MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 101465: Monopoly vs. Individual Welfare When a Local Public Good is Used to Attract the Creative Class

- Amitrajeet Batabyal
- 101459: Financial development and Economic growth in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: Supply leading or Demand following?

- Christian Pinshi and Anselme M. Kabeya
- 101457: Non-Food Poverty Differential Across Urban/Rural and Geo-political Zones in Nigeria

- Justine Nwanakwere and Fidelis Ogwumike
- 101456: Impact of COVID-19 on Indian economy and the road ahead

- Girish Jakhotiya
- 101454: Incidence of surrogacy in the USA and Israel and implications on women’s health: a quantitative comparison

- Daphna Birenbaum-Carmeli and Piero Montebruno
- 101453: A Residual-based Test For Multicointegration In Models With Structural Breaks And Threshold Adjustment To Steady State

- Lucius Cassim
- 101452: Female entrepreneurship: business, marriage and motherhood in England and Wales, 1851–1911

- Carry van Lieshout, Harry Smith, Piero Montebruno and Robert Bennett
- 101450: Escalation of civil war in Nepal: The role of poverty, inequality and caste polarisation

- Hari Sharma and John Gibson
- 101449: Repenser la communication dans la politique monétaire: Vers une orientation stratégique pour la BCC (Rethinking Communication in Monetary Policy: Towards a Strategic leaning for the BCC)

- Plante Kibadhi and Christian Pinshi
- 101445: Firms’ Sustainability Performance and Market Longevity

- Irene Fafaliou, Maria Giaka, Dimitrios Konstantios and Michael Polemis
- 101443: Contemporary issues on the sustainable rural development in Sub-Saharan Africa: A survey of salient literature

- Aminu Abdullahi Shagali, Saifullahi Sani Ibrahim and Shuaibu Mukhtar
- 101442: Stress-testing a shock to remittances in a post-Covid world – what impact on liquidity?

- Alexandru Monahov
- 101424: Energy Efficiency: A Sectoral Analysis for Kerala

- Vijayamohanan Pillai N. and Narayanan Am
- 101417: Monopoly: The Case of Egyptian Steel

- Tarek Selim
- 101416: Economic Growth and Information Technology: A Note

- Tarek Selim
- 101413: Does trade integration contribute to synchronization of shocks in Europe?

- Peter Mikek
- 101412: The Macroeconomic Effects of Financialization and the Wage Gap between Blue and White Collar Workers

- Pintu Parui
- 101409: Comparative Human Development: Egypt, Middle East, and the Developing World

- Tarek Selim
- 101407: Intertemporal Consumption with Risk: A Revealed Preference Analysis

- Joshua Lanier, Bin Miao, John Quah and Songfa Zhong
- 101405: Développement financier et croissance économique en RDC: Supply leading ou demand folowing ? (Financial development and economic growth in the DRC: Supply leading or demand folowing ?)

- Christian Pinshi and Anselme M. Kabeya
- 101403: The effects of oil prices on equity market returns in BRICS grouping: A quantile-on-quantile approach

- Chris Mabanga and Lumengo Bonga-Bonga
- 101400: Formation et migration de la main-d’oeuvre rurale en Afrique. L'expérience du Club des jeunes agriculteurs d'Ayou, un projetpilote au Dahomey/Bénin (1967-1975) (Training and migration of rural labor in Africa. The experience of the Ayou Young Farmers Club, a pilot project in Dahomey / Benin (1967-1975))

- Michel Ahohounkpanzon
- 101398: Determinants of Customer Churn: An Empirical Study Of Cellular Subscribers From Saudi Arabia

- Yasir Soomro and Ahmed Nafe Al-Sehli
- 101397: The Impacts of Farmland Expropriation on Vietnam's Rural Households

- Kien Le and My Nguyen
- 101396: Investment Expenditures and the Transition from Feudalism to Capitalism

