MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 117344: Epidemiology Analysis of Caesarean Section in Central, Eastern and Southeastern European Countries

- Fatih Chellai
- 117342: Diferencias intrafamiliares en la oferta de trabajo: evidencia empírica para el caso de Reino Unido (Intrahousehold labor supply differences: Empirical evidence for the UK)

- Santiago Vela Espiago
- 117339: Approximate Bayesian Computation for Partially Identified Models

- Luis Antonio Alvarez
- 117338: О проекте для НОЦ «Север» «Человеческий капитал и социальная инфраструктура арктических территорий вблизи акватории СМП» (The project of REC “North” “Human capital and social infrastructure of arctic territories next to the northern sea route water area”)

- Maria Pitukhina, Daryana Maximova and Anastasia Belykh
- 117334: Методы Дифференциации Тарифов на Электроэнергию по Надежности (Methods for Differentiating Electricity Tariffs by Reliability)

- Olga Bespalova
- 117332: Monetary Inflation Relationship in Madagscar: a DSGE Model Analysis

- Andrianady Josue and Njakanasandratra Rajaonarison
- 117330: Effet d’un choc monétaire sur l’inflation: une approche par un modèle DSGE (Monetary Inflation Relationship in Madagscar: a DSGE Model Analysis)

- Andrianady Josue and Njakanasandratra Rajaonarison
- 117329: The Choice of Technology in Economic Development

- Lei Wen and Haiwen Zhou
- 117327: Slowing Growth: More than a rough Patch

- Ayhan Kose and Franziska Ohnsorge
- 117324: A Study on Nonlinear Budget Constraint of a Local Industrial Firm of Bangladesh: A Profit Maximization Investigation

- Devajit Mohajan and Haradhan Mohajan
- 117322: Implementing the Process Tracing Technique using Combinatory Categorial Grammars: An Application to the Analysis of Economic Coordination within Firms

- Bruno Braga
- 117319: Economic Consequences of the COVID-19 Eruption: A Study of Selected South Asian Countries

- Neelam Hafeez and Sadia Naseem Naik
- 117317: Politics subordinated to (neoliberal) Economics

- Joaquim Vergés-Jaime
- 117316: Endogenous privacy and heterogeneous price sensitivity

- Ryo Masuyama
- 117311: Toward an Integrated Strategy Development Framework: A New Synthesis based on The Giants of the Past

- Staffan Canback
- 117310: Education and Economic Growth: The Causal Relationship in Sierra Leone

- Emerson Jackson
- 117309: Авторский капитал и реформирование российской публикационной системы (Authorship Capital and reforming The Russian Publication System)

- Victor Polterovich
- 117308: The Impact of Military Service on Post-Service Labor Market Performance of Female Veterans: Evidence from the United States

- Davut Ayan
- 117307: Unemployment Among the Recent U.S. Veterans

- Davut Ayan
- 117305: Why firms should care for consumers: Complementary goods

- Kazuhiro Ohnishi
- 117304: Hopes, Dreams and Anxieties: India’s One-Child Families

- Alaka Basu and Sonalde Desai
- 117301: Children at Risk: The role of family structure in Latin America and West Africa

- Sonalde Desai
- 117299: Mathematical Model for Nonlinear Budget Constraint: Economic Activities on Increased Budget

- Devajit Mohajan and Haradhan Mohajan
- 117298: Financial Literacy And Mental Accounting Analysis Of Financial Decisions And Shopping Interests In The Covid-19 Pandemic Era

- Dita Rari Dita Rari Dwi and Teguh Iman Basuki
- 117293: The cathodic evolution of hydrogen on nickel in artificial seawater

- Gabriela Elena Badea, Ioana Maior, Anca Cojocaru and Ion Corbu
- 117292: Hydrogen generation by electrolysis of seawater

- Gabriela Elena Badea, Alina Caraban, Petre Cret and Ion Corbu
- 117288: Évaluation économique du risque pays: Quelle démarche et pourquoi elle est indispensable pour les investisseurs (Economic evaluation of country risk: What approach and why it is essential for investors)

