MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 93839: Socioeconomic determinants of child mortality:Evidence from Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey

- Rana Khan, Khadija Bari and Muhammad Ali Raza
- 93836: Alphabetized co-authorship in economics reconsidered

- Klaus Wohlrabe and Lutz Bornmann
- 93835: Technology Choice, Financial Sector and Economic Integration under the Presence of Efficiency Wages

- Lei Wen and Haiwen Zhou
- 93817: Russian Business under Economic Sanctions: Is There Regional Heterogeneity?

- Yoshisada Shida
- 93816: Effects of Price Insurance Programs on Supply Response: A Case Study of Corn Farmers in Quebec

- Bahareh Mosadegh Sedghy, Lota Tamini and Remy Lambert
- 93814: Sommes-nous payés selon la productivité marginale ? (Does Marginal Productivity Mean Anything in Real Economic Life ?)

- Paul Jael
- 93813: Insulating property of the flexible exchange rate regime: A case of Central and Eastern European countries

- Marek Dąbrowski and Justyna Wróblewska
- 93812: Avoiding a “No Deal” Scenario: Free Trade Agreements, Citizenship and Economic Rights

- Marianne Ojo
- 93807: Towards genuine Shariah products with lessons of the financial crisis

- Abdulazeem Abozaid
- 93806: Managing health issues with low wages – A study of female domestic workers

- Sanghita Bhattacharjee and Bhaskar Goswami
- 93803: Talking to Influence and the Consulting Paradox

- Michele Dell'Era
- 93802: Heterogeneous component multiplicative error models for forecasting trading volumes

- Antonio Naimoli and Giuseppe Storti
- 93779: Research of inflation rate and its determinants: An analysis of GSK corporation in United States

- Chen Meiyi
- 93776: Tobin’s Q and Its Determinants: A Study of Market Valuation in MISC Berhad

- Anis Syazwani
- 93759: Corporate Governance Index And Its Determinants In Samsung Company

- Guan Ta Lim
- 93752: Memantau Risiko Makro Finansial di dalam Perekonomian Indonesia (Surveillance on the Macro-financial Risks of Indonesia's Economy)

- Alfan Mansur
- 93746: Inference in Differences-in-Differences: How Much Should We Trust in Independent Clusters?

- Bruno Ferman
- 93744: Shipping the good apples under strategic competition

- Anthony Creane
- 93726: Corporate Governance and Its Determinants: A Study on Wells Fargo Scandal

- Nur Syafinaz Mohd Nor Zamry
- 93720: The Technical Decomposition of Carbon Emissions and the Concerns about FDI and Trade Openness Effects in the United States

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Giray Gözgör, Philip Adom and Shawkat Hammoudeh
- 93710: Saving and dissaving under Ramsey - Rawls criterion

- Thai Ha-Huy and Thi Tuyet Mai Nguyen
- 93700: Too Little Lending: A Problem of Symmetric Information

- David de Meza and Francesco Reito
- 93699: A Pareto Criterion on Systemic Risk

- Weijia Wang
- 93698: A closed-form solution to the risk-taking motivation of subordinated debtholders

- Yuval Heller, Sharon Peleg Lazar and Alon Raviv
- 93693: دور اللغة العربية في نشر البحوث الاقتصادية مراجعة مستودع البحوث الاقتصادية بمكتبة جامعة ميونخ بألمانيا (The role of arabic language in the dissemination of economic research a review of the repository of economic research in munich university library, germany)

- Gaber Abugamea
- 93690: Финансијализација као узрочник и мултипликатор кризе (Financialization as a Cause and Multiplier of the Crises)

- Rajko Bukvić and Časlav Ocić
- 93688: Money Illusion and Coordination

- Rati Mekvabishvili
- 93686: An alternative probabilistic frontier analysis to the measurement of eco-efficiency

- Kostantinos Kounetas, Michael Polemis and Nickolaos Tzeremes
- 93685: Tourism and economic wellbeing in Africa

- Ogechi Adeola, Olaniyi Evans and Ebo Hilson
- 93684: The Effects of Foreign Direct Investment, Trade, Aid, Remittances and Tourism on Welfare under Terrorism and Militancy

- Olaniyi Evans and Ikechukwu Kelikume
- 93683: Digital health: ICT and health In Africa

- Ogechi Adeola and Olaniyi Evans
- 93682: The effects of US-China trade war and Trumponomics

- Olaniyi Evans
- 93680: Does an Oligopolistic Primary Market Matter? The Case of an Asian Housing Market

- Edward Chi Ho Tang, Charles Leung and Joe Cho Yiu Ng
- 93677: Female teachers’ relative wage level in the 1930s and its long-term effects on current views on female labor participation: A case study from Japan

- Eiji Yamamura
- 93673: Economics of Voluntary Information Sharing

- Jose Liberti, Jason Sturgess and Andrew Sutherland
- 93670: Does Credit Reporting Lead to a Decline in Relationship Lending? Evidence from Information Sharing Technology

