MPRA Paper
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- 54109: Corporate Bankruptcies in Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia and Serbia

- Karel Janda and Anna Rakicova
- 54108: Odhad nákladů na podporu české fotovoltaické energie (The Estimation of the Cost of Promotion of the Czech Photovoltaic Energy)

- Karel Janda, Stepan Krska and Jan Prusa
- 54107: Financial crisis, internationalization choices and Italian firm survival

- Stefano Costa, Carmine Pappalardo and Claudio Vicarelli
- 54106: Fertility treatments and the use of twin births as an instrument for fertility

- Nils Braakmann and John Wildman
- 54105: A Tale of Two Cities? The Heterogeneous Impact of Medicaid Managed Care

- James Marton, Aaron Yelowitz and Jeffrey Talbert
- 54104: The role of the Central Bank in the Economic Slow-down in Russia

- Sergey Blinov
- 54103: ¿Puede un índice de sostenibilidad fiscal predecir la ocurrencia de crisis cambiarias? Evidencias para algunos países seleccionados (Can a fiscal sustainability indicator predict the occurrence of currency crises? Evidence for selected countries)

- Alexis Cruz-Rodriguez
- 54101: Estimating Economic Efficiencies of Public Sector Organisations with Stochastic Frontier Analysis: Evidence from Turkish Higher Education

- Taptuk Erkoc

- Karel Janda and Pavel Zetek
- 54097: Czech Export Credit Agencies and their Market Power

- Karel Janda
- 54089: Slow Information Diffusion and the Inertial Behavior of Durable Consumption

- Yulei Luo, Jun Nie and Eric Young
- 54081: Liberalization and globalization: the issues at stake for the South and for UNCTAD

- Ajit Singh and Ann Zammit
- 54080: Geographic Regulation and Cooperative Investment in Next Generation Broadband Networks - A Review of Recent Literature and Practical Cases

- Roberto Balmer
- 54079: Entry and Competition in Local Newspaper Retail Markets - When two are enough

- Roberto Balmer
- 54078: Competition and Market Strategies in the Swiss Fixed Telephony Market. An estimation of Swisscom’s dynamic residual demand curve

- Roberto Balmer
- 54075: Exchange rate regimes and economic performance: Does CFA zone membership benefit their economies?

- Issiaka Coulibaly and Junior Davis
- 54069: Space-Time Singularities and Raychaudhuri Equations

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 54068: A Simulation of the Illegal Coal Mining in Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam using Vensim

- Tuan Phan
- 54067: Impacts of the Protection Policy for Vietnam’s Automobile Industry

- Tuan Phan and Van Anh Thi Nguyen
- 54066: Information Asymmetry and the Market Response to Open Market Share Repurchases

- Bong Soo Lee and Nathan Mauck
- 54064: Le Policy mix de la zone UEMOA garantit-il la Stabilité Intérieure et la Croissance ? (Does the WAEMU Zone Policy mix Guarantees Internal Stability and growth?)

- Adama Combey
- 54058: Research Ranking Place of Turkish Economists in the World

- Ferda Halicioglu
- 54057: CGE modeling of the impact of skilled labor movements in ASEAN Economic Community focusing on telecommunication industry

- Tatcha Sudtasan and Komsan Suriya
- 54056: Global unemployment, Long-run economic growth and labour market rigidities: a commentary

- Ajit Singh
- 54054: Strategy in practice: a quantitative approach to target setting

- Irene Fafaliou and Panagiotis Zervopoulos
- 54052: Analyzing Engagement Effects for Repatriate Retention

- Adam H. Cave
- 54051: Reforming Korea's Migration Policy

- Soojin Kim
- 54050: Entrepreneurship and Immigration: A Study of Africans in the Korean Economy

- Rebecca Mbuh DeLancey
- 54047: Satisfaction with life in cross-cultural setting – Case of European expatriates in India

- Vineet Gupta, Pinaki Dasgupta and Subhajit Chakrabarty
- 54044: Resource Depletion, Growth, Collapse, and the Measurement of Capital

- Torsten Heinrich
- 54040: How the CO2 emissions are related with the Brazilian productive structure (How the CO2 emissions are related with the Brazilian productive structure)

- Denise Imori and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54038: O turismo e a economia brasileira: uma discussão da matriz de insumo-produto (Tourism and the Brazilian economy: a discussion about the input-output matrix)

- Fernanda S. Camargo, Milene Takasago, Joaquim Guilhoto, Aquiles Rocha de Farias, Denise Imori, Maria de Lourdes Mollo and Joaquim Pinto de Andrade
- 54036: Geoprocessing and estimation of interregional input-output systems an application to the state of Sao Paulo in Brazil (Geoprocessing and estimation of interregional input-output systems an application to the state of Sao Paulo in Brazil)

- Silvio Massaru Ichihara, Joaquim Guilhoto and Denise Imori
- 54035: The Demand for Money in Greece 1962 to 1998

- Konstantinos Loizos and John Thompson
- 54034: O setor de alimentos no mundo: uma análise comparativa de insumo-produto (The food sector in the world: a comparative input-output analysis)

