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44825: Il capitalismo storico e la scelta di fondo odierna (Historical capitalism and today fundamental choice) Downloads
Duccio Cavalieri
44824: Il capitalismo come problema e il ritorno alla libertà naturale dell'uomo nel pensiero di Claudio Napoleoni (Capitalism as a problem and the recovery of the natural freedom of man in Claudio Napoleoni's thought) Downloads
Duccio Cavalieri
44822: Dynamics of income in Jharkhand: evidences from village studies Downloads
K.M. Singh, M.S. Meena, R.K.P. Singh, Abhay Kumar and Anjani Kumar
44821: Dynamics of income in Bihar: evidence from village studies Downloads
K.M. Singh, Abhay Kumar, R.K.P. Singh, M.S. Meena and Anjani Kumar
44820: سياسات تعزيز القدرة التنافسية لصادرات المشروعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة المصرية (Policies to enhance competitiveness for exports of Egyptian small and medium-sized enterprises) Downloads
Hussein Elasrag
44818: Common priors for generalized type spaces Downloads
Miklós Pintér
44816: Free Entry and Social Inefficiency under Co-opetition Downloads
Keisuke Hattori and Takeshi Yoshikawa
44815: Dimensions of Rural Poverty in Bihar: A Village Level Study Downloads
K.M. Singh, R.K.P. Singh, Abhay Kumar, M.S. Meena, A.K. Jha and Anjani Kumar
44811: Rural Poverty in Jharkhand: An Empirical Exploration of Socioeconomic determinants Downloads
K.M. Singh, R.K.P. Singh, M.S. Meena, Abhay Kumar, A.K. Jha and Anjani Kumar
44808: The Role of Macroeconomic Fundamentals in Malaysian Post Recession Growth Downloads
Chin Lee
44807: Electronic administration in Spain: from its beginnings to the present Downloads
Antonio Munoz-Canavate and Pedro Hipola
44806: Multiperiod Black Litterman Asset Allocation Model Downloads
Karan Malhotra
44805: Decomposing European NUTS2 regional inequality from 1980 to 2009: national and European policy implications Downloads
Justin Doran and Declan Jordan
44803: La condizione umana e il cammino di liberazione nel pensiero di Claudio Napoleoni (The human condition and the freedom path in Claudio Napoleoni's thought) Downloads
Duccio Cavalieri
44801: Job Separation Behavior of WOTC Workers: Results from a Unique Case Study Downloads
Jill Marie Gunderson and Julie L. Hotchkiss
44800: The Push-Pull Effects of the Information Technology Boom and Bust Downloads
Julie L. Hotchkiss, M. Melinda Pitts and John Robertson
44795: A More Proactive Approach to Addressing Gender-related Employment Disparities in the United States Downloads
Mary E. Graham and Julie L. Hotchkiss
44794: Il ricupero della dimensione sociale del lavoro in Napoleoni e in Marx (The recovery of the social dimension of labour in Napoleoni and in Marx) Downloads
Duccio Cavalieri
44792: Una lettera inedita di Ugo La Malfa a Claudio Napoleoni sulla programmazione economica e i sindacati operai (A letter of Ugo La Malfa to Claudio Napoleoni on economic planning and the trade unions) Downloads
Duccio Cavalieri
44790: The 1992-93 Swedish Crisis Debate: How Economic Consensus Overturns Tradition Downloads
Keith Jakee
44786: Su "L'economia politica in Italia dal Cinquecento ai nostri giorni" di Riccardo Faucci (On "The political economy in Italy" of Riccardo Faucci) Downloads
Duccio Cavalieri
44784: The determinants of the academic outcome: an Bayesian approach using a sample of economics students from the University of Brasilia, Brazil Downloads
Luis Cristovao Ferreira Lima
44783: Competences offered by the international relations and european studies university program – an argument for quality in romanian academic education Downloads
Florentina Chirodea
44780: The Romanian – Hungarian Border,link or delimitation for the post-adhesion process of Romania and Hungary? Downloads
Luminita Soproni and Ioan Horga
44779: The world economic crisis – key moment for redefining the borders of financial communication Downloads
Luminita Soproni
44777: Public Debt and J.S. Mill’s Conjecture: A Note Downloads
Lefteris Tsoulfidis
44771: A brief essay on the financialization of agricultural commodity markets Downloads
Daniele Girardi
44770: Real Estate Business in Pakistan and Its Economic Implications Downloads
Atiq Rehman
44769: Becoming "We" Instead of "I", Identity Management and Incentives in the Workplace Downloads
Jocelyn Donze and Trude Gunnes
44767: Diversifying Risks in Bond Portfolios: A Cross-border Approach Downloads
David Sun and Shih-Chuan Tsai
44765: Workers on the move: migrated labour in post-reform india Downloads
Rajarshi Majumder
44764: Examining Projection Bias in Experimental Auctions: The Role of Hunger and Immediate Gratification Downloads
Briz Teresa, Andreas Drichoutis, Rodolfo Nayga and Lisa House
