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58725: Congestion in a city with a central bottleneck Downloads
Mogens Fosgerau and André de Palma
58722: Systematic Measurement Error in Self-Reported Health: Is anchoring vignettes the way out? Downloads
Aparajita Dasgupta
58719: Non-technological and Mixed Modes of Innovation in the United States. Evidence from the Business Research and Development and Innovation Survey, 2008-2011 Downloads
Juana Sanchez
58715: Development and the cyclicality of government spending in the Czech Republic Downloads
Irena Szarowska
58712: The Viet Nam National Innovation System: A Diagnostic Review Downloads
Anh Nguyen, Nguyen Mai and Hung Doan
58711: Macroeconomic Shocks, Housing Market and Banks’ Performance in Venezuela Downloads
Oscar Carvallo and Carolina Pagliacci
58697: Contexto y método para el análisis de las guerras civiles (Context and method for the analysis of civil wars) Downloads
Fernando Estrada and Mayra Alejandra Bonilla
58696: Grid integration and smart grid implementation of emerging technologies in electric power systems through approximate dynamic programming Downloads
Jingjie Xiao
58694: Factores socio-político y judiciales como determinantes de la inversión privada en Latinoamérica (Social-Political and Judicial Factors as Determinants of Private Investment in Latin America) Downloads
Rafael Alexis Acevedo Rueda and José Mora
58693: Determinantes económicos de la pobreza total en Venezuela: 1975-2000 (Economical determinants of total poverty in Venezuela: 1975 - 2000) Downloads
Rafael Alexis Acevedo Rueda and Pedro Alexander Harmath Fernández
58692: Ahorro y comercio internacional como determinantes de la inversión en Latinoamérica durante el siglo XX (Saving and opennes as determinants of investment in Latin America during the twentieth century) Downloads
Rafael Alexis Acevedo Rueda, José U. Mora Mora and Pedro alexander Harmath Fernández
58691: La brecha del producto y el producto potencial en Venezuela: una estimación SVAR (Output Gap and Potential GDP in Venezuela: A SVAR Estimation) Downloads
Rafael Alexis Acevedo Rueda, José U. Mora Mora and Pedro Alexander Harmath Fernández
58690: Pobreza: percepción y enfoques. Un análisis para Venezuela (Poverty: perceptions and approaches. An analysis for Venezuela) Downloads
Rafael Alexis Acevedo Rueda, Omaira Peña and Pedro Alexander Harmath Fernéndez
58689: Eficiencia gerencial: propuesta metodológica para su medición y evaluación en el sector eléctrico de Venezuela (Managerial efficiency: an empirical approach to measure and evaluate it in the electrical sector of Venezuela) Downloads
Rafael Alexis Acevedo Rueda
58688: Implicaciones filosóficas de la eficiencia gerencial (Philosophical implications of the managerial efficiency) Downloads
Rafael Alexis Acevedo Rueda
58685: Consideraciones sobre la relación entre la inversión privada y los factores socio-políticos y judiciales en Venezuela y América Latina (Considerations on the relationship between private investment and social-political and judicial factors in Venezuela and Latin America) Downloads
Rafael Alexis Acevedo Rueda and José Mora
58675: Sequential lending with dynamic joint liability in micro-finance Downloads
Shyamal Chowdhury, Prabal Roy Chowdhury and Kunal Sengupta
58674: Does access to microfinance affect consumption inequality?:evidence from a randomized controlled trial in Andhra Pradesh, India Downloads
Jyoti Prasad Mukhopadhyay
58672: Социальные системы корпоративного типа: генезис и функции (Social system of the corporation-type: Genesis and functions) Downloads
Mikhail Kaluzhsky
58670: Principles and Approach to Targeting:With Reference to the Indonesian Social Safety Net Program Downloads
Sudarno Sumarto and Asep Suryahadi
