MPRA Paper
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- 55382: Do people donate more when they perceive a single beneficiary whom they know? A field experimental test of the identifiability effect

- Omar Al-Ubaydli and Mike Yeomans
- 55381: Can more be less? An experimental test of the resource curse

- Omar Al-Ubaydli, Kevin McCabe and Peter Twieg
- 55380: 基于非径向BML-DEA模型的中国地区工业环境绩效测度 (The measurement of regional industrial Environmental Performance——based on non-radial BML-DEA model)

- Liwei Tang, Zongyi Hu and Yongjun Zhang
- 55379: Exploring the relation between urbanization and residential CO2 emissions in China: a PTR approach

- Zongyi Hu and Liwei Tang
- 55368: Countercyclical capital buffers and real-time credit-to-GDP gap estimates: A South African perspective

- Greg Farrell
- 55366: Modelling the Demand for Bank Loans by Private Business Sector in Pakistan

- Faiza Hassan and Abdul Qayyum
- 55364: Obedience to Rules with Mild Sanctions: The Roles of Peer Punishment and Voting

- Josie I Chen
- 55363: Cartel Detection and Collusion Screening: An Empirical Analysis of the London Metal Exchange

- Danilo Samà
- 55360: The Effectiveness of Competition Policy: An Econometric Assessment in Developed and Developing Countries

- Danilo Samà
- 55359: General Equilibrium with Endogenous Trading Constraints

- Sebastián Cea and Juan Pablo Torres-Martinez
- 55357: Asset-Centred Redistributive Policies for Sustainable Development

- Pierre Kohler
- 55356: The Antitrust Treatment of Loyalty Discounts and Rebates in the EU Competition Law: In Search of an Economic Approach and a Theory of Consumer Harm

- Danilo Samà
- 55354: Obsolescence Of The 30-Year Mortgage

- Salvatore Gulino
- 55352: Impact of FDI on GDP: An Analysis of Global Economy on Production Function

- Shiraz Khan and Farhan Mehboob
- 55351: The ideal of good government in Luigi Einaudi's Thought and Life: Between Law and Freedom

- Paolo Silvestri
- 55349: Substituting or Complementing?---The Influence of Chinese Overseas Direct Investment on Domestic Exports

- Chih-Fan Lin and Mei-Chen Yü
- 55338: Is there a rule of thumb for absolute purchasing power parity to hold?

- Zhibai Zhang
- 55336: Regime spoiler or regime pawn: the military and distributional conflict in non-democracies

- J. Atsu Amegashie
- 55332: The superstar quest: Does youth talent predict professional success for female and male tennis players?

- Wayne Grove and Michael Jetter
- 55329: Uzawa(1961)’s Steady-State Theorem in Malthusian Model

- Defu Li and Jiuli Huang
- 55327: The social and environmental sustainability of the maritime industry

- Paulo Moreira
- 55326: The Trade-off between Innovation and Defence Industrial Policy: A Simulation Model Analysis of the Norwegian Defence Industry

- Martin Blom, Fulvio Castellacci and Arne Fevolden
- 55325: Probabilism and determinism in political economy: the case of Bernstein and Engels

- Julian Wells
- 55322: Analysis of Herd Behavior Using Quantile Regression: Evidence from Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE)

- Saif Ullah and Muhammad Ather Elahi
- 55319: Are active labour market policies effective in activating and integrating low-skilled individuals? An international comparison

- Verónica Escudero
- 55317: Cooperatives in India: The Humanization of Our World

- Vrajlal Sapovadia
- 55314: Levers of Corporate Governance in India: Critical Analysis through Prism of Legal Framework

- Vrajlal Sapovadia and Akash Patel
- 55312: Asymptotic Inferences for an AR(1) Model with a Change Point: Stationary and Nearly Non-stationary Cases

- Tianxiao Pang, Danna Zhang and Terence Tai Leung Chong
- 55311: Women labour force participation and domestic violence: Evidence from India

- Sohini Paul
- 55308: Implications of Recent Federal Personal Income Tax Increases for Income Tax Evasion, Tax Revenues, and Budget Deficits

- Richard Cebula, Robert Boylan, Maggie Foley and Douglass Isard
- 55307: A Simple Complementary Development Mechanics for African Countries

- Soumyananda Dinda
- 55302: Modeling the relationship between GDP and unemployment for Okun’s law specific to Jordan

- Hassan Alamro and Qusay Al-dalaien
- 55300: Economic growth, combustible renewables and waste consumption and emissions in North Africa

- Mehdi Ben Jebli and Slim Ben Youssef
- 55297: Technological progress with segmented factor markets and welfare implications for the urban poor

- Soumyatanu Mukherjee and Sameen Zafar
- 55294: Determinants of International Tourism Demand for the Philippines: An Augmented Gravity Model Approach

