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Muhammad Nizar and Heru Wibowo
66322: The source of real and nominal exchange rate fluctuations in Thailand: Real shock or nominal shock Downloads
Binh Le Thanh
66321: Do Environmental Regulations Increase Bilateral Trade Flows? Downloads
Tetsuya Tsurumi, Shunsuke Managi and Akira Hibiki
66319: The multivariate Beveridge--Nelson decomposition with I(1) and I(2) series Downloads
Yasutomo Murasawa
66318: Fecundidad, determinantes socioeconómicos e interacciones sociales.Un análisis de heterogeneidad espacial para la Argentina (Fertility, socioeconomic determinants and social interactions. Spatial heterogeneity analysis to Argentina) Downloads
Marcos Herrera Gómez and Juan Carlos Cid
66310: La stima e l’interpretazione dei divari regionali nel lungo periodo: i risultati principali e alcune tracce di ricerca (On the reconstruction and interpretation of regional inequality in Italy in the long-run: main results and future lines of research) Downloads
Emanuele Felice
66309: How much do the common goods of rural and semi-natural landscape cost? A case study Downloads
Daniel Dranco and Luca Luiselli
66304: Das Wechselfieber der Volkswirtschaften – Anamnese, Diagnose, Therapie (The remittant fever of economies - anamnesis, diagnosis, therapy) Downloads
Erhard Glötzl
66302: Identifying Dependence Structure among Equities in Indian Markets using Copulas Downloads
Vaibhav Grover
66300: Development of Web-Based CGE Model for Tax Policy Analysis Downloads
Hidayat Amir and Anda Nugroho
66299: The ins and outs of Greek unemployment in the Great Depression Downloads
Joan Daouli, Michael Demoussis, Nicholas Giannakopoulos and Nikolitsa Lambropoulou
66298: The added worker effect of married women in Greece during the Great Depression Downloads
Nicholas Giannakopoulos
66297: Is Bible and Quran the true word of God, "The Economist case against addictive substance" Downloads
Hayat Azmat and Akhtar Saeed
66296: Que Nous Révèlent les Fonctions de Réaction à Propos des Préférences des Banques Centrales? (What Do Reaction Functions Tell Us About Central Bank’s Preferences?) Downloads
Komlan Fiodendji
66295: Intelligence and gender (in)equality: empirical evidence from developing countries Downloads
Raufhon Salahodjaev and Sardor Azam
66293: Productivity and technical change according to Salter – A note Downloads
Voxi Heinrich Amavilah
66292: Mechanisms for Combinatorial Auctions with Budget Constraints Downloads
Phuong Le
66290: Competitive Equilibrium in the Random Assignment Problem Downloads
Phuong Le
66288: Mind the Gap: Computing Finance-Neutral Output Gaps in Latin-American Economies Downloads
Juan Amador-Torres, Jose Gómez González, Jair Ojeda-Joya, Oscar Jaulin-Mendez and Fernando Tenjo-Galarza
66287: The Role of Seaports for Portuguese Economic Recovery: The Port of Sines Downloads
Paulo Moreira
66284: High dimensional Global Minimum Variance Portfolio Downloads
Hua Li, Zhi Dong Bai and Wing-Keung Wong
66283: Estimation of International Financial Integration: Evidence from European Countries Downloads
Nafis Sadat
66281: Tailoring Negligence Standards to Accident Records Downloads
Alice Guerra and Tobias M. Hlobil
66280: Effects of the 2001 Extension of Paid Parental Leave Provisions on Birth Seasonality in Canada Downloads
Janice Compton and Lindsay Tedds
66277: Combining the capability approach and Max-Neef’s needs approach for a better assessment of multidimensional well-being and inequalities: a case study perspective with vulnerable teenagers of the region of Paris (France) Downloads
Jérôme Pelenc
66275: Should stay the Mali in Zone franc area ? (Should stay the Mali in Zone franc area ?) Downloads
Tidiani Sidibe
66274: Breaking Bad: Are Meth Labs Justified in Dry Counties? Downloads
Jose Fernandez, Stephan Gohmann and Joshua Pinkston
66273: The trade credit channel and monetary policy transmission: empirical evidence from U.S. panel data Downloads
Fatih Altunok, Karlyn Mitchell and Douglas Pearce
66265: Why and How to overcome General Equilibrium Theory Downloads
Erhard Glötzl
66264: Corporate environmental management and GHG emissions changes: Empirical study of multinational automobile companies Downloads
Arvid Rensfeldt, Vorapat Pariyawong and Hidemichi Fujii
66263: Government Spending Shocks and Private Activity: The Role of Sentiments Downloads
Bijie Jia and Hyeongwoo Kim
66262: Uncovering equity market contagion among BRICS countries: an application of the multivariate GARCH model Downloads
Lumengo Bonga-Bonga
66261: Social Capital Formation Ensuring Inclusive Growth: A Development Mechanics for Backward Region Downloads
Soumyananda Dinda
66259: A Survey on Adaptation to Climate Change Downloads
Soumyananda Dinda
66257: The Factors Affecting the Household Energy Consumption, Energy Elasticity,and Energy Intensity in Indonesia Downloads
Tongam Sihol Nababan
66256: Using critical source areas for targeting cost-effective best management practices to mitigate phosphorus and sediment transfer at the watershed scale Downloads
Peter Strauss, Antonio Leone, Maria Ripa, Nadine Turpin, Jean-Marie Lescot and Ramon Laplana
66255: Domestic demand for tourism in rural areas: Insights from summer stays in three French regions Downloads
François Bel, Anne Lacroix, Sandrine Lyser, Tina Rambonilaza and Nadine Turpin
