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5550: A New Framework for African Economic Development with a Focus on Technological Innovation Downloads
Jean-Claude Maswana
5549: Cheap wars Downloads
Jonathan Nitzan and Shimshon Bichler
5548: Liquidation in the Face of Adversity: Stealth Vs. Sunshine Trading, Predatory Trading Vs. Liquidity Provision Downloads
Torsten Schoeneborn and Alexander Schied
5547: The Speed of Euro Adoption Downloads
Francesco Columba
5543: The E-Commerce Directive: first evaluations Downloads
Pierpaolo Fratangelo
5542: Reforming farmland and rangeland in Tharparkar: Suggested implementations for income generation Downloads
Gobind Herani, Allah Wasayo Rajar and Muhammad Ali Khaskheli
5539: International and European Co-operation for Prudential Supervision Downloads
Pierpaolo Fratangelo
5535: The politics of poor law reform in early twentieth century Ireland Downloads
Mel Cousins
5529: TECHNOLOGISCHE CHANCEN UND TECHNISCHER FORTSCHRITT: EINE EMPIRISCHE UNTERSUCHUNG (Technological Opportunities and Technical Progress: An empirical Analysis) Downloads
Najib Harabi
5527: Business Cycles, Political Incentives and the Macroeconomy: Comparison of Models Downloads
Arno Reichenvater
5525: Price indices and unit value indices in German foreign trade statistics Downloads
Peter von der Lippe
5524: Zatrudnienie w Polsce 2006: Produktywnosc dla pracy Downloads
Anna Baranowska-Rataj, Maciej Bukowski, Magda Bober, Piotr Lewandowski, Iga Magda, Malgorzata Sarzalska, Arkadiusz Szydlowski and Julian Zawistowski
5523: A model of university choice: an exploratory approach Downloads
Mário Raposo and Helena Alves
5520: China-Africa’s Emerging Economic Links: A review under the Core-Periphery perspective Downloads
Jean-Claude Maswana
5517: Variação de renda familiar, desigualdade e pobreza no Brasil no período 2001 a 2005 (Variation of famliy income, inequality and poverty in Brazil in the period 2001 to 2005) Downloads
Patrick Guimarães
5516: Special Interests, Regime Choice, and Currency Collapse Downloads
Jamus Lim
5511: Political Economic Pressures in Financial Crisis Resolution Downloads
Jamus Lim
5510: Do short-sellers arbrtrage accrual-based return anomalies? Downloads
David Hirshleifer, Siew Hong Teoh and Jeff Yu
5505: Overconfidence? Downloads
Jean-Pierre Benoît and Juan Dubra
5504: The economics of U.S. ethanol import tariffs with a consumption mandate and tax credit Downloads
Harry de Gorter and David Just
5499: Discovering Cartels: Dynamic Interrelationships between Civil and Criminal Antitrust Investigations Downloads
Vivek Ghosal
5497: A Theory of Linkage between Monetary Policy and Banking Failure in Developing Countries Downloads
Raulin Cadet
5496: The Competitiveness of Turkey with Respect to the Slovak Republic for the 1995-1999 Period Downloads
Ahmet Aysan and Yavuz Selim Hacihasanoglu
5495: What Determines the Banking Sector Performance in Globalized Financial Markets: The Case of Turkey? Downloads
Ahmet Aysan and Sanli Ceyhan Darendeli
5494: Concentration, Competition, Efficiency and Profitability of the Turkish Banking Sector in the Post-Crises Period Downloads
Osman Abbasoğlu, Ahmet Aysan and Ali Gunes
5493: Investigation on the Determinants of Turkish Export-Boom in 2000s Downloads
Ahmet Aysan and Yavuz Selim Hacihasanoglu
5492: Market Disciplining Role of Crisis on the Restructuring of the Turkish Banking Sector Downloads
Ahmet Aysan and Sanli Ceyhan Darendeli
5491: Why Do Foreign Banks Invest In Turkey? Downloads
Ahmet Aysan and Sanli Ceyhan Darendeli
5490: The Regulation of the Credit Card Market in Turkey Downloads
Ahmet Aysan and Yildiz Lerzan
5489: Globalization of Turkey’s Banking Sector: the Determinants of Foreign Bank Penetration in Turkey Downloads
Ahmet Aysan and Sanli Ceyhan Darendeli
5488: Yönetişim ve Kurumlar Terimlerinin İktisat Literatüründeki Yükselişi (An Investigation on the Rise of Governance and Institution Concepts in Economics Literature) Downloads
Ahmet Faruk Aysan
5487: Önde Gelen İktisat Doktora Programlarında Temel Makro İktisat Eğitimi (GRADUATE MACROECONOMICS EDUCATION IN LEADING PH.D PROGRAMS IN ECONOMICS) Downloads
Ahmet Faruk Kara, Yavuz Seli̇m Kara, Gazi̇ İshak Kara and Amaç Kara
5486: The Effects of Volatility on Growth and Financial Development through Capital Market Imperfections Downloads
Ahmet Aysan
5485: The Role of Distribution of the Income Shares of Individuals in Tradables and Nontradables on Exchange Rate Fluctuations and Delay of Stabilizations Downloads
Ahmet Aysan
5484: Distributional Effects of Boom-Bust Cycles in Developing Countries with Financial Frictions Downloads
