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107920: Quantitative Analysis of Dynamic Inconsistencies in Infrastructure Planning: An example of coastal levee improvement Downloads
Tatsuhito Kono, Naoki Kitamura, Kiyoshi Yamasaki and Kazuki Iwakami
107918: De l’épidémiologie à l’économie: de la stratégie de riposte contre le nouveau Coronavirus à l’initiative covax (From epidemiology to economy: to the national strategy against covid-19 to the covax initiative) Downloads
Oscar Kuikeu
107911: Economic development, competitiveness and globalization in modern times Downloads
Irma Santillán and Stephanie Narro
107909: Tracking the rise of robots: A survey of the IFR database and its applications Downloads
Rainer Klump, Anne Jurkat and Florian Schneider
107908: Socioeconomic Determinants of Gender Specific Life Expectancy in Turkey: A Time Series Analysis Downloads
İsmail Şentürk and Amjad Ali
107907: The impact of key industry-sectoral indices on islamic stock market: evidence from Malaysia Downloads
Abdul Yusoff and Abul Masih
107904: Цифровата трансформация в здравеопазването в контекста на правото на достъп до медицинска помощ (The digital transformation in healthcare in the context of the right of the access to healthe care) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva and Galina Yolova
107903: Is the Export-led Growth Hypothesis Valid for India? Another Look at the Evidence Downloads
Md Sahnewaz Sanu
107902: Прекъсване на ползването на платения годишен отпуск (Interruption of the use of paid annual leave) Downloads
Ивайло Стайков
107900: Globalization: economic development and competitiveness Downloads
Santiago Martinez Meza, Cindy Olivares Puente, Jaime Reyna Balderas and Marco Solorio Corona
107898: Byzantine Economic Growth: Did Climate Change Play a Role? Downloads
Thomas Lambert
107896: Globalization and economic competitiveness Downloads
Mariela Espinoza, Alma S. Lopez, Victor H. Torres and Cesar E. Zamora
107895: Interactions Between Federal and Provincial Cash Transfer Programs: The Effect of the Canada Emergency Response Benefit on Provincial Income Assistance Eligibility and Benefits Downloads
Gillian Petit and Lindsay Tedds
107894: Business Excellence through the Theory of Accountability Downloads
Sreeramana Aithal
107892: The Contribution of MSMEs in India’s Total Exports and GDP Growth: Evidence from Cointegration and Causality Tests Downloads
Md Sahnewaz Sanu
107888: Прекратяване на трудовия договор на хабилитиран преподавател във висше училище по чл. 328, ал. 1, т. 10 от Кодекса на труда и прилагането на § 11 от Преходните и заключителните разпоредби на Закона за висшето образование (Termination of the employment contract of a habilitated lecturer in a higher school under Art. 328, para. 1, item 10 of the Labour Code and the application of § 11 of the Transitional and Final Provisions of the Higher Education Act) Downloads
Ивайло Стайков
107886: Analyse des éléments appliqués dans le contexte du commerce international (Analysis of the elements applied in the context of International Business) Downloads
Germán Garcia and Brisia Rodriguez
107878: Empowerment of Muslim Women in India: A Study of Socio-Economic and Political Disparities Downloads
Md Sahnewaz Sanu
107874: Adoption of Mobile Banking Applications in Lebanon Downloads
Marc Audi
107872: What are the Health Benefits of a Constant Water Supply? Evidence from London, 1860-1910 Downloads
Werner Troesken, Nicola Tynan and Yuanxiaoyue Yang
107870: Lead-lag relationship between macroeconomic variables: evidence from Korea Downloads
Claire Shin and Abul Masih
107868: Balancing public-private partnerships in a digital age: CBDCs, central banks and technology firms Downloads
Marianne Ojo
107866: Measuring financial inclusion and financial exclusion Downloads
Peterson Ozili
