MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 62828: Endogenous favouritism with status incentives: A model of optimum inefficiency

- Oindrila Dey and Swapnendu Banerjee (Bandyopadhyay)
- 62827: Public Capital Expenditure and Debt Dynamics: Evidence from the European Union

- Antra Bhatt, Alessandro Piergallini and Pasquale Scaramozzino
- 62826: Risk sharing versus risk transfer in Islamic finance: revised

- Zubair Hasan
- 62823: Трансграничното сътрудничество на балканските страни (Cross-Border Cooperation of the Balkan Countries)

- Mitko Dimitrov and Stoyan Totev
- 62821: Využití metody value averaging při investicích na světových akciových trzích (Application the Value Averaging method on the global stock markets)

- Ivana Škatuĺárová, Oldřich Šoba and Martin Sirucek
- 62820: Validita modelu CAPM na akciovém trhu USA (CAPM validity on the US stock market)

- Martin Sirucek, Oldřich Šoba and Jaroslav Němeček
- 62817: Vliv peněžní nabídky na akciové bubliny v Japonsku (The impact of money supply on japanesee stock bubbles)

- Martin Sirucek
- 62816: A Comparison of World and Domestic Price Volatilities of Oilseeds: Evidence from Ethiopia

- Zerihun Getachew Kelbore
- 62815: Assessing Fiscal Sustainability for SAARC and IMT-GT Countries

- Munawar-Shah Syed, Mariani Abdul-Majid and Hussain-Shah Syed
- 62810: Risk sharing versus risk transfer in islamic finance

- Zubair Hasan
- 62807: Beyond location and dispersion models: The Generalized Structural Time Series Model with Applications

- Abdelmajid Djennad, Robert Rigby, Dimitrios Stasinopoulos, Vlasios Voudouris and Paul Eilers
- 62806: La Banca dell'euro (The Bank of the euro)

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 62805: Romanian-Hungarian cross-border cooperation at various territorial levels, with a particular study of the Debrecen-Oradea Eurometropolis (European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation-EGTC)

- Constantin-Vasile Toca
- 62801: ÎNVĂŢĂMÂNTUL SUPERIOR LA GRANIŢA DE VEST A ROMÂNIEI MARI ACADEMIA DE DREPT DIN ORADEA(1919-1934) (Higher Education at the Western Border of Great Romania: Oradea Academy of Law (1919 – 1934))

- Florentina Chirodea
- 62800: Argentina’s sovereign debt default: a critical view

- George Georgescu
- 62797: Oil price shocks and domestic inflation in Thailand

- Komain Jiranyakul
- 62795: Essentials of Constructive Heterodoxy: Employment

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 62794: Social interactions in voting behavior: distinguishing between strategic voting and the bandwagon effect

- Haldun Evrenk and Chien-Yuan Sher
- 62791: Перспективные формы продвижения товаров в условиях мирового экономического кризиса (Prospective forms of promotion of goods in the global economic crisis)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 62790: Decomposition analysis of green chemical technology inventions from 1971 to 2010 in Japan

- Hidemichi Fujii and Seiji Shirakawa
- 62788: Перспективы реформирования регионального экономического управления в Российской Федерации на современном этапе (Prospects for Reform of Regional Economic Governance in the Russian Federation at the Present Stage)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 62786: Мировой экономический кризис и маркетинговая деятельность в России (The global economic crisis and marketing activities in Russia)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 62785: Концепция «4Р» и планирование маркетинга в кратком и ясном изложении (The Concept of the "4P" and Marketing planning in a concise and clear Interpretation)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 62784: Товарная политика в маркетинге (Product Policy in Marketing)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 62782: Четыре вида продвижения товара в маркетинге (Four Types of Promotion of Goods in Marketing)

- Mikhail Kaluzhsky
- 62781: Land Supply and Money Growth in China

- Taoxiong Liu and Mengdan Huang
- 62780: Notes on Business Cycle Theory from a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Perspective

