MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 32678: Livestock industrialization, trade and social-health-environment impacts in developing countries: a case of Indian poultry sector

- Rajesh Mehta, Clare Narrod and Marites Tiongco
- 32674: The great austerity war: what caused the deficit crisis and who should pay to fix it?

- James Crotty
- 32672: Bayesian inference with monotone instrumental variables

- Hang Qian
- 32667: Limited insurance within the household: evidence from a field experiment in Kenya

- Jonathan Robinson
- 32666: Macro-economy in models for default probability

- Geurdes, Han / J.F.
- 32647: Impact of the New Approach to Article 102 TFEU on the Enforcement of the Polish Prohibition of Dominant Position Abuse

- Konrad Kohutek
- 32642: China’s new exchange rate regime, optimal basket currency and currency diversification

- Zhichao Zhang, Nan Shi and Xiaoli Zhang
- 32639: Uniform profit ratios

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 32637: Does microfinance move the households toward self employment?

- Abdul Khaleque
- 32634: Sampling Variation, Monotone Instrumental Variables and the Bootstrap Bias Correction

- Hang Qian
- 32631: What said the neoclassical and endogenous growth theories about Portugal?

- Vítor Martinho
- 32630: Preparing for Basel IV (whilst commending Basel III): why liquidity risks still present a challenge to regulators in prudential supervision ( Part II)

- Marianne Ojo
- 32627: Integrity, respect for others, and ethics – three essential leadership qualities

- Marianne Ojo
- 32621: The control of polish courts over the infringements of procedural rules by the national competition authority. Case comment to the judgement of the Supreme Court of 19 August 2009 – Marquard Media Polska (Ref. No. III SK 5/09)

- Maciej Bernatt
- 32620: Right to be heard or protection of the confidential information? competing guarantees of procedural fairness in the proceedings before the competition authority

- Maciej Bernatt
- 32618: Dynamic model of procrastination

- Martin Vrany
- 32614: The role of the external auditor in bank regulation and supervision: A comparative analysis between the UK, Germany, Italy and the US

- Marianne Ojo
- 32610: What the keynesian theory said about Portugal?

- Vítor Martinho
- 32609: What said the new economic geography about Portugal?

- Vítor Martinho
- 32608: Determinants of increased real prices of livestock in Balochistan

- Nadeem Uz Zaman and Sohrab Khan Marri
- 32605: Comparative advantages in banking and strategic specialization and diversification

- Indrajit Mallick
- 32601: Performance of Islamic and conventional exchange traded funds in Malaysia

- Abdou Diaw, Salwana Hassan and Adam Ng
- 32599: Love Thy Neighbor: Income Distribution and Housing Preferences

- Tin Cheuk Leung and Kwok Ping Tsang
- 32598: Why is Polygyny More Prevalent in Western Africa?: An African Slave Trade Perspective

- John Dalton and Tin Cheuk Leung
- 32597: What is the True Loss Due to Piracy?: Evidence from Microsoft Office in Hong Kong

- Tin Cheuk Leung
- 32596: On the Optimal Skill Distribution in a Mirrleesian Economy

- Tin Cheuk Leung and Hakki Yazici
- 32595: Meeting the double bottom line: the impact of Khushhali bank's microfinance program in Pakistan

- Heather Montgomery
- 32593: Bulgarian corporate governance rules and institutions

- Plamen Tchipev
- 32591: How do firms choose legal form of organization?

- Rebel Cole
- 32589: How accurate are commercial-real-estate appraisals? evidence from 25 years of NCREIF sales data

- Susanne Cannon and Rebel A. Col
- 32588: An evaluation of the direct costs of abatement under the main desulphurisation technologies

- George Halkos
- 32586: Potential implications of labour market opening in Germany and Austria on emigration from Poland

- Paweł Strzelecki and Robert Wyszynski
- 32581: The impact of sovereign credit risk on bank funding conditions

- Fabio Panetta, Ricardo Correa, Michael Davies, Antonio Di Cesare, José-Manuel Marques, Francisco Nadal De Simone, Federico Signoretti, Cristina Vespro, Siret Vildo, Martin Wieland and Andrea Zaghini
- 32572: An application of dynamic factor model to dry Bulk Market - focusing on the analysis of synchronicity and idiosyncrasy in the sub-markets with different ship - size