107865: A study of Internet Utilization by Students in times of Covid Pandemic: Evidence from Ernakulam district of Kerala Downloads
Siby K M and Dr.Varun V Varghese
107863: Exploring the usefulness of Fintech in the dark era of COVID-19 Downloads
Christian Pinshi
107862: The determinants of current account balance in an oil-rich exporting country: the case of Nigeria Downloads
Eberechukwu Uneze and Maxwell Ekor
107861: Judicial Efficiency and Economic Growth: Evidence based on EU data Downloads
Anastasios Rizos and Panayotis Kapopoulos
107860: За функциите на трудовото и осигурително право в условията на пандемия (On the functions of labor and insurance law in a pandemic condition) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva and Galina Yolova
107859: The determinants of economic growth: the Malaysian case Downloads
Shah Ali and Abul Masih
107858: Termination of Bank-Firm Relationships Downloads
Kiyotaka Nakashima and Koji Takahashi
107857: Compétitivité des entreprise un examen théorique (Business competitivenes a theoretical review) Downloads
Maria Alejandra Calvo Fuentes, Citlaly Nohemi Ponce Ponce and Kassandra Cristina Juarez Lugo
107856: Business competitiveness a theorical review Downloads
Maria Alejandra Calvo Fuentes, Citlaly Nohemi Ponce Ponce and Kassandra Cristina Juarez Lugo
107854: Analysis of the elements applied in the context of international business Downloads
Germán Garcia and Brisia Rodriguez
107852: Resurgence of transition economics: Brexit as an expected example, experience and lesson Downloads
Ruzhdi Matoshi and Isa Mulaj
107850: A nation’s mission of housing and food consumption: An analysis of household budget survey expenditures in Kosovo Downloads
Florin Aliu and Isa Mulaj
107848: The Paradox of Large Scale Emigration for Economic Reasons from the Western Balkans Downloads
Ruzhdi Matoshi and Isa Mulaj
107847: Generalizing the Inequality Process’ Gamma Model of Particle Wealth Statistics Downloads
John Angle
107846: The BRICS and Nigeria’s economic performance: A trade intensity analysis Downloads
Maxwell Ekor, Oluwatosin Adeniyi and Jimoh Saka
107845: Re-examining the Environmental Kuznets Curve Hypothesis in India: The Role of Coal Consumption, Financial Development and Trade Openness Downloads
Md Sahnewaz Sanu
107844: Does external debt impair economic growth in Nigeria? Downloads
Maxwell Ekor, Tayo Orekoya, Philip Musa and Osikwemhe Damisah
107843: An evaluation of social sector budgeting in Sokoto State, Nigeria Downloads
Maxwell Ekor, Osikwemhe Damisah and Thomas Kefas
107842: Uneven Consequences of Coronavirus Pandemic: Evidence from a Real Time Survey Downloads
Muhsin Çiftçi
107841: Re-appraising the effect of the banking sector on the Nigerian economy Downloads
Osikwemhe Damisah and Maxwell Ekor
107840: Government Spending and Economic Growth: A Revisit of the Nigerian Experience Downloads
Maxwell Ekor and Oluwatosin Adeniyi
107839: Impact of financial development on manufacturing output: The Nigerian evidence Downloads
Maxwell Ekor and Oluwatosin Adeniyi
107838: Analyse des facteurs de migration mexique-États-Unis et des impacts sociaux, économiques (Analysis of Mexico - United States migration factors and the social, economic impacts) Downloads
Carlos Davila
107836: Ethiopia and the BRICS: An Assessment of Trade and Investment Flows Downloads
Maxwell Ekor, Oluwatosin Adeniyi and Jimoh Saka
107834: Sexual Exploitation of Trafficked Children: Survey Evidence from Child Sex Workers in Bangladesh Downloads
Masahiro Shoji and Kenmei Tsubota
107833: Dynamic linkages among financial stability, house prices and residential investment in Greece Downloads
Dimitris Anastasiou and Panayotis Kapopoulos
107832: Imagine-self perspective-taking and Nash behavior Downloads
Michal Ramsza and Adam Karbowski
107831: Competition and Innovation: the effects of scientist mobility and stronger patent rights Downloads