- Bernard Daniel Solomon
- 62779: Агроиндустриски комплекс: финансирање и конкурентност (Macedonian Agribusiness: financing and Competitiveness)

- Goran Kovachev
- 62775: Contradictory Approaches? – On Realism and Constructivism in the Social Sciences Research on Risk, Technology and the Environment

- Andreas Metzner-Szigeth
- 62773: On the informative value of the EU-wide stress tests and the determinants of banks’ stock return reactions

- Dimitris Georgoutsos and George Moratis
- 62770: What Drives Capital Flows to Emerging Markets? A Survey of the Empirical Literature

- Robin Koepke
- 62768: Heterogeneous labor demand: sectoral elasticity and trade effects in the U.S., Germany and Sweden

- Dario Judzik
- 62766: Παιδική Εργασία: Οι σύγχρονες διαστάσεις ενός όχι και τόσο μακρινού φαινομένου (Child Labour: Aspects of a next-door phenomenon)

- Theodore Koutroukis
- 62763: Relative Risk Perception and the Puzzle of Covered Call writing

- Hammad Siddiqi
- 62761: Openness-Inflation Nexus in South Caucasus Economies

- Khatai Aliyev and Ilkin Gasimov
- 62759: Gender differences in the distribution of total work-time of Latin- American families: the importance of social norms

- Juan Campaña, J. Ignacio Gimenez-Nadal and José Alberto Molina
- 62757: Efficiency of Groundnuts/Maize Intercropped Farms in Zoetele, South Cameroon: A Data Envelopement Approach

- Gilles Quentin Kane, Sikod Fondo and Abayomi Oyekale
- 62756: Subsistence Farming and Food Security in Cameroon: A Macroeconomic Approach

- Jean Joël Ambagna, Gilles Quentin Kane and Abayomi Oyekale
- 62752: The effect of incomplete land tenure contracts on agricultural investment and productivity in Cameroon

- Maxime Niee Foning, Gilles Quentin Kane, Jean Joël Ambagna, Sikod Fondo and Abayomi Oyekale
- 62751: Economic and legal advantages to business financing through the issuance of bonds

- Diamanta Sojeva
- 62749: Karizmatik Liderliğin Yönetsel Açıdan Değerlendirilmesi (Evaluation of Charismatic Leadership from Management Perspective)

- Emre Can Demircioğlu
- 62747: Sürdürülebilir Katma Değer Yaklaşımı ile Sürdürülebilirlik Ölçümü (Measure of Sustainability with Sustainable Value Added Model)

- Azra Demircioğlu Sarı
- 62746: Örgütsel Bağlılık ile Cinsiyet Arasındaki İlişki: Hastanelerde Çalışan Sağlık Personeli Üzerinde Bir Araştırma (Relation between Organizational Commitment and Gender: A Research on Health Care Staff Working in Hospitals)

- Yasemin Küçüközkan
- 62745: Medeni Durumuna Göre Örgütsel Adalet Algısı (Organizational Justice Perception According to Marital Status)

- Gülbeniz Akduman, Zeki Yüksekbilgili and Zeynep Hatipoğlu
- 62743: The Effect of Urbanization, Affluence and Trade Openness on Energy Consumption: A Time Series Analysis in Malaysia

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Rashid Sbia, Nanthakumar Loganathan and Talat Afza
- 62741: The added value of European Works Councils: A case study approach in Greek subsidiaries

- Theodore Koutroukis
- 62740: La Mesure de la Fuite des Capitaux et son Impact sur l’Investissement Domestique: Cas des Pays Émergents (Measurement of capital flight and its impact on domestic investment in emerging countries)

- Hajer Dachraoui and Mounir Smida
- 62736: The Socio-Economic Status of Women in the Urban Slums of India

- Richard Rambarran
- 62731: Роль математического моделирования в обеспечении компетентностного уровня математической подготовки будущих бакалавров (The role of mathematical modeling in ensuring the competency level of mathematical training of future bachelors)

