MPRA Paper
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- 43557: Enforcement actions and bank behavior

- Manthos Delis, Panagiotis Staikouras and Chris Tsoumas
- 43555: Interaction between monetary policy and income inequality in a deposits market

- Aleksandr Grigoryan
- 43550: Economics Research Ranking Place of Turkey in Europe

- Ferda Halicioglu
- 43548: A New Keynesian Triangle Phillips Curve

- Christopher Malikane
- 43544: Removing bank subsidies leads inexorably to full reserve banking

- Ralph Musgrave
- 43543: Gender Discrimination in Hiring: Evidence from 19,130 Resumes in China

- Xiangyi Zhou, Jie Zhang and Xuetao Song
- 43542: Frihed mellem fornuft og skepsis (Liberty - between reason and skepticism)

- Peter Kurrild-Klitgaard
- 43541: The ‘Knowledge Economy’-finance nexus: how do IPRs matter in SSA and MENA countries?

- Simplice Asongu
- 43540: Repudiation: The Crisis of United States Civil War Debt, 1865-1870

- Franklin Noll
- 43534: Estimating Intertemporal and Intratemporal Substitutions When Both Income and Substitution Effects are Present: The Role of Durable Goods

- Michal Pakos
- 43533: Three-Player Trust Game with Insider Communication

- Roman Sheremeta and Jingjing Zhang
- 43532: You Can’t Put Old Wine in New Bottles: The Effect of Newcomers on Coordination in Groups

- Matthew McCarter and Roman Sheremeta
- 43531: The Equation of Exchange: A Derivation

- C.k Hunte
- 43529: The causal effect of restrictive bank lending on employment growth: A matching approach

- Michael Kleemann and Manuel Wiegand
- 43528: Análisis del sistema previsional argentino: cobertura, distribución y tasa de sustitución (Analysis of the argentine pension system: coverage, distribution and replacement rate)

- Alejandro Calabria and Julio Gaiada
- 43525: Human capital in Qing China: economic determinism or a history of failed opportunities?

- Yi Xu, Péter Földvári and Bas van Leeuwen
- 43522: Emerging Structure of Rajasthan Economy in India

- Inderjeet Singh and Anshu Lila
- 43519: Economic ideas of a nineteenth century Tunisian statesman: Khayr al-Din al-Tunisi

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 43518: The Role of Social Factors in Explaining Crime

- Siti Nur Zahara Hamzah and Evan Lau
- 43515: How the JPML Can Benefit from the Federal Circuit and Vice-Versa

- Christopher Nofal
- 43514: On the estimation of marginal cost

- Manthos Delis, Maria Iosifidi and Mike Tsionas
- 43509: Diffusion and Spatial Equilibrium of a Social Norm: Voting Participation in the United States, 1920-2008

- Stephen Coleman
- 43507: Burnout among para-teachers in India

- Mary Toppo and Ganesh Manjhi
- 43505: Implications of Excess Liquidity in Fiji’s Banking System: An Empirical Study

- Tiru Jayaraman and Chee-Keong Choong
- 43504: From Riches to Rags or What Went Wrong in Greece

- George Bitros
- 43503: Uncertainty and Heterogeneity in Returns to Education: Evidence from Finland

- Otto Kässi
- 43501: Estimating Urban Agglomeration Economies for India: A New Economic Geography Perspective

- Sabyasachi Tripathi
- 43498: Social Contract, public choice and fiscal repercussions in Athenian Democracy (Social Contract, public choice and fiscal repercussions in Athenian Democracy)

- Nicholas Kyriazis, Emmanouil-Marios-Lazaros Economou and Loukas Zachilas
- 43496: A Happiness Test of Human Capital Theory

- Alan Piper
- 43495: Taxing CO2 and subsidising biomass. Analysed in a macroeconomic and sectoral model

- Henrik Klinge Jacobsen
- 43494: Суб-интервальный анализ и возможности его применения (Sub-interval analysis and possibilities of its applications)