66250: Trade Finance: A Catalyst for Asian Growth Downloads
Claude Lopez
66244: Türk telekomünikasyon sektöründe reform: Özelleştirme, düzenleme ve serbestleşme (Reform in the Turkish telecommunications sector: Privatisation, regulation, and liberalisation) Downloads
Kamil Yilmaz
66243: Foreign Direct Investment and Productivity Spillovers: Identifying Linkages through Product-based Measures Downloads
Erol Taymaz and Kamil Yilmaz
66241: Absolute purchasing power parity in industrial countries Downloads
Zhibai Zhang and Zhicun Bian
66239: Regional disparities in health outcome indicators: A study across Indian states Downloads
Debabrata Mukhopadhyay
66237: Impact of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Program on Rural Poor - A Simple Theoretical Discourse Downloads
Amit Kundu and Sanjib Talukdar
66236: Are Deep Parameters Policy-Invariant? Downloads
Yuta Saito
66235: Business strategy reimagined: a paradigm shift based on “Creating Shared Value" Downloads
Ingo Böbel
66232: The Economic Partnership Agreement Between Ghana and the European Union: A Developmental Game Changer? Downloads
Theophilus Acheampong, Michael Omane-Achamfuor and Nii Anang Tawiah
66225: The Dissemination of Management Innovations through Consultancy in the Postwar Period Downloads
Marek Ćwiklicki and Alain Alcouffe
66221: Sea Change: The Competing Long-Run Impacts of the Transatlantic Slave Trade and Missionary Activity in Africa Downloads
Dozie Okoye and Roland Pongou
66218: Greening Economy, Graying Society Downloads
Lucas Bretschger
66216: Beautiful Minds: The Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics Downloads
Saibal Ghosh
66215: Do foreign visitors reward post-communist countries? A panel evidence for tourism-growth nexus Downloads
Raufhon Salahodjaev and Nilufar Safarova
66214: Is the Internet Search Driving Oil Market? A Revisit through Time-Frequency approaches Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
66208: A New Interpretation of the Mechanism for the Determination of Interest Rate and Its Policy Implications Downloads
Wenge Huang and Jinsong Zhang
66204: Effectiveness of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Programme (MGNREGP) to Check Migration among the Rural Households Downloads
Amit Kundu
66203: Exchange Rate Regimes and Persistence of Inflation in Thailand Downloads
Komain Jiranyakul
66202: Non-Linearities in the relation between oil price, gold price and stock market returns in Iran: a multivariate regime-switching approach Downloads
Siab Mamipour and Fereshteh Vaezi Jezeie
66201: External Balances, Trade and Financial Conditions Downloads
Martin Evans
66197: Code for a Sustainable Built Environment in Nigeria: A Proposed High-Level Vision of a Policy Framework Downloads
Damilola Oribuyaku
66196: Partnering and the Viability of Affordable Housing Projects in London: Determining a causation Downloads
Damilola Oribuyaku
66195: Quality Uncertainty and the Market for Renewable Energy: Evidence from German Consumers Downloads
Jens Rommel, Julian Sagebiel and Jakob Müller
66194: Beauty as a factor of economic and social development Downloads
Rodolfo Baggio and Vincenzo Moretti
66193: Résolution du problème multi-objectif de tournées de distribution par l’algorithme de toile d’araignées (Cobweb heuristic for Solving Multiobjective Vehicle Routing Problem) Downloads
Joseph Okitonyumbe Y.F. and Berthold E.-L. Ulungu
66192: Résolution du problème multi-objectif de tournées de distribution par l’algorithme de toile d’araignées (Cobweb heuristic for Solving Multiobjective Vehicle Routing Problem) Downloads
Joseph Okitonyumbe Y.F. and Berthold E.-L. Ulungu
66187: Together at Last: The Endogenous Formation of Free Trade Agreements and International R&D Networks Downloads
Tat Thanh Tran and Vasileios Zikos
66186: Формирование системы социальной защиты населения омской области: развитие социального обслуживания в 1992-2003 гг (The formation of the social protection system in Omsk region: the development of social service between 1992 to 2003) Downloads
Elena Kuznetsova and Tatiana Shchitova
66185: Telecommunications reform in Fiji, Samoa and Vanuatu and the credibility problem: the impact of independent regulators Downloads
Siope Vakataki 'Ofa
66184: The WTO's telecommunications commitments and the credibility of telecommunications regulatory reforms in small island developing states Downloads
Siope Vakataki 'Ofa
66183: The telecommunications sector in the Pacific: a regulatory policy survey Downloads
Siope Vakataki 'Ofa
66182: An effective framework for trade policy in Tonga Downloads
Siope Ofa
66179: Unique Stationary Behavior Downloads
Yuval Heller and Erik Mohlin
66178: An econometric analysis of electricity demand response to price changes at the intra-day horizon: The case of manufacturing industry in West Denmark Downloads
Niels Møller and Frits Møller Andersen
66175: Forecasting stock market returns over multiple time horizons Downloads
Dimitri Kroujiline, Maxim Gusev, Dmitry Ushanov, Sergey V. Sharov and Boris Govorkov
66173: Adaptation de l’heuristique de Clarke & Wright au contexte multi-objectif grâce a la méthode du repère préférentiel de dominance (Adaptation of Clarke & Wright heuristic in multi-objective context thanks to dominance preferential mark method) Downloads
Joseph Okitonyumbe Y.F., Berthold E.-L. Ulungu and Joel Kapiamba Nt.
