MPRA Paper
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- 98904: 非分割的な労働供給のもとでの非自発的失業の存在 - 単純な世代重複完全競争モデルによって - (The existence of involuntary unemployment under indivisible labor supply - By simple overlapping perfect competition model -)

- Yasuhito Tanaka
- 98903: Senior bank loan officers' expectations for loan demand: Evidence from the Euro-area

- Dimitris Anastasiou
- 98902: Fiscal Consolidations: Welfare Effects of the Adjustment Speed

- Miguel Fonseca
- 98898: Green Economy as a driver for Urban Regeneration: insights from Greentown Labs, USA

- Giuseppe Umberto Cantafio
- 98894: Determinantes del emprendimiento en La Rioja (España) (Entrepreneurship determinants in La Rioja (Spain))

- Ignacio de la Fuente
- 98892: Testing the existence of moments for GARCH processes

- Christian Francq and Jean-Michel Zakoian
- 98888: Individualism and climate change policies: International evidence

- Trung Vu
- 98885: Corruption and the Cultural Evolution of Family Ties

- Anastasia Litina and Dimitrios Varvarigos
- 98884: Управление на услугите на агро-екосистемите (Governance of eco-system services)

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 98883: Оценка на конкурентноспособността на българските ферми (Assessing competitiveness of Bulgarian farms)

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 98882: Стратегическо управление на фермата (Strategic management of farm)

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 98881: Рыночные институты и инфраструктурное развитие аграрной экономики Сибири: методология, практика реформирования рыночной инфраструктуры (Market institutions and infrastructure development of the Siberian agricultural economy: methodology and practice of market infrastructure reform)

- Виктор Стукач
- 98880: Total factor productivity (TFP) and fiscal consolidation: How harmful is austerity?

- Ioanna Bardaka, Ioannis Bournakis and Georgia Kaplanoglou
- 98878: Impact of Globalisation on the British consumer motivations towards luxury commodities: Generation Y in focus

- Dominique Trual Molintas
- 98877: Stock Return and Risk Premium: Evidence from Turkey

- Turgut Türsoy and Niyazi Berk
- 98874: The Determinants of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises’ (MSMEs) Performance in Nigeria: Evidence from Business Enterprise Survey

- Zachariah Emmanuel, Rosemary A. Anga and Charity G. Isa
- 98867: Parental investments, socioemotional development and nutritional health in Chile

- Juan Carlos Caro
- 98865: Child development and obesity prevention: evidence from the Chilean School Meals Program

- Juan Carlos Caro
- 98861: The effects of the new fiscal rule and creative accounting: Empirical evidence from Japanese municipalities

- Haruaki Hirota and Hideo Yunoue
- 98859: Governance and Group Conflict

- Felix Kölle
- 98858: Analysis of Coronavirus and carbon emissions

- Dominique Trual Molintas
- 98856: Determinants of flood disaster household’s vulnerability in Nepal

- Raghu Bista
- 98854: Sex Ratio and Religion in Vietnam

- Tien Vu and Hiroyuki Yamada
- 98852: Monetary Policy Spillovers under Intermediate Exchange Rate Regimes

- Rashad Ahmed
- 98850: A Text Mining Analysis of Central Bank Monetary Policy Communication in Nigeria

- Babatunde Omotosho and Mohammed M. Tumala
- 98844: Land Price Fluctuations, Commercial-Residential Segregation, and Gentrification

- Hangtian Xu
- 98841: Are prices reduced from direct competition in high-speed rail? Some unexpected evidences from Italy

- Paolo Beria, Samuel Tolentino and Gabriele Filippini
- 98838: Social Welfare in Search Games with Asymmetric Information

- Gilad Bavly, Yuval Heller and Amnon Schreiber
- 98833: Environmental Regulations in Private and Mixed Duopolies: Emission Taxes versus Green R&D Subsidies

- Sang-Ho Lee and Chul-Hi Park
- 98832: Endogenous Timing of R&D Decisions and Privatization Policy with Research Spillovers

- Sang-Ho Lee and Timur Muminov
- 98830: Merger incentive and strategic CSR by a multiproduct corporation

- Arturo Garcia, Mariel Leal and Sang-Ho Lee
- 98829: Institutions and Macroeconomic Instability in Nigeria

- Oludiran Akinleye and Ibrahim Adekunle
- 98825: Inflation Deviations Assessments of OCA Properties in the WAMZ

- Peter Mogaji
- 98815: Les sphères d’influence dans les régimes monétaires: l’expérience de la Corne de l’Afrique (1860-1950) (Spheres of influence in monetary regimes: the experience of the Horn of Africa (1860-1950))

- Moustapha Aman
- 98812: Comparing Exploration Plans for a Porphyry Copper Open-Pit Mine

- Peter Bell
- 98811: Salary cap and National Basketball Association teams' productive performance. A two stage Data Envelopment Analysis approach under a metatechnology framework

- Nikos Chatzistamoulou, Antonakis Theodoros and Kostantinos Kounetas
- 98810: Crises in Some Emerging Economy and Its Contagion Effect