- Amanda Forlin, Leticia Scretas David, Denise Imori and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54033: A produção e industrialização do café dos principais produtores brasileiros e a economia nacional: simulações sob um modelo inter-regional de insumo-produto (The production and industrialization of coffee of the main Brazilian productors; and the national economy: simulation with a interregional input-ouput model)

- Fernando M. Sakon, Joaquim Guilhoto, Flavia M. M. Bliska, Denise Imori and Fernanda S. Camargo
- 54031: Conditional Punishment

- Kenju Kamei
- 54030: Stochastic conditonal range, a latent variable model for financial volatility

- Fausto Galli
- 54026: The Political Economy of Publicly Provided Private Goods

- Valerio Dotti
- 54025: Fondi strutturali: un’analisi della concentrazione degli interventi su base regionale (Structural Funds: a regional analysis of concentration level of projects)

- Cataldo Ferrarese and Guido Nannariello
- 54024: Sustentabilidade Social e Ambiental da Indústria Marítima (The social and environmental sustainability of the maritime industry)

- Paulo Moreira
- 54022: A Note on Chapter 29 of Keynes’s Treatise on Money

- Konstantinos Loizos
- 54019: A estrutura teórica do modelo inter-regional para a economia brasileira - MIBRA (The theoretical structure of inter regional model for the Brazilian economy - MIBRA)

- Joaquim Guilhoto, Marcos Hasegawa and Ricardo Lopes
- 54018: Assessing the impacts of agricultural policy and structural reforms on income distribution and poverty in Brazil

- Carlos Azzoni, Tatiane Menezes, Fernando Gaiger Silveira, Eduardo A. Haddad, Joaquim Guilhoto and Heron C. E. Carmo
- 54016: Distribuição racional de água e energia elétrica entre os setores econômicos do estado do Ceará - uma análise insumo-produto (Rational distribution of water and energy among the economic sectors of the state of Ceará: an input-output approach)

- Patrícia V. P. Sales de Lima, Joaquim Guilhoto and Francisco Casimiro Filho
- 54015: Abertura econômica e seus efeitos no mercado de trabalho brasileiro na década de 1990 (Economic opening and its effects on the Brazilian labour market on the decade of 1990)

- Cleise M. A. Tupich Hilgemberg and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54011: How students' exogenous characteristics affect faculties’ inefficiency. A heteroscedastic stochastic frontier approach

- Roberto Zotti and Cristian Barra
- 54010: Branding and Collusion in Vertically Differentiated Industries

- Daniel Garcia
- 54007: International prices changes of agricultural commodities and their impacts on income distribution and poverty in Brazil

- Joaquim Guilhoto, Carlos Azzoni, Fernando Gaiger Silveira, Tatiane Menezes, Marcos Hasegawa and Eduardo A. Haddad
- 54003: Structural analysis of employment in the Brazilian economy: 1996 and 2002 compared (Structural analysis of employment in the Brazilian economy: 1996 and 2002 compared)

- Joaquim Guilhoto, Silvio Massaru Ichihara and Márcio Guerra Amorim
- 54002: The Asian model: a crisis foretold

- Ajit Singh and Bruce Weisse
- 54001: Expected growth of sugarcane industry and impact on the Brazilian economy: 2015 and 2020

- Cinthia Cabral da Costa and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 53999: Geração de renda e interdependência regional entre os estados do sul e do restante do Brasil (Inter-regional sistem south-rest of Brazil: income generation and regional interdependence)

- Umberto Antonio Sesso Filho, Joaquim Guilhoto, Antonio Carlos Moretto, Rossana Lott Rodrigues and Paulo Rogério Alves Brene
- 53998: Economic impact of the expansion of federal universities in Brazil

- Henrique Eduardo Ferreira Vinhais and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 53997: Koranic Schools in Senegal: A real barrier to formal education?

- Pierre André and Jean-Luc Demonsant
- 53993: Catching up with the West: a perspective on Asian economic development

- Ajit Singh
- 53990: A non parametric ACD model

- Antonio Cosma and Fausto Galli
- 53988: SAM Multiplier and its Application to Total Poverty Gap

- Wannaphong Durongkaveroj
- 53987: Reliability of the Translog Cost Function: Some Theory & an Application to the Demand of Energy in French Manufacturing

- Sourour Baccar
- 53985: Do good institutions enhance the effect of technological spillovers on productivity? Comparative evidence from developed and transition economies

- Sorin Krammer
- 53983: Which comes first—urbanization or economic growth? Evidence from heterogeneous panel causality tests

- Brantley Liddle and George Messinis
- 53982: A Simple and Precise Method for Pricing Convertible Bond with Credit Risk

- Tim Xiao
- 53980: Exploring Barriers to Innovation in Tourism Industry – The Case of Southern Region of Poland

- Marta Najda-Janoszka and Sebastian Kopera
- 53979: Impactos da agricultura de precisão na economia brasileira (Impacts of precision agriculture on Brazilian economy)