Ahmet Aysan
5483: The Failure of Competition in the Credit Card Market in Turkey: The New Empirical Evidence Downloads
Ahmet Aysan and Nusret Ahmet Müslim
5482: Uncertainty, Economic Reforms and Private Investment in the Middle East and North Africa Downloads
Ahmet Aysan, Gaobo Pang and Marie-Ange Véganzonès
5481: Assessing the Preconditions in Establishing an Independent Regulatory and Supervisory Agency in Globalized Financial Markets: The Case of Turkey Downloads
Ahmet Aysan and Huseyin Al
5476: Economic Growth and Patent Policy: Quantifying the Effects of Patent Length on R&D and Consumption Downloads
Angus Chu
5475: Categorization and correlation in a random-matching game Downloads
Yaron Azrieli
5474: Monetary Policy Operations of Debtor Central Banks in MENA Countries Downloads
Gunther Schnabl and Franziska Schobert
5471: Correct or incorrect application of CAPM? Correct or incorrect decisions with CAPM? Downloads
Carlo Alberto Magni
5470: Making university-industry collaboration work - a case study on the Deutsche Telekom Laboratories contrasted with findings in literature Downloads
Rene Rohrbeck and Heinrich M. Arnold
5468: CAPM and capital budgeting: present versus future, equilibrium versus disequilibrium, decision versus valuation Downloads
Carlo Alberto Magni
5467: Labor Hours in the U.S. and Europe - the Role of Different Preferences Towards Leisure Downloads
Yishay Maoz
5464: Exact prediction of inflation and unemployment in Japan Downloads
Ivan Kitov
5461: Small is Beautiful but Size Matters: The Asymmetric Impact of Uncertainty and Sunk Costs on Small and Large Businesses Downloads
Vivek Ghosal
5460: Regime Shift in Antitrust Downloads
Vivek Ghosal
5459: Investments in Modernization, Innovation and Gains in Productivity: Evidence from Firms in the Global Paper Industry Downloads
Vivek Ghosal and Usha Nair-Reichert
5451: Zur Kluft zwischen Verfassungsgebung und Verfassungswirklichkeit im Demokratisierungsprozess Benins (On the divide between constitutional legislation and constitutional reality in the democratization process in Benin Republic) Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
5449: Do countries matter? Explaining the variation in the use of numerical flexibility arrangements across European companies using a Multi-level model Downloads
Heejung Chung
5448: Deadly Contests An economic note on al Qaeda’s reward system Downloads
Raul Caruso and Andrea Locatelli
5436: Die UEMOA und die CFA-Zone: Eine neue Kooperations-Kultur im frankophonen Afrika? (The WEAMU and the Franc CFA-Zone: A new culture of co-operation within Francophone Africa?) Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
5435: Office Space Supply Restrictions in Britain: The Political Economy of Market Revenge Downloads
Paul Cheshire and Christian Hilber
5432: Fisher hypothesis: East Asian evidence from panel unit root tests Downloads
Tai-Hu Ling, Venus Liew and Syed Azizi Wafa Syed Khalid Wafa
5431: A multivariate innovations state space Beveridge Nelson decomposition Downloads
Ashton de Silva
5428: Explaining the size distribution of cities: X-treme economies Downloads
Marcus Berliant and Axel Watanabe
5416: Antidumping: Welfare Enhancing Retaliation? Downloads
Alberto Martin and Wouter Vergote
5415: Neimark-Sacker bifurcation for the discrete-delay Kaldor model Downloads
Loretti Dobrescu and Dumitru Opris
5413: The Effects of Energy Imports: The Case of Turkey Downloads
Oya Erdogdu
5412: Integrating Multiple Commodities in a Model of Stochastic Price Dynamics Downloads
Raphael Paschke and Marcel Prokopczuk
5408: Barriers to Innovation faced by Manufacturing Firms in Portugal: How to overcome it? Downloads
Maria Silva, João Leitão and Mário Raposo
5404: Where is full employment? Downloads
Ian McDonald
5401: Custo de capital de distribuição de energia elétrica: revisão tarifária 2007/2009 (Cost of capital of electric energy distribution: tariff review procedure 2007/2009) Downloads
Fernando Camacho, Katia Rocha and Gabriel Bragança
5400: A taxa de remuneração do capital e a nova regulação das telecomunicações (Cost of capital and the new regulation of telecommunications services) Downloads
Gabriel Bragança, Katia Rocha and Fernando Camacho
5399: A remuneração de capital nas telecomunicações e o novo contexto regulatório brasileiro (The remuneration of capital in the telecommunications and the new Brazilian regulatory context) Downloads
Fernando Camacho, Gabriel Bragança and Katia Rocha
5398: A corrigendum to "Games with imperfectly observable actions in continuous time" Downloads
