MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 17271: Effectiveness and Commitment to Inflation Targeting Policy: Evidences from Indonesia and Thailand

- Reza Siregar and Siwei Goo
- 17267: Learning backward induction: a neural network agent approach

- Spiliopoulos Leonidas
- 17266: Empirical Analysis of Import Demand Behavior of Least Developed Countries

- Yoichi Matsubayashi and Shigeyuki Hamori
- 17264: Accounting for Changes in Labor Force Participation of Married Women: The Case of the U.S. since 1959

- Michael Bar and Oksana Leukhina
- 17260: The Price-Marginal Cost Markup and its Determinants in U.S. Manufacturing

- Sandeep Mazumder
- 17258: Generalized Marginal Risk

- Simon Keel and David Ardia
- 17245: Are Mortgage Rates Bubbling Up Trouble for Canadas Metropolitan Housing Sector?

- Rosmy J Louis, Ryan Brown and Faruk Balli
- 17242: Building a better world: an ecosystemic approach to education, culture, environment, health and quality of life

- André Pilon
- 17240: A More Open and Secure Border for Trade, Investment and People

- Patrick Grady
- 17237: Comerţul exterior al ţărilor BRIC în perioada 1997-2008. Perspective (The external trade of the BRICs during 1997-2008. Perspectives)

- Iulia Oehler-Şincai
- 17233: Advertising and entry deterrence: how the size of the market matters

- Khaled Bennour
- 17230: Importance of Regional Financial Institutions in Regional Economic Development: Based on the results of corporate surveys in Japan's Tokai and Kansai regions

- Nobuyoshi Yamori
- 17227: Analysis of Current Penalty Schemes for Violations of Antitrust Laws

- Peter Kort and Evgenia Motchenkova
- 17225: Central Bank or Single Financial Supervision Authority: The Romanian Case

- Claudiu Albulescu
- 17224: Child Labor at District Level: A Case Study of Rawalpindi

- Rafia Kulsoom
- 17223: Youth Crime: Causes and Remedies

- Muhammad Ali
- 17221: Government's Preference and Timing of Endogenous Wage Setting: Perspectives on Privatization and Mixed Duopoly

- Kangsik Choi
- 17220: Capital social y eficiencia técnica de los pequeños agricultores de trigo de la Región del Bío Bío (Social Capital and technical efficiency of wheat small farmers in the Bío Bío Region (Chile))

- Mónica M. Jaime and César A. Salazar
- 17213: The spillover effects of target interest rate news from the U.S. Fed and the European Central Bank on the Asia-Pacific stock markets

- Suk-Joong Kim and Tho Nguyen
- 17212: The Economic Impact of Migration: Productivity Analysis for Spain and the United Kingdom

- Mari Kangasniemi, Matilde Mas, Catherine Robinson and Lorenzo Serrano
- 17211: Openness and geographic neutrality: How do they contribute to international banking integration?

- Francisco Perez, Iván Arribas and Emili Tortosa-Ausina
- 17207: Is there any relationship between Environmental Quality Index, Human Development Index and Economic Growth? Evidences from Indian States

- Sacchidananda Mukherjee and Debashis Chakraborty
- 17206: Business Plan: Paper Recycling Plant

- Muhammad Ali, Sana Askari, Muhammad Salman and Sheba Askari
- 17204: Connecting People With Disabilities: ICT Opportunities for All

- Muhammad Ali
- 17203: How New Agrifood Standards are Affecting Trade

- Daniele Giovannucci
- 17202: Monetary Aggregates and the Business Cycle

- Roman Sustek
- 17201: Finite State Markov-Chain Approximations to Highly Persistent Processes

- Karen Kopecky and Richard M. H. Suen
- 17199: The Burden of Federal Tax Increases Under the Conservatives

- Patrick Grady
- 17198: Canada in the Global Economy:An Overview

- Kathleen Macmillan and Patrick Grady
- 17197: What Discourages Participation in the Lay Judge System (Saiban’in Seido) of Japan? Interaction between the Secrecy Requirement and Social Networks

- Eiji Yamamura
- 17193: Market Information Services

- Daniele Giovannucci and Andrew Shepherd
- 17192: STRATEGIC costs management at societies group level. Multicriterial model for optimization

- Cerasela Pirvu and Anca Mehedintu
- 17191: Linear Programming by Solving Systems of Differential Equations Using Game Theory

- Daniel Ciuiu
- 17190: One and One-Half Bound Dichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation

- Joseph Cooper, W.M. Hanemann and Giovanni Signorello
- 17189: Long Run Loans and Industrial Policy in Italy in the 1960s

- Mauro Rota
- 17188: Antitrust and the competitive structure of the U.S. pulp and paper industry, 1950-1990

- Hannes Toivanen
- 17185: Industrialization Jobs Creation and Wages Incentives

- Joao Faria and Mohamed Jellal
- 17184: A Siocio-Psychological Theory of Efficiency Wage Growth

- Joao Faria and Mohamed Jellal
- 17183: Dynamic of Employment and Wages Incentives

- Joao Faria and Mohamed Jellal
- 17181: Impact of Liquidity constraint on Firms’ Investment Decisions

- Saibal Ghosh and Saurabh Ghosh
- 17180: Evolving International Supervisory Architexture: Design, Rationale and Policy Reforms

- Saibal Ghosh
- 17179: Darke Side of Social Capital Social Preferences and Corruption

- Mohamed Jellal
- 17177: Bureaucracy and Corruption Taxation Proof

- Mohamed Jellal
- 17174: Adding Value: Certified Coffee Trade in North America

- Daniele Giovannucci, Alice Byers and Pascal Liu
- 17172: The State of Sustainable Coffee: A Study of Twelve Major Markets

- Daniele Giovannucci and Freek Jan Koekoek
- 17171: On Robust Asymmetric Equilibria in Asymmetric R&D-Driven Growth Economies

- Paolo Giordani and Luca Zamparelli
- 17170: Τesting convergence and divergence: the data from Greece

- Stavros Mavroudeas and Costas Siriopoulos
- 17168: New routines, growing interference and operational efficiency gains: the influence of Czar Peter the Great's economic policy on Dutch maritime shipping with Russia, 1709-1724

- Werner Scheltjens
- 17167: Global energy and environmental scenarios: Implications for development policy

- Dirk Willenbockel
- 17166: The Impact of Firm Size and Market Size Asymmetries on National Mergers in a Three-Country Model

- Luís Santos-Pinto
- 17165: Preference for Skew in Lotteries: Evidence from the Laboratory

- Luís Santos-Pinto, Thomas Astebro and José Mata
- 17164: The role of the IASB and auditing standards in the aftermath of the 2008/2009 Financial Crisis

- Marianne Ojo
- 17163: Nuevas Herramientas para la Administración del Riesgo Crediticio: El caso de una Cartera Crediticia Ecuatoriana (New Management Tool for Credit Risk analysis: An aplication for Financial Institution in Ecuador)

- Diego Maldonado and Mariela Pazmiño
- 17160: Characteristics of Japan’s Commodities Index and its Correlation with Stock Index

- Nobuyoshi Yamori
- 17159: Formal Institutions and Subjective Well-Being: Revisiting the Cross-Country Evidence

- Christian Bjørnskov, Justina A. V. Fischer and Axel Dreher
- 17158: Transboundary Pollution and Absorptive Capacity

- Slim Ben Youssef
- 17157: Urban Informal Sector: How much Women are Struggling for Family Survival

- Tasnim Khan and Rana Khan
- 17156: Entrepreneurship and Compliance With Minimum Wage Law

- Mohamed Jellal
- 17153: The influence of spatial change on operational strategies in early-modern Dutch maritime shipping: a case-study on Dutch maritime shipping in the Gulf of Finland and on Archangel, 1703-1740

- Werner Scheltjens
- 17151: Our Water Scenario: Are We Heading Towards Disaster?

- Muhammad Ali
- 17150: Protecting Children in Cyberspace

- Muhammad Ali
- 17149: Edible Oil Deficit and Its Impact on Food Expenditure in Pakistan

- Muhammad Ali, Syed Arifullah and Manzoor Memon
- 17148: Regulating Market Risks in Banks: A Comparison of Alternate Regulatory Regimes

- D M Nachane, Aditya Narain, Saibal Ghosh and Satyananda Sahoo
- 17147: Zenga’s new index of economic inequality, its estimation, and an analysis of incomes in Italy

- Francesca Greselin, Leo Pasquazzi and Ricardas Zitikis
- 17146: Determinants of Food Security in Rural Areas of Pakistan

- Rana Ejaz Ali Khan and Abid Rashid Gill
- 17145: Firm Performance during Global Economic Slowdown: A View from India