- Alexander Harin
- 43493: İktisat doga bilimlerinin Mekke’si mi oluyor?: Toplumsal ve doga bilimleri iliskisi uzerine bir atıf analizi (Is economics becoming the Mecca of Biology?: A citation analysis of the relationship between natural and social sciences)

- Altuğ Yalçıntaş
- 43490: Rational Speculators, Contrarians and Excess Volatility

- Matthijs Lof
- 43484: Predicting crises: Five essays on the mathematic prediction of economic and social crises

- Scott Albers
- 43481: Country effects in CEE3 stock market networks: a preliminary study

- Tomáš Výrost
- 43467: Programming identification criteria in simultaneous equation models

- George Halkos and Kyriaki Tsilika
- 43465: Smoking habit changes and body weight: causal estimates from the British Household Panel Survey

- Luca Pieroni and Luca Salmasi
- 43464: Entrepreneurship and property right: de Soto'r right (Entrepreneuriat et droit de propriété: de Soto a raison)

- Oasis Kodila-Tedika
- 43463: Anatomy of corruption Democratic Republic of Congo (Anatomie de la Corruption en République Démocratique du Congo)

- Oasis Kodila Tedika
- 43460: Electricity Consumption and Economic Growth in Kazakhstan: Fresh Evidence from a Multivariate Framework Analysis

- Khan Saleheen, Jam Farooq Ahmed and Muhammad Shahbaz
- 43459: К вопросу о классификации российских журналов по экономике и смежным дисциплинам (On classification of Russian journals in Economics and related fields)

- Alexander Muravyev
- 43457: Energy Intensity and Firm Performance: Do Energy Clusters Matter?

- Sahu Santosh Kumar and Krishnan Narayanan
- 43452: The effects of relative performance objectives on financial markets

- Deniz Igan and Marcelo Pinheiro
- 43451: Exchange rate modelling for Lithuania and Switzerland

- Ramune Rimgailaite
- 43449: Доля государственного участия в банковской системе России (Market share of state-controlled banks in Russia)

- Andrei Vernikov
- 43445: تقدير عرض العمالة فى القطاع الزراعى المصرى (Estimating Labor Supply in the Egyptian Agricultural Sector)

- Emad Abd Elmessih Shehata
- 43443: القدرة التنافسية لصادرات البطاطس المصرية فى الأسواق الخارجية (The Competitive Ability of the Egyptian Potatoes Exports in the Foreign Markets)

- Sohier Mohamed Elkady and Emad Abd Elmessih Shehata
- 43442: دراسة قياسية للنماذج الديناميكية مع تطبيقها على التنبؤ بالعمالة فى مصر (An Econometric Study of Dynamic Models with Application on Forecasting Labor in Egypt)

- Tarek Mohamed Khaleel and Emad Abd Elmessih Shehata
- 43441: Theory and methods of panel data models with interactive effects

- Jushan Bai and Kunpeng Li
- 43433: Equilibrio regional y patrones de migración para el continente americano 1960 - 2005: Análisis espacial por panel de datos (Regional equilibrium and migration patterns in the Americas 1960 - 2005: Spatial data panel analysis)

- Hernan Enriquez and Jacobo Campo Robledo
- 43432: Testing the covariance stationarity of CEE stocks

- Štefan Lyócsa and Eduard Baumohl
- 43431: Constructing weekly returns based on daily stock market data: A puzzle for empirical research?