Tadashi Hashimoto
5396: Custo de capital de indústrias reguladas no Brasil (Cost of capital of regulated industries in Brazil) Downloads
Fernando Camacho
5395: Some Aspects of Aggregate Concentration in the Israeli Economy, 1964-1986 Downloads
Robin Rowley, Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan
5392: La legalidad en las políticas agrarias: México 1990–2005 (Function law in agrarian policies: Mexico 1990-2005) Downloads
Irma Lorena Acosta Reveles
5390: High tech foreign direct investment and its impact on economic development Downloads
Antonio Marasco
5389: An endogenous growth model with quality ladders and consumers’ heterogeneity Downloads
Antonio Marasco
5388: Measuring Ancient Inequality Downloads
Branko Milanovic, Peter Lindert and Jeffrey Williamson
5387: Evolutionary Concept, Genetic Algorithm and Exhibition Contract in Movie Industry Downloads
Ch'ng Kean Siang
5382: Antitrust Analysis of Sports Leagues Downloads
Gregory Pelnar
5381: The asymmetric impact of macroeconomic announcements on U.S. Government bond rate level and volatility Downloads
Sukriye Tuysuz
5380: The Relationship between FDI and growth under economic integration: is there one? Downloads
Antonio Marasco
5377: A note on Rubinstein's ``Why are certain properties of binary relations relatively more common in natural language?" Downloads
Rodney Beard
5374: Measuring social capital with a myograph Downloads
Censolo Roberto, Craighero Laila, Fadiga Luciano, Giovanni Ponti and Leonzio Rizzo
5373: Local government responsiveness to federal transfers: theory and evidence Downloads
Leonzio Rizzo
5372: Comparison of personal income inequality estimates based on data from the IRS and Census Bureau Downloads
Ivan Kitov
5366: China currency dispute: is a rise in the yuan inevitable, necessary or desirable? Downloads
John Tatom
5365: Kompetenzaufteilung in konzerninternen Netzwerken der Automobilindustrie: Chance für Standort und Region? (The Division of competencies in corporate networks of the automobile industry: Are there development prospects for location and region?) Downloads
Johannes Winter
5364: Exchange rate volatility and investment: a panel data cointegration approach Downloads
Ibrahima Diallo
5363: Unternehmer und Grundherren Nord-Nigerias im Kampf um die politische Macht: Zum sozialen Aufstieg der einheimischen Wirtschaftselite in den nigerianischen Emiraten (Entrepreneurs and landlords of Northern Nigeria in the fight for political power: On the social ascent of the indigenous economic elite in the Nigerian Emirates) Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
5362: Optimal Unemployment Insurance in Labor Market Equilibrium when Workers can Self-Insure Downloads
Felix Reichling
5359: Political budget cycles and social security budget increases in the Republic of Ireland, 1923-2005 Downloads
Mel Cousins
5358: Credit Risk Models for Managing Bank’s Agricultural Loan Portfolio Downloads
Arindam Bandyopadhyay
5357: Credit Risk Models for Managing Bank’s Agricultural Loan Portfolio Downloads
Arindam Bandyopadhyay
5355: Efficiency in a Thinly Traded Market: The Case of Pakistan Downloads
Fazal Husain and Kevin Forbes
5351: Rent seeking, interest groups and environmental lobbying: Cane Farmers versus Great Barrier Reef Protectionists Downloads
Rodney Beard
5346: Environmental lobbying with imperfect monitoring of environmental quality Downloads
Rodney Beard, Thilak Mallawaarachchi and Gillian Salerno
5344: Außenpolitische Hintergründe des gesellschaftspolitischen Umbruchs in Guinea-Bissau (The impact of foreign affairs on the political and social transition in Guinea-Bissau) Downloads
Dirk Kohnert
5343: Сценарии перехода к устойчивым темпам добычи нефти в России (Scenarios of transition to sustainable oil extraction in Russia) Downloads
Anastasiya Andreeva and Andrei Bazhanov
5339: Do Small States Get More Federal Monies? Myth and Reality about the US Senate Malapportionment Downloads
Valentino Larcinese, Leonzio Rizzo and Cecilia Testa
5335: Equalisation and Fiscal Competition Downloads
Leonzio Rizzo
5334: Interaction between Vertical and Horizontal tax Competition: Theory and Evidence Downloads
Leonzio Rizzo
5333: Tüketim ve Kamu Harcamaları: VECM modeli (Searching for Fiscal Effects: A VECM model of Household Consumption Expenditures) Downloads
Oya Erdogdu
5332: Self reporting reduces corruption in law enforcement Downloads
Alberto Motta and Alfredo Burlando
5331: (Mis-)Understanding Education Externalities Downloads
Normann Mueller
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