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54109: Corporate Bankruptcies in Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia and Serbia Downloads
Karel Janda and Anna Rakicova
54108: Odhad nákladů na podporu české fotovoltaické energie (The Estimation of the Cost of Promotion of the Czech Photovoltaic Energy) Downloads
Karel Janda, Stepan Krska and Jan Prusa
54107: Financial crisis, internationalization choices and Italian firm survival Downloads
Stefano Costa, Carmine Pappalardo and Claudio Vicarelli
54106: Fertility treatments and the use of twin births as an instrument for fertility Downloads
Nils Braakmann and John Wildman
54105: A Tale of Two Cities? The Heterogeneous Impact of Medicaid Managed Care Downloads
James Marton, Aaron Yelowitz and Jeffrey Talbert
54104: The role of the Central Bank in the Economic Slow-down in Russia Downloads
Sergey Blinov
54103: ¿Puede un índice de sostenibilidad fiscal predecir la ocurrencia de crisis cambiarias? Evidencias para algunos países seleccionados (Can a fiscal sustainability indicator predict the occurrence of currency crises? Evidence for selected countries) Downloads
Alexis Cruz-Rodriguez
54101: Estimating Economic Efficiencies of Public Sector Organisations with Stochastic Frontier Analysis: Evidence from Turkish Higher Education Downloads
Taptuk Erkoc
Karel Janda and Pavel Zetek
54097: Czech Export Credit Agencies and their Market Power Downloads
Karel Janda
54089: Slow Information Diffusion and the Inertial Behavior of Durable Consumption Downloads
Yulei Luo, Jun Nie and Eric Young
54081: Liberalization and globalization: the issues at stake for the South and for UNCTAD Downloads
Ajit Singh and Ann Zammit
54080: Geographic Regulation and Cooperative Investment in Next Generation Broadband Networks - A Review of Recent Literature and Practical Cases Downloads
Roberto Balmer
54079: Entry and Competition in Local Newspaper Retail Markets - When two are enough Downloads
Roberto Balmer
54078: Competition and Market Strategies in the Swiss Fixed Telephony Market. An estimation of Swisscom’s dynamic residual demand curve Downloads
Roberto Balmer
54075: Exchange rate regimes and economic performance: Does CFA zone membership benefit their economies? Downloads
Issiaka Coulibaly and Junior Davis
54069: Space-Time Singularities and Raychaudhuri Equations Downloads
Dr Haradhan Mohajan
54068: A Simulation of the Illegal Coal Mining in Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam using Vensim Downloads
Tuan Phan
54067: Impacts of the Protection Policy for Vietnam’s Automobile Industry Downloads
Tuan Phan and Van Anh Thi Nguyen
54066: Information Asymmetry and the Market Response to Open Market Share Repurchases Downloads
Bong Soo Lee and Nathan Mauck
54064: Le Policy mix de la zone UEMOA garantit-il la Stabilité Intérieure et la Croissance ? (Does the WAEMU Zone Policy mix Guarantees Internal Stability and growth?) Downloads
Adama Combey
54058: Research Ranking Place of Turkish Economists in the World Downloads
Ferda Halicioglu
54057: CGE modeling of the impact of skilled labor movements in ASEAN Economic Community focusing on telecommunication industry Downloads
Tatcha Sudtasan and Komsan Suriya
54056: Global unemployment, Long-run economic growth and labour market rigidities: a commentary Downloads
Ajit Singh
54054: Strategy in practice: a quantitative approach to target setting Downloads
Irene Fafaliou and Panagiotis Zervopoulos
54052: Analyzing Engagement Effects for Repatriate Retention Downloads
Adam H. Cave
54051: Reforming Korea's Migration Policy Downloads
Soojin Kim
54050: Entrepreneurship and Immigration: A Study of Africans in the Korean Economy Downloads
Rebecca Mbuh DeLancey
54047: Satisfaction with life in cross-cultural setting – Case of European expatriates in India Downloads
