MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 53874: Buffered autoregressive models with conditional heteroscedasticity: An application to exchange rates

- Ke Zhu, Wai Keung Li and Philip L.H. Yu
- 53871: Slutsky equation and negative elasticity of labor supply: behavioral bias or optimal consumption-leisure choice?

- Sergey Malakhov
- 53870: Parenthood and happiness: Direct and indirect impacts of parenthood on happiness

- Edsel Beja
- 53869: National Data Centre and Financial Statistics Office: A Conceptual Design for Public Data Management

- Murat Cakir
- 53863: Stock markets and energy prices

- Basher Syed Abul
- 53862: Поттикнување на извозната ориентација на агроиндустрискиот комплекс на Република Македонија (Export Incentives to Macedonian Agribusiness)

- Goran Kovachev
- 53860: Perspectives of entrepreneurial orientation with the quality of life

- Salima Hafeez, Asif Mehmood Rana, Rashid Mehmood Chaudhry, Muhammad Aslam Khan, H.Mushtaq Ahmad and Kashif Ur Rehman
- 53858: Studying the Socio-Economics of Ageing using Social Accounting and Socio-Demographic Matrices. An application to Portugal

- Susana Santos
- 53857: Financial Literacy and Savings Account Returns

- Florian Deuflhard, Dimitris Georgarakos and Roman Inderst
- 53855: Taxing Externalities under Financing Constraints

- Florian Hoffmann, Roman Inderst and Ulf Moslener
- 53854: Student counseling: adding value to educational institution

- Rashid Mehmood, Salima Hafeez, Mubashir Hussain, Ali Iftikhar Chaudhry and Kashif ur Rehman
- 53852: The impact of diversity training on commitment, career satisfaction and innovation

- Adil Sohail, Kashif ur Rehman, Shams ul Haq, Jaam Javaid Iqbal, Adeel Razaq and M. Suleman Sabir
- 53851: Job Protection vs. Contracts At-Will: Trading-off Entrenchment and Shirking

- Roman Inderst
- 53849: Relationship between risk perception and employee investment behavior

- Haroon Shafi, Muhammad Akram, Mubashir Hussain, Syed Imran Sajjad and Kashif Ur Rehman
- 53848: The effectiveness of R&D support in Italy. Some evidence from matching methods

- Francesco Aiello
- 53846: Refunds as a Metering Device

- Roman Inderst and Gilad Tirosh
- 53843: Wholesale Price Determination Under the Threat of Demand-Side Substitution

- Roman Inderst and Greg Shaffer
- 53842: Network Investment, Access and Competition

- Roman Inderst and Martin Peitz
- 53840: Preserving "Debt Capacity" or "Equity Capacity": A Dynamic Theory of Security Design under Asymmetric Information

- Roman Inderst and Vladimir Vladimirov
- 53835: Overview of Firm-Size and Gender Pay Gaps in Turkey: The Role of Informal Employment

- Gizem Akar, Binnur Balkan and Semih Tumen
- 53833: Semi-Endogenous R&D Growth Model with Negative Population Growth

- Hiroaki Sasaki and Keisuke Hoshida
- 53832: Keynesian macroeconomics without the LM curve: IS-MP-IA model and Taylor rule applied to some CESEE economies

- Dushko Josheski
- 53830: How East Asia grew so fast? slow progress towards an analytical consensus

- Ajit Singh
- 53829: La transition vers l’économie verte comme une opportunité pour les économies africaines (The transition to the green economy as an opportunity for African economies)

- Aboubakar Sidiki Cissé
- 53826: Economic Growth Elasticity of Structural Changes: Case of Thailand

- Wannaphong Durongkaveroj
- 53825: The Lame Drain

- Baomin Dong, Shihe Fu, Jiong Gong and Hanwen Fan
- 53817: The analysis of the agricultural holdings structure in the communes Bisoca, Pietroasele and Gherăseni, Buzau County

- Raluca Necula and Diana Necula
- 53813: Industrial production and Confidence after the crisis: what's going on?