Madhuparna Ganguly
107828: Forecasting Base Metal Prices with an International Stock Index Downloads
Pablo Pincheira, Nicolas Hardy, Andrea Bentancor, Cristóbal Henriquez and Ignacio Tapia
107816: Работа от разстояние – примери за споразумения на европейско секторно и междусекторно ниво и възможностите за въвеждането им в българското право (Telework – examples of agreements at European sectoral and intersectoral level and the opportunities for their incorporation into Bulgarian law) Downloads
Ивайло Стайков
107813: A Strategic Impact Model for Latin American Business Schools Downloads
Sergio Olavarrieta, María José Quinteros and Mauricio Villena
107809: La ricchezza in Italia Rapporto di ricerca (Wealth in Italy. Research Report) Downloads
Giulio Marcon
107805: South American Cluster: A Practical Case Study Downloads
Marc Audi
107802: Customer accounting and free return policies of retailers Downloads
Rainer Lueg
107797: Efficiency and stability in the connections model with heterogeneous node Downloads
Norma Olaizola and Federico Valenciano
107787: Effects of Exhaustible Resources and Declining Population on Economic Growth with Hotelling's Rule Downloads
Hiroaki Sasaki and Kazuo Mino
107784: The impact of coronavirus on tourism sector - an analytical study Downloads
Ahmed Chemseddine Bouarar, Kamel Mouloudj and Smail Mouloudj
107783: Government Intervention through Informed Trading in Financial Markets Downloads
Shao'an Huang, Zhigang Qiu, Gaowang Wang and Xiaodan Wang
107780: Ricardo Through the Looking Glass: (Mis)adventures of Comparative Advantage in Developing Economies Downloads
Victor Spirin
107778: Real Exchange Rate Misalignment: concepts and measurement in the context of coronavirus crisis for developing countries as central African Republic knowing civil war Downloads
Oscar Kuikeu
107774: Относно някои аспекти на несъвместимост по чл. 68, ал 2 от Конституцията на Република България (On certain aspects of incompatibility under Art. 68, para 2 of the Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria) Downloads
Ивайло Стайков
107772: Système financier et COVID-19: Un examen de l’impact en RDC (Financial system and COVID-19: A review of the impact in the DRC) Downloads
Alain K. Malata and Christian Pinshi
107761: Global Value Chain Participation and Inclusive Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Camara Kwasi Obeng, Peter Yeltulme Mwinlaaru and Isaac Kwesi Ofori
107760: Mechanization, Task Assignment, and Inequality Downloads
Kazuhiro Yuki
107757: ICT Diffusion, Foreign Direct Investment and Inclusive Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Isaac Kwesi Ofori and Simplice Asongu
107754: Процесуални права на синдикалните организации за защита от дискриминация в трудовите отношения (Procedural rights of trade union organizations on protection from discrimination in employment relationships) Downloads
Ивайло Стайков
107751: The Motivation Behind Investment in Development of Open Source Software Projects Downloads
Pooyan Mobtahej
107749: Is shariah stock index better than the conventional stock index in explaining economic growth ? evidence from Malaysia Downloads
Omar Hassen and Abul Masih
107748: A Chayanovian approach to vulnerability: Re-evaluation of Vulnerability using Indian Data Downloads
Atanu Sengupta and Ujjwal Seth
107747: Growth, Instability and Demand Elasticity of Indian Fish Exports Downloads
Siby Km and Dr.Arunachalam P
107746: L'impact du Brexit sur l'Afrique en période de crise Corona: le cas de l'Afrique du Sud, du Nigeria, du Ghana et du Kenya (The impact of Brexit on Africa in times of the Corona Crisis: The case of South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana and Kenya) Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
107745: The impact of Brexit on Africa in times of the Corona Crisis Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