- Byoung-Wook Ko
- 32570: Rebalancing China’s economic growth: some insights from Japan’s experience

- Ichiro Muto and Tomoyuki Fukumoto
- 32566: Análise de Insumo-Produto: Teoria e Fundamentos (Input-Output Analysis: Theory and Foundations)

- Joaquim Guilhoto
- 32564: The dynamics of French public debt: Paths for fiscal consolidations

- Piero Esposito, Antonio Paradiso and B. Rao
- 32563: The dynamics of Spanish public debt and sustainable paths for fiscal consolidation

- Piero Esposito, Antonio Paradiso and B. Rao
- 32562: Estimates of the demand for US consumer borrowings

- Antonio Paradiso and B. Rao
- 32560: Measuring Poverty and Human Capital Development in Sudan (Measuring Poverty and Human Capital Development in Sudan)

- Issam Mohamed
- 32559: Finance and growth: Schumpeter might be wrong in our era. New evidence from Meta-analysis

- Simplice Asongu
- 32558: China, India and the future of the global economy

- Witold Kwasnicki
- 32557: Effect of social capital on income distribution preferences: comparison of neighborhood externality between high- and low-income households

- Eiji Yamamura
- 32550: An empirical model for the Turkish trade balance: new evidence from ARDL bounds testing analyses

- Levent Korap
- 32547: Environmental consequences of economic growth and foreign direct investment: evidence from panel data analysis

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Samia Nasreen and Talat Afza
- 32546: Investigating the cultural patterns of corruption: A nonparametric analysis

- George Halkos and Nickolaos Tzeremes
- 32542: Reconstructing the Quantity Theory (II)

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 32540: Effect of free media on views regarding nuclear energy after the Fukushima accident

- Eiji Yamamura
- 32539: Capital flow to China and the issue of hot money: an empirical investigation

- Lai, Jennifer /J.T.
- 32537: Soft budget constraints and strategic interactions in subnational borrowing: Evidence from the German States, 1975-2005

- Thushyanthan Baskaran
- 32532: Goodness-of-fit testing for the marginal distribution of regime-switching models

- Joanna Janczura and Rafał Weron
- 32529: Quale economia per i migranti? (Which kind of economy for the migrants?)

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 32522: Latvia’s incoming in European Union economic effect estimation

- Valerijs Skribans
- 32520: Is devaluation contractionary? empirical evidence for Pakistan

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Faridul Islam and Aamir Naveed
- 32517: Impact of the business environment on output and productivity in Africa

- El-hadj Bah and Lei Fang
- 32515: Imam Al-Ghazali's views on economic activities

- Abdou Diaw
- 32511: Multiproduct pricing and the Diamond Paradox

- Andrew Rhodes
- 32507: Productivity in China's high technology industry: Regional heterogeneity and R&D

- Rui Zhang, Kai Sun, Michael Delgado and Subal Kumbhakar
- 32506: Nearly optimal asset allocations in retirement

- Wade Pfau
- 32505: Inequality of opportunity in Indian children: the case of immunization and nutrition

- Ashish Singh
- 32503: Efficiency in a search and matching model with right-to-manage bargaining

- Takeki Sunakawa
- 32502: The fiscal theory of the price level and the backing theory of money

- Michael Sproul
- 32500: American trade policy towards Sub Saharan Africa –- a meta analysis of AGOA

- Edgar Cooke
- 32499: The federal funds rate in the post-Volcker era: evidence from Basic VAR

- Rustam Jamilov
- 32497: Struttura socio-economica del Comune di Carbonia: analisi del contesto territoriale (Socio-economic structure of the Municipality of Carbonia: analysis of the territorial context)

- Nicola Merche
- 32496: Were Fed’s active monetary policy actions necessary?

- Iris Ai Jao Pang
- 32495: Forecasting Hong Kong economy using factor augmented vector autoregression

- Iris Ai Jao Pang
- 32494: Comparisons of different monetary policies in China with yield curve information

- Iris Ai Jao Pang
- 32485: A comparison of screening mechanisms for identifying potentially anticompetitive accountable care organizations

- Gregory Pelnar
- 32483: What happened to efficiency in electricity industries after reforms?

