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105773: Direct-to-Consumer Sales by Manufacturers and Bargaining Downloads
Javier Donna, Pedro Pereira, Andre Trindade and Renan C. Yoshida
105772: Climate Change, Global Food Security and the U.S. Food System Downloads
Molly Brown, John Antle, Peter Backlund, Edward Carr, Bill Easterling, Margaret Walsh, Caspar Ammann, Witsanu Attavanich, Christopher Barrett, Marc Bellemare, Violet Dancheck, Chris Funk, Kathryn Grace, John Ingram, Hui Jiang, Hector Maletta, Tawny Mata, Anthony Murray, Moffatt Ngugi, Dennis Ojima, O’Neill, Brian and Claudia Tebaldi
105769: Female economists and philosophers’ role in Amartya Sen’s thought: his colleagues and his scholars Downloads
Valentina Erasmo
105767: A Review on Output-Inflation Trade-off Based on New Classical and New Keynesian Theories Downloads
Chong Yang Sim
105766: Statistical arbitrage: Factor investing approach Downloads
Erdinc Akyildirim, Ahmet Goncu, Alper Hekimoglu, Duc Khuong Nguyen and Ahmet Sensoy
105765: Consequence of Heterogeneous Economic Rents under the MDC-based Procedure Downloads
Taiji Harashima
105759: The Evolution of the Earnings Distribution in a Volatile Economy: Evidence from Argentina Downloads
Andrés Blanco, Bernardo Díaz de Astarloa, Andres Drenik, Christian Moser and Danilo Trupkin
105758: Earnings Inequality and Dynamics in the Presence of Informality: The Case of Brazil Downloads
Niklas Engbom, Gustavo Gonzaga, Christian Moser and Roberta Olivieri
105754: Energy planning of a hospital using Mathematical Programming and Monte Carlo simulation for dealing with uncertainty in the economic parameters Downloads
George Mavrotas, Kostas Florios and Dimitra Vlachou
105753: Two Notions of Social Capital Downloads
Matteo Alpino and Halvor Mehlum
105751: Забраната за дискриминация при упражняване на управленската и нормотворческата власт на работодателя (The prohibition of discrimination in the exercise of the managerial and regulatory power of the employer) Downloads
Ивайло Стайков
105750: Is slow economic growth originating from the total external debt stock in the Democratic Republic of Congo? Downloads
Olivier Mupenda
105746: Neoliberalism vs Islam, An analysis of Social Cost in case of USA and Saudi Arabia Downloads
Azmat Hayat, Muhammad Hakimi Muhammad Shafiai and Sabri Haron
105742: Per-unit versus ad-valorem royalty licensing in a Stackelberg market Downloads
Manel Antelo and Lluis Bru
105734: The Non-Linear Impact of Digitization on Remittances Inflow: Evidence From the BRICS Downloads
Noha Emara and Yuanhao Zhang
105731: Technology Ethics Downloads
Muhammad Mustafa Rashid
105729: Transportation Project Evaluation Methods/Approaches- Version 2 Downloads
Omid Rouhani
105727: Risk assessment for micro companies belonging to selected economic branches of the professional, scientific and technical services sector in Mexico through the Beta coefficient Downloads
Edgar Mauricio Flores Sánchez, Axel Rodríguez Batres and Joaquín Bernardo Varela Espidio
105724: Is slow economic growth originating from the total external debt stock in the Democratic Republic of Congo? Downloads
Olivier Mupenda
105717: Suisse stock return, Macro Factors, and Efficient Market ‎Hypothesis: evidence from ARDL model Downloads
Malika Neifar
105715: Multivariate Causality between Stock price index and Macro variables: ‎evidence from Canadian stock market Downloads
Malika Neifar
105711: India's Interventionist State: Reduce Its Scope and Increase Its Capability Downloads
Ajay Chhibber
105709: Un sistema de atención a la dependencia para Chile. Apuntes desde la experiencia española (A long-term care system for Chile. Lessons from the experience of Spain) Downloads
Mauricio Matus-Lopez
105708: How can household wealth be used to stimulate economic growth. The Italian example Downloads
Kees De Koning
105704: Rationality and Emotions: A Model of Inner Games and Ego Identity Downloads
Fen Liu
105702: Impacts of Jobs Requiring Close Physical Proximity and High Interaction with the Public on U.S. Industry Employment Change During the Early Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic Downloads
