MPRA Paper
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- 81816: Welfare Chauvinism? Refugee Flows and Electoral Support for Populist-right Parties in Industrial Democracies

- Krishna Chaitanya Vadlamannati and Grace Kelly
- 81813: Product Churning, Reallocation, and Chinese Export Growth

- Zhongzhong Hu, Joel Rodrigue, Yong Tan and Chunhai Yu
- 81811: Regional Effect of Trade Liberalization on the Firm-level Exports

- Yong Tan, Liwei An and Cui Hu
- 81808: Продовольственное обеспечение нуждающихся: концепция социально ориентированного сельского хозяйства, институциональная среда продовольственной помощи населению, потенциал органического земледелия, пилотные проекты (Food provision requiring: the concept of a socially-oriented agriculture, the institutional environment of food aid to the population, the potential of organic farming, pilot projects)

- Starovoytova Natali and Stukach Victor
- 81807: Trade integration of Thailand with Mekong region

- Hiroyuki Taguchi
- 81803: Trading in Turbulent Times: A short Narrative of India’s External Trade in Recent Times

- Dr.B.Pradeep Kumar
- 81802: Equilibrium co-existence of public and private firms and the plausibility of price competition

- Manipushpak Mitra, Rupayan Pal, Arindam Paul and P.M. Sharada
- 81801: Carbon emissions and economic growth in South Africa: A quantile regression approach

- Babalwa Mapapu and Andrew Phiri
- 81796: Institucionalni aspekti antimonopolske politike (Institutional Aspect of Antitrust Policy)

- Boris Begović and Rajko Bukvić
- 81794: Investissement public et croissance économique au Cameroun (Public Investment and Economic Growth in Cameroon)

- Marius Bendoma and Cyrille Messiné Essomba
- 81791: The Division of Labour Within Households: Fractional Logit Estimates based on the Austrian Time Use Survey

- Sonja Spitzer and Bernhard Hammer
- 81790: Indifference or indecisiveness: a strict discrimination

- Jianying Qiu and Qiyan Ong
- 81788: A unit root test based on smooth transitions and nonlinear adjustment

- Aycan Hepsag
- 81783: Agriculture or Industry: Rice or Garments: Ex-post and Ex- Ante Analysis of Pakistan’s falling Competitiveness in Its Main Export Items

- Dawood Mamoon
- 81772: Forecasting GDP all over the World: Evidence from Comprehensive Survey Data

- Johanna Garnitz, Robert Lehmann and Klaus Wohlrabe
- 81768: La liberalizzazione del mercato elettrico - Una proposta per superare la maggior tutela (The liberalization of Italy's retail electricity market: a policy proposal)

- Carlo Stagnaro, Carlo Amenta, Giulia Di Croce and Luciano Lavecchia
- 81767: Organisational structure in the progress of integration

- Radoslaw Miskiewicz
- 81764: Financial development and total factors productivity channel: Evidence from Africa

- Elhadj Ezzahid and Zakaria Elouaourti
- 81761: الأبعاد الثقافية للتجارة الدولية: حالة دول إتفاقية أغادير (The Cultural Dimensions of International Trade: The Case of AGADIR Agreement countries)

- Saber Adly Shaker
- 81760: Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP): A Country Case Study of the Philippines

- Leonardo L. Sta. Romana
- 81759: Missing the Peace Train in 2006: Economic and Political Dynamics of India Pakistan Hostility?

- Dawood Mamoon
- 81758: Quality competition in healthcare services with regional regulators: A differential game approach

- Michele Bisceglia, Roberto Cellini and Luca Grilli
- 81757: On the Effects of the BRICS on World Economic Growth

- Mpho Bosupeng
- 81756: Electricity Consumption and Exports Growth: Revisiting the Feedback Hypothesis

- Mpho Bosupeng
- 81754: Yes we can! Teaching DSGE models to undergraduate students

- Mario Solis-Garcia
- 81753: Measuring the size of the shadow economy using a dynamic general equilibrium model with trends

- Mario Solis-Garcia and Yingtong Xie
- 81752: Government support and firm financial performance: New evidence from a transitional economy

- Co Nguyen Trong, Huong Vu Van and Francesca Bartolacci
- 81738: Can Micro Credit Schemes Be Introduced by Formal Banking Sector?