- Jaya Prakash Pradhan
- 17143: Competition and Wide Outreach of Microfinance Institutions

- Hisako Kai
- 17142: External Auditing, Managerial Monitoring and Firm Valuation: An Empirical Analysis for India

- Saibal Ghosh
- 17140: Alternative Tilts for Nonparametric Option Pricing

- Todd Walker and M. Ryan Haley
- 17139: Disparity, Shortfall, and Twice-Endogenous HARA Utility

- Todd Walker, M. Ryan Haley and M Kevin McGee
- 17138: Intervention index and exchange rate regimes: the cases of selected East-Asian economies

- Victor Pontines and Reza Siregar
- 17137: Culture Values Entrepreneurship and Growth

- Mohamed Jellal
- 17136: Solar PV rural electrification and energy-poverty: A review and conceptual framework with reference to Ghana

- George Yaw Obeng and Hans-Dieter Evers
- 17135: Constructing Epistemic Landscapes: Methods of GIS-Based Mapping

- Hans-Dieter Evers, Sven Genschick and Benjamin Schraven
- 17134: Cost Benefit Analysis of Participatory Natural Resource Management: A study of watershed development initiative in Indian village

- Santosh Sahu
- 17132: Tourism Specialization and Economic Development: Evidence from the UNESCO World Heritage List

- Rabah Arezki, Reda Cherif and John Piotrowski
- 17131: Strategic Group Formation in the Mekong Delta: The Development of a Modern Hydraulic Society

- Hans-Dieter Evers and Simon Benedikter
- 17130: An Alternative Explanation for the Resource Curse: The Income Effect Channel

- Rabah Arezki and Ali Alichi
- 17129: Informal Sector and Taxation

- Mohamed Jellal
- 17128: Optimal policy and consumption smoothing effects in the time-to-build AK model

- Mauro Bambi, Giorgio Fabbri and Fausto Gozzi
- 17126: Private Debt with Default Risk within and across Border

- Xiang Gao
- 17125: Stationarity without Degeneracy in a Model of Commodity Money

- Ricardo Cavalcanti and Daniela Puzzello
- 17119: Revenue Targeting in Fisheries: The Case of Hawaii Longline Fishery

- Quang Nguyen and PinngSun Leung
- 17117: Japanische Kostenrechnungssysteme - Analyse der Kostenrechnungssysteme nach dem japanischen Kostenrechnungsstandard (Japanese Cost Accounting Systems - analysis of the cost accounting systems of the Japanese cost accounting standard)

- Winter Peter
- 17116: The Evolution of Population, Technology and Output

- Ragchaasuren Galindev
- 17115: Strategic Information Transmission: Comment

- Hanjoon Jung
- 17113: A Theory of Continuum Economies with Independent Shocks and Matchings

- Andrei Karavaev
- 17111: Decentralization and local public goods: getting the incentives right

- James Roumasset
- 17108: Dynamic Model of Arts Labor Supply

- Milenko Popovic
- 17107: Eliciting environmental preferences of Ghanaians in the laboratory: An incentive-compatible experiment

- Yael Meroz, Andrea Morone and Piergiuseppe Morone
- 17104: Stressing rating criteria allowing for default clustering: the CPDO case

- Roberto Torresetti and Andrea Pallavicini
- 17101: Determinantes de la Inflación en una Economía Dolarizada: El Caso Ecuatoriano (Determinants of Inflation in a Dollarized Economy: The Case of Ecuador)

- Ivan Gachet, Diego Maldonado and Wilson Pérez
- 17100: Socio-economic status, gender, and spouse’s earnings: affect of family background on matching

- Eiji Yamamura
- 17099: Applying a global optimisation algorithm to Fund of Hedge Funds portfolio optimisation

- Rishi Thapar, Bernard Minsky, M Obradovic and Qi Tang
- 17095: Macro-Prudential Monitoring Indicators for CEMAC Banking System

- Severin Kamgna, Nzesseu Jules Tinang and Kinfak Christian Tsombou
- 17094: First-price auctions with resale: the case of many bidders

- Gábor Virág
- 17093: Market Power and Efficiency in a Search Model

- Manolis Galenianos, Philipp Kircher and Gábor Virág
- 17090: Disease, Institutions and Underdevelopment

- Lubna Hasan
- 17084: Referenda as a Catch-22

- Dimitrios Xefteris
- 17082: Expectational stability under non-zero trend inflation

- Teruyoshi Kobayashi and Ichiro Muto
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