MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 26261: Determinanten des technischen Fortschritts: eine industrieökonomische Analyse (Determinants of technical change: an analysis from industrial economics perspective)

- Najib Harabi
- 26255: Transversal reorganization analysis of small and midsized enterprises of Romania

- Sorinel Capusneanu and Cristian Marian Barbu
- 26252: Governance Reform of German food safety regulation: Cosmetic or real?

- Bodo Steiner
- 26251: Regional food clusters and government support for clustering: Evidence for a ‘dynamic food innovation cluster’ in Alberta, Canada?

- Bodo Steiner and Jolene Ali
- 26247: The Zambrano Report

- Joshua Zambrano
- 26245: The determinants of the recent interregional migration flows in Italy: A panel data analysis

- Ivan Etzo
- 26244: Trees, tenure and conflict: Rubber in colonial Benin

- James Fenske
- 26243: Competition and Innovation: ICT- and non-ICT-enabled Product and Process Innovations

- Daniel Nepelski
- 26239: Competition and Innovation: ICT- and non-ICT-enabled Product and Process Innovations

- Daniel Nepelski
- 26236: Value chain structure and �exible production technologies

- Daniel Nepelski
- 26228: Financial Development, Gender and Entrepreneurship

- Fernanda Llussá
- 26221: Appropriability, Technological Opportunity, Market Demand, and Technical Change - Empirical Evidence from Switzerland

- Najib Harabi
- 26217: Determinanten des Technischen Fortschritts: Eine Empirische Analyse für die Schweiz (Determinants of Technical Change: An Empirical Analysis for Switzerland)

- Najib Harabi
- 26214: Innovation versus Imitation: Empirical Evidence from Swiss Firms

- Najib Harabi
- 26213: Einflussfaktoren von Forschung und Entwicklung in der Schweizer Industrie: Ergebnisse einer schriftlichen Expertenbefragung (Determinants of Research and Development in the Swiss Industry: Results of a Survey)

- Najib Harabi
- 26212: In Digital We Trust: The computerisation of retail finance in Western Europe and North America

- Bernardo Batiz-Lazo, J. Carles Maixé-Altés and Paul Thomes
- 26209: Virgin Finance: Sir Richard Brandson’s pursuit of a significant presence in retail financial services

- Bernardo Batiz-Lazo and Kimio Kase
- 26206: India-Korea CEPA: Potentials and Realities

- Shahid Ahmed
- 26204: Teoreme de punct fix pentru operatori multivoci contractivi in spatii metrice generalizate

- Liliana Guran
- 26203: The asymmetric relationship between oil prices and activity in the EMU: Does the ECB monetary policy play a role?

- Guillaume L'Oeillet and Julien Licheron
- 26201: 放任与管制的或此或彼:俄罗斯市场转型录 (Totalitarianism and Laissez-faire: A meditation on Russian Market)

- Linyao Tang
- 26200: 让实体经济和虚拟经济的耦合协调度最优 (Real economy and virtual economy’s combination coordination optimization)

- Linyao Tang
- 26199: 试论凯恩斯主义的当代命运 (The Fate of Keynesianism in the 21 century)

- Linyao Tang
- 26198: Explaining immigrant citizenship status. First and second generation immigrants in fifteen European states

- Jaap Dronkers and Maarten Vink
- 26196: Estimation methods in panel data models with observed and unobserved components: a Monte Carlo study

- Carolina Castagnetti and Eduardo Rossi
- 26187: Deterrence from self-protection measures in the ‘market model’ of crime: dynamic panel data estimates from employment in private security occupations

- Paul Zimmerman
- 26185: Double Dipping in Environmental Markets

- Richard Woodward
- 26184: Jump-Diffusion Calibration using Differential Evolution

- David Ardia, Juan Ospina and Giraldo Giraldo
- 26182: Homeownership and investment for social capital in Japan: Dynamic Panel approach

- Eiji Yamamura
- 26179: Determinants and barriers to bilateral trade A study on developing economies

- Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani, Amber Osman and Rabia Khokhar
- 26178: Choosing techniques or typical subsystems instead? A PhD thesis

- Kosmas Manoudakis
- 26176: Der Beitrag alternativer NAIRU-Kurven zur Erklärung der Inflation (The Contribution of Alternative NAIRU-curves to the Explanation of Inflation)

- Georg Quaas and Mathias Klein
- 26167: Asset Pricing with Durable Goods and Nonhomothetic Preferences

- Michal Pakos
- 26166: IV Estimation of Panels with Factor Residuals

- Donald Robertson, Vasilis Sarafidis and James Symons
- 26164: Europa en América: la modernidad y transformación urbana en Buenos Aires. Crítica y defensa (Europe in America: modernism and urban transformation in Buenos Aires. Criticism and defense)