- Roperto Deluna and Narae Jeon
- 55292: Quantifying and Explaining Stickiness in Housing Rents: A Turkish Case Study with Micro-Level Data

- Cem Aysoy, Cevriye Aysoy and Semih Tumen
- 55290: A Primer on Regulatory Bank Capital Adjustments

- Martien Lubberink
- 55288: Do Consumers' Preferences Really Matter? - A Note on Spatial Competition with Restricted Strategies

- Berno Buechel and Jan Klein
- 55287: Women's Part-Time - Full-Time Wage Differentials in Europe: an Endogenous Switching Model

- Fabrizio Colella
- 55285: On the parametric description of the French, German, Italian and Spanish city size distributions

- Miguel Puente-Ajovin and Arturo Ramos
- 55284: Where Has the Currency Gone? And Why? The Underground Economy and Personal Income Tax Evasion in the U.S., 1970-2008

- Richard Cebula
- 55283: General correcting formulae for forecasts

- Alexander Harin
- 55282: Stability and Identification with Optimal Macroprudential Policy Rules

- Jean-Bernard Chatelain and Kirsten Ralf
- 55281: Hesitant fuzzy sets: The Hurwicz approach to the analysis of project evaluation problems

- José Alcantud and Rocío de Andrés Calle
- 55276: Towards an economic architecture of the rings of Saturn: On the Political Economy Wave, Kaluza’s fifth dimension and an alternative derivation of the Roche Limit

- Scott Albers
- 55273: An Econometric Approach of Computing Competitiveness Index in Human Capital

- Raufhon Salahodjaev and Zafar Nazarov
- 55272: Institutional Quality and Inflation

- Raufhon Salahodjaev and Sergey Chepel
- 55270: The Impact of Economic Freedom and Total Freedom on Gross State In-Migration: An Exploratory Study of the Great Recession Experience

- Richard Cebula, Maggie Foley and Joshua Hall
- 55269: An Empirical Investigation into the Impact of U.S. Federal Government Budget Deficits on the Real Interest Rate Yield on Intermediate-term Treasury Debt Issues, 1972-2012

- Richard Cebula
- 55268: A Refinement of the Relationship between Economic Growth and Income Inequality in Developing Countries

- Fadi Fawaz, Masha Rahnamamoghadam and Victor (Vic) Valcarcel
- 55264: Impact of Federal Government Budget Deficits on the Longer-term Real Interest Rate in the U.S.: Evidence Using Annual and Quarterly Data, 1960-2013

- Richard Cebula
- 55263: Taxable and Tax-Free Equivalence of Interest Rate Yields: A Brief Note

- Richard Cebula
- 55262: The Role of Money in Explaining Business Cycles for a Developing Economy: The Case of Pakistan

- Shahzad Ahmed and Farooq Pasha
- 55257: The study of the overall efficiency of a coal thermoelectric power station and its impact on the environment

- Dan Codrut Petrilean
- 55256: Home-ownership and the Labour Market: Evidence from Rental Housing Market Deregulation

- Jani-Petri Laamanen
- 55254: Influenţa arderii si a calităţii cărbunelui în sobele casnice şi în focarele generatoarelor de abur asupra poluării mediului ambiant (Influence of quality coal combustion and domestic stoves outbreaks steam generators and the environmental pollution)

- Dan Codrut Petrilean
- 55251: Posibilităţi de creştere a performanţelor energetice a clădirilor din zona Văii Jiului (Possibilities to increase the energy performance of buildings on the Jiu Valley)

- Dan Codrut Petrilean, Iulian Codreanu and Nicolae Ilias
- 55250: Inheritance, Search Friction and International Trade: A General Equilibrium Model

- Debojyoti Mazumder
- 55249: Study on the dynamic compressor characteristics transformation at the aspiration parameters and rotation modification

- Dan Codrut Petrilean
- 55247: Growth, Structural Change, and Poverty Reduction: Evidence from India

- Abhijit Sen Gupta, Rana Hasan and Sneha Lamba
- 55243: Modeling Covariance Breakdowns in Multivariate GARCH

- Xin Jin and John Maheu
- 55238: The Nexus between Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth: New Insights from Meta Analysis

- Jamal Bouoiyour, Refk Selmi and Ilhan Ozturk
- 55235: The Monetary Profit Paradox and a Sustainable Economy - A Fundamental Approach

- Marcel de la Fonteijne
- 55228: Is blood thicker Than Water? Appraising Adequacy of Indian Corporate Governance Framework For Family Based Companies: A Case Study On Satyam Computers

- Vrajlal Sapovadia
- 55226: Corporate Governance Issues in Indian Family-Based Businesses

- Vrajlal Sapovadia
- 55225: What Works for Workers' Cooperatives? An Empirical Research on Success & Failure of Indian Workers' Cooperatives

- Vrajlal Sapovadia and Akash Patel
- 55224: Labor Informality: Choice or Sign of Segmentation? A Quantile Regression Approach at the Regional Level for Colombia