- Delgerjargal Chuluunbayar
- 98809: Do Pakistani Kids Have An Equal Chance? A Study of Inequality of Human Opportunities for Kids in Pakistan

- Sarah Nizamani and Muhammad Shahid Waheed
- 98804: A Validation of the Phillips Curve Hypothesis in Nigeria: A Quarterly Data-Based Approach

- Obukohwo Oba Efayena and Hilda Enoh Olele
- 98798: Impact of Board Gender Diversity on The Financial Performance of Conventional and Islamic Banks – An Evidence from Pakistan

- Shehar Yar Ahmed Shehar Yar
- 98796: China’s Debt Revisited

- Lixin Sun
- 98794: Industrial placement in hospitality management education: Students’ experiences and development of skills

- Evangelos Christou and Chryssoula Chatzigeorgiou
- 98793: Social media in tourism marketing: Travellers’ attitudes and encounters

- Chryssoula Chatzigeorgiou and Evangelos Christou
- 98791: Destination branding and visitor loyalty: The case of agrotourism

- Evangelos Christou, Chryssoula Chatzigeorgiou and Ioanna Simeli
- 98790: Beneficios económicos y ambientales de la energía nuclear (Economic and environmental benefits of nuclear energy)

- David Juárez-Luna
- 98788: Trend and Forecasting Analysis on Climate Variability: A case of Nepal

- Raghu Bista
- 98787: Evidence of Korea’s Finance-Growth Nexus: VARX Analysis with Financial Crisis and Openness

- Takashi Fukuda
- 98785: Academic Scholarship in Light of the 2008 Financial Crisis: Textual Analysis of NBER Working Papers

- Daniel Levy, Tamir Mayer and Alon Raviv
- 98784: Projection des taux de mortalité par âges pour la population algérienne (FORECASTING THE AGE SPECIFIC MORTALITY RATES FOR THE ALGERIAN POPULATION)

- Farid Flici
- 98782: Are the stock indices of FTSE Malaysia, China and USA causally linked together ?

- Nur Alissa Nasir and Abul Masih
- 98781: Stock market comovement among the ASEAN-5: a causality analysis

- Hazik Mohamed and Abul Masih
- 98779: The causal relationship between the macroeconomic variables and the stock price: the case of Brazil

- Modhaa Munjid and Abul Masih
- 98778: Macroeconomic variables and stock returns: evidence from Singapore

- Faiq Najeeb and Abul Masih
- 98777: The role of the leader in the resolution of conflicts and in the management of human resources

- Kyriaki Paraskevopoulou and Eirini Ioannidou
- 98771: Empirical Assessment of Exchange Market Pressure within the West African Monetary Zone

- Peter Mogaji
- 98767: Управление на риска в аграрния сектор (Risk management in agrarian sector)

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 98766: Causal Factors of Australian Beef Exports

- Patrick Harris
- 98765: Управление на договорните отношения на фермата (Management of contractual relations of farm)

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 98764: Ефективност на икономическите организации и обществената интервенция в земеделието (Efficiency of economic organizations and public intervention in agriculture)

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 98760: Fisher Effect and the Relationship between Nominal Interest Rates and Inflation: The Case of Nigeria

- Peter Mogaji
- 98756: An Empirical Investigation of Real Exchange Rate Responses to Foreign Currency Inflows: Revisiting the Dutch Disease phenomenon in South Asia

- Muntasir Murshed and Seemran Rashid
- 98755: Azərbaycanda Alternativ Və Bərpaolunan Enerji Mənbələrinin Mənimsənilməsi Perspektivləri (Prospects of Alternative and Renewable Energy Sources mastering in Azerbaijan)

- Rustam Shafagatov
- 98752: Фактори, които оказват въздействие върху оповестяванията за научноизследователска и развойна дейност на български иновативни предприятия (Factors that affects research and development disclosure of Bulgarian innovative enterprises)

- Даниела Георгиева
- 98748: Business cycles,bilateral trade and international financial intergration: Evidence from Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) (Business cycles,bilateral trade and international financial intergration: Evidence from Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS))

- Stéphane Zouri
- 98745: Agrarian Economy and Rural Development - Realities and Perspectives for Romania

- Ana Ursu
- 98743: أثر التضخم على النمو الاقتصادي بالقطاع الزراعي المصري (The impact of inflation on the economic growth of the Egyptian agricultural sector)

- الرسول, أد/ أحمد أبواليزيد, صابرين صبره عبدالراضي, عون, أد/ عون خيرالله and د ياسمين صلاح عبدالرازق
- 98741: ARDL Bounds Tests for Neutrality and Superneutrality of Money towards Monetary Integration of West Africa

- Peter Mogaji
- 98740: Fiscal Policy Innovations in Advanced Economies

- Kwabena Meneabe Nkrumah
- 98739: بررسی رژیم های قیمتی دو شاخص عمده بازار جهانی نفت(برنت و WTI) قبل و بعد از بحران مالی:کاربردی از رویکرد مارکف سوئیچینگ (Investigate price regimes of two prime index in the world oil market(Brent and WTI) before and after the financial crisis: Evidence from the Markov regime switching model)

