MPRA Paper
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- 8507: The Impacts of Atlantic Bonito Rush and the Avian Influenza on Meat Products in Turkey

- Sayed Saghaian, Gokhan Ozertan and Aslihan Spaulding
- 8504: Modeling the Informal Economy in Mexico. A Structural Equation Approach

- Jose Brambila Macias
- 8503: The EU Framework Programs: Are they worth doing?

- Ronald Dekker and Alfred Kleinknecht
- 8502: Important Concepts in Iranian Electronic Commerce Law

- Ehsan Zar Rokh
- 8501: Naturalness and Neuronal Implants – Changes in the perception of human beings

- Ulrich Fiedeler and Bettina Krings
- 8496: Demystifying Economicism

- Vijayamohanan Pillai N.
- 8495: Necessary and sufficient conditions for a resolution of the social choice paradox

- Graciela Chichilnisky and Geoffrey Heal
- 8494: دراسة تحليله لمشكلات تمويل المشروعات الصغيرة مع الإشارة لتجربة مصرف التنمية في درنة (An Analysis Study to the problems of financing small projects With reference to experience Libyan Development Bank in Darna city)

- falah.K.Ali Alrubaie
- 8493: Trade regimes and GATT: resource-intensive vs. knowledge intensive growth

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- 8492: Markets and games: a simple equivalence among the core, equilibrium and limited arbitrage

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- 8491: The economic value of the Earth's resources

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- 8488: اتجاهات التحول في النسب والعلاقات الهيكلية في الاقتصاد العراقي خلال الفترة (1975-1990) (Trends of transformation in ratios and structural relationships in the Iraqi Economy during the period (1975-1990)

- falah.K.Ali Alrubaie
- 8487: The evolution of a global network: a game of coalition formation

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- 8486: Markets with tradable CO2 emission quotas: principles and practice

- Graciela Chichilnisky and Geoffrey Heal
- 8485: Topoloy and economics: the contributions of S. Smale

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- 8482: New Social Policy Ideas in the Making: The Case of Central and Eastern Europe

- Alfio Cerami
- 8479: Social Change and Welfare State Developments in CEE and Russia

- Alfio Cerami
- 8478: Development of relationships in interorganizational networks: studies in the tourism and construction industries

- Ossi Pesämaa
- 8476: Interdomain routing and games

- Hagay Levin, Michael Schapira and Aviv Zohar
- 8475: Higher education corruption in the world media: Prevalence, patterns, and forms

- Ararat Osipian
- 8474: The Bayesian Fallacy: Distinguishing Four Kinds of Beliefs

- Elias Khalil
- 8473: Methodology of research on corruption in education

- Ararat Osipian
- 8472: Corruption as a legacy of the medieval university: Financial affairs

- Ararat Osipian
- 8471: Misdeeds in the US higher education: Illegality versus corruption

- Ararat Osipian
- 8469: Basic needs and the north/south debate

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- 8468: Desarrollo Territorial Rural en America Latina: Discurso y Realidades (Territorial Rural Development in Latin America and the Caribbean: Discourses and Realities)

- Jorge Mora-Alfaro
- 8464: Higher education corruption in Ukraine as reflected in the nation’s media

- Ararat Osipian
- 8463: Human capital—economic growth nexus in the former Soviet Bloc

- Ararat Osipian
- 8462: Facilitating economic development through the reform of economic instruction

- Ararat Osipian
- 8461: Methodology of study of corruption in higher education

- Ararat Osipian
- 8460: Measurements of inequalities in access to higher education: Case of the Russian Federation

- Ararat Osipian
- 8459: Экономика государства благосостояния: основы и формирование в условиях рыночной трансформации (Economy of the welfare state: Foundations and creation under the conditions of market transformation)

- Ararat Osipian
- 8458: Payment Card Rewards Programs and Consumer Payment Choice

- Andrew Ching and Fumiko Hayashi
- 8446: Older workers in Australia: A policy perspective