Vineet Gupta, Pinaki Dasgupta and Subhajit Chakrabarty
54044: Resource Depletion, Growth, Collapse, and the Measurement of Capital Downloads
Torsten Heinrich
54040: How the CO2 emissions are related with the Brazilian productive structure (How the CO2 emissions are related with the Brazilian productive structure) Downloads
Denise Imori and Joaquim Guilhoto
54038: O turismo e a economia brasileira: uma discussão da matriz de insumo-produto (Tourism and the Brazilian economy: a discussion about the input-output matrix) Downloads
Fernanda S. Camargo, Milene Takasago, Joaquim Guilhoto, Aquiles Rocha de Farias, Denise Imori, Maria de Lourdes Mollo and Joaquim Pinto de Andrade
54036: Geoprocessing and estimation of interregional input-output systems an application to the state of Sao Paulo in Brazil (Geoprocessing and estimation of interregional input-output systems an application to the state of Sao Paulo in Brazil) Downloads
Silvio Massaru Ichihara, Joaquim Guilhoto and Denise Imori
54035: The Demand for Money in Greece 1962 to 1998 Downloads
Konstantinos Loizos and John Thompson
54034: O setor de alimentos no mundo: uma análise comparativa de insumo-produto (The food sector in the world: a comparative input-output analysis) Downloads
Amanda Forlin, Leticia Scretas David, Denise Imori and Joaquim Guilhoto
54033: A produção e industrialização do café dos principais produtores brasileiros e a economia nacional: simulações sob um modelo inter-regional de insumo-produto (The production and industrialization of coffee of the main Brazilian productors; and the national economy: simulation with a interregional input-ouput model) Downloads
Fernando M. Sakon, Joaquim Guilhoto, Flavia M. M. Bliska, Denise Imori and Fernanda S. Camargo
54031: Conditional Punishment Downloads
Kenju Kamei
54030: Stochastic conditonal range, a latent variable model for financial volatility Downloads
Fausto Galli
54026: The Political Economy of Publicly Provided Private Goods Downloads
Valerio Dotti
54025: Fondi strutturali: un’analisi della concentrazione degli interventi su base regionale (Structural Funds: a regional analysis of concentration level of projects) Downloads
Cataldo Ferrarese and Guido Nannariello
54024: Sustentabilidade Social e Ambiental da Indústria Marítima (The social and environmental sustainability of the maritime industry) Downloads
Paulo Moreira
54022: A Note on Chapter 29 of Keynes’s Treatise on Money Downloads
Konstantinos Loizos
54019: A estrutura teórica do modelo inter-regional para a economia brasileira - MIBRA (The theoretical structure of inter regional model for the Brazilian economy - MIBRA) Downloads
Joaquim Guilhoto, Marcos Hasegawa and Ricardo Lopes
54018: Assessing the impacts of agricultural policy and structural reforms on income distribution and poverty in Brazil Downloads
Carlos Azzoni, Tatiane Menezes, Fernando Gaiger Silveira, Eduardo A. Haddad, Joaquim Guilhoto and Heron C. E. Carmo
54016: Distribuição racional de água e energia elétrica entre os setores econômicos do estado do Ceará - uma análise insumo-produto (Rational distribution of water and energy among the economic sectors of the state of Ceará: an input-output approach) Downloads
Patrícia V. P. Sales de Lima, Joaquim Guilhoto and Francisco Casimiro Filho
54015: Abertura econômica e seus efeitos no mercado de trabalho brasileiro na década de 1990 (Economic opening and its effects on the Brazilian labour market on the decade of 1990) Downloads
Cleise M. A. Tupich Hilgemberg and Joaquim Guilhoto
54011: How students' exogenous characteristics affect faculties’ inefficiency. A heteroscedastic stochastic frontier approach Downloads
Roberto Zotti and Cristian Barra
