MPRA Paper
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- 9816: Towards a new paradigm for economics

- Asad Zaman
- 9814: Factor Humano ou Factor Tecnológico? O Caso dos Serviços de Controlo de Tráfego Aéreo (Human Factors or Technological Factors? The Air Traffic Control Case)

- José João Sampaio
- 9813: A Note on the Dynamics of Incentive Contracts

- Ching-jen Sun
- 9812: The Welfare Costs of Unreliable Water Service

- Brian Baisa, Lucas Davis, Stephen W. Salant and William Wilcox
- 9808: Comprehensive macro-model for the U.S. economy

- Ivan Kitov, Oleg Kitov and Svetlana Dolinskaya
- 9807: Municipal Bonds: Is India ready for more?

- Pravin Chandrasekaran and Roy Katayama
- 9804: Putting Free-Riding to Work: A Partnership Solution to the Common-Property Problem

- Martin Heintzelman, Stephen W. Salant and Stephan Schott
- 9802: Measuring the Dynamic Cost of Living Index from Consumption Data

- Shuhei Aoki and Minoru Kitahara
- 9801: Competitiveness of India's Manufacturing Sector: An Assessment of Related Issues

- Lakshmanan L, Chinngaihlian S and Rajesh Raj
- 9799: Trabalho e Emprego: Em Busca do Paradigma Perdido.Elementos para uma Clarificação Conceptual (Work and Employment:Searching for a Lost Paradigm)

- José Sampaio
- 9798: Non – parametric estimation of conditional and unconditional loan portfolio loss distributions with public credit registry data

- Matias Gutierrez Girault
- 9797: An Empirical Model of Factor Adjustment Dynamics

- Juan Contreras
- 9796: Market Analysis and Competitiveness in Project Appraisal

- Savvakis C. Savvides
- 9792: The Effect of Pseudo-exogenous Instrumental Variables on Hausman Test

- Jinook Jeong and Byung Yoon
- 9791: Wild-Bootstrapped Variance Ratio Test for Autocorrelation in the Presence of Heteroskedasticity

- Jinook Jeong and Byunguk Kang
- 9790: Practical Volatility Modeling for Financial Market Risk Management

- Ahmed Shamiri, Abu Hassan Shaari and Zaidi Isa
- 9789: Bootstrap Tests Based on Goodness-of-Fit Measures for Nonnested Hypotheses in Regression Models

- Jinook Jeong
- 9787: The U.S. foreclosure crisis: a two-pronged assault on the U.S. economy

- John Tatom
- 9786: Comparing Constraints to Economic Stabilization in Macedonia and Slovakia: Macro Estimates with Micro Narratives

- Martin Melecký and Evgenij Najdov
- 9783: International fragmentation of production in the Portuguese economy: What do different measures tell us?

- João Amador and Sonia Cabral
- 9775: The risk premium, exchange rate expectations, and the forward exchange rate: Estimates for the Yen-Dollar rate

- Stuart Landon and Constance Smith
- 9774: Quality expectations, reputation, and price

- Stuart Landon and Constance Smith
- 9770: The ups and downs of the renormalization group applied to financial time series

- Damien Challet and Pier Paolo Peirano
- 9760: Towards a Fiscal Illusion Index

- Paulo Mourão
- 9759: Turkey - Inflation and the Distribution of Income

- Dong He
- 9758: Resolving Non-performing Assets of the Indian Banking System

- Dong He
- 9757: A Family Divided-Labor Market Duality in Korea

- Dong He and Thierry Tressel
- 9756: Budget Formulation and Implementation in Korea: A Macroeconomic Perspective

- Dong He
- 9755: Priorities for the Italian Cultural Firms

- Angela Besana
- 9753: Disinflation and the NAIRU in a New-Keynesian New-Growth Model

- Ansgar Rannenberg
- 9749: The Effects of the Real Exchange Rate Volatility and Misalignments on Foreign Trade Flows in Uzbekistan

- Ulugbek Olimov and Nishanbay Sirajiddinov
- 9746: Negative Network Externalities in Two-Sided Markets: A Competition Approach

- Gokce Kurucu
- 9743: Comparing and contrasting growth of India with China

- Abhay Gupta
- 9741: Politica fiscala si output-urile sociale: cazul U.E

- Ioan Talpos, Bogdan Dima, Mihai Mutascu and Cosmin Enache
- 9740: Finantarea autoritatilor locale in Romania

- Mihai Mutascu, Oana Lobont, Alexandru Ocatavian Crasneac and Cristina Nicolescu
- 9738: Soutenabilité des finances publiques au Cameroun: Approche de Bohn (1998) (Testing Fiscal sustainability in Cameroon: Approach of Bohn (1998))

- T. H. Jackson Ngwa Edielle
- 9737: Robust Two-Stage Least Squares: some Monte Carlo experiments

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 9736: Estimating Output Gap for Pakistan Economy:Structural and Statistical Approaches

- Bukhari S. Adnan H. A. S. and Safdar Khan
- 9735: Euro 2008’i Neden İspanya kazandı ? (Why did Spain win Euro 2008 Football Tournament?)

