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96270: Oil Prices and Stock Markets: A Review of the Theory and Empirical Evidence Downloads
Stavros Degiannakis, George Filis and Vipin Arora
96269: The Impact of the 2007 Global Financial Crisis on IPO Performance in Asian-Pacific Emerging Markets Downloads
George Giannopoulos, Stavros Degiannakis, Andrew Holt and Teerapon Pongpoonsuksri
96268: Forecasting European Economic Policy Uncertainty Downloads
Stavros Degiannakis and George Filis
96267: Forecasting Realized Volatility of Agricultural Commodities Downloads
Stavros Degiannakis, George Filis, Tony Klein and Thomas Walther
96266: Can spillover effects provide forecasting gains? The case of oil price volatility Downloads
Ioannis Chatziantoniou, Stavros Degiannakis, Panagiotis Delis and George Filis
96265: Mengukur Perkembangan Sektor Keuangan di Indonesia dan Faktor – Faktor yang Mempengaruhi (Assessing the Measurement and Determinants of Financial Sector Development in Indonesia) Downloads
Alfan Mansur and Muhammad Nizar
96264: Impact of Globalisation on Rare Earth: China's co-optive conquest of Colongese coltan Downloads
Dominique Trual Molintas
96263: A survey of the ocean’s plastic waste problem, and some policy developments of the Philippines Downloads
Luisito Abueg
96262: Impact of Globalisation on the Nomadic Goatherd Downloads
Dominique Trual Molintas
96258: Modelling Currency Crises in Nigeria: An Application of Logit Model Downloads
Babatunde Omotosho
96257: Determinants of demand for higher education in palestine, the case of gaza strip 1994-2017 Downloads
Gaber Abugamea
96254: Specific Capital, Firm Insurance, and the Dynamics of the Postgraduate Wage Premium Downloads
Ran Gu
96252: Stock-flow ratios and the paradox of debt in canonical neo-kaleckian and supermultiplier models Downloads
Lidia Brochier and Fábio Freitas
96251: The economics of eudaimonia Downloads
Maurizio Pugno
96249: Impact of Globalisation on baijiu — China’s spirits industry: A case study of the British Diego Plc takeover of Swellfun Company Ltd Downloads
Dominique Trual Molintas
96243: Sources of Economic Growth in Models with Non-Renewable Resources Downloads
Hongsilp Sriket and Richard M. H. Suen
96241: The Relationship between Organisational Culture and the Job Satisfaction levels of IT sector Employees in Contrasting Economies Downloads
Sree Lekshmi Sreekumaran Nair, John Aston and Eugene Kozlovski
96240: Dynamic Effects of Patent Policy on Innovation and Inequality in a Schumpeterian Economy Downloads
Angus Chu, Yuichi Furukawa, Sushanta Mallick, Pietro Peretto and Xilin Wang
96238: Looking ahead at the effects of automation in an economy with matching frictions Downloads
Luis Guimarães and Pedro Gil
96236: Fascistville: Mussolini's New Towns and the Persistence of Neo-Fascism Downloads
Mario Carillo
96233: Parliamentary sovereignty and democratic accountability: matters of prerogative powers and legal reasoning Downloads
Marianne O D Delaney
96225: How Auctioneers Set Ex-Ante and Ex-Post Reserve Prices in English Auctions Downloads
Jason Shachat and Lijia Tan
96224: Arbitrage bots in experimental asset markets Downloads
Martin Angerer, Tibor Neugebauer and Jason Shachat
96223: Optimal paid job-protected leave policy Downloads
Koichi Miyazaki
96212: Homo Oeconomicus im Treibhaus Erde: Umweltpolitische Herausforderungen aus polit-ökonomischer Perspektive (Homo Oeconomicus im Treibhaus Erde: Umweltpolitische Herausforderungen aus polit-ökonomischer Perspektive) Downloads
Karsten Mause
96211: (التسويق الشبكي عند فتوى دار الإفتاء المصرية و فتوى مجلس العلماء الإندونيسي (دراسة مقارنة (fatwa of the Indonesian Ulema Council and Dar Ifta Egypt concerning Multy level Marketing (Comparative Study)) Downloads