107743: Economic Determinants of Ethnic and Insurgent Conflict: an empirical study of northeast Indian states Downloads
Deborshi Brahmachari
107740: Group-theoretic analysis of a scalar field on a square lattice Downloads
Yosuke Kogure and Kiyohiro Ikeda
107738: The Long Recession and the Economic Consequences of the Pandemic Downloads
Lefteris Tsoulfidis and Persefoni Tsaliki
107737: The Long Recession and Economic Consequences of the COVID-19 Pandemic Downloads
Lefteris Tsoulfidis and Persefoni Tsaliki
107730: Why the concept of Hicks, Harrod, Solow neutral and even non-neutral augmented technical progress is flawed in principle in any economic model Downloads
Marcel R. de la Fonteijne
107729: An Econometric Study of the Impact of Education on the Economic Development of Low-Income Countries Downloads
Germinal G. and Marcella Taleb Da Costa
107719: A Bird eye from covid-19 crisis on the Relevance of the cfa franc devaluation of January 1994 and the honeymoon effect: an assessment with the equilibrium real exchange rate. Cases of Cameroonian and Gabonese economies Downloads
Oscar Kuikeu
107717: Decentralized finance and regulation: enhancing the role of innovative techniques through regulation Downloads
Ojo/Roedl, Marianne
107716: Balancing public-private partnerships in a digital age: CBDCs, central banks and technology firms Downloads
Marianne Ojo
107713: Introduction of Weight-Based Charges for Domestic Solid Waste Disposal Downloads
Sue Scott and Dorothy Watson
107712: Migration, Diversity and Regional Risk Sharing Downloads
Luigi Ventura and Maria Ventura
107711: Съвременни тенденции във философията на трудовите и осигурителни права (Contemporary trends in the philosophy of labor and social security rights) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva and Galina Yolova
107706: Short and Long-run Effects of Obesity on Cognitive Skills: Evidence from an English Cohort Downloads
Paolo Castelnovo
107704: The Financial system in the Bulgarian economy Downloads
Jeffrey Miller and Stefan Petranov
107702: Effect of Exchange Rate Volatility on Tax Revenue Performance In Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Isaac Kwesi Ofori, Camara Kwasi Obeng and Peter Yeltulme Mwinlaaru
107700: The impact of Brexit on Africa in times of the Corona Crisis Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
107696: Estimating Legislative Effectiveness in Nigeria Downloads
Maxwell Ekor, Menachem Katz and Ola Iweala
107694: Intellectual Property-Related Preferential Trade Agreements and Offshoring to Developing Countries Downloads
Claudia Canals, Michael Klein and Fuat Sener
107691: Is There Really Hysteresis in OECD Countries’ Unemployment Rates? New Evidence Using a Fourier Panel Unit Root Test Downloads
Tolga Omay, Muhammad Shahbaz and Chris Stewart
107687: Parental Care on Under Five Child Health Outcomes in Zimbabwe Downloads
Pius Gamette, Refiloe Jabari and Sibusisiwe Bertha Muperere
107685: Financing Sustainable Development: Alleviating livelihoods in the forest sector with Sierra Leone as a case study Downloads
Emerson Jackson
107684: The determinants of early marriage and under-five child mortality in Afghanistan Downloads
Shirin Shonazarova and Bahtiyor Eshchanov
107682: Macroeconomic Forecasting in Poland: Lessons From the COVID-19 Outbreak Downloads
Jakub Rybacki and Michał Gniazdowski
107681: Does International Monetary Fund Favor Certain Countries During the Fiscal Forecasting – Evidence of the Institutional Biases? Downloads
Jakub Rybacki
107680: The Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Innovation: Evidence from Patent Fillings and Citations in China Downloads
Yongmin Chen, Haiwei Jiang, Yousha Liang and Shiyuan Pan
Page updated 2025-03-25
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