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68928: Social risk and vulnerability assessment of the hazardous hydrological phenomena in Russia Downloads
Stepan Zemtsov, Vyacheslav Baburin, Klaus Koltermann, Inna Krylenko, Natalia Yumina and Litvinov Vladimir
68926: Diffussion of ICT-products and "five Russias" Downloads
Vyacheslav Baburin and Stepan Zemtsov
68924: Poverty among ethnic minorities: transition process, inequality and economic growth Downloads
Tuan Bui, Cuong Nguyen and Phuong Pham
68922: Determinantes socioeconómicos del crimen en México (The Socioeconomic Determinants of Crime: The case of Mexico) Downloads
René Lozano-Cortés, Maribel Lozano-Cortes and Luis Cabrera-Castellanos
68917: Proliferation of preferential trade agreements: an empirical analysis Downloads
Nelnan Koumtingué
68915: Econometric Predictions From Demographic Factors Affecting Overall Health Downloads
Brian Stacey
68909: Innovation, cooperation network and economic growth, a Tunisian study Downloads
Feriel Zerzeri
68904: Central Assistance to North Eastern States: A Comparative Analysis Downloads
Arushi Gupta
68900: Broadening benefits from natural resource extraction: Housing values and taxation of natural gas wells as property Downloads
Jeremy Weber, James Burnett and Irene M. Xiarchos
68898: Developing Islamic Liquidity Management Instruments: Resolving the Impasse between Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) and Jaiz Bank Plc Downloads
Shehu Aliyu
68890: Evaluation of the fiscal effect on municipal mergers: Quasi-experimental evidence from Japanese municipal data Downloads
Haruaki Hirota and Hideo Yunoue
68888: Foreign exchange rates with the Taylor rule and VECMs Downloads
Fabio Massimo Piersanti, Massimiliano Rizzati and Siwat Nakmai
68887: Equality of Opportunity in Education: A Case Study of Chile and Norway Downloads
Juan-Pedro Garces-Voisenat
68886: Determinantes macroeconómicos de las remesas en los países del DR-CAFTA (Macroeconomic determinants of remittances in the countries of DR- CAFTA) Downloads
Elibeth López Parra and Alexis Cruz-Rodriguez
68882: Existence of a Pareto optimal social interaction outcome with non-binary preferences Downloads
Nadeem Naqvi and Arian Berdellima
68880: Social diversification, injustices, and Pareto optimality with non-binary preferences Downloads
Nadeem Naqvi and Berdellima Arian
68879: Forecast future production of municipal waste on the basis of a panel data model in Algeria Downloads
Brahim Djemaci
68869: False Advertising Downloads
Andrew Rhodes and Chris M Wilson
68868: Fort de sa vigueur, qu’en est-il de l’inclusivité de la croissance en RDC? (Given its strength, does economic growth inclusive in DRC?) Downloads
Akhenaton Izu
68867: Testing for Noncausal Vector Autoregressive Representation Downloads
Mehdi Hamidi Sahneh
68866: Decomposing Euro Area Sovereign Debt Yields into Inflation Expectations and Expected Real Interest Rates Downloads
Rajmund Mirdala
68864: Real Exchange Rates, Current Accounts and Competitiveness Issues in the Euro Area Downloads
Rajmund Mirdala
68862: Exchange Rate Pass-Through in the Euro Area Downloads
Rajmund Mirdala
68859: On Origins and Implications of the Sovereign Debt Crisis in the Euro Area Downloads
Rajmund Mirdala and Anna Ruščáková
68853: IFRS 5 Non-current assets held for sale and Discontinued operations - a closer look Downloads
Muthupandian K S
68851: Problem ostatniej mili – wyniki badań sklepów internetowych i konsumentów (Last mile problem – results of on-line stores and customers research) Downloads
Grzegorz Chodak and Justyna Łęczek
68850: Migration as Subtle Catalyst: Institution Building in India Downloads
Vrajlal Sapovadia
68842: Bootstrap for Value at Risk Prediction Downloads
Meriem Meriem Rjiba, Michail Tsagris and Hedi Mhalla
68839: Gendering Entrepreneurship and Technology: A Mixed Methods Study of Retailers in a Developing Economy Downloads
Rebecca Mbuh DeLancey
68838: Airbnb in New York City: Law and Policy Challenges Downloads
Andrea Lazarow
68837: Sharing Economy - Downstream Extension of the Value Chain of German Automotive Manufacturers and of their Competitors Downloads
Roland Attila Csizmazia
68836: Три варианта экономической политики для России (Three Options of Economic Policy for Russia) Downloads
Sergey Blinov
68835: Human Resource Management Issues at a Rising Entrepreneurial Company in Cameroon: Employees' Perspective Downloads
Rebecca Mbuh DeLancey
68834: Trade finance and international currency: a moneatary search approach Downloads