- Наталия Бурмистрова
- 62730: oTree - An Open-Source Platform for Laboratory, Online, and Field Experiments

- Daniel Chen, Martin Schonger and Chris Wickens
- 62725: Etapele dezvoltării unei cooperări transfrontaliere funcţionale Studiu de caz. Comunităţile Oradea şi Debrecen, posibil model pentru comunităţi de la frontiera româno-moldoveană-ucrainiană (Stages of development of a functional cross-border cooperation Case Study. Communities Oradea and Debrecen, a possible model for Ukrainia-Romania-Moldova community border)

- Constantin-Vasile Toca
- 62705: Local advertising externalities and cooperation in one manufacturer-two retailers channel

- Dhouha Dridi and Slim Ben Youssef
- 62699: As my parents at home? Gender differences in childrens’ housework between Germany and Spain

- J. Ignacio Giménez-Nadal, José Alberto Molina and Raquel Ortega
- 62697: Local advertising externalities and cooperation in one manufacturer-two retailers channel with exogenous marginal profits

- Dhouha Dridi and Slim Ben Youssef
- 62694: Essentials of Constructive Heterodoxy: Profit

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 62692: Κρίση, Σύγχρονος Καπιταλισμός και Ταξικές Ανακατατάξεις (Economic Crisis, Modern Capitalism and Class Realliances)

- Lefteris Tsoulfidis
- 62689: Measuring Vulnerability to Poverty in Chile Using the National Socio Economic Characterization Panel Survey for 1996, 2001, 2006

- Javier Bronfman
- 62688: Dynamic Games under Bounded Rationality

- Guo Zhao
- 62680: Role of Educational Data Mining Model in university course selection by the students

- Mobeen Rehman
- 62679: Relaţii Diplomatice Româno-Portugheze (1919-1933). Martinho De Brederode - Ambasador La Bucureşti (Romanian-Portuguese Diplomatic Relations (1919-1933). Martinho De Brederode - Ambassador in Bucharest)

- Alina Stoica
- 62669: Economic Impact Analysis of the 2012 Indonesia Mineral-Export Tax Policy: A CGE Approach

- Hidayat Amir
- 62664: Predictability of the daily high and low of the S&P 500 index

- Clive Jones
- 62660: Economic and Environmental Potentials of Conservation Agriculture in the Traditional Maize Farming Systems of India

- Vivek Singh, Prabhakaran Tr and Vijesh Krishna
- 62656: Modern Populism in Greece

- Emmanouil Mavrozacharakis, Stelios Tsagarakis and Apostolos Kamekis
- 62655: RESULTADOS y consecuencias DE LAS PRIVATIZACIONES de Empresas Públicas: Una perspectiva internacional (THE PRIVATISATION OF STATE OWNED ENTERPRISES. RESULTS AND CONSEQUENCES:An international empirical review)

- Joaquim Vergés-Jaime
- 62653: Measuring the Core Inflation in Turkey with the SM-AR Model

- Tamer Kulaksizoglu
- 62652: Labor Market Flexibility and FDI Flows: Evidence from Oil-Rich GCC and Middle Income Countries

- Wasseem Mina and Louis Jaeck
- 62644: Change in Fixed Costs and the Division of Labor within Firms through Labor Reallocation

- Koji Shintaku
- 62641: Credit Smoothing and Determinants of Loan Loss Reserves. Evidence from Europe, US, Asia and Africa

- Peterson Ozili
- 62635: Implementing Basel III through the Capital Requirements Directive (CRD) IV: leverage ratios and capital adequacy requirements

- Marianne Ojo
- 62621: Structural Time Series Modelling of Capacity Utilisation

- Tommaso Proietti
- 62620: Compressed Air Network Calculus Using Computer Program

- Ion Dosa
- 62612: Sustainability indicators and the shadow price of natural capital

- Masayuki Sato, Runsinarith Phim and Shunsuke Managi
- 62610: Strategies for Sustainable and Inclusive Agriculture Development in Jharkhand