- Célestin Guy-Serge Gaombalet
- 117287: Why Fixed-Price Policy Prevails: The Effect of Trade Frictions and Competition

- Cemil Selcuk and Bilal Gokpinar
- 117285: Range Volatility Spillover across Sectoral Stock Indices during COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from Indian Stock Market

- Susanta Datta and Neeraj Hatekar
- 117284: Workers’ behavior after safety regulations: Impact evaluation of the Spanish Occupational Safety and Health Act

- Pablo Delgado-Cubillo and Ángel Martín-Román
- 117282: Socio-Economic Coordination Mechanisms Design: Conceptual Model

- Sergei Parinov
- 117279: State Policies Can Cut Energy Dependence

- Olga Bespalova
- 117278: Determinants of Inflation in Sierra Leone

- Emerson Jackson, Purity Kamara and Abdulsalam Kamara
- 117275: Autoempleo y Machine Learning: Una aplicación para España (Self-employment and Machine Learning: An application for Spain)

- Antonio Gutierrez-Lythgoe
- 117274: The impact of internet use on the performance of agricultural cooperatives in Vietnam

- Trung Thanh Nguyen, Manh Hung Do, Dil Rahut, Viet Hung Nguyen and Panharoth Chhay
- 117273: A Foray into tracking Economic Activities in Covid time through the Lens of High Frequency Indicators

- Sanjay Kumar Hansda, Anupam Prakash and Sadhan Chattopadhyay
- 117270: Job Tasks, Skill Formation, and Wages: An Internal Labor Market Approach

- Kazuaki Okamura
- 117269: Impacto del Covid-19 en el mercado laboral en América del Norte en 2019-2020 por sectores económicos, nivel de instrucción, género y edad: un modelo de datos panel 2013-2020 (Impact of Covid-19 on the labor market in North America in 2019-2020 by economic sectors, educational level, gender and age: a panel data model 2013-2020)

- Alexis David Colin-Romero and Francisco Venegas-Martínez
- 117268: Decizia, factor determinant în procesele manageriale și în activitatea de cercetare (Decision, determining factor in managerial processes and in research activity)

- Ion Corbu
- 117267: An investigation of auctions in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

- Peyman Khezr and Armin Pourkhanali
- 117266: Testing an extended knowledge-capital model of foreign direct investment

- Henk Kox
- 117265: New evidence on life expectancy and development: is Sub-Saharan Africa different?

- Charlie Yves Ngoudji Tameko and Paul Ningaye
- 117259: Cultural Integration of First-Generation Immigrants: Evidence from European Union Countries

- Eleftherios Giovanis and Sacit Akdede
- 117258: Bulimia Nervosa: A Psychiatric Problem of Disorder

- Devajit Mohajan and Haradhan Mohajan
- 117257: Why Can’t Death Penalty Stop Crime?

- Hak Choi
- 117255: Neuroeconomics – interdisciplinary science of investigation of the human brain function and of the decisional behaviour of the humankind

- Ion Corbu
- 117254: Unele aspecte privind riscurile în gestiunea, transportul, manipularea depozitarea și utilizarea produselor farmaceutice (Some aspects regarding risks in the management, transport, handling, storage and use of pharmaceutical products)

- Ion Corbu, Isabelle Barabas and Doina Corbu
- 117251: European doctrine of mutual respect and cooperation

- Ion Corbu
- 117249: Seawater electrolysis for hydrogen production

- Badea Gabriela Elena, Ion Corbu, Caraban Alina and Cret Petru
- 117247: Does the adoption of Ind AS affect the performance of firms in India?

