The Intention-To-Treat Analysis

- Bayu Kharisma, Elan Satriawan and Lincolin Arsyad
- 78318: A CGE Analysis of Pakistan-Turkey Free Trade Agreement

- Ashfaque Ali
- 78317: New technology and old institutions: An empirical analysis of the skill-biased demand for older workers in Europe

- Fei Peng, Sajid Anwar and Lili Kang
- 78316: Theory of Gharar and its interpretation of Risk and Uncertainty from the perspectives of Authentic Hadith and the Holy Quran: A Qualitative Analysis

- Waeibrorheem Waemustafa and Suriani Sukri
- 78315: Energy Consumption and Regional Economic Growth: The Case of Iranian Manufacturing Sector

- Iman Cheratian and Saleh Goltabar
- 78313: Firm Risk and Performance: The Role of Corporate Governance of Digi Telecommunication Berhad

- Sockyan Kiew
- 78310: The Role of Social and Economic Infrastructure in Manufacturing Sector Performance in Nigeria

- Ekundayo Mesagan and Amarachi C. Ezeji
- 78304: Serbest Piyasa Ekonomisi ve İslam Ekonomisi Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Analiz (A Comparative Analysis on the Free Market and Islamic Economy)

- Fatih Kazanci
- 78303: Цветовая индикация подходов в консалтинге (Color indication of approaches in consulting)

- Tatyana Babanina
- 78302: Маркетинговые преимущества продвижения товаров при помощи технологии «гивэвей» (Marketing benefits of promoting products with the help of technology, “giveaway”)

- Angelina Koshcheeva
- 78299: Defining PPP Opportunities in the Road Sector of Ukraine

- Yevhen Cherevykov
- 78298: Электронная коммерция: аутсорсинг в электронном бизнесе (E-commerce: outsourcing e-business)

- Natalya Griaznova
- 78295: Water Scarcity: Impacts on Food security at Macro, Meso and Micro levels in Pakistan

- Amir Fahim
- 78294: Les canaux de transmission de la politique monetaire en Haiti: une approche narrative (1996-2016) (Monetary transmission channels in Haiti: a narrative approach (1996-2016))

- Carl Nally Regi Simon
- 78290: Improving Algebraic Thinking Skill, Beliefs And Attitude For Mathematics Throught Learning Cycle Based On Beliefs

- Toheri Toheri and Widodo Winarso
- 78284: Non-Sterilized Interventions May Yield Perverse Effects on Spot Foreign Exchange Rates

- Ismail Saglam
- 78282: Refined Measures of Dynamic Connectedness based on TVP-VAR

- Nikolaos Antonakakis and David Gabauer