- Cinthia Cabral da Costa and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 53975: Structural Models of the Wage Curve Estimated by Panel Data and Cross-Section Regressions

- Eddie Gerba, Emmanuel Pikoulakis and Tomasz Piotr Wisniewski
- 53969: Importância nos setores agroindustriais na geração de renda e emprego para a economia brasileira (Importance of agroindustrial sectors in generation of income and labour for the Brazilian economy)

- Cinthia Cabral da Costa, Joaquim Guilhoto and Denise Imori
- 53967: Impact of urban public transport enhancements on crime rate: a diff-diff analysis for the case of Transmilenio

- Carlos Olarte Bacares
- 53966: Heterogeneity of Socail Classes and Job Accessibility: Implications of Transports Policies in Bogota

- Carlos Olarte Bacares
- 53965: Cold War and Institutional Quality: Some Empirical Evidence

- Oasis Kodila-Tedika and Albert Tcheta-Bampa
- 53962: Inequality,Poverty and Hunger in Developing Countries: Sustainability Implications

- Godwin Nwaobi
- 53957: Foreign ownership and market power in banking: Evidence from a world sample

- Manthos Delis and Sotiris Kokas
- 53954: Structural Change, Economic Growth and Poverty in OIC countries: the case of Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria and Turkey

- Ismaeel Ibrahim Naiya
- 53948: Policy Tradeoffs in an Open Economy and the Role of G-20 in Global Macroeconomic Policy Coordination

- Rajeswari Sengupta and Abhijit Sen Gupta
- 53947: Истражување за подобрување на ефикасноста и ефективноста во распределбата на средствата од ИПАРД програмата (Research on enhancing Efficiency and Effectiveness in disbursing Funds from IPARD Programme)

- Goran Kovachev
- 53946: Aggregate demand for narrow and broad money: a study for the brazilian economy (1970-1983)

- Joaquim Guilhoto
- 53945: Corporate Debt Market in India: Issues and Challenges

- Rajeswari Sengupta and Vaibhav Anand
- 53944: A model for economic planning and analysis for the brazilian economy

- Joaquim Guilhoto
- 53939: Corporate governance of financial intermediaries: convergence and divergence

- Miroslav Nedelchev
- 53935: Analiza exergetică a regimului de functionare pentru unele tipuri de compresoare elicoidale (Exergy analiyse of the operational setting for some helical screw compressors)

- Dan Codrut Petrilean
- 53934: An Empirical Study on the New Keynesian Wage Phillips Curve: Japan and the US

- Ichiro Muto and Kohei Shintani
- 53933: University Rankings Game and its relation to GDP per capita and GDP growth

- Clifford Tan Kuan Lu
- 53931: An Economic Impact of Development Project: Case of Phuket International Airport in Thailand

- Wannaphong Durongkaveroj
- 53929: Simulation of the flow compressed air using the Fanno`s transformation

- Ioan Iulian Irimie, Ion Dosa and Dan Codrut Petrilean
- 53925: DETERMINAREA RANDAMENTULUI EXERGETIC PE UN TRONSON DE REŢEA DE LA E.M. PETRILA (Determination of efficiency exergy on a stretch of the network from EM PETRILA)

- Dan Codrut Petrilean
- 53920: The Classical-Keynesian Paradigm: Policy Debate in Contemporary Era

- Ejaz Gul, Imran Sharif Chaudhry and Muhammad Zahir Faridi
- 53910: The Importance of Understanding the General Education in Strengthening the Higher Education System

- Tongam Sihol Nababan
- 53901: From Economic Vulnerability to Sustainable Livelihoods: The Case of Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union in Ethiopia

- Tadesse Meskela and Yalem Teshome
- 53900: The contribution of university rankings to country's GDP per capita

- Clifford Tan
- 53898: Evaluation of Small Business Innovation Research Programs in Japan

- Hiroyasu Inoue and Eiichi Yamaguchi
- 53897: Financial liberalisation,stockmarkets and economic development

- Ajit Singh
- 53893: Equilibrium Models of Macroeconomic Science: What to Look For in (DSGE) Models?

- Sidharta Chatterjee
- 53888: Stock Splits, A Survey

- Celim Yildizhan
- 53887: Firm Complexity and Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift

- Alexander Barinov, Shawn Saeyeul Park and Celim Yildizhan
- 53886: Customer-base concentration, profitability and distress across the corporate life cycle

- Paul Irvine, Shawn Saeyeul Park and Celim Yildizhan
- 53885: Is there a Distress Risk Anomaly? Pricing of Systematic Default Risk in the Cross Section of Equity Returns

- Deniz Anginer and Celim Yildizhan
- 53884: Savings, investment and the corporation in the East Asian miracle

- Ajit Singh
- 53882: Assessing the supply of the Maltese economy using a production function approach

- Aaron Grech and Brian Micallef
- 53881: The stock market and economic development: Should developing countries encourage stock markets?

- Ajit Singh
- 53880: Is data interpretation in utility and prospect theories unquestionably correct?

- Alexander Harin
- 53878: The demand for currency in Malta

- Aaron Grech
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