66172: Direct Evidence on Sticky Information from the Revision Behavior of Professional Forecasters Downloads
Karlyn Mitchell and Douglas Pearce
66168: Conceptual Challenges of Observability for Transaction Sector in Economy Downloads
Evgeny Kuzmin, Oksana N. Berdyugina and Dmitri A. Karkh
66167: Getting to the Roots of Long-Term Care Needs: A Regression Tree Analysis Downloads
Thomas Bassetti and Vincenzo Rebba
66165: Intangible investment and technical efficiency: The case of software-intensive manufacturing firms in Turkey Downloads
Derya Fındık and Aysıt Tansel
66158: Информационное обеспечение системы социальной защиты (Information support of social protection system) Downloads
Elena Kuznetsova
66157: Динамика региональной системы социальной защиты населения (Dynamics the regional system of social protection) Downloads
Elena Kuznetsova
66155: Decomposing income polarization and tax-benefit changes across 31 European countries and Europe wide, 2004-2012 Downloads
Jinxian Wang, Koen Caminada, Kees Goudswaard and Chen Wang
66154: Conflicted Emotions Following Trust-based Interaction Downloads
Eric Schniter, Roman Sheremeta and Timothy Shields
66153: Consumer responses to food products produced near the Fukushima nuclear plant Downloads
Kentaka Aruga
66151: Формы и развитие социального контроля (Forms and development of social control) Downloads
Elena Kuznetsova
66150: What happened to profitability? Shocks, challenges and perspectives for euro area banks Downloads
Gong Cheng and Dirk Mevis
66149: Defining Country Size: A Descriptive Analysis of Small and Large States Downloads
João Brito
66148: Социализация как средство достижения социальной стабильности (Socialization as a means of achieving social stability) Downloads
Elena Kuznetsova
66147: Social assistance benefits and European coordination Downloads
Jinxian Wang, Olaf Vliet and Kees Goudswaard
66146: Aging in the Social Space Downloads
Andrzej Klimczuk and Łukasz Tomczyk
66144: IQ and the Weight of Nations Downloads
Raufhon Salahodjaev and Sardor Azam
66143: On the Relationship between Financial Integration, Financial Liberalization and Macroeconomic Volatility Downloads
Rajmund Mirdala, Aneta Svrčeková and Jozefína Semančíková
66142: Recent trends in co-authorship in economics: evidence from RePEc Downloads
Katharina Rath and Klaus Wohlrabe
66141: The interaction of grassroots communities and local authorities in Russia Downloads
Igor Shagalov
66136: Власть как субъект социализации (Power as subject of socialization) Downloads
Elena Kuznetsova
66134: The Static and Dynamic Effects of Mergers and Acquisitions on Productivity in The period Post-Subprime Crise: An Empirical Application to the Banking Sector in the European Union Downloads
Toumi Hassen, Issaoui Fakhri, Bilel Ammouri and Touili Wassim
66133: Transfer pricing manipulation, tax penalty cost and the impact of foreign profit taxation Downloads
Alex Rathke
66128: The Deleveraging of U.S. Firms and Institutional Investors’ Role Downloads
Roni Michaely, Jillian Popadak and Christopher Vincent
66127: Profiling, screening and criminal recruitment Downloads
Christopher Cotton and Cheng Li
66125: Résolution des problèmes multi-objectif d’affectation et de sac-a-dos par la méthode du repère préférentiel de dominance (Solving multiobjectif assignment problem and multiobjectif knapsack problem by dominance preferential mark method) Downloads
Joseph Okitonyumbe Y.F. and Berthold E.-L. Ulungu
66123: Nouvelle caractérisation des solutions efficaces des problèmes d’optimisation combinatoire multi-objectif (New characterization of efficient solution in multi-objective combinatorial optimization) Downloads
Joseph Okitonyumbe Y.F. and Berthold E.-L. Ulungu
66122: Sur le théorème de contacte de Collette & Siarry (about the contact theorem Collette & Siarry) Downloads
Joseph Okitonyumbe Y.F. and Berthold E.-L. Ulungu
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