- Dawood Mamoon
- 81734: Post Conflict Reconstruction Efforts in Tribal Areas of Pakistan through Informal Education

- Dawood Mamoon
- 81733: Insider Trading With Different Risk Attitudes

- Wassim Daher, Harun Aydilek and Elias G. Saleeby
- 81732: R&D Output Sharing in a Mixed Duopoly and Incentive Subsidy Policy

- Sang-Ho Lee and Timur Muminov
- 81720: The return to higher education: evidence from Romania

- Bogdan Oancea, Richard Pospisil and Raluca Dragoescu
- 81719: A logit model for the estimation of the educational level influence on unemployment in Romania

- Bogdan Oancea, Richard Pospisil and Raluca Dragoescu
- 81717: Electricity intensity and unemployment in South Africa: A quantile regression analysis

- Tafadzwa Ruzive, Thando Mkhombo, Simbarashe Mhaka, Nomahlubi Mavikela and Andrew Phiri
- 81714: A Short “Second Best” Narrative of the Ukrainian Economy/ Una Breve “Segunda Mejor Opción” de Narrativa de la Economía Ucraniana

- Gerasimos T. Soldatos
- 81711: Концентрација и конкуренција у банковном сектору Србије (Concentration and Competition in Serbian Banking Sector)

- Rajko Bukvić
- 81708: Does EU membership prevent crowding out of public health care? Evidence from 28 transition countries

- Maksym Obrizan
- 81707: Possibilities of Application of the Index Concentration of Linda in Small Economy: Example of Serbian Food Industries

- Rajko Bukvić, Radica Pavlović and Аlеksаndаr M. Gajić
- 81706: Imports and Intellectual Property Rights on Innovation in China

- Angus Chu, Guobing Shen and Xun Zhang
- 81705: Mobile Phone Innovation and Environmental Sustainability in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
- 81704: Government Quality Determinants of ICT Adoption in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Simplice Asongu and Nicholas Biekpe
- 81703: Mobile Phone Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Simplice Asongu and Nicholas Biekpe
- 81702: ICT, Information Asymmetry and Market Power in the African Banking Industry

- Simplice Asongu and Nicholas Biekpe
- 81701: Building Knowledge Economies in Africa: A Survey of Policies and Strategies

- Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
- 81698: An Application of Econometric Models to International Marketing

- J. Armstrong
- 81697: Brief vs. comprehensive descriptions in measuring intentions to purchase

- J. Armstrong and Terry Overton
- 81696: Analyzing Quantitative Models

- J. Armstrong and Alan C. Shapiro
- 81695: Monetary incentives in mail surveys

- J. Armstrong
- 81694: Estimating Nonresponse Bias in Mail Surveys

- J. Armstrong and Terry S. Overton
- 81693: Return Postage in Mail Surveys: A Meta Analysis

- J. Armstrong and Edward J. Lusk
- 81692: Class of Mail Does Affect Response Rates to Mailed Questionnaires: Evidence from Meta-analysis

- J. Armstrong
- 81691: Effectiveness of Monetary Incentives: Mail Surveys to Members of Multinational Professional Groups

- J. Armstrong and J. Thomas Yokum
- 81690: Forecasting for Marketing

- J. Armstrong and Roderick J. Brodie
- 81689: Sales Forecasts for Existing Consumer Products and Services: Do Purchase Intentions Contribute to Accuracy?

- J. Armstrong, Vicki G. Morwitz and V. Kumar
- 81687: Prediction of Consumer Behavior by Experts and Novices

- J. Armstrong
- 81685: Escalation bias: does it extend to marketing?

- J. Armstrong, Nicole Coviello and Barbara Safranek
- 81684: Effects of portfolio planning methods on decision making: experimental results

- J. Armstrong and Roderick J. Brodie
- 81683: The value of formal planning for strategic decisions: review of empirical research

- J. Armstrong
- 81682: Strategic Planning and Forecasting Fundamentals

- J. Armstrong
- 81680: Evidence on the Value of Strategic Planning in Marketing: How Much Planning Should a Marketing Planner Plan?