- Marco Malgarini
- 53812: The agricultural consultancy activities, structures and features performed in the territory of the Olt County

- Emil Marinescu and Raluca Necula
- 53811: Brand - image of recognition of entrepreneurial synergy

- Mircea Alecsandru Udrescu and Andrei Buiga
- 53810: From the traditional to the modern and complex agricultural companies that are using business intelligence tools

- Antoniu Ovidiu Balint
- 53809: Legal system of agricultural companies with legal entity

- Eugenia Gabriela Leuciuc
- 53808: Complex obligations under the new civil code

- Ioana Nely Militaru
- 53807: The impact of the new civil code on the associative forms without legal entity in the agricultural field

- Anca Popescu-Cruceru
- 53806: Micro-foundations of God-Conscious Economic Agents in Islamic Economy

- Salman Ahmed Shaikh
- 53805: Micro Foundations of Savings Behavior in Urban Pakistan

- Salman Ahmed Shaikh
- 53804: Alternate Proposal for Interest Free House Finance

- Salman Ahmed Shaikh
- 53803: Comparative study on energy groups of continuous emissions from CET MINTIA DEVA S.A

- Dan Codrut Petrilean, Daniel Andronache, Traian Vasiu and Aronel Matei
- 53802: Investment Decisions by Analysts: A Case Study of KSE

- Salman Ahmed Shaikh
- 53801: Tax Increment Financing in Pakistan

- Salman Ahmed Shaikh
- 53800: Islam and Human Development

- Salman Ahmed Shaikh
- 53799: Islam and Environmental Economics

- Salman Ahmed Shaikh
- 53798: Determinants of Islamic Banking Growth in Pakistan

- Salman Ahmed Shaikh
- 53797: Economic Analysis of Islamic Banking in Pakistan

- Salman Ahmed Shaikh
- 53796: Global Competitiveness: Challenges & Solutions for Pakistan

- Salman Ahmed Shaikh
- 53795: What do the Voters Reward: Personality, Party or Performance?

- Poonam Gupta
- 53793: Unemployment Persistence & Risks of Skill Obsolescence in Arab Countries

- Ahmed Driouchi
- 53792: The stock market, the market for corporate control and the theory of the firm: legal and economic perspectives and implications for public policy

- Simon Deakin and Ajit Singh
- 53785: Desafios logísticos às redes de negócios no Brasil:o que podem as parcerias público-privadas (PPPs)? (Logistical challenges to business networks in Brazil: what can public-private partnerships (PPPs) do?)

- Arlan Mesquita and R. S. Martins
- 53784: Cross Country Linkages as Determinants of Procyclicality of Loan Loss Provisions – Empirical Importance of SURE Specification

- Małgorzata Olszak and Mateusz Pipień
- 53782: Competition in commercial banks in Poland – analysis of Panzar-Rosse H-statistics

- Małgorzata Olszak, Filip Świtała and Iwona Kowalska
- 53781: Regulation, competition and integration in electronic payments markets: the Spanish and European cases

- Pascual Fernandez and Gustavo Matias
- 53779: The Value of Protecting Venice from the Acqua Alta Phenomenon under Different Local Sea Level Rises

- Massimiliano Caporin and Fulvio Fontini
- 53776: Identity, Nostalgia and Happiness among Migrants: The Case of the Kōshien High School Baseball Tournament in Japan

- Eiji Yamamura
- 53775: Proposition 4, Reply

- Richard Cebula and Linda Chevlin
- 53773: School Attainment and Knowledge in Arab Countries

- Ahmed Driouchi
- 53772: Data-based priors for vector autoregressions with drifting coefficients

- Dimitris Korobilis
- 53771: La relation de prix entre le Cameroun et le Gabon (Is there a food price transmission between Cameroon and Gabon?)

- Sabine Mireille Ntsama
- 53769: Strategies on initial public offering of company equity at stock exchanges in imperfect highly volatile global capital markets with induced nonlinearities

- Dimitri Ledenyov and Viktor Ledenyov
- 53768: Long distance coach transport in Italy: state of the art and perspectives

- Paolo Beria, Raffaele Grimaldi and Antonio Laurino
- 53766: Open issues in the practice of cost benefit analysis of transport projects

- Raffaele Grimaldi and Paolo Beria
- 53765: 我国健康服务利用的机会不平等研究:基于CHNS2009 数据的实证分析 (A Study on the Inequality of Opportunity in Health Care Utilization:Evidence from CHNS 2009)

- Chao Ma, Hai Gu and Jianyu Han
- 53763: Estimation of Willingness to Pay for Improvements in Drinking Water Quality in Lahore: A Case Study of WASA, Lahore

- Junaid Noor, Wasif Siddiqi and Taj Muhammad
- 53760: What do we expect of others?