- Ferda Halicioglu
- 9733: Gibrat’s law for countries

- Rafael González-Val and Marcos Sanso-Navarro
- 9732: The evolution of the US urban structure from a long-run perspective (1900-2000)

- Rafael González-Val
- 9731: Zipf’s and Gibrat’s laws for migrations

- Jesus Clemente Lopez, Rafael González-Val and Irene Olloqui
- 9730: Trade policies, concentration, growth and welfare

- Rafael González-Val, Luis Lanaspa and Fernando Pueyo
- 9729: Foreign Reserve Adequacy in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Paulo Drummond and Anubha Dhasmana
- 9728: A global measurement approach versus a country-specific measurement approach – Do they draw the same picture of child poverty? The case of Vietnam

- Keetie Roelen, Franziska Gassmann and Chris de Neubourg
- 9724: Estimates of the Steady State Growth Rates for Selected Asian Countries with an Extended Solow Model

- B. Rao
- 9718: Telecom regulation in the EU facing change of tack: Competition requires a clear policy line

- Stefan Heng
- 9716: Robert E. Lucas Jr., Prix Nobel d'Économie 1995 (Robert E. Lucas Jr., Nobel Prize in Economics 1995)

- Rodolphe Buda
- 9714: Construction in Italy's regions, 1861-1913

- Carlo Ciccarelli and Stefano Fenoaltea
- 9712: Cambio climático, impuestos ambientales y futuro de los destinos turísticos de sol y playa (Climate change, environmental taxes and the future of tourist destinations of beach and sun)

- Joan Carles Cirer-Costa
- 9711: הגירה פנימית בישראל (Internal Migration in Israel)

- Kobi Braude and Guy Navon
- 9708: Human Capital Heterogeneity: University Choice and Wages

- Guy Navon
- 9707: Budgetary Dynamics in The Local Authorities in Israel

- Guy Navon
- 9706: Pédagogie des comptes nationaux et "esprit économique critique" (National Account Teaching and "economic critical attitude")

- Rodolphe Buda
- 9705: Econymic Information Design

- Wolfgang Nedobity
- 9702: Une analyse systémique de l'évaluation des ressources humaines - réflexions et expérimentations en milieu scolaire (A Systemic Analysis of the Evaluation of the Human Resources - Reflections and Experiments From a School's Sample)

- Rodolphe Buda
- 9700: A Case for Affirmative Action in Competition Policy

- Bertrand Villeneuve and Vanessa Zhang
- 9699: A "hipótese das expectativas racionais": teoria e realidade (uma visita guiada à literatura até 1992) (The "rational expectations hypothesis": theory and reality (a guided tour to the literature published until 1992))

- Artur Silva Lopes
- 9698: Two Tales on the Returns to Education: The Impact of Trade on Wages

- Edinaldo Tebaldi and Jongsung Kim
- 9696: Expected Legal and Financial Effects of the Continuation of the Process of Privatization of the Housing Fund in the Republic of Croatia

- Branko Matić, Miljenko Brekalo and Goran Marijanović
- 9694: Loss leader or low margin leader? Advertising and the degree of product differentiation

- Witness Simbanegavi
- 9692: In the Vacuum of Public Action Social Security in Orissa: A Long Way to Go

- Kannan K P and Vijayamohanan Pillai N.
- 9691: Evolution of Social Security in the Lap of Public Action: Recounting the Experience of Kerala

- Kannan K P and Vijayamohanan Pillai N.
- 9689: South Asia: A development strategy for the information age

- Naved Hamid
- 9684: The Commodity Terms of Trade, Unit Roots, and Nonlinear Alternatives: A Smooth Transition Approach

- Barry Goodwin, Matthew T. Holt and Jeffery P. Prestemon
- 9683: Institutions, Innovation and Economic Growth

- Edinaldo Tebaldi and Bruce Elmslie
- 9681: Correlation dynamics between Asia-Pacific, EU and US stock returns

- Stuart J Hyde, Don Bredin and Nghia Nguyen
- 9679: The response of industry stock returns to market, exchange rate and interest rate risks