Moh Abduttawwab Lahny
96207: Geographical Distributions and Equilibrium in Social Norm-Related Behavior in the United States Downloads
Stephen Coleman
96205: Commuting between rural and urban areas: evidence from India Downloads
Ajay Sharma
96197: Основные положения статистического моделирования технологических процессов (The fundament of statistical modelling of technological processes) Downloads
Олег Пигнастый
96193: Fostering innovation in South Asia: Evidence from FMOLS and Causality analysis Downloads
Muhammad ibrahim Shah
96192: The Impact of Unemployment on Economic Growth in China Downloads
Ellen Karikari-Apau and Wilson Abeti
96189: Misleading Advertising in Mixed Markets: Consumer-orientation and welfare outcomes Downloads
Ajay Sharma
96188: Контрсанкции и российская экономика: эффекты для экономического роста, импорта и продовольственных рынков (Counter-sanctions and the Russian economy: effects for economic growth, imports and food markets) Downloads
Skrypnik Dmitriy, Alexander Zaytsev and Ryazanov Kirill
96181: The Single Resolution Fund and the Credit Default Swap: What is the Coasian fair price of their insurance services? Downloads
Anna Naszodi
96180: Aspects that affect students' satisfaction with higher education quality management in Pakistan Downloads
Majid Ali
96178: An Analysis of Search Results from Institutional Repository: Econpapers Downloads
Sidharta Chatterjee, Sujoy Dey and Mousumi Samanta
96176: Nappe flow regime energy loss in stepped chutes equipped with reverse inclined steps: experimental development Downloads
Amirmasoud Hamedi, Milad Ketabdar, Mohammad Fesharaki and Abbas Mansoori
96171: Modelling interest rates pass-through in Nigeria: An error correction approach with asymmetric adjustments and structural breaks Downloads
Charles N. O. Mordi, Adebayo Adebiyi and Babatunde Omotosho
96167: An Empirical Investigation on associated linkage between Human Development and ICT: A South Asian Perspective Downloads
Sunita Gupta, Megha Jain and Aishwarya Nagpal
96165: How psychological factors related to consumer preferences on plug-in electric passenger vehicles in Chinese cities?A comparison of cities with and without restrictions Downloads
Jue Yang and Fei Chen
96159: Carbon emissions, and economic growth in Africa Downloads
Olusanya Olubusoye and Dasauki Musa
96152: Charity as Income Redistribution: A Model with Optimal Taxation, Status, and Social Stigma Downloads
Thomas Aronsson, Olof Johansson-Stenman and Ron Wendner
96151: Financial Crisis Management in Emerging Countries: Optimal Level of International Reserves and Ex Ante Conditions for an International Lender of Last Resort Intervention Downloads
Hela Ben Hassine Khalladi
96150: The Role of Universities in the Knowledge Triangle Model on the Example of EIT Activities Downloads
Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska
96148: User-Specified General-to-Specific and Indicator Saturation Methods Downloads
Genaro Sucarrat
96144: Stochastic Structural Change Downloads
Loris Rubini and Alessio Moro
96142: Non-linear effects of investment in road infrastructure on the structural competitiveness of the economy: the case of Burkina Faso Downloads
Moussa Sigue and Gnanderman Sirpe
96140: Social Investment, Employment Outcomes and Policy and Institutional Complementarities: A Comparative Analysis across 26 OECD countries Downloads
Vincent Bakker and Olaf Vliet
96139: Impact of Road Infrastructure Investments on the Structural Competitiveness of the Burkina Faso Economy Downloads
Moussa Sigue and Gnanderman Sirpe
96136: Foreign Aid and Economic Development A study of Foreign Aid and Its Effects and Relationship with Per Capita Income of Afghanistan Downloads
