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57580: A Theorem on the Limit-Properties of Structural Change and some Implications Downloads
Denis Stijepic
57575: Integration Contracts and Asset Complementarity: Theory and Evidence from US Data Downloads
Paolo Di Giannatale and Francesco Passarelli
57573: An unfinished business: Economic liberalization and structural change in Mexico Downloads
Ramón Padilla-Pérez and Francisco Villarreal
57572: دور المشاريع الصغيرة والمتوسطة في مواجهة البطالة فى الدول الخليجية (Role of small and medium enterprises in reducing unemployment in the GCC countries) Downloads
Hussein Elasrag
57570: THE financial determinants of private investment in ghana Downloads
Maame Esi Eshun, George Adu and Emmanuel Buabeng
57569: Odvetvová a konkurenčná analýza vo vybranom odvetví (Industrial and competitiveness analysis in the selected sector) Downloads
Ivana Misunova Hudakova
57567: Efektívne vedenie ľudí - perspektívny a úspešný predpoklad pre zvyšovanie hodnoty podniku (Efficient management of human resources – a prospective and successful precondition for increasing the value of a company) Downloads
Ivana Hudakova
57566: Four centuries of fiscal decentralisation in the Netherlands in view of different economic theoretic perspectives Downloads
Frits Bos
57564: Short and long-term forecasting by the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis (CPB): science, witchcraft, or practical tool for policy? Downloads
Frits Bos and C. N. Teulings
57563: Cognitive capital, governance, and the wealth of nations Downloads
Oasis Kodila-Tedika, Heiner Rindermann and Gregory Christainsen
57562: Determinants of corporate hedging policies and derivatives usage in risk management practices of non-financial firms Downloads
Dr. Naveed Iqbal Chaudhry, Mian Saqib Mehmood and Asif Mehmood
57560: Private provision of a public good: cooperation and altruism of internet forum users Downloads
Alejandro Ros-Galvez and Alfonso Rosa-García
57557: Child Labour and Education in Jordan: A Rapid Assessment Downloads
Raed Abu-Rumman, Mohammed Shahateet and Azmi Shahin
57553: Standards of living and health status: the socioeconomic determinants of life expectancy gain in sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Moussa Keita
57551: Comparaison de l'efficacité et l'efficience des Banques islamiques et conventionnels: cas de l'Indonésie (Efficiency and effectiveness comparison of Islamic and conventional banking: case of Indonesia) Downloads
Said Jaouadi, Rachida Ben Jazia and Azza Ziedi
57550: Sobre la independencia de los flujos de inversión extranjera de cartera y el crecimiento económico en México (On the independence of foreign portfolio investment flows and economic growth) Downloads
Francisco López-Herrera and Francisco Venegas-Martínez
57549: Sintonía fina de la política monetaria mexicana entre objetivos e instrumentos durante la crisis 2007-2009 (Fine tuning of the Mexican monetary policy between objectives and instruments during the crisis 2007-2009) Downloads
Javier Galán-Figueroa and Francisco Venegas-Martínez
57548: A Home Individual Savings Account, An opportunity for the English underprivileged? Downloads
Kees De Koning
57546: L’economia italiana e la crisi globale: crescita, disoccupazione e debito pubblico (The Italian economy and the global crisis: growth,unemployment and public debt) Downloads
Daniele Schiliro'
57545: Dinámica de la inversión extranjera de cartera en México: recomendaciones de política (Dynamics of Foreign Portfolio Investment in Mexico: Policy Recommendations) Downloads
Francisco Venegas-Martínez and Francisco López-Herrera
57544: Regional Variations in Labor Demand Elasticities: Evidence from U.S. Counties Downloads
Abhradeep Maiti and Debarshi Indra
57543: A note on approximating moments of least squares estimators Downloads