- Andrew Sutherland
- 93669: Regulatory Spillovers in Common Audit Markets

- Raphael Duguay, Michael Minnis and Andrew Sutherland
- 93668: Learning about Competitors: Evidence from SME Lending

- Olivier Darmouni and Andrew Sutherland
- 93665: Institutional Investor Attention and Firm Disclosure

- Inna Abramova, John Core and Andrew Sutherland
- 93662: Trajectories of Knowledge Economy in SSA and MENA countries

- Simplice Asongu and Antonio Andres
- 93661: Multinational Oil Companies in Nigeria and Corporate Social Responsibility in the HIV/AIDS Response in Host Communities

- Joseph Uduji, Elda Okolo-Obasi and Simplice Asongu
- 93660: Governance, CO2 emissions and Inclusive Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Simplice Asongu and Nicholas Odhiambo
- 93657: Использование кинетической теории для исследования колебаний потоковых параметров производственной линии (Using the kinetic theory for the study of vibrations streaming parameters of the production line)

- Олег Пигнастый and Валерий Ходусов
- 93653: Age matters

- Danqiao Guo, Phelim Boyle, Chengguo Weng and Tony Wirjanto
- 93647: The long-run relationship between money and prices in Mexico: 1969-2010

- Gerardo Gomez-Ruano
- 93646: Are the Gulf States poised to become Uganda’s No. 1 trading partners? Emerging trends and imperatives

- Milton Ayoki
- 93645: Krieg, Frieden und Mediation - eine wettkampftheoretische Perspektive (War, Peace and Mediation - a Contest Theory Perspective)

- Björn Gehrmann
- 93644: Railways, Growth, and Industrialisation in a Developing German Economy, 1829-1910

- Sebastian Braun and Richard Franke
- 93643: What Caused the Asian Currency?

- Chris Kirrane
- 93640: An Appraisal of IMF Policies to the AFC

- Chris Kirrane
- 93639: EMU and the IMF

- Chris Kirrane
- 93638: Costs and benefits of EU Ascension

- Chris Kirrane
- 93634: IFRS9 Expected Credit Loss Estimation: Advanced Models for Estimating Portfolio Loss and Weighting Scenario Losses

- Bill Huajian Yang, Biao Wu, Kaijie Cui, Zunwei Du and Glenn Fei
- 93633: Should Central Banks Take On Credit-Risk?

- Gerardo Gomez-Ruano
- 93632: An attitude of complexity: thirteen essays on the nature and construction of reality under the challenge of Zeno's Paradox

- Scott Albers
- 93627: The Endogeneity of Oil Price Shocks and Their Effects on Indonesia: A Structural Vector Autoregression Model

- Alfan Mansur
- 93613: The benefit of management policy of Seoul on airborne particulate matter: An application of contingent valuation

- In Chang Hwang and Wonik Son
- 93612: National System of Researchers - Conacyt and the fight against poverty in Mexico: Winds of change and generational change

- Carlos Medel-Ramírez and Hilario Medel-López
- 93608: The causal relationship between short- and long-term interest rates: an empirical assessment of the United States

- Enrico Levrero and Matteo Deleidi
- 93606: Educational systems and the need to review traditions in order to respond to labour market demands

- Andriyana Andreeva and Diana Dimitrova
- 93605: Higher education development in Bulgaria - periodisation, principles and trends

- Darina Dimitrova
- 93602: A strategic tax mechanism

- Giorgos Stamatopoulos
- 93600: Building an Innovation Ecosystem as an Alternative of Oil Sector Exports in Azerbaijan (on the basis of the study of Israeli practice)

- Bahruz Babayev
- 93599: Government Support and Firm Performance in Vietnam

- Hoai Thu Thi Nguyen, Huong Van Vu, Francesca Bartolacci and Tuyen Tran
- 93598: Cryptocurrency, Delivery Lag, and Double Spending History

- Kee-Youn Kang
- 93594: La microfinance dans la région MENA entre performance financière et performance sociale: étude de cas de 18 IMF (Microfinance in the MENA region between financial performance and social performance: a case study of 18 MFIs)

- Afef Tlili
- 93589: Spatial Spillovers in the Implicit Market Price of Soil Erosion: An Estimation using a Spatio-temporal Hedonic Model

- Marcelo Caffera, Felipe Vásquez Lavín, Daniel Rodríguez Anza, Leonidas Carrasco-Letelier, José Ignacio Hernández and Mariela Buonomo
- 93588: Quasiseparable aggregation in games with common local utilities

- Nikolai Kukushkin
- 93587: Economic Assessment of Climate Adaptation Options in Myanmar Rice-Based Farming System

- Yarzar Hein, Kampanat Vijitsrikamol, Witsanu Attavanich and Penporn Janekarnkij
- 93582: Der Einfluss von organisatorischer Gerechtigkeit auf das berufliche Engagement in den jordanischen Ministerien (The Influence of Organizational Justice on Job Commitment in the Jordanian Ministries)