- Nikhil M N, Suman Chakraborty, Lithin B M and Lumen Shawn Lobo
- 117245: Carbon Emissions from Energy Use in India: Decomposition Analysis

- Sebak Jana and Wietze Lise
- 117244: Do Gamblers Understand Complex Bets? Evidence From Asian Handicap Betting on Soccer

- Tadgh Hegarty and Karl Whelan
- 117243: Disagreement and Market Structure in Betting Markets: Theory and Evidence from European Soccer

- Tadgh Hegarty and Karl Whelan
- 117242: Barbarians at the gate? FDI and target firms’ management quality

- Gabriele Beccari, Beniamino Pisicoli and Giorgio Vocalelli
- 117241: Does nominal wage stickiness affect fiscal multiplier in a two-agent new Keynesian model?

- Daisuke Ida and Mitsuhiro Okano
- 117233: Стандартная модель международной торговли и теорема Столпера-Самуэльсона: почему коррупция никак не влияет на экономическое развитие, а от снижения торговых барьеров больше всего страдают олигархи (The Standard Model and the Stolper-Samuelson Theorem: On the (Zero) Impact of Corruption on Economic Development)

- Victor Spirin
- 117232: The Spending Challenge of Achieving the SDGs in South Asia: Lessons from India

- Mercedes Garcia-Escribano, Tewodaj Mogues, Marian Moszoro and Mauricio Soto
- 117231: Internet Adoption Trends during COVID-19

- David Amaglobeli, Mengfei Gu, Marian Moszoro, Yue Zhou and Patricia Escalante
- 117230: Doing It by the Book: Political Contestability and Public Contract Renegotiations

- Jean Beuve, Marian Moszoro and Pablo Spiller
- 117228: Economics as a science -or viewed from the perspective of scientists in other fields

- Joaquim Vergés-Jaime
- 117227: Socialism or Barbarism in the 21st Century? China vs. Global North during Capitalist (COVID) Crisis, Inequality and Poverty

- Haider Khan
- 117226: Centralized versus Decentralized Cleanup of River Water Pollution: An Application to the Ganges

- Amitrajeet Batabyal and Hamid Beladi
- 117225: Women-led firms’ performance during the Covid-19 pandemic. Evidence from an emerging economy

- Diego Grijalva
- 117216: The Impact of Government Expenditure on Education in the ESG Models at World Level

- Angelo Leogrande and Alberto Costantiello
- 117215: La Turquie soutient-elle le développement en Afrique de l'Ouest ? L'exemple du Nigeria, du Ghana et de la Côte d'Ivoire (Does Turkey support development in West Africa? The example of Nigeria, Ghana and Ivory Coast)

- Dirk Kohnert
- 117214: Ensuring Accountability in Reconstruction and Reform Efforts in Lebanon: Phase Three Field Survey Findings Report

- Leila Dagher, Ghina Tabsh, Ola Sidani and Oussama Younes
- 117212: A novel research strategy of measuring housing disadvantages of vulnerable populations for all income levels: the Propensity Score Matching approach

- Joost Heijs and Selene Cruz Cruz-Calderón
- 117211: Political Conflict and Economic Growth in Post-Independence Venezuela

- Dorothy Kronick and Francisco Rodríguez
- 117209: Optimal Patent Policy and Wealth Inequality in a Schumpeterian Economy

- Angus Chu and Chih-Hsing Liao
- 117208: Loss Aversion, Neo-imperial Frames and Territorial Expansion: Using Prospect Theory to Examine the Annexation of Crimea

- Ion Marandici
- 117206: The Role of GDP Growth in the ESG Approach at World Level

- Angelo Leogrande and Alberto Costantiello
- 117205: Система социальной продовольственной помощи: кооперация производства и переработки аграрной продукции, реабилитация деградированных земель, государственная поддержка (The system of social food assistance: cooperation in the production and processing of agricultural products, rehabilitation of degraded lands, state support)

- Victor Stukach and Oksana Shumakova
- 117204: Dual revolution and Saxon cotton industry fixed geographical distribution, guild regulation, and quality improving spirits

- Seiji Horii
- 117201: Социальная продовольственная помощь: индустриальный комплекс социального питания, реабилитация деградированных земель, государственная поддержка (Social food aid: industrial complex of social nutrition, rehabilitation of degraded lands, state support)