- Eduard Baumohl and Štefan Lyócsa
- 43430: Estimating dynamic causal effects with unobserved confounders: a latent class version of the inverse probability weighted estimator

- Francesco Bartolucci, Leonardo Grilli and Luca Pieroni
- 43429: Study on Economic Carrying Capacity of Industries Transfer from the Coastal areas to the Central region in China based on Employment Change Forecast

- Yan Xiao, Jia-Hua Zhao and Shuang-Hong Liao
- 43427: The Determinants of Indebtedness in Unlisted Manufacturing Firms in India: A Panel Data Analysis

- Raju Majumdar
- 43422: On the (IR) Relevance of Monetary Aggregate Targeting in Pakistan: An Eclectic View

- Adnan Haider, Asad Jan and Kalim Hyder
- 43421: الإستخدام الإقتصادى الأمثل للموارد المائية فى التركيب المحصولى المصرى (The Optimum Economic Exploitation of Water Resources in the Egyptian Cropped Pattern)

- Emad Abd Elmessih Shehata and Hoda Mohammed Ragab
- 43420: تقدير كفاءة أداء العمل البشرى فى بعض أنشطة الإنتاج الحيوانى (Performance Efficiency Estimation of Human Labor in Some Animal Production Activities)

- Emad Abd Elmessih Shehata
- 43419: الآثار الإقتصادیة لهجرة العمالة المصریة إلى الخارج (The Economic Impacts for the Egyptian Labor Emigration)

- Emad Abd Elmessih Shehata
- 43418: الآثار الإقتصادية للهجرة الخارجية للعمالة فى مصر (The Economic Impacts for the Labor Emigration in Egypt)

- Soad Sayed Mahmoud and Emad Abd Elmessih Shehata
- 43417: كفاءة آداء عنصر العمل البشرى فى قطاع الإنتاج الحيوانى: دراسة حالة (Performance Efficiency of the Human Labor Input in the Animal Production Sector: A Case Study)

- Emad Abd Elmessih Shehata and Soad Sayed Mahmoud
- 43416: أثر الإستثمارات فى الطلب على عنصر العمل البشرى فى القطاع الزراعى المصرى (Effect of Investment on the Demand of Human Labor Input in the Egyptian Agricultural Sector)

- Fawzy A. El-Shazly, Soad Sayed Mahmoud, Yehia Mohamed Ahmed and Emad Abd Elmessih Shehata
- 43414: Sub-interval analysis and possibilities of its use

- Alexander Harin
- 43413: Stratégies marketing pour PME sous-traitantes dans l’horlogerie (Marketing strategies for subcontractant SME in the watchmaking industry)

- Francois Courvoisier and Laurence Calmelet
- 43412: Modelli a Equazioni Strutturali per la Valutazione dell'Esperienza Universitaria nell'Ateneo Fiorentino (Structural Equation Models for the assessment of the University experience at the University of Florence)

- Alessandro Parrini, Marco Doretti and Gabriele Lapini
- 43411: Hypercongestion in downtown metropolis

- Mogens Fosgerau and Kenneth E. Small
- 43410: Mixed Equilibrium: When Burning Money is Rational

- Filipe Souza and Leandro Rêgo
- 43408: Collaborative Dominance: When Doing Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You Is Reasonable

- Filipe Souza and Leandro Rêgo
- 43407: The hold-up problem, innovations, and limited liability

- Patrick W. Schmitz
- 43406: Mainstreaming Innovation in Europe. Findings on Employee Innovation and Workplace Learning from Belgium

- Stan De Spiegelaere, Guy Van Gyes and Geert Van Hootegem
- 43401: Human Capitalization and Labor Market Absorption Capacity

- Farooq Rasheed, Aliya H. Khan and M. Wali Khan
- 43400: Happiness in Solow Growth Model

- Farooq Rasheed, Shahnaz A Rauf and Eatzaz Ahmad
- 43399: Risk sensitivity indicator as correction factor for cost of capital rate

- Grzegorz Michalski
- 43398: تقدير الطلب على عنصر العمل البشرى فى الزراعة المصرية طبقاً للمنهج الثنائى (Estimation of Demand on Human Labor Input in the Egyptian Agricultural According to Dual Approach)

- Sahra Khaleel Atta and Emad Abd Elmessih Shehata
- 43397: Crisis Caused Changes in Intrinsic Liquidity Value in Non-Profit Institutions