- Erkan Erdoğdu
- 32480: Institutions, macroeconomic policy and foreign direct investment: South Asian countries case

- Muhammad Azam, Hashim Khan, Ahmed Hunjra, H. Mushtaq Ahmad and Muhammad Chani
- 32479: Les femmes et le travail à temps partiel en Europe (Women and part time employment in Europe)

- Frédéric Salladarré and Boubaker Hlaimi
- 32476: A Mechanism of Cyclical Volatility in the Vacancy-Unemployment Ratio: What Is the Source of Rigidity?

- Taiji Harashima
- 32474: Budgeting versus implementing fiscal policy:the Italian case

- Alessandra Cepparulo, Francesca Gastaldi, Luisa Giuriato and Agnese Sacchi
- 32473: Optimal policy and non-scale growth with R&D externalities

- Simone Valente
- 32466: Towards an oral healthcare framework and policy analysis for Swaziland

- Sam Mndzebele
- 32465: Monetary-fiscal-trade policy and economic growth in Pakistan: Time series empirical investigation

- Syed Tehseen Jawaid, Faisal Faisal Sultan Qadri and Nasir Ali
- 32458: Money laundry and financial development

- Antonino Buscemi and Alem Hagos Yallwe
- 32457: Trafficking in Greece

- Nikolaos Lymouris
- 32453: Estimating intertemporal and intratemporal substitutions when both income and substitution effects are present: the role of durable goods

- Michal Pakos
- 32447: Financial intermediation, investment dynamics and business cycle fluctuations

- Andrea Ajello
- 32434: Condorcet admissibility: Indeterminacy and path-dependence under majority voting on interconnected decisions

- Klaus Nehring, Marcus Pivato and Clemens Puppe
- 32430: Threshold effects in the monetary policy reaction function of the Deutsche Bundesbank

- Martin Mandler
- 32428: Investment and resource policy under a modified Hotelling rule

- Andrei Bazhanov
- 32427: Технологии для HR-менеджеров: Типология для экономического поведения персонала, Применение, Разработка механизмов (Technologies for HR-managers: typology for person’s economic behavior, applications and mechanism design)

- Anatoliy A. Shiyan
- 32422: Anxious periods and bank lending

- Manthos Delis, Georgios Kouretas and Chris Tsoumas
- 32421: Reconstructing the Quantity Theory (I)

- Egmont Kakarot-Handtke
- 32414: Estabilidad política y tributación (Taxation and political stability)

- Fernando Estrada, Mihai Mutascu and Aviral Tiwari
- 32412: Education, vocational training and R&D: towards new forms of labor market regulation

- Margarida Lopes
- 32409: Financial regulation and risk management: addressing risk challenges in a changing financial environment

- Marianne Ojo
- 32407: Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de İktisat Bölümleri ve İktisatçılar Sıralaması (Research ranking at world-wide and Turkish scale amongst economists and economics departments)

- Ferda Halicioglu
- 32405: Mavens and their potential role in the diffusion of marketing information

- Stephen Mailu, Jamin Rutto and Esther Njuguna
- 32404: Employment, unemployment and real economic growth

- Ivan Kitov and Oleg Kitov
- 32401: Notes on BACI (analytical database of international trade). 1989-2002 version

- Guillaume Gaulier and Soledad Zignago
- 32396: Addressing risk challenges in a changing financial environment: the need for greater accountability in financial regulation and risk management

- Marianne Ojo
- 32395: The Impacts of Wheat Price Policy change on Nutritional Status in Egypt

- Ibrahim Soliman and Shahla Shapouri
- 32393: Can a click buy a little happiness? The impact of business-to-consumer e-commerce on subjective well-being

- Fabio Sabatini
- 32392: Structural social capital and health in Italy

- Damiano Fiorillo and Fabio Sabatini
- 32389: Developing new measurements of State institutional capacity

- Vladimir Popov
- 32388: Why transition economies did worse than others in 2008-09 recession?

- Vladimir Popov
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