54010: Branding and Collusion in Vertically Differentiated Industries Downloads
Daniel Garcia
54007: International prices changes of agricultural commodities and their impacts on income distribution and poverty in Brazil Downloads
Joaquim Guilhoto, Carlos Azzoni, Fernando Gaiger Silveira, Tatiane Menezes, Marcos Hasegawa and Eduardo A. Haddad
54003: Structural analysis of employment in the Brazilian economy: 1996 and 2002 compared (Structural analysis of employment in the Brazilian economy: 1996 and 2002 compared) Downloads
Joaquim Guilhoto, Silvio Massaru Ichihara and Márcio Guerra Amorim
54002: The Asian model: a crisis foretold Downloads
Ajit Singh and Bruce Weisse
54001: Expected growth of sugarcane industry and impact on the Brazilian economy: 2015 and 2020 Downloads
Cinthia Cabral da Costa and Joaquim Guilhoto
53999: Geração de renda e interdependência regional entre os estados do sul e do restante do Brasil (Inter-regional sistem south-rest of Brazil: income generation and regional interdependence) Downloads
Umberto Antonio Sesso Filho, Joaquim Guilhoto, Antonio Carlos Moretto, Rossana Lott Rodrigues and Paulo Rogério Alves Brene
53998: Economic impact of the expansion of federal universities in Brazil Downloads
Henrique Eduardo Ferreira Vinhais and Joaquim Guilhoto
53997: Koranic Schools in Senegal: A real barrier to formal education? Downloads
Pierre André and Jean-Luc Demonsant
53993: Catching up with the West: a perspective on Asian economic development Downloads
Ajit Singh
53990: A non parametric ACD model Downloads
Antonio Cosma and Fausto Galli
53988: SAM Multiplier and its Application to Total Poverty Gap Downloads
Wannaphong Durongkaveroj
53987: Reliability of the Translog Cost Function: Some Theory & an Application to the Demand of Energy in French Manufacturing Downloads
Sourour Baccar
53985: Do good institutions enhance the effect of technological spillovers on productivity? Comparative evidence from developed and transition economies Downloads
Sorin Krammer
53983: Which comes first—urbanization or economic growth? Evidence from heterogeneous panel causality tests Downloads
Brantley Liddle and George Messinis
53982: A Simple and Precise Method for Pricing Convertible Bond with Credit Risk Downloads
Tim Xiao
53980: Exploring Barriers to Innovation in Tourism Industry – The Case of Southern Region of Poland Downloads
Marta Najda-Janoszka and Sebastian Kopera
53979: Impactos da agricultura de precisão na economia brasileira (Impacts of precision agriculture on Brazilian economy) Downloads
Cinthia Cabral da Costa and Joaquim Guilhoto
53975: Structural Models of the Wage Curve Estimated by Panel Data and Cross-Section Regressions Downloads
Eddie Gerba, Emmanuel Pikoulakis and Tomasz Piotr Wisniewski
53969: Importância nos setores agroindustriais na geração de renda e emprego para a economia brasileira (Importance of agroindustrial sectors in generation of income and labour for the Brazilian economy) Downloads
Cinthia Cabral da Costa, Joaquim Guilhoto and Denise Imori
53967: Impact of urban public transport enhancements on crime rate: a diff-diff analysis for the case of Transmilenio Downloads
Carlos Olarte Bacares
53966: Heterogeneity of Socail Classes and Job Accessibility: Implications of Transports Policies in Bogota Downloads
Carlos Olarte Bacares
53965: Cold War and Institutional Quality: Some Empirical Evidence Downloads
Oasis Kodila-Tedika and Albert Tcheta-Bampa
53962: Inequality,Poverty and Hunger in Developing Countries: Sustainability Implications Downloads
Godwin Nwaobi
53957: Foreign ownership and market power in banking: Evidence from a world sample Downloads
Manthos Delis and Sotiris Kokas
53954: Structural Change, Economic Growth and Poverty in OIC countries: the case of Indonesia, Malaysia, Nigeria and Turkey Downloads