- Gustavo García Cruz
- 55222: Drivers of Poverty Alleviation Process: Empirical Study of Community Based Organizations from India

- Vrajlal Sapovadia and Akash Patel
- 55220: Okun’s Law, Employment Paradox and Impact of Unemployment on the Economy of the USSR and Russia

- Sergey Blinov
- 55215: Healthcare Financing and Health outcomes in Nigeria: A State Level Study using Multivariate Analysis

- Hodo Riman and Emmanuel S. Akpan
- 55214: Industrial Production and Non-oil Export: Assessing the Long-run Implication on Economic Growth in Nigeria

- Hodo Riman, Emmanuel S. Akpan, Joe Duke and Helen Mboto
- 55212: Regional differences in life expectancy at birth in Mexican municipalities, 1990-2000

- Miguel Flores, Benjamin Bradshaw and Nazrul Hoque
- 55211: Effects of manufacturing dynamics on returns to education in the North of Mexico

- Cinthya Caamal Olvera
- 55210: Evaluation of training for the unemployed in Mexico: learning by comparing methods

- Marcelo Delajara, Samuel Freije-Rodriguez and Isidro Soloaga
- 55209: Imitative Behavior and Evolutionary Dynamics for the Comparative Advantage of International Trade Theory

- Elvio Accinelli Gamba and Edgar J. Sánchez Carrera
- 55208: Sovereign and bank CDS spreads: two sides of the same coin?

- Davide Avino and John Cotter
- 55207: La coordinación intra e intergubernamental para enfrentar al crimen organizado en México (The intra and intergovernmental coordination to confront organized crime in Mexico)

- Juan Carlos Moreno Bagatella
- 55205: Entorno urbano y uso de parques: Estudio comparativo entre dos barrios del Área Metropolitana de Monterrey (Urban environment and park use: a comparative study of two neighborhoods Metropolitan Area of Monterrey)

- Leticia González Palomares and Claudia Sánchez Vela
- 55203: Modeling Health Insurance Choice Using the Heterogeneous Logit Model

- Michael Keane
- 55201: The Effects of Remittances on Poverty at the Household Level in Bolivia: A Propensity Score Matching Approach

- Bruno López-Videla and Carlos Emilio Machuca
- 55200: Cooperación internacional para la protección ambiental en municipios mexicanos (International cooperation for environmental protection in Mexican municipalities)

- Alejandro Navarro Arredondo
- 55198: Modeling Health Insurance Choices in “Competitive” Markets

- Michael Keane
- 55197: Contagion of Sovereign Default Risk: the Role of Two Financial Frictions

- JungJae Park
- 55196: 利益集团对中国贸易政策影响的研究 (Research on the Impact Produced by Interest Group on Chinese Trade Policy)

- ZhenHua Gu
- 55193: Money to fill the gap? Local financial development and energy intensity in Europe and Central Asia

- Igor Bagayev and Boris Najman
- 55191: CGE analysis of trade liberalization in Thailand

- Wannaphong Durongkaveroj
- 55190: An empirical analysis of remittance – inflation relationship in Bangladesh: post-floating exchange rate scenario

- Ripon Roy and Md. Mokhlesur Rahman

- Paulo Alves, Eduardo Couto and Paulo Francisco
- 55186: The Data of Labor Market in Turkey and Time Series Analysis on Economic Growth (2000:01-2013:03)

- Bilal Kargi
- 55185: The oil position in the Tunisian economy: Adaptation of computable general equilibrium model

- Thameur Necibi
- 55184: Contraceptive supply and fertility outcomes: evidence from Ghana

- Kelly Jones
- 55182: Growing up together: Cohort composition and child investment

- Kelly Jones
- 55181: The Offshoring Strategies of US Multinational Corporations Operating in Canada

- Susan Feinberg and Michael Keane
- 55173: Sustainable consumption and recycling of household waste in Bulgaria

- Daniela Ivanova, Elka Vassileva, Stilian Stefanov and Nina Tipova
- 55170: The Governance of Knowledge: Perspectives from Brunei Darussalam and Malaysia

- Farah Purwaningrum, Hans-Dieter Evers, Syamimi Ariff Lim and Ndah Anthony Banyouko
- 55167: The Tax-Transfer System and Labour Supply

- Michael Keane
- 55166: Porto Marghera and the Industrial Ecology Challenge: Why it did not become an Eco-Industrial Park

- Ilda Mannino, Eniel Ninka and Margherita Turvani
- 55165: Longevity and Aggregate Savings

- Eytan Shesshinski
- 55163: Optimal Policy to Influence Individual Choice Probabilities

- Eytan Sheshinski
- 55156: Empirical Assessment of the Present Value Model of Stock Prices Using the Data from Thailand’s Stock Market

- Komain Jiranyakul
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