- Raúl Oscar Amado
- 26163: Floating Exchange Rate Regime

- Syed Quader
- 26158: Quantitative Analysis of Health Insurance Reform: Separating Community Rating from Income Redistribution

- Svetlana Pashchenko and Ponpoje Porapakkarm
- 26157: Bank lending channel of monetary policy: dynamic panel data evidence from Malaysia

- Zulkefly Abdul Karim, Wan Azman Saini Wan Ngah and Bakri Abdul Karim
- 26153: Stochastic optimal hedge ratio: Theory and evidence

- Abdulnasser Hatemi-J and Youssef El-Khatib
- 26152: An assessment of the demand for flexible saving services: evidence from Bangladesh

- Abdul Khaleque
- 26151: Coal Consumption and Economic Growth Revisited: Structural Breaks, Cointegration and Causality Tests for Pakistan

- Saten Kumar and Muhammad Shahbaz
- 26149: Background Paper on Inflation and Unemployment

- Patrick Grady
- 26147: Endogenous fertility and development traps with endogenous lifetime

- Luciano Fanti and Luca Gori
- 26146: Endogenous fertility, endogenous lifetime and economic growth: the role of child policies

- Luciano Fanti and Luca Gori
- 26141: Employer Support for Employee Voluntarism

- Constantine Kapsalis
- 26139: Literacy Profile of Ontario’s Youth

- Constantine Kapsalis
- 26137: The Impact of Bill C-12 on New Entrants and Re-Entrants

- Constantine Kapsalis
- 26136: Determinantes del crecimiento económico del Ecuador bajo la Ley de Thirlwall (Determinants of economic growth in Ecuador under Thirlwall's Law)

- Diego Ochoa-Jiménez and Rafael Alvarado
- 26135: Constraints to SMEs: A Rotated Factor Analysis Approach

- Syed Quader and Abdullah Md.Nayeem
- 26134: Foreign Direct Investment in Bangladesh: An Empirical Analysis on its Determinants and Impacts

- Syed Quader
- 26133: Measuring Urban Dynamics Through Public and Private Sector Concentration Patterns: The Case of Thessaly, Greece

- Yorgos Photis and Stelios Tsobanoglou
- 26131: Gender Differentials in Labour Productivity among Small-Holder Cassava Farmers in Ideato Local Government Area of Imo State, Nigeria

- B.c Okoye and O.o Ukoha
- 26129: Can carpooling clean the air? The economics of HOV lanes, hybrid cars and the Clean Air Act

- Sharon Shewmake
- 26128: Expectations-Driven Cycles in the Housing Market

- Luisa Lambertini, Caterina Mendicino and Maria Teresa Punzi
- 26126: Measuring the recreational use value of migratory shorebirds on the Delaware Bay

- Kelley H. Myers, George Parsons and Peter Edwards
- 26125: Analysis of the Determinants of Total Factor Productivity among Small-Holder Cassava Farmers in Ohafia L.G.A of Abia State

- O.o Ukoha, B.c Okoye and J Emetu
- 26124: Real time data, regime shifts, and a simple but effective estimated Fed policy rule, 1969-2009

- Smant, David / D.J.C.
- 26123: Selling at the Farmgate or Market by Small-Holder Cassava Farmers in South-Eastern Nigeria

- B.c Okoye, C.e Onyenweaku and O.o Ukoha
- 26120: Effect of Transaction Costs on Seller Decisions among Small-Holder Cassava Farmers in South-Eastern Nigeria

- B.c Okoye, C.e Onyenweaku and O.o Ukoha
- 26117: I Would if I Could: Precarious Employment and Childbearing Intentions in Italy

- Francesca Modena and Fabio Sabatini
- 26116: Determinants of Fertilizer Adoption by Rice Farmers in Bende Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria

- C.e Onyenweaku, B.c Okoye and K.c Okorie
- 26114: An Ordered Probit Model Analysis of Transaction Costs and Market Participation by Small-Holder Cassava Farmers in South-Eastern Nigeria

- B.c Okoye, C.e Onyenweaku and O.o Ukoha
- 26113: Growth and Distributional Effects of Inflation with Progressive Taxation

- Fujisaki Seiya and Kazuo Mino
- 26112: Regionale Innovationssysteme der EU im Prozess der Globalisierung (Regional EU-Innovationsystems under Transformation in the Process of Globalisation)

- Christian Dreger and Georg Erber
- 26109: Fake switch points

- Kosmas Manoudakis
- 26108: Kreditēšanas apjoma modelēšana izmantojot sistēmdinamikas metodi (The system dynamic method using for crediting volume modelling)

- Valerijs Skribans
- 26107: The Optimal Path of the Chinese Renminbi

- Philippe Dupuy and Jean-Etienne Carlotti
- 26106: An annotated bibliography of tax compliance and tax compliance costs

- Simon James and Alison Edwards
- 26105: How to Increase the Growth Rate in South Africa?