- Jawad Syed
- 8444: Envy-free solutions, Non-linear equilibrium and Egalitarian-equivalence for the Package Assignment Problem

- Somdeb Lahiri
- 8440: The environmental impact of globalization on Latin America: a prospective approach

- Graciela Chichilnisky and G. Gallopin
- 8439: Minimal Social Cues in the Dictator Game

- Mary Rigdon, Keiko Ishii, Motoki Watabe and Shinobu Kitayama
- 8433: The Diffusion of Internet: A Cross-Country Analysis

- David Cuberes
- 8431: A Model of Sequential City Growth

- David Cuberes
- 8430: Democracy, Diversification, and Growth Reversals

- David Cuberes
- 8429: Hermeneutics and Dialectics: (Hegel, Husserl, Heidegger and) Hans-Georg Gadamer

- Haider Khan
- 8428: It’s all about Trust and Loyalty: Partner Selection Mechanisms in Tourism Networks

- Ossi Pesämaa, Daniel Örtqvist and Josph F Hair
- 8427: More than friendship is required: an empirical test of cooperative firm strategies

- Ossi Pesämaa and Joseph F Hair
- 8415: North-South trade, property rights and the dynamics of environmental resources

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- 8414: Productivity Shock and Optimal Monetary Policy in a Unionized Labor Market. Forthcoming: The Manchester School

- Lorenza Rossi and Fabrizio Mattesini
- 8413: Consumer preferences and demand systems

- William Barnett and Apostolos Serletis
- 8412: The Discursive Dilemma and Probabilistic Judgement Aggregation

- Marcus Pivato
- 8411: Modeling Expectations with Noncausal Autoregressions

- Markku Lanne and Pentti Saikkonen
- 8410: Explaining the size distribution of cities: x-treme economies

- Marcus Berliant and Axel Watanabe
- 8400: The Dynamics of Parallel Economies. Measuring the Informal Sector in México

- Jose Brambila Macias
- 8394: Existence of an optimal growth path with endogenous technical change

- Graciela Chichilnisky and Paul F. Gruenwald
- 8393: Strategies for trade liberalization in the Americas

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- 8392: أثر التغيرات الهيكلية في قطاع الصناعة التحويلية على اتجاهات الإنتاجية والتشغيل في الاقتصاد العراقي (The impact of structural changes in industrial manufacturing sector on productivity and employment trends in the Iraqi economy)

- falah.K.Ali Alrubaie
- 8390: The abatement of carbon emissions in industrial and developing countries

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- 8389: Has globalisation changed the Phillips curve? Firm-level evidence on the effect of activity on prices

- Eugenio Gaiotti
- 8388: Can information asymmetry cause agglomeration?

- Marcus Berliant and Fan-chin Kung
- 8386: Impact of globalisation? Changes in the MTM in Poland

- Tomasz Chmielewski and Adam Kot
- 8380: Multinational Firms and the Theory of International Trade

- James Markusen
- 8379: The Value of Rents and the Likelihood of Conflicts

- Khaled Bennour
- 8378: Poverty and Social Structure in Russia: An Analysis of the First Decade of Transition

- Alfio Cerami
- 8377: Central Europe in transition: emerging models of welfare and social assistance

- Alfio Cerami
- 8376: Migration Enclaves, Schooling Choices and Social Mobility

- Mario Piacentini
- 8374: InfSOCSol2: an updated MATLAB package for approximating the solution to a continuous-time infinite horizon stochastic optimal control problem

- Jeffrey Azzato and Jacek Krawczyk
- 8373: Remittances, Migration and Informality in Mexico. A Simple Model

- Jose Brambila Macias
- 8370: Economies of scale in banking, indeterminacy, and monetary policy

- Scott Dressler
- 8369: أثر السياسة الاقتصادية على مناخ الاستثمار في الدول العربية (The impact of Economic policies On the investment climate in Arab Countries)

- falah.K.Ali Alrubaie
- 8368: Dynamic Conditioning and Credit Correlation Baskets

- Claudio Albanese and Alicia Vidler
- 8364: Law and Institutions: two reasons for Sicilian backwardness?

