MPRA Paper
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- 85602: Examining the whistle blowing Act of Ghana and it effectiveness in combating corporate crime

- Haruna Ndebugri and Emmanuel Senzu
- 85601: Adult life satisfaction: largely (though not wholly) contemporaneous? A System General Method of Moments dynamic panel analysis

- Alan Piper
- 85600: Stock market reactions to wars and political risks: A cliometric perspective for a falling empire

- Avni Önder Hanedar and Elmas Yaldız Hanedar
- 85598: Determinants of Commercial Banks' Profitability in Malaysia

- Ivan D. Trofimov, Nazaria Md. Aris and Jovena Kho Ying Ying
- 85597: Macroeconomic Determinants of the Labour Share of Income: Evidence from OECD Economies

- Ivan D. Trofimov, Nazaria Md. Aris and Muhammad K. F. Bin Rosli
- 85589: Demographic Change and Political Polarization in the United States

- Levi Boxell
- 85587: Is Regionalism Inherently Preferable to Multilateralism as a Means of Pursuing Trade Liberalisation in Services in Developing Countries? Evidence from Africa’s RTAs

- Milton Ayoki
- 85586: An Empirical Investigation of the Emergence of Money: Contrasting Temporal Difference and Opportunity Cost Reinforcement Learning

- Germain Lefebvre, Aurélien Nioche, Sacha Bourgeois-Gironde and Stefano Palminteri
- 85585: The Real Bottom Line: Benchmarking Performance in Poverty Reduction in Latin America and the Caribbean

- John Newman, João Pedro Azevedo, Jaime Saavedra and Ezequiel Molina
- 85584: Shapley Decomposition by Components of a Welfare Aggregate

- João Pedro Azevedo, Viviane Sanfelice and Minh Nguyen
- 85582: Religion and Economic Performance

- Rininta Nurrachmi
- 85576: Efficiency of agrarian governance in Bulgaria

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 85575: Pricing Financial Derivatives Subject to Counterparty Risk and Credit Value Adjustment

- David Lee
- 85569: Chinese visitors at Australia wineries: Preferences, motivations, and barriers

- Ma, Emily (Jintao), Bob Duan, Shu, Lavender (Mengya) and Charles Arcodia
- 85568: The entrepreneurial activity using GEM data: evidence for Spain (national and regional) and for Europe

- Jorge Velilla
- 85567: Le "Supply Chain Management" enjeux et stratégies, cas du commerce électronique et de la grande distribution (Supply Chain Management: challenges and strategies, the case of e-business and large-scale distribution)

- Fouad Jawab and Driss Bouami
- 85559: Les pays de l’Afrique du Nord et les IDE face à la problématique de l’attractivité (North African countries and FDI facing the issue of attractiveness)

- Khaled Menna and Samer Mehibel
- 85558: Инфраструктура агропродовольственного рынка пригородной зоны столицы Казахстана: институциональная среда, проблемы развития при вхождении в ВТО (Infrastructure of the agro-food market of the suburban area of the capital of Kazakhstan: institutional environment, development problems when entering the WTO)

- Evgenia Zadvorneva and Victor Stukach
- 85557: Critical Factors Towards Philanthropic Dimension Of CSR in The Nigerian Financial Sector: The Mediating Effects Of Cultural Influence

- Aminu Ahmadu, Haron Md. Harashid and Amran Azlan
- 85556: 延迟退休的制约因素、政策效果与动态研究方法评价 (Restriction, Policy Effect and Dynamic Research Method to Delay Retirement)

- Tieding Zou
- 85555: Polarization and the Middle Class in China: a Non-Parametric Evaluation Using CHNS and CHIP Data

- Haider Khan, Francesco Schettino and Alberto Gabriele
- 85554: Income Polarization in the USA (1983-2016): what happened to the middle class?