- Yazan Taher Shawabkeh, Musa AL-Lozi and Ra'ed Masa'deh
- 93570: Consumer Buying Behavior of Organic Food with Respect to Health and Safety Concerns among Adolescents

- Syed Raza, Nida Shah and Wasay Nisar
- 93568: An Evaluation of Effective Prosperity Measure: A Case of Wellbeing Index

- Abdul Khan and Hafiz Rizwan Ahmad
- 93563: IΔΡΥΣΗ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟΥ ΣΥΝΤΑΓΜΑΤΙΚΟΥ ΔΙΚΑΣΤΗΡΙΟΥ: EΝΑ ΘΕΣΜΙΚΟ ΣΟΚ ΣΕ ΚΩΜΑ / A Constitutional Court for Greece - An Institutional Shock in State of Coma (A Constitutional Court for Greece - An Institutional Shock in State of Coma)

- Aristidis Tsatsos
- 93562: Have the log-population processes stationary and independent increments? Empirical evidence for Italy, Spain and the USA along more than a century

- Arturo Ramos
- 93561: Path Break versus Path Drift: A Comparative Approach to Explain Variations in Institutional Effects on Economic Growth

- Larysa Tamilina and Natalya Tamilina
- 93560: Four faces of marginalization: Variations in institutional frameworks of welfare state provisions and social trust in Europe

- Larysa Tamilina and Natalya Tamilina
- 93559: Social Trust Formation in the Workplace: Applying the Job Strain Model to Explain Variations in Social Trust Levels among Employed Individuals

- Larysa Tamilina and Natalya Tamilina
- 93555: The role of institutions in private participation in infrastructure revisited

- Hiroyuki Taguchi
- 93552: Price-directed Consumer Search

- Yucheng Ding and Tianle Zhang
- 93550: Decomposition of intra-household disparity sensitive fuzzy multi-dimensional poverty index: A study of vulnerability through Machine Learning

- Sugata Sen
- 93547: A Search Model of Experience Goods

- Yongmin Chen, Zhuozheng Li and Tianle Zhang
- 93544: Forecasting Realized Volatility of Russian stocks using Google Trends and Implied Volatility

- Timofey Bazhenov and Dean Fantazzini
- 93543: Effect of dividend policy on stock price volatility in the Dow Jones U.S. index and the Dow Jones islamic U.S. index: evidences from GMM and quantile regression

- Prachaya Suwanhirunkul and Abul Masih
- 93542: Islamic equity as an alternative investment from the perspective of the Southeast Asian investors: evidence from MGARCH-DCC and Wavelet Coherence

- Suwijak Suwanhirunkul and Abul Masih
- 93540: Stabilité du Currency Board et fuite des capitaux. Modèle théorique et application empirique au cas de Djibouti (Currency Board stability and capital flight. Theoretical model and empirical application to the case of Djibouti)

- Moustapha Aman and Nikolay Nenovsky
- 93538: Addressing the Challenges of Industrial Transition Processes – the Case of Photovoltaics Industry

- Marta Najda-Janoszka and Gancarczyk Jacek
- 93537: Issues in China’s Ascension to the WTO

- Chris Kirrane
- 93536: China’s Accession to the WTO

- Chris Kirrane
- 93535: China’s Long March down the WTO Road

- Chris Kirrane
- 93534: Economic Development Thresholds for a Green Economy in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Simplice Asongu and Nicholas Odhiambo
- 93533: Remittances, Finance and Industrialisation in Africa

- Uchenna Efobi, Simplice Asongu, Chinelo Okafor, Vanessa Tchamyou and Belmondo Tanankem
- 93532: Dynamic Determinants of Access to Weapons: Global Evidence

- Simplice Asongu and Joseph Nnanna
- 93531: Enhancing ICT for Quality Education in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Simplice Asongu and Nicholas Odhiambo
- 93530: Inclusive development in environmental sustainability in sub-Saharan Africa: insights from governance mechanisms

- Simplice Asongu and Nicholas Odhiambo
- 93529: О выводе кинетического уравнения производственного процесса (Derivation of kinetic equations of the production process)

- Олег Пигнастый
- 93528: Convergence or divergence in finance journal ranking?

- Konstantinos Eleftheriou and Michael Polemis
- 93526: Traveler segmentation through Social Media for intercultural marketing purposes: The case of Halkidiki

- Eleni Mavragani, Paraskevi Nikolaidou and Efi Theodoraki
- 93520: Festivals and destination marketing: An application from Izmir City

- Ige Pirnar, Sinem Kurtural and Melih Tutuncuoglu
- 93519: The Competitive pricing in marina business: Exploring relative price position and price fluctuation

- Dubravka Vlasic, Katarina Poldrugovac and Sandra Jankovic
- 93516: Indian Fiscal Federalism at the Crossroads: Some reflections

- Lekha Chakraborty
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