- Mohsen Ebrahimi, Majid Babaei Agh Esmaili and Vahid Kafili
- 98738: Does institutional stability granger-cause foreign direct investment? evidence from Canada

- Nihal Mahmood and Abul Masih
- 98736: The impact of labor income tax progressivity on the fiscal multipliers in the context of fiscal consolidation programs

- Mariana Santos
- 98734: Do deposits in islamic banks have an impact on equity market? evidence from Malaysia

- Nadiah Rahman and Abul Masih
- 98733: Movement of Exchange Rate on Balance-of-Payments Constrained Growth in South Asia: Panel ARDL

- Sujith Jayasooriya
- 98731: Participatory-collaborative administration of a school unit: The role of the Teachers’ Council

- Georgia Koutsiai and Irene Ioannidou
- 98727: An Empirical Investigation of Obesity & Income and Education

- Sena Ozyapi
- 98721: Iraq: Private ownership of oil and the quest for democracy revisited

- Weshah Razzak
- 98719: Do Monetary Expansion Hypotheses Hold in the WAMZ?

- Peter Mogaji
- 98711: Patience goes a long way: Evidence from Spain

- Jorge González Chapela
- 98707: Quality Differentiation and Spatial Clustering among Restaurants

- Pascal Mossay, Jong Kook Shin and Grega Smrkolj
- 98705: Europe’s alternative: a Green Industrial Policy for sustainability and convergence

- Matteo Lucchese and Mario Pianta
- 98704: El emprendimiento en Aragón: La salida de la crisis en forma de foto al emprendimiento (Entrepreneurship in Aragón: The way out of crisis as a picture of entrepreneurship)

- Sergio Bautista-Lacambra
- 98695: Probit Modelling and Evaluation of Banking Sector Fragility within the West African Monetary Zone

- Peter Mogaji
- 98693: A New Nonlinear Wavelet-Based Unit Root Test with Structural Breaks

- Mücahit Aydın
- 98689: Essays In Fiscal Policy And State Dependence Fiscal Policy Innovations Using A New Econometric Approach

- Kwabena Meneabe Nkrumah
- 98688: Agriculture in Kazakhstan: mutual influence of infrastructure institutions on the dynamics of agricultural production development

- Victor Stukach, Gulnar Saparova, Guzel Sultanova and Saniya Saginova
- 98687: Análisis del emprendimiento usando datos GEM: evidencias para la Comunidad de Madrid (Entrepreneurship analysis using Gem data: evidence for Madrid)

- Inés Ortega Palacios
- 98684: Inequality as a Source of Recessions and Poverty

- Kees De Koning
- 98682: A study of performance of public sector banks in Thane city under the Prime Minister's Jan Dhan Yojana

- Madhubala Swami
- 98679: An Economic Perspective to Independent Cinema

- Cemali Arici and Mustafa Yücel
- 98677: Lead-lag relationship between GIA deposit and GIA profit rate in islamic banks:evidence from Malaysia

- Ruslinda Sulaiman and Abul Masih
- 98676: The finance-growth nexus: is finance supply-leading or demand-following in islamic finance ? evidence from Malaysia

- Norhaslina Ibrahim and Abul Masih
- 98674: Does institutional quality contribute to increasing labour productivity in sub-Saharan Africa? An empirical analysis

- Koffi Kpognon and Mamadou Bah
- 98672: Growth Slowdowns and Middle-Income Trap: Evidence from New Unit Root Framework

- Fumitaka Furuoka, Pui Kiew Ling, Chinyere Mary Rose Ezeoke, Ray Jacob and Olaoluwa Yaya
- 98655: دراسة اقتصادية تحليلية لكفاءة استخدام أنماط الري الحديثة: دراسة ميدانية بمزارع منطقة القصيم (An analytical economic study for the efficiency of water resources use in irrigation, “A field study at Al-Qassim region”)

- Ahmed Abou El-Yazid El-Rasoul and Ibrahim Saleh Alomar
- 98654: A Simple Algorithm for Solving Ramsey Optimal Policy with Exogenous Forcing Variables

- Jean-Bernard Chatelain and Kirsten Ralf
- 98652: تحليل العوامل للتكاليف الإنتاجية والتنبؤ بإنتاجية أهم المحاصيل الحقلية في مصر (Factor analysis of production costs and productivity forecasting of the most important field crops in Egypt)

- Alaa Mohamed Ramadan, Ahmed Abou El-Yazid El-Rasoul, Elhussien Elsaify and Sameh M. Hassan Shehab
- 98651: Asymmetric exchange rates pass-through: New evidence from Vietnam

- Sy-Hoa Ho and Idir Hafrad
- 98650: Simulating Banking Sector Development in the GCC States

- Ali Al-Moulani and Constantinos Alexiou
- 98646: Shadow effect from Laffer tax allergy: New tax policy tool to fight tax evasion

- Dany R. Dombou T.
- 98644: Informal Economy in SSA: Characteristics, size and tax potential

- Albert Makochekanwa
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