- Saten Kumar, Gail Pacheco and Stephanie Rossouw
- 26104: A teoria da perspectiva e as mudanças de preferência no mainstream: um prospecto lakatoseano (Prospect theory and preference change in the mainstream of economics: a Lakatosian prospect)

- Huascar Pessali and Bruno Berger
- 26103: FDI in the Mediterranean Region: a Comparison with CEE Experience

- Sergio Alessandrini and Laura Resmini
- 26099: The broken trailer fallacy: seeing the unseen effects of government policies in post-Katrina New Orleans

- Edward Stringham and Nicholas Snow
- 26097: Public choice and the economic analysis of anarchy: a survey

- Benjamin Powell and Edward Stringham
- 26091: Median-Unbiased Estimation in DF-GLS Regressions and the PPP Puzzle

- Claude Lopez, Chris Murray and David Papell
- 26089: Domestic or International Hotels: The Frontrunner of Service Innovation and Customer Choice in Pakistan

- Abida Ellahi and Abdul Rashid
- 26088: Macro Financial Determinants of the Great Financial Crisis: Implications for Financial Regulation

- Gerard Caprio, Vincenzo D'Apice, Giovanni Ferri and Giovanni Puopolo
- 26087: The Role of the Euro-Mediterranean Relations Facing the Economic Crisis

- Sergio Alessandrini
- 26086: Networks, law, and the paradox of cooperation

- Bryan Caplan and Edward Stringham
- 26085: Становление общего социального анализа (Toward General Social Analysis)

- Victor Polterovich
- 26084: Mises, Bastiat, public opinion, and public choice

- Bryan Caplan and Edward Stringham
- 26082: Testing for nonlinear causation between capital inflows and domestic prices

- Abdul Rashid
- 26080: Financial integration in the four Basins: a quantitative comparison

- Sergio Alessandrini
- 26079: Estimating Import-Demand Function in ARDL Framework: The Case of Pakistan

- Abdul Rashid and Tayyaba Razzaq
- 26077: A panel estimation of the relationship between income, electric power consumption and CO2 emissions

- Gianni Bellla, Carla Massidda and Ivan Etzo
- 26076: The Impact of Temporary Employment on Labour Productivity: Evidence from an Industry-Level Panel of EU Countries

- Domenico Lisi
- 26074: Money demand stability: A case study of Nigeria

- Saten Kumar, Don Webber and Scott Fargher
- 26073: Domestic tourism demand in Italy: a Fixed Effect Vector Decomposition estimation

- Carla Massidda and Ivan Etzo
- 26072: Latvijas būvniecības nozares attīstības prognoze (Latvian construction brunch development forecast)

- Valerijs Skribans
- 26058: Informal sector, productivity, and tax collection

- Julio Leal Ordóñez
- 26053: Deep Habits, Nominal Rigidities and Interest Rate Rules

- Sarah Zubairy
- 26051: Explaining the Effects of Government Spending Shocks

- Sarah Zubairy
- 26048: How can the poor benefit from the growing markets for high value agricultural products?

- Junior Davis
- 26047: Model averaging in economics

- Enrique Moral-Benito
- 26046: Household income as a determinant of child labor and school enrollment in Brazil: Evidence from a social security reform

- Irineu de Carvalho Filho
- 26045: Learning from local economic development experiences: Observations on Integrated Development Programmes of the Free State, Republic of South Africa

- Junior Davis
- 26043: Commerce, markets, and peace: Richard Cobden's enduring lessons

- Edward Stringham
- 26035: Banks, insurance companies, and discrimination

- Walter Block, Nicholas Snow and Edward Stringham
- 26032: Tramsission de la politique monétaire: le cas des pays de la CEMAC (Monetary policy transmission: the case of the CEMAC)

- Pamphile Mezui-Mbeng
- 26029: Apertura y Productividad Total de los Factores: Análisis de la contemporaneidad en los quiebres estructurales para América Latina y el Caribe (Openness and Total Factor Productivity: Test of Temporal Coincidence of the Structural Breaks for Latin America and the Caribbean)

- German Hector Gonzalez and Fernando Delbianco

- Hilaire Hounkpodote and Rakissiwindé Bationo
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