44763: Abatement costs of alternative tax systems to regulate agricultural nitrogen loss Downloads
Jan Christensen and Lars Gårn Hansen
44761: Study Regarding the Culture of Large Organizations from Romania in the End of 2008 Downloads
Violeta Urban, Tatiana Puiu and Dumitru Bontas
44760: Knowledge-intensive employment growth in the Dutch Randstad and the German Rhine-Ruhr area: the impact of centrality and peripherality Downloads
Kristin Kronenberg and Kati Volgmann
44759: Ethical Management – Competitive Advantage Relationship Downloads
Violeta Urban and Tatiana Puiu
44758: The Influence of Economic and Financial Crisis on Tourism Services in Romania Downloads
Violeta Urban and Inge Verhaegen
44756: 中国经济增长的政治周期假说:理论模型和实证检验 (A Hypothesis on China’s Political Business Cycles: Theory Model and Empirical Investigation) Downloads
Dong Wang
44752: Long-term unemployment in the varieties of capitalism Downloads
Alberto Chilosi
44746: Guilt aversion and peer effects in crime: experimental and empirical evidence from Bangladesh Downloads
Masahiro Shoji
44745: The problem of arising the Pareto inefficient norm in relations “investor – government” type Downloads
Dmytro Sokolovskyi and Olena Sokolovska
44744: Regional income convergence in India: A Bayesian Spatial Durbin Model approach Downloads
Pushparaj Soundararajan
44742: Towards Effective Emerging Infectious Diseases Surveillance: Evidence from Kenya, Peru, Thailand, and the U.S.­‐Mexico Border Downloads
Sophal Ear
44741: Una Aplicación de Métodos de Detección de Burbuja Inmobiliaria: Caso Chile (Methods for Detection Housing Bubble: Evidence from Chile) Downloads
Byron Idrovo and Joaquín Lennon S.
44737: Common Sense Economics, What Everyone Should Know about Economic Prosperity (Pakistani Edition) Downloads
Muhammad Ayub Mehar
44733: An Analysis of Core Factors Contributing to U.S – China Trade Imbalance Downloads
Khalid Ahmed and Wei Long
44731: Preocupări de demografie istorică în istoriografia românească (Historical Demography occupations in the Romanian Historiography) Downloads
Mircea Brie
44730: The Road to Sustainable Growth in Emerging Markets: The Role of Structural and Monetary Policies in Turkey Downloads
Ahmet Aysan, Mustafa Guler and Cuneyt Orman
44725: Прогнозування розвитку економіки України на основі баєсівських авторегресійних (BVAR) моделей з різними priors (Forecasting Economic Development of Ukraine based on BVAR models with different priors) Downloads
Roman Matkovskyy
44723: Placing Romania in the European and International Market: The Role of Image in building a Nation Identity Downloads
Luminita Soproni, Alina Stoica and Roxana Drinda
44717: Прогнозування реакції економіки України на економічні шоки в сусідніх державах: глобальна векторна авторегресійна модель «Україна-сусіди» (Forecasting the Responses of Ukraine to Economic Shocks in the Neighbour-Countries: Global Vector Autoregressive Model “Ukraine-Neighbours”) Downloads
Roman Matkovskyy
44714: The Effects of Discretionary Fiscal Stimulus: A Survey Downloads
Atanas Hristov
44712: Teen Mothers and Culture Downloads
Miriam Marcén and Héctor Bellido
44709: Modeling the future of knowledge economy: evidence from SSA and MENA countries Downloads
Simplice Asongu
44708: Fiscal Policy Stance in the European Union: The Impact of the Euro Downloads
Jernej Mencinger and Aleksander Aristovnik
44704: Integration and Convergence in European Electricity Markets Downloads
Carlo Andrea Bollino, Davide Ciferri and Paolo Polinori
44702: Mixture and Continuous 'Discontinuity' Hypotheses: An Earnings Management Model with Auditor-Required Adjustment Downloads
Andrew Yim
44700: Do ambiguity effects survive in experimental asset markets? Downloads
Sascha Füllbrunn, Holger Rau and Utz Weitzel
44698: Patents as Collateral Downloads
Jean-Bernard Chatelain, Kirsten Ralf and Bruno Amable
44697: The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the Egyptian Banking Sector Downloads
Mona Kamal
44693: Compliance Audit of Anti-Corruption Regulations: A Case Study from Carpatistan Customs Downloads
Bryane Michael and Alexey Gubin
44692: Is body mass human capital in sports? Outcome of globalization of sumo wrestling and generation of human capital in Japan Downloads
Eiji Yamamura
44691: Emergence of a professional sports league and human capital formation for sports: The Japanese Professional Football League Downloads
Eiji Yamamura
44690: What Limits Indirect Appropriability? Downloads
Michael Waldman
44686: Corruption et Etats fragiles africains (Corruption and Failed African States) Downloads
Oasis Kodila-Tedika and Bolito-Losembe Remy
44680: Keeping Some Skin in the Game: How to Start a Capital Market in Longevity Risk Transfers Downloads
David Blake and Enrico Biffs