- Stuart J Hyde
- 9677: Chaos in the tourism industry

- Luca Correani and Giuseppe Garofalo
- 9675: Airport Choice in a Constraint World: Discrete Choice Models and Capacity Constraints

- Marc Gelhausen
- 9669: Institutions and Agricultural Productivity in Mercosur

- Preeti Bharati and Lilyan Fulginiti
- 9667: I&D, inovação e fomento de emprego: ideias chave de uma relação (R&D, innovation and job creation: key-ideas of a relation)

- António Moniz, Sara Casaca, Mário Bairrada and Conceição Moreno
- 9665: Can Equality in Education Be A New Anti-Corruption Tool?: Cross-Country Evidence (1990-2005)

- Kraiyos Patrawart
- 9663: Going Global: The Challenges for Knowledge-based Economies

- Mariagrazia Squicciarini and Torsti Loikkanen
- 9661: Review of Howard DeLong (1991), "A refutation of Arrow’s theorem", with a reaction, also on its relevance in 2008 for the European Union

- Thomas Colignatus
- 9660: Earnings Management and Contest to the Control: An Analysis of European Family Firms

- Mauricio Jara-Bertin and Félix López-Iturriaga
- 9643: The Variable Time: crucial to understanding Knowledge Economics

- Bhekuzulu Khumalo
- 9636: Foreign Direct Investment and Growth: An Empiricial Investigation Based on Cross-Country Comparison

- Ilhan Ozturk and Huseyin Kalyoncu
- 9635: Is Per Capita Real GDP Stationary in the OECD Countries? Evidence from a Panel Unit Root Test

- Ilhan Ozturk and Huseyin Kalyoncu
- 9634: Classical Class Analysis and Assessment of Contemporary Eu-Policies - Ontology and Epistemology of Social Policy Debates

- Peter Herrmann
- 9632: Co-integration and Causality Among Jakarta Stock Exchange, Singapore Stock Exchange, and Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange

- Erie Febrian and Aldrin Herwany
- 9631: Tradable and Nontradable Expenditure and Aggregate Demand for Import in an Emerging Market Economy

- Oner Guncavdi and Burc Ulengin
- 9630: Observations through gendered lenses: experiences of managerial women

- Peter A. Murray and Jawad Syed
- 9627: Inter-party vote movements in Turkey between 1999 and 2002: A statistical analysis using cross-provincial election data

- Ali Akarca
- 9626: Epistemic Conditions and Social Preferences in Trust Games

- Anthony S Gillies and Mary Rigdon
- 9624: Openness to Trade and Structural Changes in the Sources of Economic Growth and Labour Demand in Turkey

- Oner Guncavdi and Suat Kucukcifci
- 9622: Aggregate Imports and Expenditure Components in Turkey: Theoretical and Empirical Assessment

- Oner Guncavdi and Burc Ulengin
- 9621: Economic Growth under Embargoes in North Cyprus: An Input-Output Analysis

- Oner Guncavdi and Suat Kucukcifci
- 9620: International Liquidity, Financial Constraints and Private Investment in an Emerging Market Economy

- Oner Guncvadi
- 9619: On the measurement of growth

- Zakaria Babutsidze
- 9618: Vertical specialization across the world: a relative measure

- João Amador and Sonia Cabral
- 9617: Marginal and Interaction Effects in Ordered Response Models

- Debdulal Mallick
- 9616: Rural Craftsmanship, Employment Creation and Poverty Alleviation: The Case of the Bamboo Craftsmanship in Bangladesh

- Khondoker Mottaleb
- 9613: On the world market trajectory of 21 major book publishing companies in globalization and European studies in 100+ countries. From “Amsterdam University Press” via “Palgrave” and “Nova Science Publishers” to Transaction Publishers” by international, 19 indicator comparison

- Arno Tausch
- 9612: How “Point Blindness” Dilutes the Value of Stock Market Reports

- Arthur Lupia, Yanna Krupnikov, Adam Seth Levine, Cassandra Grafstrom, William MacMillan and Erin McGovern
- 9611: The term structure and the expectations hypothesis: a threshold model

- Matteo Modena
- 9610: Contract enforcement and institutions among the Maghribi Traders: Refuting Edwards and Ogilvie

- Avner Greif
- 9608: The geometry of consistent majoritarian judgement aggregation

- Marcus Pivato
- 9606: Patents in Theory and Practice: Empirical Results from Switzerland

- Najib Harabi
- 9604: How “Point Blindness” Dilutes the Value of Stock Market Reports

- Arthur Lupia, Yanna Krupnikov, Adam Seth Levine, Cassandra Grafstrom, William MacMillan and Erin McGovern
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