Todd Gabe and Richard Florida
105701: Допустимо едностранно предоставяне на неплатен отпуск от работодателя без съгласието на работника или служителя (Possible Unilateral Unpaid Leave Granted by the Employer without the Consent of the Worker or the Employee) Downloads
Ивайло Стайков
105697: Interdependence between research and development, climate variability and agricultural production: evidence from sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Frank Bannor, Johane Dikgang and Dambala Gelo
105696: Емпирично изследване на управлението на услугите на агроекосистемите в България (An empirical study of the management of agro-ecosystem services in Bulgaria) Downloads
Hrabrin Bachev, Bojidar Ivanov, Dilyana Mitova, Ivan Boevski, Petar Marinov, Angel Sarov, Daniela Zvetkova, Krasimir Kostenarov and Dimitar Vanev
105693: Неоклассическая экономическая парадигма и экономическая реальность (Neoclassical Economic Paradigm and Economic Reality) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
105692: Understanding Economics in the Context of Prosperity Concept Downloads
Habtamu Demiessie
105690: In-group versus Out-group Preferences in Intergroup Conflict: An Experiment Downloads
Subhasish Chowdhury, Anwesha Mukherjee and Roman Sheremeta
105689: Los Museos y el Cuadro de Mando Integral: Una adaptación de la perspectiva del cliente (Museums and Balanced Scorecard: An customer perspective adaptation) Downloads
Carolina Asuaga and Carina Peombo
105685: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Evaluating/auditing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices Downloads
Muhammad Mustafa Rashid
105684: Efficacy of US Immigration Policies: What Do Available Evidence Suggest? Downloads
Raju John
105683: EU regulation and open market share repurchases: New evidence Downloads
Angeliki Drousia, Athanasios Episcopos, George Leledakis and Emmanuil Pyrgiotakis
105680: La Economía del Arte bajo la óptica de la Teoría General del Costo (Arts Economics and General Cost´s Theory) Downloads
Carolina Asuaga and Carina Peombo
105664: The Man Who Discovered Capitalism: A Documentary on Schumpeter for Use in the Classroom Downloads
John Dalton and Andrew Logan
105651: Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility by a Multinational Firm and International Privatization Policies Downloads
Lili Xu and Sang-Ho Lee
105649: Indicadores de Gestión en organizaciones públicas: El caso de las orquestas sinfónicas (Performance indicators and public organizations: An analysis of Symphony Orchestras) Downloads
Carolina Asuaga and Manuel Esmoris
105647: The alternative fact of “probable vaccine damage”: A typology of vaccination beliefs in 28 European countries Downloads
Simona - Nicoleta Vulpe and Cosima Rughinis
105646: Gender Differences in Repeated Dishonest Behavior: Experimental Evidence Downloads
Subhasish Chowdhury, Joo Young Jeon, Chulyoung Kim and Sang-Hyun Kim
105643: Monotonicity in sharing the revenues from broadcasting sports leagues Downloads
Gustavo Bergantiños and Juan Moreno-Ternero
105641: How long does a generation last? Assessing the relationship between infinite and finite horizon dynamic models Downloads
Marco Guerrazzi
105638: Bank profitability determinants: comparing the United States, Nigeria and South Africa Downloads
Peterson Ozili
105636: Economic policy uncertainty: are there regional and country correlation? Downloads
Peterson Kitakogelu Ozili
105634: Relationship Between Health Insurance and Self-employment: A Systematic Review Downloads
Md. Mobarak Hossain
105626: Good theories for better models and policies Downloads
Enrico D'Elia
105622: Desempeño Posgrados en Economía IPN 1983- 2000 (Postgraduate Performance in IPN Economics 1983- 2000) Downloads
Jose Villalobos Lopez
105621: Obesity and labor market in Peru Downloads
Roy Nuñez
105619: Information Communication & Computation Technology (ICCT) as a Strategic Tool for Industry Sectors Downloads
Sreeramana Aithal and Madhushree L. M.