58664: Forms, Factors and Efficiency of Eco-management in Bulgarian Farms with High Eco-activity Downloads
Hrabrin Bachev
58662: Ease of Doing Business: Emphasis on Corruption and Rule of Law Downloads
Dalal Karama
58661: Curvas de Oferta-Precio No lineales para el caso de preferencias de consumo Cuasi-lineales (Nonlinear Price-Consumption Paths for Quasilinear preferences) Downloads
Efraín Arango
58660: Descentralización y desarrollo: transformaciones de una Colombia campesina (Decentralization and development: Transformations of a rural Colombia) Downloads
Julián Mauricio Vélez Tamayo
58659: The linkage between oil and agricultural commodity prices in the light of the perceived global risk Downloads
Giray Gözgör and Baris Kablamaci
58657: Expectations and the Dynamic Feedback between Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth Downloads
Diego Escobari and Diego Vacaflores
58656: Interest rates and endogenous population growth: joint age-dependent dynamics Downloads
Paulo Brito
58649: Exchange Controls and SADC Regional Integration: Measuring SADC Restrictiveness Downloads
Mark Ellyne and Rachel Chater
58639: Great Expectations: The Persistent Effect of Institutions on Culture Downloads
Anastasia Litina
58632: A model of technology transfer under taxation Downloads
Nickolas Michelacakis
58621: Local or national environmental spending in Italy: a stochastic frontier analysis Downloads
Sabrina Auci, Annalisa Castelli and Donatella Vignani
58620: Superstition and financial decision making Downloads
David Hirshleifer, Ming Jian and Huai Zhang
58619: Dollarization:Demand of time or the result of mismanagement of economy Downloads
Anurag -
58618: Factors Affecting Choice of Cable Services in Small Towns of India Downloads
Saurabh Bandyopadhyay and Tejinder Singh
58616: The Red Corridor Region of India: What Do the Data Tell Us? Downloads
Jyoti Prasad Mukhopadhyay and Nilanjan Banik
58612: The argentine recovery: some features and challenges Downloads
Ruben Mercado
58611: Empirical economywide modeling in argentina Downloads
Ruben Mercado
58610: Development planning in the xxi century? a note on old and new methods and tools Downloads
Ruben Mercado and Fernando Porta
58609: Towards Balancing Innovation and Imitation Practices in the Value Creation Process Downloads
Marta Najda-Janoszka
58602: Local government spending and multidimensional poverty in Senegal: insight from the fuzzy approach Downloads
Ligane Séne and Momath Cissé
58600: Book Review Isu Terkini Industri Perbankan dan Keuangan Islam Asia Tenggara (Book Review Current Issues in Islamic Banking and Finance in South East Asia) Downloads
Yuli Andriansyah
58599: POTRET FILANTROPI ISLAM DI DAERAH ISTIMEWA YOGYAKARTA (Profile of Islamic Philantrophy in Yogyakarta Special Province) Downloads
Nur Kholis, Soya Sobaya, Yuli Andriansyah and Muhammad Iqbal
58598: Testing of Natural Resources as Blessing or Curse to the Knowledge Economy in Arab Countries Downloads
Ahmed Driouchi
58597: Estimation of Fractal Parameters of Tehran Stock Market Groups Time Series Using Discrete Wavelet Transform (Estimation of Fractal Parameters of Tehran Stock Market Groups Time Series Using Discrete Wavelet Transform) Downloads
Kamran Golmohammadpoor Azar
58594: The Role of Managerial Work in Market Performance: A Monopoly Model with Team Production Downloads
Andreas Hildenbrand and Mihael Duran
58592: Cause and cure of the crisis Downloads
Thomas Colignatus
58591: On the Sources of Heterogeneity in Banking Efficiency Literature Downloads
Francesco Aiello and Graziella Bonanno
58587: Incorporating Qualitative Indicators of Well - Being into Quantitative Economic Research Downloads
Remigiusz Gawlik and Kamil Gołębiowski
