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4180: The possible impacts of energy imports in the economic growth of USA (Os Possíveis Impactos da Importação de Energia no Crescimento Económico dos EUA) Downloads
Vitor Pereira
4178: Is the concept of sustainable tourism sustainable? Developing the Sustainable Tourism Benchmarking Tool Downloads
Lucian Cernat and Julien Gourdon
4177: Trade and Wage Inequality in Developing Countries: South-South Trade Matters Downloads
Julien Gourdon
4176: Openness and Inequality in Developing Countries: A New Look at the Evidence Downloads
Julien Gourdon
4175: Explaining Trade Flows: Traditional and New Determinants of Trade Patterns Downloads
Julien Gourdon
4166: Inequality in the Literacy Levels in Pakistan: Existence and Changes Overtime Downloads
Fazal Husain and Muhammad Ali Qasim
4164: Abrégé de comptabilité nationale Downloads
Rodolphe Buda
4163: Schemat arbitrażowy Nasha, a podział zysków w bilateralnym monopolu kopalni węgla brunatnego i elektrowni. Cześć druga – zastosowania w negocjacjach strategicznych i taktycznych (Nash bargaining solution and the split of profit in bilateral monopoly of lignite opencast mine and power plant. Part two – applications in strategic and tactical negotiations) Downloads
Leszek Jurdziak
4162: Stock Prices, Real Sector and the Causal Analysis: The Case of Pakistan Downloads
Fazal Husain
4158: Política Monetária e Relação entre PIB Real e Mercado de Ações na Economia Brasileira (Monetary policy and the relationship between real GDP and stockmarket in the Brazilian economy) Downloads
Mauricio Nunes and Sergio Da Silva
4149: Verification of Citations: Fawlty Towers of Knowledge? Downloads
Malcolm Wright and J. Armstrong
4148: Many hands make hard work, or why agriculture is not a puzzle Downloads
Ricardo Guzmán
4142: Schemat arbitrażowy Nasha, a podział zysków w bilateralnym monopolu kopalni węgla brunatnego i elektrowni. Cześć pierwsza – podstawy teoretyczne (Nash bargaining solution and the split of profit in bilateral monopoly of lignite opencast mine and power plant. Part one – theoretical background) Downloads
Leszek Jurdziak
4141: Financial Sector Restructuring in Pakistan Downloads
Muhammad Khan and Sajawal Khan
4140: Eastern Enlargement of the EU: Bulgaria and Romania’s Accession- Geo-economic and Geopolitical Implications for the Balkans Downloads
Blagoy Klimov
4138: An estimated New Keynesian policy model for Australia Downloads
Daniel Buncic and Martin Melecký
4136: Long run effects of money on real consumption and investment in the U.S Downloads
Gary Shelley and Frederick Wallace
4135: Dialing While Fishtailing: How Mobile Phones, Hands-Free Laws, and Driving Conditions Interact to Affect Traffic Fatalities Downloads
Jed Kolko
4134: The Long-Term Effects of Africa's Slave Trades Downloads
Nathan Nunn
4133: Co-movements in international dollar price levels Downloads
Gary Shelley and Frederick Wallace
4132: Economic Development in the Maghreb States in the Context of their Relations with the EU Downloads
Vassil Genchev
4130: Un bref historique de l'économie expérimentale Downloads
Rodolphe Buda
4124: A Gravity Approach to Assess the Effects of Association Agreements on Euromediterranean Trade of Fruits and Vegetables Downloads
Jose Maria Garcia-Alvarez-Coque and Maria-Luis Martí-Selva
4121: Banking and Economic Development in Morocco Downloads
John Tatom
4120: On the (non-)lattice structure of the equilibrium set in games with strategic substitutes Downloads
Sunanda Roy and Tarun Sabarwal
4119: Is Your Bubble About to Burst? Downloads
John Tatom
4118: Deficits and the Economy: All Deficits Are Not Created Equal Downloads
John Tatom
4117: Money and Taxes: The Relationship Between Financial Sector Development and Taxation Downloads
John Tatom and Mack Ott
4116: Is Inequality Growing as American Workers Fall Behind? Downloads
John Tatom
4114: Inflation and Policy Response - The Israeli Case: 1970-1989 Downloads
Daniel Gottlieb
4113: Why Have Interest Rates Been So Low? Downloads
John Tatom
4112: Geopolitics vs. Globalization in the Balkans: The New Rivalries in the Energy and Transport Sectors Downloads
Blagoy Klimov
4111: La inversión extranjera directa como una salida al problema de la brecha de bienes de capital y conocimientos en México (The direct foreign investment like a solution to the problem of the gap of capital assets and knowledge in Mexico) Downloads