- Pablo Brañas-Garza and Ismael Rodriguez-Lara
- 53757: The Integrative Analysis of Economic Ecosystems: Reviewing labour market policies with new insights from permaculture and systems theory

- Michael Schlauch
- 53756: Proposition 4, Tax Reduction Mirage: An Exploratory Note on Its Potential Spending and Tax Impacts

- Richard Cebula and Linda Chevlin
- 53755: PAC Congressional Election Campaign Contributions and Other Political or Economic Influences on the Voter Participation Rate

- Richard Cebula
- 53750: Pro-Girl Bias in Intrahousehold Allocation in the Rural Philippines: Revisiting the ‘adult goods’ approach

- Nobuhiko Fuwa
- 53748: On the Folded Normal Distribution

- Michail Tsagris, Christina Beneki and Hossein Hassani
- 53746: Transition to sustainability? Feasible scenarios towards a low-carbon economy

- Giovanni Bernardo and Simone D'Alessandro
- 53745: Global Currency Misalignments, Crash Sensitivity, and Downside Insurance Costs

- Huichou Huang, Ronald MacDonald and Yang Zhao
- 53743: Real wages in the business cycle: an unresolved conflict between theory and facts in mainstream macroeconomics

- Antonella Stirati
- 53742: Ecosystems and the spatial morphology of urban residential property value: a multi-scale examination in Finland

- Athanasios Votsis
- 53740: Commute Costs and Labor Supply: Evidence from a Satellite Campus

- Shihe Fu and V. Viard
- 53729: Tax-driven Bunching of Housing Market Transactions: The case of Hong Kong

- Charles Leung, Tommy Tin Cheuk Leung and Kwok Ping Tsang
- 53726: Exchange Rate Pass-Through Effect on Prices and Inflation Targeting: A Comparison of Emerging Market Economies

- Baris Alpaslan and Baki Demirel
- 53718: Information technology, venture capital and the stock market

- Ajit Singh, Alaka Singh and Bruce Wiesse
- 53717: Public goods and the hold-up problem under asymmetric information

- Patrick W. Schmitz
- 53715: RIN Market: price behavior and its forecast

- Ekaterina Kakorina
- 53714: The effect of regulatory institutions on macroeconomic growth in Russia

- Vera Nikiforova, Dmitriy Valahov and Aleksandr Nikiforov
- 53712: Public Procurement in Times of Crisis: The Bundling Decision Reconsidered

- Patrick W. Schmitz
- 53711: General upper limit of the age of the Universe

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 53706: Inflation, Income Inequality and Economic Growth in Pakistan: A Cointegration Analysis

- Sharafat Ali
- 53705: Greenhouse Gas Emissions of China

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 53701: Community-based Social Marketing, Additional Instrument of Traditional Public Policies’ Instruments: Case study – Controlling Air Pollution in Romania

- Ani Matei and Tatiana-Camelia Dogaru
- 53699: Real-Time Nowcasting Nominal GDP Under Structural Break

- William Barnett, Marcelle Chauvet and Danilo Leiva-Leon
- 53698: Asset allocation and portfolio optimization problems with metaheuristics: a literature survey

- Bilel Jarraya
- 53697: Multiobjective optimization for the asset allocation of European nonlife insurance companies

- Bilel Jarraya and Abdelfettah Bouri
- 53696: Towards Europe 2020 out of the economic crisis: is the Project Bond Initiative a means to financial stability and integration?

- Helen Kavvadia
- 53691: Recent Evidence on the Impact of Federal Government Budget Deficits on the Nominal Long Term Mortgage Interest Rate in the U.S

- Richard Cebula and Maggie Foley
- 53688: Innovation theory of business cycles and economic growth

- Iurii Bazhal
- 53687: Panika roku 1907 – kryzys finansowy 2008,Sto lat budowania kreatywnego kapitalizmu (The panic in 1907 - the financial crisis in 2008. One hundred years of creative capitalism building)

- Witold Kwasnicki
- 53684: Exchange Rate Predictability in a Changing World

- Joseph Byrne, Dimitris Korobilis and Pinho J Ribeiro
- 53681: The effect of learning on climate policy under fat-tailed uncertainty

- In Chang Hwang, Frédéric Reynès and Richard Tol
- 53679: Modified RPS Calculator: Inputs, Updating Procedure, and Outputs

- Omid M. Rouhani
- 53676: Assessing the relative importance of multiple channels for embodied and disembodied technological spillovers

- Sorin Krammer
- 53674: Coordination of Public Policies through Strategic Planning Instruments: Romania Case study

- Ani Matei and Tatiana-Camelia Dogaru
- 53672: Investment Specific Technological Progress and Structural Change

- Ricardo Araujo and Joanílio Teixeira
- 53671: Fat-tailed uncertainty and the learning-effect

- In Chang Hwang
- 53669: Matching Markets with N-Dimensional Preferences

- Sam Flanders
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