Rahmatullah Arsalan
96132: On the transitional dynamics and policy analysis of the Romer (1990) model Downloads
Rongsheng Tang, Gaowang Wang and Jin Wang
96128: A stochastic frontier analysis approach for estimating market power in the major U.S. meat export markets Downloads
Dimitrios Panagiotou and Athanassios Stavrakoudis
96125: Understanding the dynamics of inflation volatility in Nigeria: A GARCH perspective Downloads
Babatunde Omotosho and Sani I. Doguwa
96124: Arbitrage Trading Strategy in Gold Futures Downloads
Peter Bell
96121: Продовольственное обеспечение столичного мегаполиса Республики Казахстан: институты инфраструктуры, потенциал местного производства, обеспечение питанием социально незащищенных слоев населения (Food supply of the capital megalopolis of the Republic of Kazakhstan: infrastructure institutions, local production potential, provision of food for socially vulnerable groups of the population) Downloads
Victor Stukach and Evgeniyf Zadvorneva
96119: The Effect of Border Barriers to Services Trade on Goods Trade Downloads
Nergiz Dincer and Ayça Tekin-Koru
96110: Computerization and Development: Formalizing Property Rights and its Impact on Land and Labor Allocation Downloads
Sabrin Beg
96108: Savage's theorem with atoms Downloads
Thai Ha-Huy
96101: Assessing 50 innovative mobility offers in low-density areas: A French application using a two-step decision-aid method Downloads
Rémy Le Boennec, Isabelle Nicolaï and Pascal Da Costa
96100: The Impact of Unemployment on Economic Growth in China Downloads
Ellen Karikari-Apau and Wilson Abeti
96096: An interactive fuzzy judgment aggregation model for consensus with partially undecided judges Downloads
Ismat Beg and Ayesha Syed
96093: El Efecto de la Mediterraneidad sobre el Flujo Comercial Internacional: Evidencia Empírica Internacional y para América del Sur (1990-2016) (The Effect of Landlocked Country Status on International Trade Flow: International and South America Empirical Evidence (1990-2016)) Downloads
Carlos Bruno Delgadillo Chavarria
96081: Greenhouse Gases: A Review of Losses and Benefits Downloads
Amjad Ali and Marc Audi
96080: Privatization and growth: natural experiment of European economies in transition Downloads
Chander Kant
96079: High-dimensional macroeconomic forecasting using message passing algorithms Downloads
Dimitris Korobilis
96078: Stabilitatea financiară a României. Determinanți și proiecții pentru următoarele două decenii (Financial stability in Romania. Determinants and projections for the two next decades) Downloads
Gheorghe Zaman and George Georgescu
96076: The Demand for Status and Optimal Capital Taxation Downloads
Fanghui Li and Gaowang Wang
96073: Innovation and Inequality from Stagnation to Growth Downloads
Angus Chu and Pietro Peretto
96072: The effect of aid on growth in the presence of economic regime change Downloads
Solomon Samanhyia and Danny Cassimon
96071: Moving Forward vs. Inflicting Costs in a Random-Walk Model of War Downloads
Keisuke Nakao
96067: Nonlinear Impact of Public Debt on Economic Growth: Evidence from Sub-Saharan African Countries Downloads
Siméon Koffi
96064: Presidential party affiliation and electoral cycles in the U.S.economy: evidence from party changes in adjacent terms Downloads
Joe A. Stone and David Jacobs
96063: За някои особености на контрола при възстановяване на разходи за трансгранично здравно обслужване (For some peculiarities of the control in case of reimbursement for expenses for cross-border healthcare) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva and Galina Yolova
96062: Tausch (Exchange) Downloads
Lars Clausen
96055: Justifying the Impact of Economic Deprivation, Maternal Status and Health infrastructure on Under-Five Child Mortality in Pakistan: An Empirical Analysis Downloads