44676: Should Central Banks publish interest rate forecasts? - A Survey Downloads
Tuan Phan
44675: Curricula tracking and central examinations: counterbalancing the Impact of social background on student achievement in 36 countries Downloads
Thijs Bol, Jacqueline Witschge, Herman van de Werfhorst and Jaap Dronkers
44670: Romania on its Way to Euro Downloads
Luminita Soproni
44666: Impacts of Policies on Poverty. Basic Poverty Measures Downloads
Lorenzo Bellù and Paolo Liberati
44665: Impacts of Policies on Poverty. Relative Poverty Lines Downloads
Lorenzo Bellù and Paolo Liberati
44664: Impact of IFRS transition on audit and non-audit fees: evidence from small and medium-sized listed companies in Finland Downloads
Markku Vieru and Hannu Schadewitz
44662: Technology and skill-upgrading: Results from linked worker-plant data for Finnish manufacturing Downloads
Jari Vainiomäki
44658: The Effects of Fiscal Policy on Consumption in Good and Bad Times Downloads
Atanas Hristov
44656: The Caldwellian Methodological Pluralism: Wishful Thoughts and Personal Tendencies Downloads
Voxi Heinrich Amavilah
44654: A Hybrid Approach for Forecasting of Oil Prices Volatility Downloads
Akbar Komijani, Esmaeil Naderi and Nadiya Gandali Alikhani
44649: A political economy of peace and distributive justice in the era of globalisation Downloads
Pushparaj Soundararajan
44647: Impacts of Policies on Poverty. Absolute Poverty Lines Downloads
Lorenzo Bellù and Paolo Liberati
44644: Impacts of Policies on Poverty: The Definition of Poverty Downloads
Lorenzo Bellù and Paolo Liberati
44643: Global communication as a result of globalization and informatization Downloads
Luminita Soproni and Ioan Horga
44637: Rules of Microcredit Regulatory Authority in Bangladesh: A Synopsis Downloads
Syed Badruddoza
44633: Nouvelles exigences en capital des banques de l'UEMOA, concentration bancaire et coût du crédit au Togo (New capital requirements of WEAMU banks, banking concentration and cost of crédit in Togo) Downloads
Gammadigbe Vigninou
44630: Measuring Productivity Gains from Deregulation of the Japanese Urban Gas Industry Downloads
Kenta Tanaka and Shunsuke Managi
44629: Análisis de Variación de Reservas Internacionales para Costa Rica (An Analysis of Foreign Reserves Variations for Costa Rica) Downloads
Jorge Leon and Manrique Saenz
44628: Identification of Liechtenstein's Historic Economic Growth and Business Cycles by Econometric Extensions of Data Series Downloads
Andreas Brunhart
44627: Nobody's innocent: the role of customers in the doping dilemma Downloads
Berno Buechel, Eike Emrich and Stefanie Pohlkamp
44626: Identitatea etnică în Transilvania (a doua jumătate a secolului XIX – începutul secolului XX). Repere metodologice (Ethical Identity in Transylvania (second half of the XIX - early XX century). Methodological points of view) Downloads
Mircea Brie
44625: Condorcet winners on median spaces Downloads
Berno Buechel
44624: The need for international monetary stability: proposals for stabilizing exchange rates Downloads
Fernando Becker, Pascual Fernandez and Emilio Fontela
44623: Die Liberalisierung des russischen Gassektors: 3 Szenarios? (The liberalisation of the Russian gas sector: 3 scenarios?) Downloads
Aristidis Tsatsos
44622: How innovative is Georgian economy? Downloads
Nana Aslamazishvili
44621: A dynamic limit order market with fast and slow traders Downloads
Peter Hoffmann
44618: Article Review on World Bank Report, Optimal Design for a Minimum Wage Policy in Malaysia Downloads
Rininta Nurrachmi, Ashanee Mad-Ahin, Phimpaporn Waeowanjit and Naz Abdul Kareemarif Arif
44616: Capital, liquidity standards and macro prudential policy tools in financial supervision: addressing sovereign debt problems Downloads
Marianne Ojo
44613: Rethinking a New Conceptual Relation Between Economic Justice, Democracy, and liberal system: An economic point of vue Downloads
Fakhri Issaoui and Ghassen El Montasser
44611: Understanding household savings in China: the role of the housing market and borrowing constraints Downloads
Matthieu Bussiere, Yannick Kalantzis, Romain Lafarguette and Terry Sicular
44610: The problem of the principal-agent and promotion tournaments in religious organizations: choosing the next pope Downloads
Livio Oliveira and Giácomo Balbinotto Neto
44608: Impact of playoffs on seasonal uncertainty in Czech ice hockey Extraliga Downloads
Jiří Lahvička
44607: The Islamic House Financing in Malaysia. Case Study of Leasing-I Line in HSBC Amanah Downloads
Rininta Nurrachmi, Nawalin Nazah, Ummu Al Azizah and Nurul Riddhaina
44605: The Implication of Cash Waqf in the Society Downloads
Rininta Nurrachmi
Page updated 2025-03-25
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