Gareth Liu-Evans
57542: Impact of subsidized inputs credits on land allocation and market-oriented agriculture in rural households in Mali Downloads
Moussa Keita
57536: Building a universal payments law?: The UNCITRAL Model Law on International Credit Transfers Downloads
Gregor Henrich
57534: Disorder, Social Capital, and Norm Violation: Three Field Experiments on the Broken Windows Thesis Downloads
Marc Keuschnigg and Tobias Wolbring
57533: The Dark Side of Leadership: An Experiment on Religious Heterogeneity and Cooperation in India Downloads
Marc Keuschnigg and Jan Schikora
57532: Contribution des inobservables aux disparités de genre dans la scolarisation et le travail des enfants au Mali (Contribution of unobservables to gender disparities in schooling and child labor in Mali) Downloads
Moussa Keita
57528: Estimation and model selection for left-truncated and right-censored lifetime data with application to electric power transformers analysis Downloads
Takeshi Emura and Shau-Kai Shiu
57521: The effect of land fragmentation on labor allocation and the economic diversity of farm households: The case of Vietnam Downloads
Huy Nguyen
57520: The Representative Household Assumption Requires sustainable Heterogeneity in Dynamic Models Downloads
Taiji Harashima
57516: An Empirical Analysis of Identity Theft Determinants in the U.S Downloads
Richard Cebula, James Koch and Mary Unemori
57515: Competitive Search Equilibrium in the Credit Market under Asymmetric Information and Limited Commitment Downloads
Jae Eun Song
57514: Human Capital Development and FDI in Developing Countries Downloads
Muhammad Majeed and Eatzaz Ahmad
57512: Une théorie des relations sociales emploi et inégalité (A theory of social relations jobs and inequality) Downloads
Mohamed Jellal
57506: A finite set of equilibria for the indeterminacy of linear rational expectations models Downloads
Jean-Bernard Chatelain and Kirsten Ralf
57505: How Robust is the Connection between Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Tunisia’s Exports? Downloads
Jamal Bouoiyour and Refk Selmi
57504: Political Budget Cycles Revisited, the Case for Social Capital Downloads
Omiros Kouvavas
57503: Cooperation between Russian research organizations and industrial companies: factors and problems Downloads
Yuri Simachev, Mikhail Kuzyk and Vera Feygina
57501: On the Quantity Theory of Money, Credit, and Seigniorage Downloads
Gerasimos T. Soldatos and Erotokritos Varelas
57500: Re-Visiting Financial Development and Economic Growth Nexus: The Role of Capitalization in Bangladesh Downloads
Muhammad Shahbaz, Ijaz ur Rehman and Ahmed Taneem Muzaffar
57497: Analysis of deviance in household financial portfolio choice: evidence from Spain Downloads
Francisco Jose Callado Muñoz, Jorge González Chapela and Natalia Utrero González
57494: Setting environmental policy when experts disagree Downloads
Stergios Athanassoglou and Valentina Bosetti
57492: Determinación de estándares internacionales: Hacia la certidumbre jurídica y la estabilidad financiera. (enlace al documento publicado: (International standard-setting: Towards legal soundness and financial stability. (link to the published document: Downloads
Gregor Heinrich
57490: Vodcovstvo ako úspešný predpoklad pre dosahovanie zvyšovania konkurenčnej schopnosti podnikov (Leadership - a key to success in achieving higher competitiveness at companies) Downloads
Ivana Hudakova
57489: An Account of Pollution Emission Embodied in Global Trade: PGT1 and PGT2 Database Downloads
Satoshi Honma and Yushi Yoshida
57485: A Poisson Stochastic Frontier Model with Finite Mixture Structure Downloads
Kyriakos Drivas, Claire Economidou and Mike Tsionas
57481: The effect of Microfinance Institutions on the growth of small businesses in Kumasi, Ashanti Region of Ghana Downloads