Tao Liu
68830: Miksi eurosta kannattaa erota (Why Finland should abandon the euro) Downloads
Pii Berghäll
68828: Are Some Taxes Better for Growth in Pakistan?A Time Series Analysis Downloads
Kashif Munir and Maryam Sultan
68827: Innovation Performance of Chilean SMEs: A Bivariate Probit Analysis Downloads
Naqeeb Rehman
68826: Saurashtra: A Language, Region, Culture & Community Downloads
Vrajlal Sapovadia
68820: 云南省县域经济差异的空间分析 (A spatial analysis of the county-level differences in economic growth rates in Yunnan province) Downloads
Xiao-ting Xie and Le-huan Liao
68816: Obstacles to progress in R&D activities caused by Institutional and Regulatory Frameworks: the case of the Biotech Sector in Colombia Downloads
Fernando Estrada, Fabio F Moscoso, Natalia Diaz and Nelson Andrade
68813: Den ”almene og sammenlignende statskundskab”: Fra kerne over residual til hullet i en vaniljekrans? (The field of "general and comparative poltical science") Downloads
Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard
68812: Højre, venstre eller midte? Et empirisk perspektiv på partirummet i dansk politik (Right, left or centre? An empirical perspective on the party space of Danish politics) Downloads
Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard, Robert Klemmensen and Mogens N. Pedersen
68811: Does a mandatory reduction of standard working hours improve employees' health status? Downloads
Rafael Sanchez
68805: The Rise and Decline of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth due to Grain Trade Downloads
Krzysztof Olszewski
68804: Външнотърговски отношения между Европейския съюз и регионалните интеграционни общности в Африка – обобщение на основните изводи (International Trade Relations between the European Union and the Regional Economic Communities in Africa - Summary of Main Conclusions) Downloads
Eduard Marinov
68803: Spatial determinants of land prices: Does Auckland’s metropolitan urban limit have an effect? Downloads
Arthur Grimes and Yun Liang
68802: Factors Affecting Length of Job Search and Job Switching in Davao City, Philippines Downloads
Roperto Deluna and Kleint Berdos
68801: The Effect of Sin Tax and Anti-Smoking Campaign in Regulating Cigarette Smokers in Davao City, Philippines Downloads
Roperto Deluna and Kimbely Maneja
68800: Frederic S. Lee and His Fight for the Future of Heterodox Economics Downloads
Tae-Hee Jo
68799: Open Data: Policy and Implementation in Bulgaria Downloads
Anton Gerunov
68798: Big Data Approaches to Modeling the Labor Market Downloads
Anton Gerunov
68797: Критичен преглед на основните подходи за моделиране на икономическите очаквания (A Critical Review of Major Approaches for Modeling Economic Expectations) Downloads
Anton Gerunov
68796: Openness and Growth: An Empirical Investigation on a Panel of Countries over the Period 1999-2009 Downloads
Anton Gerunov
68795: Връзка между икономическите очаквания и стопанската динамика в ЕС-27 (Linkages Between Expectations and Economic Dynamics in EU-27) Downloads
Anton Gerunov
68793: Entrepreneurship vulnerability to business cycle. A new methodology for identification pro-cyclical and counter-cyclical patterns of entrepreneurial activity Downloads
Ewa Lechman and Piotr Dominiak
68791: Dynamics of Political Budget Cycle Downloads
Ganesh Manjhi and Meeta Mehra
68790: Advertising’s Elusive Economic Rationale: is there a case for limiting tax relief? Downloads
Ciaran Driver
68785: A critical analysis of Islamic bond: A case study on Sunway Treasury Sukuk Downloads
Md Akther Uddin, Yousuf Sultan, Mosharrof Hosen and Nazim Ullah
68784: Business Ethics & Employee Turnover: CAFE Matrix Downloads
Vrajlal Sapovadia and Sweta Patel
68783: Analyse Risk-Return Paradox: Evidence from Electricity Sector of Pakistan Downloads
Sadia Naqi Shah and Abdul Qayyum
68781: Risk Management Practices in Islamic Bank: A Case Study of Islami Bank Bangladesh Limited Downloads
Md Akther Uddin
68780: Policy Design & Delivery: Undermanaged Human Resources as Determinants of India’s High Growth & Low Productivity Downloads
Vrajlal Sapovadia, Sweta Patel and Akash Patel
68779: Oil Prices and REER with Impact of Regime Dummies Downloads
Shujaat Ahmed and Sidra Nazir
68778: Analyzing Challenges & Opportunities of Ethiopian SMEs: Micro & Macro Economic Drivers Downloads
Vrajlal Sapovadia
68777: Indian Manufacturing Sector: Competitiveness at Stake Downloads
Vrajlal Sapovadia
68776: Assessing the Impact of a GET Surcharge on Hawaii's Economy: A Response to Testimony from the Department of Budget and Finance on SB 727 Downloads
