MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 29404: Borrowing for hospitalization in India

- Rama Pal
- 29403: Performance Pay and Information: Reducing Child Malnutrition in Urban Slums

- Prakarsh Singh
- 29402: Methods for Evaluating Innovative Health Programs (EIHP): A Multi-Country Study

- Ranjeeta Thomas, Andrew Jones and Lyn Squire
- 29400: Choosing between subsidized or unsubsidized private pension schemes: a random parameters bivariate probit analysis

- Christian Pfarr and Udo Schneider
- 29399: The Impact of ICT on Growth in Transition Economies

- Marcin Piątkowski
- 29398: ICT and Productivity Growth in Transition Economies: Two-Phase Convergence and Structural Reforms

- Marcin Piątkowski and Bart van Ark
- 29397: The Potential of ICT for the Development and Economic Restructuring of the New EU Member States and Candidate Countries

- Marcin Piątkowski
- 29396: Wage formation in the Italian private sector after the 1992-93 income policy agreements

- Piero Casadio
- 29395: Trade and Income Growth in Vietnam: Estimates from a New Social Accounting Matrix

- Finn Tarp, David Roland-Holst and John Rand
- 29392: U-landenes behov for fødevarebistand i 1990'erne (The Need of Developing Countries for Food Aid in the 1990s)

- Finn Tarp
- 29391: Accounting for Vietnam’s Wealth: The Role of Natural Resources

- Finn Tarp, Manh Hai Nguyen, Nguyet Hong Vu Xuan, Hoa Ho Cong, Silva Patricia and Mortensen Jørgen Birk
- 29388: Indian textile industry: sea of potential opportunities

- Senthil Kumar Nakkeeran and Subburethina Bharathi Pugalendhi
- 29385: I problemi nella realizzazione delle opere pubbliche: le specificità del Mezzogiorno

- Chiara Bentivogli, Piero Casadio and Roberto Cullino
- 29384: Contrattazione aziendale integrativa e differenziali salariali territoriali: informazioni dall'indagine sulle imprese della Banca d'Italia

- Piero Casadio
- 29383: Strategic Thresholds and its Implications

- Sandhya Mishra
- 29382: Trade and Development in Vietnam: Exploring Investment Linkages

- Philip Abott, Kathryn Boys, Finn Tarp and Pham Lan Huong
- 29381: Managing product life-cycle in the auto industry: evaluating carmakers effectiveness

- Giuseppe Volpato and Andrea Stocchetti
- 29379: Tourism, real output and real effective exchange rate in Malaysia: a view from rolling sub-samples

- Chor Foon Tang
- 29373: A Comercialização dos Produtos Orgânicos na Feira Agroecológica de Maceió/AL: Uma Avaliação sob a Lógica da Teoria dos Custos de Transação (The Marketing of Organic Products at the Agroecological Fair Maceio, AL: An Evaluation in The Logic of Transaction Cost Theory)

- André Lages and Luciano Celso Brandão Guerreiro Barbosa
- 29371: Economic Rationality, Risk Presentation, and Retirement Portfolio Choice

- Hazel Bateman, Christine Ebling, John Geweke, Louviere Jordan, Satchell Stephen and Susan Thorp
- 29367: Globalization, Economic Reform, and Structural Price Transmission: SAM Decomposition Techniques with an empirical application to Vietnam

- David Roland-Holst and Finn Tarp
- 29365: Financial frictions and the zero lower bound on interest rates: a DSGE analysis

- Rossana Merola
- 29364: Income insurance and the determinants of income insurance via foreign asset revenues and foreign liability payments

- Faruk Balli, Syed Abul Basher and Hatice Balli
- 29361: Stratification and between-group inequality: a new approach to measurement

- Maria Monti and Alessandro Santoro
- 29360: Money demand and economic uncertainty in Barbados

- Mahalia Jackman
- 29353: Inflation, capital accumulation and economic growth in import-dependent developing countries

- Christian R.K. Ahortor and Deodat Adenutsi
- 29349: International remittances – the panacea for underdevelopment? A comparative panel data analysis of Sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America

- Deodat Adenutsi and Christian R.K. Ahortor
- 29347: Do international remittances promote human development in poor countries? Empirical evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa

- Deodat Adenutsi
- 29337: Endogenous Timing in Strategic Environmental Policymaking

- Keisuke Hattori and Takahiro Kitamura
- 29336: Projektvurdering i u-lande (Project Analysis in Development Assistance)

- Finn Tarp
- 29333: Financial sector development and the macrodynamics of ‘de facto’ dollarisation in developing countries: the case of Ghana