Emmanuel Mintah, Kingsford Justice Attefah and Francis Kofi Amoako-Agyeman Amoako-Agyeman
57479: Estimation of the Basic New Keynesian Model for the Economy of Romania Downloads
Adrian Ifrim
57478: Mobility of Knowledge and Local Innovation Activity Downloads
Kyriakos Drivas, Claire Economidou, Sotiris Karkalakos and Mike Tsionas
57476: Academic Patents and Technology Transfer Downloads
Kyriakos Drivas, Claire Economidou, Dimitris Karamanis and Arleen Zank
57475: Using group method of teaching to address the problem of large class size: an action research Downloads
Emmanuel Mintah
57474: Перекрестные права собственности и их влияние на эффективность вертикальной интеграции предприятий (Cross-ownership and its influence on vertical integration efficiency of enterprises) Downloads
Georgiy Kolesnik
57470: Entrepreneurship Capital and Regional Productivity Revisited Downloads
José Massón-Guerra and Pedro Ortín-Angel
57469: Operation of distance education at the tertiary level: A case study of students of Cape Coast University, Valley View University and University of Education Winneba Downloads
Emmanuel Mintah and Samuel Osei
57468: Green-to-Grey China: Determinants and Forecasts of its Green Growth Downloads
Jing You and Yongfu Huang
57466: Do competitive disadvantages really arise from „over complying“?: proposed Basel III Leverage and Supplementary Leverage Ratios re-visited Downloads
Marianne Ojo
57465: Corporate Debt Market in India: Lessons from the South African Experience Downloads
Vaibhav Anand and Rajeswari Sengupta
57461: What role of renewable and non-renewable electricity consumption and output is needed to initially mitigate CO2 emissions in MENA region? Downloads
Farhani Sahbi and Muhammad Shahbaz
57460: Operating Performance of Banks after Acquisition: Evidence from India Downloads
Madhuri Malhotra and Anand Bhartiya
57457: The Business Cycle with Nominal Contracts and Search Frictions Downloads
Weh-Sol Moon
57451: Behavior in Contests Downloads
Roman Sheremeta
57450: The absorption of EU Structural and Cohesion Funds in Romania: international comparisons and macroeconomic impact Downloads
Gheorghe Zaman and George Georgescu
57448: The Euro-Med Free Trade Area: An Empirical Assessment of the main Trade Agreements' Effects Downloads
Mariam Elmallah
57447: Modelové prístupy k tvorbe, vzniku a udržiavaniu konkurenčnej výhody v podmienkach globalizácie (Model approaches to creating, formation and retaining a competitive advantage under conditions of globalization) Downloads
Ivana Hudakova
57446: Zaman-Mekan Sıkışması Boyutuyla Bilimde Dönüşümler ve Sosyal Teoride Küreselleşme ve Ulus-Devlet (Transformations in Science and Globalization in the Social Theory and Nation-State with the Size of Time-Space Compression) Downloads
Bilal Kargi
57445: Teoretické aspekty konkurenčnej výhody a konkurencie (Theoretical aspects of competitive advantage and competition) Downloads
Ivana Hudakova
57444: The concept of the holistic management as a new approach in the theory of management Downloads
Jan Porvaznik
57442: Inflation Targeting and Public Deficit in Emerging Countries: A Time Varying Treatment Effect Approach Downloads
Mohamed Kadria and Mohamed Ben Aissa
57441: Science and Technology Based Agriculture Vision of Pakistan and Prospects of Growth Downloads
Munir Ahmad and Muhammad Iqbal
57438: Design of Financial Derivatives: Statistical Power does not Ensure Risk Management Power Downloads
Peter Bell
57430: On Infinite Dimensional Linear-Quadratic Problem with Fixed Endpoints. Continuity Question Downloads
K. Przyłuski
57428: The Nominal Interest Rate Yield Response to Net Government Borrowing: GLM Estimates, 1972-2012 Downloads
Richard Cebula
57420: Heurística: notas muy preliminares para analizar problemas en economía (Heuristics: very preliminary notes in economics to analyze problems) Downloads