- Vivek Singh
- 62609: Inflation Dynamics and the Hybrid Neo Keynesian Phillips Curve: The Case of Chile

- Carlos A. Medel
- 62606: Employee Participation in the European Company: Implications for the Greek Industrial Relations System

- Theodore Koutroukis
- 62604: The action of public power and Economic Development: Application to the health sector in the MENA region (Action du pouvoir public et développement économique: Application au secteur de la santé dans la région MENA)

- Abderraouf Mtiraoui
- 62602: Identification and Estimation of Auctions with Incomplete Contracts: A Structural Analysis of California Highway Construction Projects

- Yonghong An and Xun Tang
- 62599: A Standard Bank-Fund Projection Framework with CGE Features

- Henning Tarp Jensen and Finn Tarp
- 62598: Population Dynamics and Long-Run Economic Growth

- Gregory Casey and Oded Galor
- 62596: Firm Heterogeneity and Location Choice of European Multinationals

- Josep Marti, Maite Alguacil and Vicente Orts
- 62593: Quantifying the changes in landscape configuration using open source GIS. Case study: Bistrita subcarpathian valley

- Dan-Adrian Chelaru, Ana-Maria Oiste and Florin Mihai
- 62588: On the Development Gap between Latin America and East Asia: Welfare, Efficiency, and Misallocation

- Carlos Mendez-Guerra
- 62585: The Effects of Conventional and Unconventional Monetary Policy Surprises on Asset Markets in the United States

- Deren Ünalmış and Ibrahim Unalmis
- 62582: How career changes affect technological breakthrough - Reconsidering the prolonged slump of the Japanese economy -

- Yoshiaki Azuma
- 62581: Why the saving rate has been falling in Japan

- Yoshiaki Azuma and Takeo Nakao
- 62580: A DSGE Model for China’s Monetary and Macroprudential Policies

- Peter Sinclair and Lixn Sun
- 62571: Overfunding and underfunding, a main cause of the business cycle?

- Kees De Koning
- 62570: Assessing public debt sustainability in EU member states:a guide

- Giuseppe Carone and Katia Berti
- 62568: Frederic S. Lee’s Contributions to Heterodox Economics

- Tae-Hee Jo and Zdravka Todorova
- 62567: Управление чрез тотално качество в български контекст (Total quality management in bulgarian context) (Total quality management in bulgarian context)

- Elka Vasileva
- 62566: Сертификационните схеми в хранителния сектор - инструмент на устойчиво производство (Certification scheme in food sector - instrument for sustainable production) (Certification scheme in food sector - instrument for sustainable production)

- Daniela Ivanova, Elka Vasileva, Nina Tipova and Stilian Stefanov
- 62557: Использование средств информатизации образования при обучении математике в экономическом вузе (The Usage of Information Support Means in Teaching Mathematics in Finance University)

- Наталия Бурмистрова and Наталия Мещерякова
- 62552: The Out-of-sample Performance of an Exact Median-Unbiased Estimator for the Near-Unity AR(1) Model

- Carlos A. Medel and Pablo Pincheira
- 62551: A hierarchical network formation model

- Omid Atabati and Babak Farzad
- 62549: The Residential Mortgage (De)regulation–Innovation nexus

- Ashton de Silva, Jonthan Boymal, Jason Potts and Stuart Thomas
- 62548: Does innovation in residential mortgage products explain rising house prices? No

- Ashton de Silva, Jonathan Boymal, Jason Potts and Stuart Thomas
- 62547: Investigation on the relationship between Romanian foreign trade and industrial production

- Razvan Stefanescu and Ramona Dumitriu
- 62546: Fair farming: Preferences for fair labor certification using four elicitation methods

- Andreas Drichoutis, Achilleas Vassilopoulos, Jayson Lusk and Rodolfo Nayga
- 62545: Object-Oriented Econometrics with Ox

- Tamer Kulaksizoglu
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