Ismaeel Ibrahim Naiya
53948: Policy Tradeoffs in an Open Economy and the Role of G-20 in Global Macroeconomic Policy Coordination Downloads
Rajeswari Sengupta and Abhijit Sen Gupta
53947: Истражување за подобрување на ефикасноста и ефективноста во распределбата на средствата од ИПАРД програмата (Research on enhancing Efficiency and Effectiveness in disbursing Funds from IPARD Programme) Downloads
Goran Kovachev
53946: Aggregate demand for narrow and broad money: a study for the brazilian economy (1970-1983) Downloads
Joaquim Guilhoto
53945: Corporate Debt Market in India: Issues and Challenges Downloads
Rajeswari Sengupta and Vaibhav Anand
53944: A model for economic planning and analysis for the brazilian economy Downloads
Joaquim Guilhoto
53939: Corporate governance of financial intermediaries: convergence and divergence Downloads
Miroslav Nedelchev
53935: Analiza exergetică a regimului de functionare pentru unele tipuri de compresoare elicoidale (Exergy analiyse of the operational setting for some helical screw compressors) Downloads
Dan Codrut Petrilean
53934: An Empirical Study on the New Keynesian Wage Phillips Curve: Japan and the US Downloads
Ichiro Muto and Kohei Shintani
53933: University Rankings Game and its relation to GDP per capita and GDP growth Downloads
Clifford Tan Kuan Lu
53931: An Economic Impact of Development Project: Case of Phuket International Airport in Thailand Downloads
Wannaphong Durongkaveroj
53929: Simulation of the flow compressed air using the Fanno`s transformation Downloads
Ioan Iulian Irimie, Ion Dosa and Dan Codrut Petrilean
53925: DETERMINAREA RANDAMENTULUI EXERGETIC PE UN TRONSON DE REŢEA DE LA E.M. PETRILA (Determination of efficiency exergy on a stretch of the network from EM PETRILA) Downloads
Dan Codrut Petrilean
53920: The Classical-Keynesian Paradigm: Policy Debate in Contemporary Era Downloads
Ejaz Gul, Imran Sharif Chaudhry and Muhammad Zahir Faridi
53910: The Importance of Understanding the General Education in Strengthening the Higher Education System Downloads
Tongam Sihol Nababan
53901: From Economic Vulnerability to Sustainable Livelihoods: The Case of Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union in Ethiopia Downloads
Tadesse Meskela and Yalem Teshome
53900: The contribution of university rankings to country's GDP per capita Downloads
Clifford Tan
53898: Evaluation of Small Business Innovation Research Programs in Japan Downloads
Hiroyasu Inoue and Eiichi Yamaguchi
53897: Financial liberalisation,stockmarkets and economic development Downloads
Ajit Singh
53893: Equilibrium Models of Macroeconomic Science: What to Look For in (DSGE) Models? Downloads
Sidharta Chatterjee
53888: Stock Splits, A Survey Downloads
Celim Yildizhan
53887: Firm Complexity and Post-Earnings-Announcement Drift Downloads
Alexander Barinov, Shawn Saeyeul Park and Celim Yildizhan
53886: Customer-base concentration, profitability and distress across the corporate life cycle Downloads
Paul Irvine, Shawn Saeyeul Park and Celim Yildizhan
53885: Is there a Distress Risk Anomaly? Pricing of Systematic Default Risk in the Cross Section of Equity Returns Downloads
Deniz Anginer and Celim Yildizhan
53884: Savings, investment and the corporation in the East Asian miracle Downloads
Ajit Singh
53882: Assessing the supply of the Maltese economy using a production function approach Downloads
Aaron Grech and Brian Micallef
53881: The stock market and economic development: Should developing countries encourage stock markets? Downloads
Ajit Singh
53880: Is data interpretation in utility and prospect theories unquestionably correct? Downloads
Alexander Harin
53878: The demand for currency in Malta Downloads
Aaron Grech
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