- Haider Khan and Francesco Schettino
- 85553: Estimating the Long-Run Creditworthiness of Pakistan

- Rimsha Karim Hashmi and Abdul Qayyum
- 85551: On the Treatment of Secondary Products and By-products in the Preparation of Input-Output Tables

- Elio Londero
- 85549: Fiscal and Monetary Policy Interactions in Pakistan Using a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Framework

- Muhammad Shahid, Abdul Qayyum and Waseem Shahid Malik
- 85544: Proving the Relation between Stock and Interbank Markets: The Bahrain Stock Exchange

- Aleksandr Matveev
- 85532: Le réapprovisionnement continu dans les réseaux industriels, vers une meilleure gestion des interfaces de la supply chain (Continuous replenishment in industrial networks, towards a better management of supply chain interfaces)

- Fouad Jawab, Driss Bouami and Abdennebi Talbi
- 85528: Analyse Risk-Return Paradox: Evidence from Electricity Sector of Pakistan

- Sadia Naqi Shah and Abdul Qayyum
- 85525: R&D Growth and Business Cycles Measured with an Endogenous Growth DSGE Model

- Ryo Hasumi, Hirokuni Iiboshi and Daisuke Nakamura
- 85523: Does a financial accelerator improve forecasts during financial crises?: Evidence from Japan with Prediction Pool Methods

- Ryo Hasumi, Hirokuni Iiboshi, Tatsuyoshi Matsumae and Daisuke Nakamura
- 85522: Marcel Mauss und ökonomische Theorien: Die Institution Geld (Marcel Mauss and Economic Theories: The Institution of Money)

- Henrik Egbert
- 85521: Trends, Cycles and Lost Decades: Decomposition from a DSGE Model with Endogenous Growth

- Ryo Hasumi, Hirokuni Iibsoshi and Daisuke Nakamura
- 85520: Economics of big data: review of best papers for January 2018

- Ksenia Verstappen
- 85518: Effects of Financial Structure and Financial Development on Economic Growth: A Case Study of Pakistan

- Irfan Lal, Sulaiman D. Mohammad, Adnan Hussain and Anwar Jalil
- 85517: Evolution towards higher net profit in a population of ensembles of ensembles leads to division of labour

- Thomas Friedrich
- 85515: Industrialization and the Factor Content of Latin American Exports of Manufactures

- Elio Londero
- 85510: Integration and Analysis of Resource Inventory Data for Risk Assessments of Environmental Contamination in Mixed Use Landscapes in Pakistan

- Muhammad Qasim Zia and Majid Mehmood
- 85508: Taxing Vacant Dwellings: Can fiscal policy reduce vacancy?

- Mariona Segú and Benjamin Vignolles
- 85503: Minimax theorem and Nash equilibrium of symmetric three-players zero-sum game with two strategic variables

- Masahiko Hattori, Atsuhiro Satoh and Yasuhito Tanaka
- 85502: The Behavior and Determinants of the Currency Deposit Ratio in Pakistan

- G H Khaskheli, Aqeel Ahmed and Kalim Hyder
- 85501: Fiscal sustainability in BRICS countries: Evidence from asymmetric unit root tests augmented with Fourier fucntion

- Andrew Phiri
- 85499: Socioeconomic Determinants for Regional Variation of Crime in Germany

- Tim Umbach
- 85497: Modelling the Impact of Policy Environment on Inflows of Worker’s Remittances in Pakistan: A Multivariate Analysis

- Muhammad Jawad and Abdul Qayyum
- 85496: Comparative Analysis of Factors Affecting Child Mortality in Pakistan

- Sarah Rabbani and Abdul Qayyum
- 85493: Market Response to Flood Risk: An Empirical Study of Housing Values Using Boundary Discontinuities

- Haoying Wang
- 85492: Alcoholic Drinks and Public Interest in case of Noe-liberalism and Islam