Fernando Estrada
57419: A control chart using copula-based Markov chain models Downloads
Ting-Hsuan Long and Takeshi Emura
57417: Consumer Buying Behaviour; A Factor of Compulsive Buying Prejudiced by Windowsill Placement Downloads
Irfan Hameed and Yasir Soomro
57416: Consumer evaluation of brand extension: Pakistani Context Downloads
Yasir Soomro, Sana Abbas, Irfan Hameed and Rehan Shakoor
57415: Estimating child labour in Jordan 1991-2005 Downloads
Mohammed Shahateet and Nihaya Dabdub
57414: Do Institutions Quality Affect FDI Inflows in Sub Saharan African Countries? Downloads
Komlan Fiodendji
57412: Health Insurance Generosity and Conditional Coverage: Evidence from Medicaid Managed Care in Kentucky Downloads
James Marton and Aaron Yelowitz
57410: Diaspora transferts finance et développement économique (Diaspora remittances finance and economic development) Downloads
Mohamed Jellal
57409: Fiscal Policy Uncertainty and Its Macroeconomic Consequences Downloads
James Murray
57406: Market concentration and competition in Vietnamese banking sector Downloads
Trung Le
57405: Revisiting Convergence: A case study form American States Downloads
Rita Ray
57401: Probabilidad Clásica de Sobreajuste con Criterios de Información: Estimaciones con Series Macroeconómicas Chilenas (Classical Probability of Overfitting with Information Criteria: Estimations with Chilean Macroeconomic Series) Downloads
Carlos A. Medel
57400: Regional consumption inequalities in Jordan: Empirical study Downloads
Mohammed Shahateet and Saud Al-Tayyeb
57399: O desenvolvimento do setor siderúrgico brasileiro entre 1900 e 1940: Criação de empresas e evolução da capacidade produtiva (The development of the Brazilian steel-making sector between 1900 and 1940: Firm creation and evolution of productive capacity) Downloads
Gustavo Barros
57398: Re-evaluating Okun's law in South Africa: A nonlinear co-integration approach Downloads
Andrew Phiri
57395: Does oil price uncertainty transmit to the Thai stock market? Downloads
Komain Jiranyakul
57391: Economic Science: From the Ideal Gas Law Economy to Piketty and Beyond Downloads
Edward Song
57389: O problema siderúrgico nacional na Primeira República (The national steel-making problem in the First Republic) Downloads
Gustavo Barros
57387: Diaspora famille transferts et contrat implicite (Diaspora famille and transfers as implicit cintract) Downloads
Mohamed Jellal
57386: The AMT: What’s Wrong and How to Fix It Downloads
William Gale, Burman Leonard, Leiserson Greg and Rohaly Jeffrey
57385: Knowledge Economy and Financial Sector Competition in African Countries Downloads
Simplice Asongu
57384: Small Business, Innovation, and Tax Policy: A Review Downloads
William Gale and Samuel Brown
57382: SME Internalisation Index (SMINI) Based on the Sample of the Visegrad Countries Downloads
Zoltán Bartha and Andrea S. Gubik
57381: Milk supply contracts and default incidence in Kenya Downloads
Stephen Mailu, Margret Will, Rosemary Mwanza, Kinyua Nkanata and David Mbugua
57380: Credit Default Swap (CDS) Spreads: The Analysis of Time Series for The Integration with The Interest Rates and The Growth in Turkish Economy Downloads
Bilal Kargi
57379: Carsharing peer-to-peer: propensione alla condivisione dei veicoli privati nella città di Milano (Carsharing peer-to-peer: propensity to share the personal vehicle in the city of Milan) Downloads
Paolo Beria and Antonio Laurino
57377: Public Debt, Economic Growth, and Inflation in African Economies Downloads
José Lopes da Veiga, Alexandra Lopes and Tiago Sequeira
57375: Оценка догоняющего развития на уровне стран и регионов: методический комментарий (Assessing the catching-up on country and regional level: methodological comments) Downloads
Alexander Zaytsev
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