Wayne Liou and Lawrence Nitz
68774: Latest Developments In Romanian Legislation Regarding The Collective Dismissal In The Case Of An Insolvent Employer Downloads
Luiza-Corina Mihai
68773: Leading countries in tropical timber trade and consumption in EU. A quantitative analysis Downloads
Panagiotis Koulelis
68772: What Workers want: Job Satisfaction in the U.S Downloads
Stephan Humpert
68767: Assessing willingness to pay for marine and coastal ecosystems: A Case Study in Greece Downloads
George Halkos and Georgia Galani
68766: Entrepreneurship Failure: Case of Low Productivity in Nigeria Downloads
Vrajlal Sapovadia
68763: Jaiz Bank, Nigeria: A Case Study on Non-Interest Bank Downloads
Vrajlal Sapovadia
68762: Empower Workers to Innovate and Entrepreneurship: Raison d'être of Successful Workers Cooperatives Downloads
Vrajlal Sapovadia
68759: Resident Bid Preference, Affiliation, and Procurement Competition: Evidence from New Mexico Downloads
Benjamin Rosa
68752: Welfare Potential of Zakat: An Attempt to Estimate Economy wide Zakat Collection in Pakistan Downloads
Salman Ahmed Shaikh
68751: Using Waqf as Social Safety Net & Funding Public Infrastructure Downloads
Salman Ahmed Shaikh
68750: A Comparative Study of Views and Role of Labor in Marxian, Mainstream and Islamic Economics Downloads
Salman Ahmed Shaikh
68749: Panel Data Estimation of Liquidity Risk Determinants in Islamic Banks: A Case Study of Pakistan Downloads
Salman Ahmed Shaikh
68748: Towards a Sustainable Islamic Microfinance Model in Pakistan Downloads
Salman Ahmed Shaikh
68747: Islamic Approach to Environmental Sustainability: Review of Worldview, Philosophy & Teachings Downloads
Salman Ahmed Shaikh
68746: Developing an Index of Socio-Economic Development Consistent with Maqasid Al-Shari’ah Downloads
Salman Ahmed Shaikh
68745: Financial Inclusiveness in Islamic Banking: Comparison of Ideals and Practices Based on Maqasid-e-Shari’ah Downloads
Salman Ahmed Shaikh
68744: Equitable Distribution of Income with Growth in an Islamic Economy Downloads
Salman Ahmed Shaikh
68743: Analysis & Test of Market Efficiency: A Case Study of KSE Downloads
Salman Ahmed Shaikh
68736: L'industrialisation de l'Afrique: l'importance des facteurs structurels et du régime de change (The industrialization of Africa: the importance of structural factors and exchange rate regime) Downloads
Namalguebzanga Kafando
68734: The Determinants of Economic Fragility: Case of the Fragile Five Countries Downloads
Mustafa Unver and Bulent Dogru
68732: On Peer Effects: Behavioral Contagion of (Un)Ethical Behavior and the Role of Social Identity Downloads
Eugen Dimant
68731: Redistribution through Charity and Optimal Taxation when People are Concerned with Social Status Downloads
Thomas Aronsson, Olof Johansson-Stenman and Ron Wendner
68729: Anchoring and Adjustment Heuristic: A Unified Explanation for Equity Puzzles Downloads
Hammad Siddiqi
68728: The Impact of Demand Shocks on Firm-Level Offshoring Behavior: Theory and Evidence Downloads
Yong Tan and Yuchen Shao
68727: A discrete time analysis of export duration in Kenya: 1995 -2014 Downloads
Socrates Majune
68726: To Regulate or to Deregulate? The Role of Downstream Competition in Upstream Monopoly Vertically Linked Markets Downloads
Michael Polemis and Konstantinos Eleftheriou
68724: Nexus between U.S Energy Sources and Economic Activity: Time-Frequency and Bootstrap Rolling Window Causality Analysis Downloads
Muhammad Shahbaz, Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad and Rania Jammazi
68723: A case study of career related challenges of expatriate Indian professionals in the GCC countries Downloads
Pranav Naithani
68722: Influence of subject choice, work overload and work stress on expatriate higher education teachers Downloads
Pranav Naithani
68720: Demographic profile of Non Resident Indian professionals in the GCC countries: A case study Downloads
Pranav Naithani
68719: Foreign higher education institutes in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries Downloads
Pranav Naithani
68718: Overview of work-life balance discourse and its relevance in current economic scenario Downloads
Pranav Naithani
68717: Multiproduct Pricing Made Simple Downloads
Mark Armstrong and John Vickers
68716: Comercio Tradicional: Análisis, Evolución y Distribución Espacial (Retail: Analysis, Evolution & Spatial Distribution) Downloads
Rubén Lado-Sestayo, Carla Aldrey-Pereiro and Isabel Isabel Carballo-Valadares
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