105618: Dynamique de la pauvreté communale 2004-2014 au Maroc et Evaluation d'impact de l'Initiative National du Développement Humain (INDH) (Dynamics of communal poverty 2004-2014 in Morocco and impact assessment of the national human development initiative (INDH)) Downloads
Abdeljaouad Ezzrari
105614: On Bayesian integration in sensorimotor learning: Another look at Kording and Wolpert (2004) Downloads
Sean Duffy, Deniz Igan, Marcelo Pinheiro and John Smith
105612: Corralling Expectations: The Role of Institutions in (Hyper)Inflation Downloads
Christopher Hartwell and Martin Andres Szybisz
105608: Cost-effective conservation in the face of climate change: combining ecological-economic modelling and climate science for the cost-effective spatio-temporal allocation of conservation measures in agricultural landscapes Downloads
Charlotte Gerling, Martin Drechsler, Klaus Keuler, Johannes A. Leins, Kai Radtke, Björn Schulz, Astrid Sturm and Frank Wätzold
105607: Заетост на жените в горския сектор в България и неговата конкурентоспособност (Employment of women in the forestry sector in Bulgaria and its competitiveness) Downloads
Даниела Георгиева
105605: The role of ICT and financial development in CO2 emissions and economic growth Downloads
Ibrahim Raheem, Aviral Tiwari and Daniel Balsalobre-Lorente
105604: Efficient Effort Equilibrium in Cooperation with Pairwise Cost Reduction Downloads
Jose A. García-Martínez, Antonio J. Mayor-Serra and Ana Meca
105601: Leaders’ Foreign Travel and Democracy Downloads
Oasis Kodila-Tedika and Sherif Khalifa
105599: L’euro alimentaire en France et le partage des valeurs ajoutées (French “food euro” and value added distribution) Downloads
Philippe Boyer and Jean-Pierre Butault
105595: Demography and economic growth from islamic perspective: Malaysia as a case study Downloads
Salman Rahman and Abul Masih
Yener Coskun and Muge Cetin
105589: Interregional Competition for Mobile Creative Capital With and Without Physical Capital Mobility Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal and Peter Nijkamp
105584: Opportunities in the Hospitality Industry in a masked, and rubber-gloved world Downloads
Sotiris Folinas, Marie-Noëlle Duquenne and Theodore Metaxas
105582: Kara Finans: Kara Para Aklamada Yöntemler ve Önleyici Tedbirler (Black Finance: Methods and Preventive Measures for Money Laundering) Downloads
İbrahim Yaşar Gök
105581: Economic Impact of a New Rapid PCR Assay for Detecting Influenza Virus in an Emergency Department and Hospitalized Patients Downloads
Marcelo Soto, Laura Sampietro-Colom, Anna Vilella and María Ángeles Marcos
105580: The use of contracts for difference (‘CFD’) spread bets and binary options (‘forbin’) to trade foreign exchange (‘forex’) commodities, and stocks and shares in volatile financial markets Downloads
Paul Barnes
105578: How does advertisement spending affect business performance of both islamic and conventional banks? Downloads
Ahmad Ridza Roslan and Abul Masih
105577: Do Leader’s Visits Increase Trade Flows? Downloads
Oasis Kodila-Tedika and Sherif Khalifa
105568: Cuadro de Mando Integral en la enseñanza de grado. Una propuesta integradora (Balanced Scorecard in degree teaching. An integrated view) Downloads
Flavia M Fernández
105566: Modeling the Asymmetric Relationship between the Covid-19 and the U.S Dollar Exchange Rate: an Empirical Analysis via the NARDL Approach Downloads
Lamia Benzid and Sayef Bakari
105564: Agricultural credit guarantee scheme fund (ACGSF) and agricultural performance in Nigeria: A threshold regression analysis Downloads
Mubaraq Sulaimon
105552: Технологическая платформа - модель инновационного взаимодействия государства, промышленности, науки и образования Downloads
Виктор Стукач and Елена Шевченко