René Lozano Cortés and Luis Cabrera-Castellanos
Alasrag Hussien
4108: Best response adaptation under dominance solvability Downloads
Nikolai Kukushkin
4096: The Trade-Off Between Child Labor and Schooling: Influence of Social Labeling NGOs in Nepal Downloads
Sayan Chakrabarty, Ulrike Grote and Guido Lüchters
4088: Thrift as a Virtue, Historically Criticized Downloads
Deirdre McCloskey
4085: Régimes de change: Le chemin vers la flexibilité Downloads
Mohamed Daly Sfia
4083: La relation pratiques religieuses-pratiques managériales: une approche historique Downloads
François-Xavier de Vaujany
4082: Between eternity and actualization: the co-evolution of the fields of communication in the Vatican Downloads
François-Xavier de Vaujany
4080: Slavery, Inequality, and Economic Development in the Americas: An Examination of the Engerman-Sokoloff Hypothesis Downloads
Nathan Nunn
4079: The Economics of Uncovered Interest Parity Condition for Emerging Markets: A Survey Downloads
C. Emre Alper, Oya Ardic and Salih Fendoglu
4078: Network Effects in Risk Sharing and Credit Market Access: Evidence from Istanbul Downloads
Fikret Adaman, Oya Ardic and Didem Tuzemen
4077: Financial Sector Deepening and Economic Growth: Evidence from Turkey Downloads
Oya Ardic and Evren Damar
4075: Le choix du régime de change pour les économies émergentes Downloads
Mohamed Daly Sfia
4073: El capital empresarial como determinante de la productividad y el crecimiento en España (The Impact of Entrepreneurship Capital on Spanish's Labor Productivity and Economic Growth) Downloads
José Luis Massón Guerra
4066: The Feasibility of Further Ethanol Expansion Downloads
Jeffrey Gagnon
4064: Capital humano y productividad en microempresas (Human Capital and Productivity in Microenterprises) Downloads
Alejandro Mungaray and Martin Ramirez-Urquidy
4060: Análisis de Coyuntura de la Industria Manufacturera en México. Una Propuesta Metodológica y Aplicaciones (Conjuncture Analysis of the Manufacturing Industry in Mexico. A Methodologic Proposal and Applications) Downloads
Luis Cabrera-Castellanos
4059: Convergencia Regional en América Latina: 1980-2000 (Regional Convergence in Latin America: 1980-2000) Downloads
Luis Cabrera-Castellanos and Blanca Garcia Alamilla
4058: Convergencia Regional en México: Una Prueba de Cointegración en Precios (Regional Convergence in Mexico: A Cointegration Test with Price Index) Downloads
Luis Cabrera-Castellanos and René Lozano-Cortés
4057: Regionalización de Mexico mediante un Indice de Capital Humano (Mexico´s Regionalization by means of a Human Capital Index) Downloads
Luis Cabrera-Castellanos and René Lozano-Cortés
4054: Taking the Next Step - Implementing a Currency Transaction Development Levy Downloads
Sony Kapoor, David Hillman and Stephen Spratt
4053: A Tentative Model of Conflict, Appropriation and Production in a two-sector Economy Downloads
Raul Caruso
4051: Conformism and Cooperation in a Local Interaction Model Downloads
Friederike Mengel
Yi Zhang and Hui-Fai Shing
4049: Borrowing Constraints, Multiple Equilibria and Monetary Policy Downloads
Tiziana Assenza
4046: A Two-Country NATREX Model for the Euro/Dollar Downloads
Marianna Belloc and Daniela Federici
4043: Un indicateur d'entrée et sortie de récession: application aux Etats-Unis (A start-end recession index: Application for United-States) Downloads
Jacques Anas and Laurent Ferrara
4042: A real-time recession indicator for the Euro area Downloads
Laurent Ferrara
4030: Neural Substrates of Decision-Making in Economic Games Downloads
Angela A. Stanton
4028: How Does Income Inequality Affect Market Outcomes in Vertically Differentiated Markets? Downloads
Anna Yurko
4026: Crecimiento y Convergencia Regional en Mexico: 1970-1995 (Convergence and Regional Economic Growth in Mexico: 1970-1995) Downloads
Luis Cabrera-Castellanos
4025: Neutralidad monetaria a Largo plazo: El caso de Guatemala (Long Run Money Neutrality in Guatemala) Downloads
Frederick Wallace and Luis Cabrera-Castellanos
4024: העוני וההתנהגות בשוק העבודה בחברה החרדית (Poverty and Labor Market Behavior in the Ultra-Orthodox Population in Israel) Downloads
Daniel Gottlieb
4023: Puterea Comercială a Asiei Downloads
Iulia Oehler-Şincai
4021: Does Black’s Hypothesis for Output Variability Hold for Mexico? Downloads
Joseph Macri and Dipendra Sinha