- Deodat Adenutsi and Charles A. Yartey
- 29330: Financial development, international migrant remittances, and endogenous growth in Ghana

- Deodat Adenutsi
- 29325: Agrarian Transformation in Mozambique

- Finn Tarp
- 29316: The Dynamics between Real Exchange Rate Movements and Trends in Trade Performance: The Case of Ethiopia

- Wondemhunegn Ezezew Melesse
- 29314: Fair value accounting and procyclicality: mitigating regulatory and accounting policy differences through regulatory structure reforms and Enforced Self Regulation

- Marianne Ojo
- 29313: Latvijas iestāšanās Eiropas Savienībā ekonomiskā efekta novērtēšana (Estimation of Economic Benefit of the Introduction of Latvia in the European Union)

- Valerijs Skribans
- 29312: Product-line variety and innovation along product life-cycle in car market: are carmakers’ policies really effective?

- Giuseppe Volpato and Andrea Stocchetti
- 29311: Endogenous Market Structures and Labor Market Dynamics

- Andrea Colciago and Lorenza Rossi
- 29310: Nexus between aid and security: the case of Pakistan

- Vaqar Ahmed and Abdul Wahab Siddiqui
- 29303: Système National d’Innovation au Maroc (National Innovation System In Morocco)

- Jamal Bouoiyour
- 29300: Mountain-pine beetle outbreaks and shifting social preferences for ecosystem services

- Charles Sims, David Aadland and David Finnoff
- 29299: The Dynamics of Economic Epidemiology Equilibria

- David Aadland, David Finnoff and Kevin X.D. Huang
- 29298: Time Compression

- David Aadland and Sherrill Shaffer
- 29295: Biases in the distribution of bilateral aid: a regional decomposition analysis

- Matthew Salois
- 29294: Productivity and per capita GDP growth: the role of the forgotten factors

- Luigi Marattin and Simone Salotti
- 29293: Road pricing as a citizen-candidate game

- Edoardo Marcucci and Marco Marini
- 29291: The role of monetary policy in managing the euro - dollar exchange rate

- Nikolaos Mylonidis and Ioanna Stamopoulou
- 29290: Impact of Futures Trading on Indian Agricultural Commodity Market

- Dr. Kedar nath Mukherjee
- 29288: Measuring Financial Risk using Extreme Value Theory: evidence from Pakistan

- Abdul Qayyum and Faisal Nawaz
- 29286: Defense Expenditure and Economic Growth under External Predation

- Taoxiong Liu, An-Gang Hu and Bi-Hua Zhou
- 29283: Impacts of China’s growth on the Brazilian trade

- Tatiana Ferrari, Milton Biage and Sergio Da Silva
- 29281: Wirtschafts- und finanzpolitische Koordinierung in der EU – Erfahrungen aus einem Jahrzehnt Politikkoordinierung (Public policy coordination in the EU - experiences from one decade of policy coordination)

- Werner Ebert and Martina Eckardt
- 29279: Trade Complementarity and Similarity Between India and Asean Countries in the context of the RTA

- B.P. Chandran
- 29278: Does Access and Use OF Financial Service Smoothen Household Food Consumption?

- Samuel Annim, Isaac Dasmani and Mark Armah
- 29275: A hesitant evolution: industrialisation and de-industrialisation in Greece over the long run

- Helen Louri and Ioanna Pepelasis
- 29274: Foreign presence, technical efficiency and firm survival in Greece: a simultaneous equation model with latent variables approach

- Helen Louri, Costas Peppas and Mike Tsionas
- 29268: Role of Public Expenditures and Macroeconomic Uncertainty in Determining Private Investment in Large Scale Manufacturing Sector of Pakistan

- Imtiaz Ahmad and Abdul Qayyum
- 29262: Non-reactive strategies in decision-form games

- David Carfì and Angela Ricciardello
- 29257: Learning and judgment shocks in U.S. business cycles

- James Murray
- 29255: Did the Commercial Paper Funding Facility Prevent a Great Depression Style Money Market Meltdown?

- John Duca

- Dinesh Jomadar
- 29250: European Union

- Dinesh Jomadar
- 29247: Industrialisation and de-industrialisation: England divides

- Eric Jones
- 29246: Multidimensional Nature of Undernutrition: A Statistical Approach

- Georges Nguefack-Tsague and Léonie Dapi N.
- 29243: Optimal boundaries for decisions

- David Carfì
- 29242: Non-stationary inflation and panel estimates of the n ew Keynesian Phillips curve for Australia

- B. Rao, Antonio Paradiso and Piero Esposito
- 29241: Continuous Modeling of Foreign Exchange Rate of USD versus TRY