105536: Economic Integration and Agglomeration of Multinational Production with Transfer Pricing Downloads
Hayato Kato and Hirofumi Okoshi
105534: Продовольственная помощь социально уязвимым слоям населения: агротехнологии, технологии промышленного производства продуктов питания, инфраструктура в условиях преодоления последствий пандемии Downloads
Виктор Стукач
105531: Online Banking Users vs. Branch Visitors: Why Are Their Portfolio Returns Different? Downloads
Mamoru Nagano and Yuki Uchida
105529: Has financial inclusion made the financial sector riskier? Downloads
Peterson Ozili
105528: Multilateral Divisia monetary aggregates for the Euro Area Downloads
William Barnett and Neepa Gaekwad
105526: Are Domestic Investments in Spain a Source of Economic Growth? Downloads
Sayef Bakari
105525: Presupuesto: su aplicación en las principales empresas uruguayas exportadoras del sector lácteo (Budget: its application in the main Uruguayan exporting companies in the dairy sector) Downloads
Marcelo De-Leon, Flavia M Fernandez and Fabián López
105524: Moving Away from Foreign Aid: A Case Study of Afghanistan Downloads
Abdul Matin Karimi
105523: The Advancement in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Economic Development: A Panel Analysis Downloads
Marc Audi, Amjad Ali and Yannick Roussel
105522: Does It Matter Where You Invest? The Impact of FDI on Domestic Job Creation and Destruction Downloads
Bin Ni, Hayato Kato and Yang Liu
105510: Market Formation in China from 1978 Downloads
Rongsheng Tang
105507: The Market for Fake Reviews Downloads
Sherry He, Brett Hollenbeck and Davide Proserpio
105506: The Crowding Out and Crowding In Effects of the Government Fiscal Policy on the Real Estate Investment and Public Prosperity in Iran Downloads
Farzaneh Jariani
105505: The journey towards dollarization: the role of the tourism industry Downloads
Ibrahim Raheem and Kazeem Ajide
105500: Risk Aversion and Fiscal Consolidation Programs Downloads
Stefano Grancini
105492: Investigating the major determinants of islamic bank savings: Malaysian evidence Downloads
Sarah Aini and Abul Masih
105491: An Application of Game Theory in Strategic Decision of Family Planning Downloads
Hari Prajapati
105490: تخمین نرخ بهینه عوارض تراکم برای آزادراه‏های ایران با استفاده از مدل قیمت‏گذاری ارزش (Estimation of Optimal Rate for Compact Tariffs in Highways across Iran applying the Value Pricing Methodology) Downloads
Baran Bubak
105489: انرژی‌های تجدیدپذیر در بازار برق ایران (Renewable energy in Iran’s electricity market) Downloads
Baran Bibak
105485: The banking sector and national economy Downloads
Godwin Uddin, Festus Ashogbon, Bolaji Martins, Omowumi Momoh, Hope Agbonrofo, Samson Alika and Kingsley Oserei
105481: An Aggregate Perspective on the Geo-spatial Distribution of Residential Solar Panels Downloads
Alexander Abajian and Nick Pretnar
105480: Políticas públicas de cuidados a mayores dependientes en América Latina: Financiamiento, equidad y modelos (Public policies for care for dependent older adults in Latin America: Financing, equity and models) Downloads
Mauricio Matus-Lopez
105478: Long-Term care policies in Latin America: A Systematic Review Downloads
Mauricio Matus-Lopez
105476: Long-term care policies in developing countries. Early efforts of home-based care in Chile Downloads
Mauricio Matus-Lopez
105474: Is gold a better choice as reserve currency for smaller market economies? Downloads
Zil Farlilah Ibrahim and Abul Masih
105469: Emerging market equities and US policy uncertainty: evidence from Malaysia based on ARDL Downloads
Anouar Gadhoum and Abul Masih
105464: Oil price shocks, fuel subsidies and macroeconomic (in)stability in Nigeria Downloads
Babatunde Omotosho
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