- Victor Stukach and Oksana Shumakova
- 117198: The Art and Science of Monetary and Fiscal Policies in Chile

- Juan Medina, Emiliano Toni and Rodrigo Valdes
- 117196: The strange case of Romania’s Nicolae Ceaușescu: when the liquidation of sovereign debt results in country total damaging

- George Georgescu
- 117195: The Impact of Home Grown School Feeding Program(HGSFP) on Child Education and Nutrition in Nigeria

- Godwin Nwaobi
- 117194: Bargaining-equilibrium equivalence

- Anuj Bhowmik and Sandipan Saha
- 117189: Agrarian governance – who, what, why, how, where, when, price?

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 117182: Intra-industry trade: Revisiting theory and Literature Survey

- Sakshi Aggarwal
- 117179: Formalisation et accès au crédit des petites et moyennes entreprises: cas du Togo (Formalization and access to credit for small and medium enterprises: the case of Togo)

- Edoh Kotoklo and Fo-kossi edem Togbenu
- 117171: Water Theft As Social Insurance: Southeastern Spain, 1851-1948: The Long Run

- Javier Donna and Jose Espin Sanchez
- 117170: Women Book Business Travel Earlier, Saving Companies Millions

- Catalin Ciobanu, Javier Donna, Gheorghe Lungu and Greg Veramendi
- 117167: The Illiquidity of Water Markets: The Global Water Forum

- Javier Donna and Jose Espin Sanchez
- 117166: The Illiquidity of Water Markets

- Javier Donna and Jose Espin Sanchez
- 117162: Optimal Portfolio Rebalancing with Sweep Under Transaction Cost

- Nabi Arjmandi
- 117161: Does the patient perception of service quality differ in the recession period? Evidence from Greek hospital care

- Ioanna Keramidou and Loukas Triantafillopoulos
- 117159: Enjoying a quiet life even during a great recession? Evidence from the Greek olive oil industry

- Ioanna Keramidou and Angelos Mimis
- 117158: A Study on Body Fat Percentage for Physical Fitness and Prevention of Obesity: A Two Compartment Model

- Devajit Mohajan and Haradhan Mohajan
- 117157: To solve old problems of economics. The experimental background

- Alexander Harin
- 117155: Geoeconomics, Structural Change and Energy Use in Iran: A SAM-Based CGE Analysis with Some Geoeconomic and Geopolitical Considerations

- Haider Khan
- 117154: Mapping local economic recovery paths using pedestrian counts. A City of Melbourne Case Study

- Ashton J de Silva, Maria Yanotti, Sarah Sinclair, Sveta Angelopoulos and Yonatan Navon
- 117152: Global assessment of climate change and trade on food security

- Sakshi Aggarwal
- 117151: The new fiscal sociology: a study of universal self-Assessment taxpayers in Bangladesh

- Mannan Kazi Abdul and Farhana Khandaker Mursheda
- 117149: LSTM based Anomaly Detection in Time Series for United States exports and imports

- Sakshi Aggarwal
- 117148: Public satisfaction with health care services provided during covid-19 pandemic, evidence from share

- Aida Isabel Tavares
- 117145: Efecto del gasto en seguridad en Bienestar y crecimiento económicos en México: Una perspectiva de optimización dinámica (Effect of security spending on welfare and economic growth in Mexico: a dynamic optimization perspective)

- Oscar Iván Hernández-Bautista and Francisco Venegas-Martínez
- 117143: Towards a New Non-aligned Movement(NNAM) and a New International Economic Order:A Strategy for Comprehensive Non-capitalist Development in the 21st Century

- Haider Khan
- 117141: Assessing the Credit Risk of Crypto-Assets Using Daily Range Volatility Models

- Dean Fantazzini
- 117140: Guns, pets, and strikes: an experiment on identity and political action

- Boris Ginzburg and José-Alberto Guerra Guerra
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