- Yakup Ari and Gazanfer Unal
- 29237: Temporal Granger causality and the dynamics examination on the tourism-growth nexus in Malaysia

- Chor Foon Tang
- 29235: A Model of Technology Transfer in Japan's Rapid Economic Growth Period

- Shuhei Aoki
- 29234: Unconventional factors of efficiency in public transport. A case study and theory

- Paolo Beria and Raffaele Grimaldi
- 29233: Revisiting the relationship between electricity consumption, capital and economic growth: Cointegration and causality analysis in Romania

- Mihai Mutascu, Muhammad Shahbaz and Aviral Tiwari
- 29230: Exploring environmental urban policies: a methodological proposal to build a composite indicator measuring urban environmental virtuosity

- Salvatore Ercolano and Oriana Romano
- 29218: Système National d’Innovation marocain (National Innovation System In Morocco)

- Jamal Bouoiyour
- 29215: A Theoretical Approach for Dynamic Modelling of Sustainable Development

- Corina Ene, Anda Gheorghiu and Anca Gheorghiu
- 29209: Trade agreements between developing countries: a case study of Pakistan - Sri Lanka free trade agreement

- Saira Ahmed, Vaqar Ahmed and Safdar Sohail
- 29208: Expectations Traps and Monetary Policy with Limited Commitment

- Christoph Himmels and Tatiana Kirsanova
- 29205: Evaluating Innovative Health Programs: Lessons for Health Policy

- Lyn Squire, Andrew Jones and Ranjeeta Thomas
- 29201: Puzzles in Indian performance: deficits without disasters

- Ashima Goyal
- 29200: Coordinating monetary and fiscal policies: a role for rules?

- Ashima Goyal
- 29199: How do Firm Characteristics Affect Capital Structure? Some UK Evidence

- Sinan Akdal
- 29198: Interest groups or incentives: the political economy of fiscal decay

- Ashima Goyal and Manas Paul
- 29197: Words or deeds – what matters? Experience of recentralization in Russian security agencies

- Alexander Libman
- 29196: Federalism and regionalism in transition countries: A survey

- Alexander Libman
- 29194: Financial Innovation and Regional Money

- Jun Nagayasu
- 29193: Differentiable game complete analysis for tourism firm decisions

- David Carfì
- 29190: Regime Specific Predictability in Predictive Regressions

- Jesus Gonzalo and Jean-Yves Pitarakis
- 29189: Joint Detection of Structural Change and Nonstationarity in Autoregressions

- Jean-Yves Pitarakis
- 29188: Bank stock returns and economic growth

- Rebel Cole, Fari Moshirian and Qionbing Wu
- 29185: Toereikendheid van het pensioen en budgettaire kosten van de vergrijzing - evaluatie van beleidsmaatregelen en van alternatieve scenario’s/Adéquation des pensions et coût budgétaire du vieillissement - impacts de réformes et de scénarios alternatifs (The adequacy and sustainability of pensions: the impact of pension reform and alternative scenario's)

- Greet de Vil, Gijs Dekkers, Raphaël Desmet and Marie-Jeanne Festjens
- 29180: Legal origin, creditor protection and bank lending around the world

- Rebel Cole and Rima Turk Ariss
- 29177: Virtual Collaborative R&D Teams in Malaysia Manufacturing SMEs

- Nader Ale Ebrahim, Shamsuddin Ahmed, Salwa Hanim Abdul Rashid and Zahari Taha
- 29176: Effective Cost of Brain Drain

- Jamal Bouoiyour, Mohamed Jellal and François-Charles Wollf
- 29175: Offshoring to China and India: Case Studies of Italian Small-Medium-sized Firms

- Giuseppe Tattara
- 29174: Choosing between foreign investment and subcontracting: Strategies of Italian firms in Romania

- Giuseppe Tattara
- 29169: THE Effects of Multilateral Trade Liberalization on the Extensive and the Intensive Margins of Trade

- Styliani Christodoulopoulou
- 29163: Capital humain et croissance économique au Maroc (Human Capital and Economic Growth in Morocco)

- Jamal Bouoiyour and Saloua Bennaghmouch
- 29162: Relation éducation croissance économique au Maroc Long terme ou court terme? (Education and Economic Growth in Morocco: short-term or long term relationship?)

- Jamal Bouoiyour
- 29161: The Dynamics between Real Exchange Rate Movements and Trends in Trade Performance: The Case of Ethiopia

- Wondemhunegn Ezezew Melesse
- 29154: Measuring Monetary Conditions in A Small Open Economy: The Case of Malaysia

- Muhamed Zulkhibri
- 29153: India's FDI Inflows: Trends and Concepts

- S Chalapati Rao K and Biswajit Dhar
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