Amjad Ali and İsmail Şentürk
96054: Dynamic Trade, Education and Intergenerational Inequality Downloads
Han Yang
96047: Intergenerational transmission of homeownership decisions in Spain Downloads
Marina Morales
96043: Corporate Governance and Disclosure Practices in India: MNC Subsidiaries versus Domestic Cross-Listed Firms Downloads
Vrajlal Sapovadia and Pankaj Madhani
96038: Сертификацията – инструмент за „зелени“ комуникации в глобалната търговия (Certification - a tool for “green” communications in global trade) Downloads
Daniela Ivanova
96036: The impact of large lending on bank efficiency in U.S.A Downloads
Konstantinos Andriakopoulos and Kostantinos Kounetas
96034: A Study of Big Data for Business Growth in SMEs: Opportunities & Challenges Downloads
Muhammad Iqbal, Syed Hasnain Alam Kazmi, Dr. Amir Manzoor, Dr. Abdul Rehman Soomrani, Shujaat Hussain Butt and Khurram Adeel Shaikh
96033: Rise of Digital Media to Triumph Brand Loyalty Downloads
Syed Hasnain Alam Kazmi, Syed Imran Zaman, Abdul Wahab and Kou Yan
96029: Независима информация за потребителите чрез сравнителни изпитвания (Independent consumer information through comparative testing) Downloads
Elka Vasileva, Bogomil Nikolov and Daniela Ivanova
96023: Public Debt and Economic Growth nexus: A Dynamic Panel ARDL approach Downloads
Juergen Attard
96022: Multi-criteria of Bike Purchasing Using Fuzzy Choquet Integral Downloads
Ismat Beg and Tabasam Rashid
96021: Digitisation in forest industry in Bulgaria - state and perspectives Downloads
Daniela Georgieva and Radostina Popova
96019: Ghana’s economic growth and welfare issues Downloads
Paul Adjei Kwakwa
96014: An academic perspective on the entrepreneurship policy agenda: themes, geographies and evolution Downloads
Alberto Arenal, Claudio Feijoo, Ana Moreno, Cristina Armuña and Sergio Ramos
96013: Economic growth and well-being beyond the Easterlin paradox Downloads
Francesco Sarracino and Kelsey O'Connor
96010: A folk theorem in infinitely repeated prisoner's dilemma with small observation cost Downloads
Yoshifumi Hino
96007: Nowcasting GDP Growth Using a Coincident Economic Indicator for India Downloads
Soumya Bhadury, Saurabh Ghosh and Pankaj Kumar
96005: Multiple equilibria in Lucas (1990)'s optimal capital taxation model with endogenous learning Downloads
Fanghui Li and Gaowang Wang
96001: Commitment and matching in the marriage market Downloads
Marcus Berliant and Sounak Thakur
95999: Clique games: a family of games with coincidence between the nucleolus and the Shapley value Downloads
Christian Trudeau and Juan Vidal-Puga
95994: Effect of Information Communication and Technology (ICT) on the Performance of Financial Institutions (A Case Study of Barclays Bank, Sunyani Branch) Downloads
Kwadwo Kyeremeh, Kwadwo Prempeh and Matilda Afful Forson
95992: The importance of being informed: forecasting market risk measures for the Russian RTS index future using online data and implied volatility over two decades Downloads
Dean Fantazzini and Tamara Shangina
95988: A multivariate approach for the simultaneous modelling of market risk and credit risk for cryptocurrencies Downloads
Dean Fantazzini and Stephan Zimin
95987: Can auctions select people by their level-k types? Downloads
Lawrence Choo, Todd Kaplan and Xiaoyu Zhou
95986: Wage determination and fixed capital investment in an imperfect financial market: the case of China Downloads
Tao Gu
95982: The Relevance of Crude Oil Prices on Natural Gas Pricing Expectations: A Dynamic Model Based Empirical Study Downloads
Andre Assis de Salles and Ana Beatriz Mendes Campanati
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