- Azmat Hayat, Dr Muhammad Hakimi Mohd Shafiai and Abdul Latif Samian
- 85488: Aid in Modulating the Impact of Terrorism on FDI: No Positive Thresholds, No Policy

- Simplice Asongu, Uchenna Efobi and Ibukun Beecroft
- 85487: Comparative Sustainable Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Simplice Asongu
- 85486: The Murder Epidemic: A Global Comparative Study

- Simplice Asongu and Paul Acha-Anyi
- 85485: External Flows and Inclusive Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Simplice Asongu and Ivo Leke
- 85484: Educational Quality Thresholds in the Diffusion of Knowledge with Mobile Phones for Inclusive Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
- 85483: Persistence in Incarcerations: Global Comparative Evidence

- Simplice Asongu
- 85481: Accounting for Busines Cycles in Canada: II. The Role of Money

- Delali Accolley
- 85474: Ranking Supply Function and Cournot Equilibria in a Differentiated Product Duopoly with Demand Uncertainty

- Ismail Saglam
- 85473: The renewable energy consumption and growth in the G-7 countries: Evidence from historical decomposition method

- Mehmet Balcilar, Zeynel Ozdemir, Huseyin Ozdemir and Muhammad Shahbaz
- 85472: Fuzzy reporting as a way for a company to greenwash: perspectives from the Colombian reality

- Orlando Contreras-Pacheco and Cyrlene Claasen
- 85470: Investigation of methods of counteracting corporate fraudulence: accounting-legal approaches to the identification of abusonment

- Iryna Plikus
- 85467: Efficiency and Sustainability of Micro Finance Institutions in South Asia

- Abdul Qayyum and Munir Ahmed
- 85459: On the Measurement of the Government Spending Multiplier in the United States An ARDL Cointegration Approach

- Esmaeil Ebadi
- 85452: Sion's minimax theorem and Nash equilibrium of symmetric three-players zero-sum game

- Atsuhiro Satoh and Yasuhito Tanaka
- 85446: Portafolios del mercado bursátil mexicano que minimizan una medida coherente de riesgo sujeto a restricciones de rendimientos esperados y ventas en corto (Optimal portfolios in the Mexican stock market minimizing a coherent measure of risk subject to expected returns and short sales constraints)

- Claudia Ivett Covarrubias-Sánchez, Isela-Elizabeth Téllez-León and Francisco Venegas-Martínez
- 85439: Education and labour market: estimating future skill gap in India

- Rajarshi Majumder, Dipa Mukherjee and Jhilam Ray
- 85428: How Social Preferences Influence the Stability of a Climate Coalition

- Yu-Hsuan Lin
- 85426: An Analysis of the Impact of Government Size on Economic Growth of Pakistan: An Endogenous Growth

- Shumaila Zareen and Abdul Qayyum
- 85421: المرأة الماكثة في البيت في الجزائر: قدرات منسية؟! (THE HOUSEWIVES IN ALGERIA: FORGOTTEN CAPACITIES?)

- Khaled Menna and Moundir Lassassi
- 85415: Corporate scientists as the triggers of transitions towards firms' exploration research strategies

- Andrés Barge-Gil, Pablo D'Este and Liliana Herrera
- 85413: Why Companies Fail? The Boiling Frog Syndrome

- Rasim Ozcan
- 85410: Expectations' Dispersion & Convergence towards Central Banks' IR forecasts: Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru & United Kingdom, 2004-2014

- Carlos Barrera Chaupis
- 85406: Fiscal Marksmanship of Education Expenditure in India: Analyzing Forecast Errors through a Gender lens

- Lekha Chakraborty and Samik Chowdhury
- 85402: Fiscal Policy Stance and Gender Equality in Asia Pacific: An Empirical Analysis

- Lekha Chakraborty, Diane Elson and Samik Chowdhury
- 85401: Effect of natural resources extraction on energy consumption and carbon dioxide emission in Ghana