58586: Strategies and evaluating strategic choices of firms and consumers Downloads
Jesper Fredborg Huric Larsen
58585: A note on the effect of consumer protection requirements on firm strategy Downloads
Jesper Fredborg Huric Larsen
58584: Intergenerational Cooperation: an Experimental Study on Beliefs Downloads
Micaela M. Kulesz and Dennis Dittrich
58582: Testing Quasi-independence for Truncation Data Downloads
Takeshi Emura and Weijing Wang
58580: Estimating the recreational value of Kakum National Park in Ghana Downloads
Emmanuel Ankomah and Kofi Adu
58579: The Dynamic Causal Relationship between Government Revenue and Government Expenditure Nexus in Ghana Downloads
Wisdom Takumah
58576: Administering Foreign-Worker Programs Downloads
Richard Cebula
58572: Альтернативный подход к определению условий отсутствия арбитража (Alternetive way of determining no arbitrage conditions) Downloads
Sergei Ivanov
58570: The Golden Rule of Capital Accumulation and Global Recession. Aggregate Production Function and the Cambridge Capital Controversy Downloads
Pete Yashin
58568: Социально-экономические аспекты регулирования регионального водопотребления в Омской области (Socio-economic aspects of the regulation of the regional water consumption in the Omsk region) Downloads
Valery Karpov and Mikhail Kaluzhsky
58565: Firm-Size Wage Gaps along the Formal-Informal Divide: Theory and Evidence Downloads
Binnur Balkan and Semih Tumen
58558: Sustainable agriculture and rural development in terms of the republic of Serbia strategic goals realization within the Danube region. Rural development and (un)limited resources Downloads
Drago Cvijanović, Subic Jonel and Jean Vasile Andrei
58557: Общая теория систем и научная интерпретация социальной реальности (General systems theory and scientific interpretation of social reality) Downloads
Mikhail Kaluzhsky
58556: Retórica en la historia y la economía política (Rhetoric in the history and political economy) Downloads
Fernando Estrada
58555: Reform, Informal Sector and Extortion Downloads
Biswajit Mandal, Sugata Marjit and Hamid Beladi
58554: Fractional Integration of the Price-Dividend Ratio in a Present-Value Model Downloads
Adam Golinski, Joao Madeira and Dooruj Rambaccussing
58551: Políticas sociales y teoría de contratos (Social policies and contract theory) Downloads
Fernando Estrada
58549: An Empirical Note on Determinants of Income Tax Evasion, 1973-1997 Downloads
Richard Cebula and Richard McGrath
58547: Competing Technologies and Economic Opportunities for Northern Logistics: The Airship Solution Downloads
Barry Prentice and Stuart Russell
58546: Методология системного анализа в экономике (Methodology of System Analysis in Economics) Downloads
Mikhail Kaluzhsky
58545: Why People Tolerate Underground Economy and Tax Evasion? Downloads
Gerasimos T. Soldatos
58540: Teamwork Efficiency and Company Size Downloads
Mikhail Galashin and Sergey Popov
58539: On Publication, Refereeing and Working Hard Downloads
Sascha Baghestanian and Sergey Popov
58538: Portfolio Choice with Information-Processing Limits Downloads
Altantsetseg Batchuluun, Yulei Luo and Eric Young
58533: Kebijakan Pembiayaan pada UMKM untuk Pemulihan Ekonomi Pasca Erupsi Merapi (Financial Policy to Small and Medium Enterprises to Recover Local Economy After Merapi Eruption) Downloads
Yuli Andriansyah and M. Agus Khoirul Wafa
58532: Tax Revenue and Economic Growth in Ghana: A Cointegration Approach Downloads
Wisdom Takumah
58530: Методологические основы системного анализа социально-экономических процессов (Methodological basis of a systems analysis of the socio-economic processes) Downloads
Mikhail Kaluzhsky
58529: Социальный контроль: сущность и роль в современном обществе (Social control: the essence and role in modern society) Downloads