- Andrea Consoli and Salvatore Spagano
- 8362: تحلیل مؤشرات التنمیة الإنسانیة في الدول العربیة (An Analysis to human development indicators in the Arab States)

- falah.K.Ali Alrubaie
- 8360: Traditional comparative advantage vs. increasing returns to scale: NAFTA and the GATT

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- 8359: Traditional comparative advantages vs. economies of scale: NAFTA and GATT

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- 8357: North-South trade and basic needs

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- 8356: International trade in resources: a general equilibrium analysis

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- 8354: Large and small models: their suitability for North-South issues

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- 8353: Social choice and the closed convergence topology

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- 8350: قطاع النفط والصناعة النفطية في العراق بين الواقع المؤلم والأفاق المستقبلية (Oil sector and the petroleum industry in Iraq between the painful reality and future prospects)

- falah.K.Ali Alrubaie
- 8349: Determinants of Managerial Values on Corporate Social Responsibility: Evidence from China

- Liangrong Zu and Lina Song
- 8348: In Search of Gender Bias in Household Resource Allocation in Rural China

- Lina Song
- 8347: Life Satisfaction in Urban China: Components and Determinants

- Lina Song and Simon Appleton
- 8346: Growing out of poverty: trends and patterns of urban poverty in China 1988–2002

- Simon Appleton, Lina Song and Qingjie Xia
- 8345: The economics of Communist Party membership - The Curious case of rising numbers and wage premium during China’s transition

- Simon Appleton, Lina Song, John Knight and Qingjie Xia
- 8344: تحليل مؤشرات التنمية البشرية في ليبيا (Analysis of Human Development Indicators In Libya)

- Falah K. Ali Alrubaie
- 8343: Ashamed to be Selfish

- David Dillenberger and Philipp Sadowski
- 8342: Preferences for One-Shot Resolution of Uncertainty and Allais-Type Behavior

- David Dillenberger
- 8338: Tariff and Equilibrium Indeterminacy--(I)

- Yan Zhang
- 8337: The Role of Investment Wedges in the Carlstrom-Fuerst Economy and Business Cycle Accounting

- Masaru Inaba and Kengo Nutahara
- 8334: The Future of Global Reinsurance

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- 8333: Financial Innovation in Property Catastrophe Reinsurance: The Convergence of Insurance and Capital Markets

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- 8331: تقييم تجربة التصنيع في العراق "خلال المدة 1975-1990 (An Evaluation to Industrial Development in Iraq "During 1975-1990")

- Falah K. Ali Alrubaie
- 8330: Property Rights on Biodiversity and the Pharmaceutical Industry

- Graciela Chichilnisky
- 8329: Energy-Capital Substitution: A General Equilibrium Analysis

- Graciela Chichilnisky and Geoffrey Heal
- 8325: Cross-Sectional Dispersion of Firm Valuations and Expected Stock Returns

- Danling Jiang
- 8323: Energy security with a high external dependence: the strategies of Japan and South Korea

- Pablo Bustelo
- 8322: The institutional Design of international double Taxation Avoidance

- Thomas Rixen
- 8320: Nation States vs. United Empire: Effects of Political Competition on Economic Growth

- Angus Chu
- 8317: Innovative Technology, Social and Economic Sustainability: Evidence from Pakistan

- Gobind M. Herani and Saeed A.K. Lodhi

- Lubna Hasan
- 8315: Adaptive Experimental Design Using the Propensity Score

- Jinyong Hahn, Keisuke Hirano and Dean Karlan
- 8314: Limited Insurance Within the Household: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Kenya

- Jonathan Robinson
- 8313: Interregiona;Decomposition of labor productivity differences in China, 1987-1997

- Ling Yang and Michael Lahr