- Paul Kwakwa, Hamdiyah Alhassan and George Adu
- 85397: Pro-Poor Growth: Definition, Measurement and Policy Issues

- Aliona Jmurova
- 85393: The timing of environmental tax policy with a consumer-friendly firm

- Mariel Leal, Arturo Garcia and Sang-Ho Lee
- 85388: Spatial panel data models with structural change

- Kunpeng Li
- 85386: Secondary Products, By-products and the Commodity Technology Assumption

- Elio Londero
- 85385: الاقتصاد السياسي للإصلاحات في الدول الغنية بالموارد الطبيعية: دروس مستقاة من التجربة الجزائرية (The Political Economy of Reforms in Rich Natural Resources Countries: Lessons Driven from the Algerian Experience)

- Khaled Menna
- 85373: Agriculture in the Danube Delta

- Aurel Lup, Indira Deniz Alim and Liliana Miron
- 85372: Cooperation programs regarding the development of turnover in rural area

- Daniela Ileana Dănilă
- 85371: Agricultural cooperatives in developing agriculture in Romania and the European Union

- Alexandra - Marina Brătulescu
- 85370: Tourism and agrotourism evolution on an european and national level

- Ciobanu (Rădoi), Eugenia - Dorina and Manea Draghici
- 85368: By-Products

- Elio Londero
- 85367: Mitigation vs. adaptation: a critical overview of EU climate change policies and their impact on agriculture

- Marius Cosmin Boiangiu
- 85365: Sugar market in the European Union and Romania. Study on price developments

- Daniela - Elena Surca
- 85364: Trade Liberalization and Adjustment in Argentina

- Elio Londero
- 85360: Role of the Social Economy to Increase Social Inclusion

- Sorin Cace and Stanescu Simona
- 85357: Aide et Croissance dans les pays de l’Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (UEMOA): retour sur une relation controversée (Aid and Growth in West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) countries: a return back to a controversial relationship)

- Nimonka Bayale
- 85355: Private information implications for acquirers and targets in horizontal mergers

- Amit Mittal and Ajay Kumar Garg
- 85354: Why do acquirers prefer M&A? Evidence from Banks in India

- Amit Mittal and Ajay Kumar Garg
- 85353: How do Indian firms cope with a crisis? Earnings management characteristics of CNX Nifty 100 companies

- Amit Mittal and Ajay Kumar Garg
- 85352: Financial incentives for open source development: the case of Blockchain

- Andrea Canidio
- 85351: Financial reforms and credit growth in Nigeria: Empirical insights from ARDL and ECM techniques

- Ngozi Adeleye, Evans Osabuohien, Ebenezer Bowale, Oluwatoyin Matthew and Emmanuel Oduntan
- 85348: Export Survival of Manufacturing Firms in Ethiopia:Empirical Evidence

- Gebreyesus Tsadkan Araya and Gebregergis Cherkos Meaza
- 85346: The Impact of Financial Distress Risk on Equity Returns: A Case Study of Non-Financial Firms of Pakistan Stock Exchange

- Sahar Idrees and Abdul Qayyum
- 85341: The Alleged Countercyclical Nature of Argentina's Export of Manufactures

- Elio Londero
- 85340: Trade Liberalization with a Fixed Exchange Rate

- Elio Londero
- 85339: Alternative Measures of Rent Content

- Elio Londero
- 85338: Nivel de riqueza regional, bienestar y desarrollo (Regional wealth, well-being and development)

- Albino Prada and Patricio Sanchez-Fernandez
- 85337: New Hampshire Effect: Behavior in Sequential and Simultaneous Multi-Battle Contests

- Shakun Mago and Roman Sheremeta
- 85336: The Functioning and Accounting of Musharakah Financing in Participation Banks and Firms; Problems and Recommendations

- Yusuf Dinc
- 85335: A Suggestion on Mortgage Financing of Islamic Banks: Diminishing Musharakah

- Yusuf Dinc
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