E.M. Kuznetsova
58527: El Papel de los Muertos en el Cerebro de los Vivos: Metáforas en las Revoluciones Francesas (1789-99, 1848-51, 1870-71), Iraní (1977-81) y Bolchevique (1917-1924) (The Role of the Dead in the Living Brain: Metaphors in French Revolutions French (1789-99, 1848-51, 1870-71), Iran (1977-1981) and Bolshevik (1917-1924)) Downloads
Fernando Estrada
58523: Drug Dealing In Bucaramanga: Case Study In A Drug Producing Country Downloads
Manuel Munoz and Luis Palacio García
58518: Lenguaje como estrategia de poder en las guerras civiles (Language as power strategy in the civil wars) Downloads
Fernando Estrada
58517: Evaluation of Grid Level Impacts of Electric Vehicles Downloads
Hameed Safiullah
58516: Los problemas epistemológicos del relativismo (Epistemological problems of relativism) Downloads
Fernando Estrada
58515: Economía Neoinstitucional. Prueba falsable a las hipótesis de Douglass North en Colombia (Economy Neoinstitutional. Test falsifiable hypotheses Douglass North in Colombia) Downloads
Fernando Estrada
58514: What Measures Chinese Monetary Policy? Downloads
Rongrong Sun
58513: Review over Empirical Evidence on Real Effects of Monetary Policy Downloads
Rongrong Sun
58510: Does Fiscal Consolidation Really Get You Down? Evidence from Suicide Mortality Downloads
Nikolaos Antonakakis and Alan Collins
58508: Relazioni di canale e strategie di acquisto delle imprese commerciali. Potere e stabilità nella grande distribuzione britannica (Channel Relationships and Buying Strategies of British Large Retailers) Downloads
Fabio Musso
58507: Business Model Attributes of Value Proposed Regarding the Postindustrial Era Downloads
Branislav Zagoršek
58494: Стратегия развития системы городского самоуправления в новых экономических условиях (Development strategy of System of the City Government in the new economic conditions) Downloads
Mikhail Kaluzhsky
58493: The Moderating Effect of Environmental Turbulence in the Relationship between Entrepreneurial Management and Firm Performance Downloads
Aluisius Pratono and Rosli Mahmood
58488: The Demand Driven and the Supply-Sided Input-Output Models. Notes for the debate Downloads
Fidel Aroche Reyes and Marco Antonio Marquez Mendoza
58486: Un modelo Nozick aplicado a las compañías militares de seguridad privada, CMSP (A model Nozick applied to military private security companies, CMSP) Downloads
Fernando Estrada
58485: Flattening Firms and Wage Distribution Downloads
Xin Jin
58484: The Signaling Role of Note Being Promoted: Theory and Evidence Downloads
Xin Jin
58483: Financial crisis in The Arcades Project of Walter Benjamin Downloads
Fernando Estrada
58480: Eficiencia energética en el sector de agua y saneamiento: estimaciones utilizando una función de requerimientos de insumo (Energy efficiency in the water and sanitarion sector: an input requirement function estimate) Downloads
Gustavo Ferro, Emilio J Lentini, Augusto Mercadier and Federica Brenner
58479: Breves notas sobre la enseñanza de la economía (Brief notes on the teaching of economics) Downloads
Fernando Estrada
58478: Предисловие к монографии Е.М. Кузнецовой «Социальный контроль: сущность и методы реализации» (Introduction to the monograph E.M. KUZNETSOVA "Social control: the Nature and the Methods of Implementation") Downloads
Mikhail Kaluzhsky
58477: The Real Interest Rate Yield on Long Term Municipals: What is the Role of Budget Deficits? Downloads
Richard Cebula and Shelley Merrick
58476: Por qué fracasan los países: breves notas sobre Colombia (Why Nations Fail: Brief notes on Colombia) Downloads
Fernando Estrada
58474: Political Economy of Argentine Sovereign Debt and the Holdouts Problem Downloads
Vighneswara Swamy
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