- J. Armstrong and David J. Reibstein
- 81677: Strategic Planning Improves Manufacturing Performance

- J. Armstrong
- 81676: Competitor Orientation: Effects of Objectives and Information on Managerial Decisions and Profitability

- J. Armstrong and Fred Collopy
- 81675: Review of Co-opetition by Adam M. Brandenburger and Barry J. Nalebuff

- J. Armstrong
- 81674: Competitor-oriented Objectives: The Myth of Market Share

- J. Armstrong and Kesten Green
- 81673: A Comparative Study of Methods for Long-Range Market Forecasting

- J. Armstrong and Michael C.
- 81672: Forecasting with Econometric Methods: Folklore Versus Fact

- J. Armstrong
- 81671: Review of Ravi Batra, The Great Depression of 1990

- J. Armstrong
- 81670: Assessing Game Theory, Role Playing, and Unaided Judgment

- J. Armstrong
- 81668: Exploratory Analysis of Marketing Data: Trees vs. Regression

- J. Armstrong and James G. Andress
- 81667: Derivation of theory by means of factor analysis or Tom Swift and his electric factor analysis machine

- J. Armstrong
- 81666: How to avoid exploratory research

- J. Armstrong
- 81665: On the interpretation of factor analysis

- J. Armstrong and Peer Soelberg
- 81664: Significance Tests Harm Progress in Forecasting

- J. Armstrong
- 81663: Illusions in Regression Analysis

- J. Armstrong
- 81662: The Role of Corporate Taxes in the Decline of the Startup Rate

- Julian Neira and Rish Singhania
- 81658: Environmental sustainability of Bulgarian agricultural Farms – assessment, state, factors

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 81657: Impact of Overseas Remittances on Economic Growth: Evidences from Bangladesh

- Syed Wadood and Md. Amzad Hossain
- 81655: Capital productivity in industrialized economies: evidence from error-correction model and Lagrange Multiplier tests

- Ivan D. Trofimov
- 81646: Monetary Policy Shifts and Central Bank Independence

- Irfan Qureshi
- 81642: Is there a Link between Profit Share Rate of Participation Banks and Interest Rate?[:] The Case of Turkey

- Cem Korkut and Önder Özgür
- 81641: Preference of Medicinal Plants in the Treatment of Malaria Fever in Akure South Local Government Area, Ondo State Nigeria

- Adekemi Obisesan and Oluwakemi Owoseni
- 81639: An economic approach on imprisonment of second-instance convicts: the case of Brazil

- Marcelo Justus dos Santos and Thomas Conti
- 81638: The impact of oil-market shocks on stock returns in major oil-exporting countries: A Markov-switching approach

- Syed Abul Basher, Alfred A. Haug and Perry Sadorsky
- 81635: Top purchase intention priorities of Vietnamese LCC passengers: Expectations and satisfaction

- Massoud Moslehpour, Yi Hsin Lin and Thi Le Huyen Nguyen
- 81633: Analysis of human capital by means of a prospective method: A study for Latin America (Analysis of human capital by means of a prospective method: A study for Latin America)

- Henry Laverde
- 81628: Trade effects of ASEAN-plus-China and -Japan free trade agreements by production stage and industry

- Hiroyuki Taguchi and Emiko Darcy Nishi
- 81627: Establishing unconsidered factors that anchor the thrive of micro and small enterprises in developing and under developed economy revised edition

- Emmanuel Senzu
- 81622: Economics Case Study: Harvard Business School Pedagogy Techniques: From Teaching Entrepreneurship to Influencing Business Policy through Research

- Dawood Mamoon

- Hendra Hadiwijaya and Agustina Hanafi

- Marismiati - and Hendra Hadiwijaya

- Hendra Hadiwijaya and Agustina Hanafi
- 81612: Reducing Evasion Through Self-Reporting: Theory and Evidence from Charitable Contributions

- Alisa Tazhitdinova
- 81611: Adjust Me if I Can’t: The Effect of Firm Incentives on Labor Supply Responses to Taxes

- Alisa Tazhitdinova
- 81609: Financial Development, Industrialisation, Urbanisation and the Role of Institutions: A Comparative Analysis between India and China

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Mita Bhattacharya and Mantu Kumar
- 81604: Estimating Difference-in-Differences in the Presence of Spillovers

- Damian Clarke
- 81603: Özal Dönemi Ekonomisine Genel Bir Bakış (An Overview of the Turkish Economy throughout the Ozal Period)

- Umut Unal
- 81600: Application of Seyla Benhabib's Universalist Model of Deliberative Democracy in Baluchistan

- Asad Butt
- 81599: Freemium as Optimal Menu Pricing

- Susumu Sato
- 81597: Will a Shrink Make you Richer? Gender Differences in the Effects of Psychotherapy on Labour Efficiency

- Guido Cozzi, Silvia Galli and Noemi Mantovan
- 81594: The Shocks To Crude Oil Production. Nonparametric Stationarity Analysis For 20 OPEC And Non-OPEC Countries

- Presno M.J., Landajo M. and Fernandez Gonzalez P.
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