- Grzegorz Michalsky
- 43396: دور التغير التكنولوجى فى الطلب على العمالة الزراعية فى مصر (The Role of Technological Change on the Demand of Agricultural Labor in Egypt)

- Emad Abd Elmessih Shehata
- 43395: الآثار الإقتصادية للتجارة الخارجية بين مصر والكوميسا بإستخدام نموذج الجاذبية للتحليل المكانى (Economic Impact for Trade Between Egypt and COMESA By Using Gravity Model of Spatial Analysis)

- Emad Abd Elmessih Shehata
- 43393: Beyond price discrimination: welfare under differential pricing when costs also differ

- Yongmin Chen and Marius Schwartz
- 43392: Sustainable trends and periodicity in consumer price indices indicate that the era of low energy prices is approaching

- Ivan Kitov and Oleg Kitov
- 43391: Airport Benchmarking and Spatial Competition: a Critical Review

- Dmitry Pavlyuk
- 43390: Maximum Likelihood Estimator for Spatial Stochastic Frontier Models

- Dmitry Pavlyuk
- 43388: An analysis of Tax Buoyancy Rates in Pakistan

- Farooq Rasheed
- 43387: Why the transfer of bank supervisory powers back to the Bank of England is a step in the right direction: Revisiting the role of external auditors in bank and financial services supervision

- Marianne Ojo
- 43386: Euro introduction and export behaviour of Italian firms

- Claudio Vicarelli and Pappalardo Carmine
- 43381: On some issues concerning definition of an economic recession

- Jiri Mazurek
- 43374: Du musée au parc d’attractions: opportunités et risques de l’éduvertissement (From the museum to the amusement park: opportunities and risks of edutainment)

- Francois Courvoisier, Pierre Balloffet and Joëlle Lagier
- 43373: Strategies for sustainability of environmental & resources efficiency

- Joshua Ioji Konov
- 43369: Union bancaire européenne permet-elle de sauver l’euro ? (Can European Banking Union Save the Euro?)

- Meixing Dai and Samuel Sarfati
- 43367: Un modèle suédois pour la résolution de la crise de la dette souveraine en Europe (A Swedish model for the resolution of sovereign debt crisis in Europe)

- Meixing Dai, Nicolas Mazuy and Marie-Claude Rioux
- 43365: The global financial crisis and indian banks: survival of the fittest?

- Barry Eichengreen and Poonam Gupta
- 43361: Environmental and economic efficiencies in the Asia-Pacific region

- Satoshi Honma
- 43358: The Real Exchange Rate and Export Growth: Are Services Different?

- Barry Eichengreen and Poonam Gupta
- 43357: Public transport for Indian urban agglomerations: A case for central role for surface rail

- Ravibabu Manchala and Phani Sree Vagvala
- 43352: Why is the Workplace Racially Segregated by Occupation?

- Nadeem Naqvi
- 43350: Linkages between the stock prices and the exchange rates during the global crisis: the case of Romania

- Razvan Stefanescu and Ramona Dumitriu
- 43348: Use of Contingent Valuation to Assess Farmer Preference for On-farm Conservation of Minor Millets: Case from South India

- P.T. Raghu, Sukanya Das, S.B. Ravi and E.D.I.o King
- 43347: Real estate development enterprises in the Polish market and issues related to its analysis

- Hanna Augustyniak, Krzysztof Gajewski, Jacek Łaszek and Grzegorz Żochowski
- 43346: A multivariate analysis of savings, investment and growth in Nepal

- Birendra Budha
- 43345: The nature of volatility in temporal profit with in Ethiopian commodity exchange: The case of washed export coffee modelled using ARFIMA-M-HYGARCH model

- Taddese Mezgebo
- 43344: The impact of liberalisation policies on income inequality in african countries

- Michael Batuo and Simplice Asongu