4020: The design of bank loan syndicates in Emerging Markets Economies Downloads
Christophe Godlewski
4019: Geldpolitik, vagabundierende Liquidität und platzende Blasen in neuen und Aufstrebenden Märkten (Monetary Policy, Vagabonding Liquidity and Bursting Bubbles in New and Emerging Markets) Downloads
Gunther Schnabl and Andreas Hoffmann
4018: An Empirical Study of Labour’s Share in Income for Australia Downloads
Joseph Macri and Dipendra Sinha
4017: Une analyse qualitative de l'offre statistique de l'INSÉÉ: travaux préparatoires pour la construction d'une banque de données d'emploi régional Downloads
Rodolphe Buda
4012: A “Local” Model of the Firm: Sticky prices and the Phillips Curve Downloads
Clayton Daley
4010: Decision-Making: A Neuroeconomic Perspective Downloads
Benoit Hardy-Vallee
4009: Prospect Theory and Reference Point Adaptation: Evidence from the US, China, and Korea Downloads
Hal Arkes, David Hirshleifer, Danling Jiang and Sonya Lim
4004: Quantitative Economic Modeling vs Methodological Individualism ? Downloads
Rodolphe Buda
4002: The pirate from Koenigsberg: why closed source software is not worth of copyright protection Downloads
Maria Chiara Pievatolo
3999: Does innovation (really) matter for success? The case of an IT Consulting Firm Downloads
Ricardo Mamede
3998: Brand effects, mobility costs and industry evolution Downloads
Ricardo Mamede
3996: Tax revenues in the European Union: Recent trends and challenges ahead Downloads
Giuseppe Carone, Gaëtan Nicodème and Jan Schmidt
3995: La modélisation macroéconomique comme processus de communication: pour une formalisation finaliste des équations de comportement Downloads
Rodolphe Buda
3994: Towards an integrated approach to industry dynamics and labour mobility Downloads
Ricardo Mamede
3992: A DEA approach to regional development Downloads
George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
3989: تأثير الاتحاد الجمركى العربى على الصناعات الصغيرة والمتوسطة فى الدول العربية (The impact of the Arab Customs Union on small and medium industries in the Arab countries) Downloads
Hussien Alasrag
3988: The FTAA After The Emergence Of the Euro Downloads
Francesco Schettino
3987: Child Mortality In China And Vietnam In A Comparative Perspective Downloads
Alberto Gabriele and Francesco Schettino
3983: Finite Difference Approximation for Linear Stochastic Partial Differential Equations with Method of Lines Downloads
Stuart McDonald
3975: Formation of machine groups and part families in cellular manufacturing systems using a correlation analysis approach Downloads
Wafik Hachicha, Faouzi Masmoudi and Mohamed Haddar
3965: Pyramidal Democracy Downloads
Marcus Pivato
3964: A non-monetary form of Clarke pivotal voting Downloads
Marcus Pivato
3963: Predictive Performance of Conditional Extreme Value Theory and Conventional Methods in Value at Risk Estimation Downloads
Ahmed Ghorbel and Abdelwahed Trabelsi
3962: Türkiye’deki Hükümetlerin Makroekonomik Performanslarının Bir Karşılaştırması, 1987-2007 (A Comparison of Macroeconomic Performances of Governments in Turkey, 1987-2007) Downloads
Aykut Kibritçioğlu
3958: Innovations spread more like wildfires than like infections Downloads
Voxi Heinrich Amavilah
3952: Managing Growth: The Role of Export, Inflation and Investment in three ASEAN Neighboring Countries Downloads
Audrey Liwan and Evan Lau
3951: Rejuvenating Rural Credit Delivery System in Maharashtra of India Downloads
Deepak Shah
3950: Deconvoluting preferences and errors: a model for binomial panel data Downloads
Mogens Fosgerau and Søren Feodor Nielsen
3949: Evaluating Financial Health of Credit Cooperatives in Maharashtra of India Downloads
Deepak Shah
3947: ¿Cuánto es el premio al salario por pertenecer a un sindicato en el Ecuador?: Un análisis usando Propensity Score Matching (How much it is the prize to the wage to belong to a union in Ecuador?: An analysis using Propensity Score Matching) Downloads
Luis Barragan
3946: An empirical investigation around the finance-growth puzzle in China with a particular focus on causality and efficiency considerations Downloads
Jean-Claude Maswana
3944: Income, gender and consumption: A study of Malawian households Downloads
Simon Davies
3943: Modelling Agricultural Production Risk and the Adaptation to Climate Change Downloads
Robert Finger and Stéphanie Schmid
Page updated 2025-03-25
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