- Thomas Lambert
- 101392: The Regulation Level of Business Hours

- Mai Yamada
- 101391: The Risk-Taking Channel in the US: A GVAR Approach

- Raslan Alzuabi, Mustafa Caglayan and Kostas Mouratidis
- 101390: Нова правна рамка за административно сътрудничество между държавите-членки на ЕС за повишаване на защитата на потребителите (New legal frame for administrative cooperation between the EU member states for increase of the consumer protection)

- Andriyana Andreeva and Diana Dimitrova
- 101389: Специфики на административно-правната защита на потребителите (Specificities of the administrative-law consumer protection)

- Darina Dimitrova
- 101387: Dynamic dependence and extreme risk comovement: The case of oil prices and exchange rates

- Qiang Ji, Bing-Yue Liu, Duc Khuong Nguyen and Ying Fan
- 101384: Комплементарните Пари в Европа (Complementary Currencies in Europe)

- Tsvetelina Marinova
- 101383: Impact of Inflation and Exchange Rate on the Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in South Africa

- Delani Moyo and Turgut Türsoy
- 101380: A Veblenian Critique of Nelson and Winter’s Evolutionary Theory

- Tae-Hee Jo
- 101379: Gestion des ressources humaines et nouvelles expériences de l’économie sociale: Cas de la France et du Québec (Human Resources Management and New Experiences in the Social Economy: The Case of France and Quebec)

- Abdellatif Gharyeni
- 101377: Towards an effective fiscal stimulus: evidence from Botswana

- Sayed O.M Timuno and Joel Eita
- 101376: Profitability and stability trade off – IBs vs CBs in Turkey – what differences ?

- Malika Neifar
- 101375: Different dimensions Bank performance comparisons IBs vs CBs – Quatar case

- Malika Neifar
- 101374: Responsabilité sociale de l’entreprise et nouvelles formes de gouvernance: une revue de la littérature (Corporate social responsibility and alternate forms of governance: a literature review)

- Abdellatif Gharyeni
- 101353: The Theory of Matriarchism: The Universal Origin of Human

- Mannan Kazi
- 101351: The impact of Brexit on Africa in times of the Corona Crisis

- Dirk Kohnert
- 101349: Investigating the Government Revenue–Expenditure Nexus: Empirical Evidence for the Free State Province in a Multivariate Model

- Oyeyinka Omoshoro-Jones
- 101347: The Welfare of Ramsey Optimal Policy Facing Auto-Regressive Shocks

- Jean-Bernard Chatelain and Kirsten Ralf
- 101346: Effects of Intimate Partner Violence on General Health Status

- Tuğçe Çevik
- 101339: Foreign Ownership, Exporting and Gender Wage Gaps: Evidence from Japanese Linked Employer-Employee Data

- Theresa Greaney and Ayumu Tanaka
- 101337: Anomalies of Rice Production and Procurement in Telangana

- Venkatanarayana Motkuri
- 101336: Multi-Unit Auctions: A Survey of Theoretical Literature

- Anne Cumpston and Peyman Khezr
- 101332: Corporate social responsibility through global value chains: behaviour of lead companies and new dynamics of industrial relations

- Abdellatif Gharyeni
- 101330: R&D Investments and Idiosyncratic Volatility

- Md. Tanvir Hamim
- 101327: Modelo estocástico para el precio de activos riesgosos utilizando procesos Hawkes (Stochastic model for risky assets price using Hawkes processes)

- John Freddy Moreno Trujillo
- 101326: Dinámica de portafolios y control óptimo estocástico (Portfolio dynamics and stochastic optimal control)

- John Freddy Moreno Trujillo
- 101323: Analyzing the association between Innovation, Economic Growth, and Environment: Divulging the Importance of FDI and Trade Openness in India

- Hashim Zameer, Humaira Yasmeen, Muhammad Wasif Zafar, Abdul Waheed and Avik Sinha
- 101319: Seasonal Variations in Climatic Elements and Cocoa Production: Evidence from Central Region, Ghana

- Ackom Justice Baah
- 101316: Asymmetric Effects of Exchange Rate Changes on Exports: A Sectoral Nonlinear Cointegration Analysis for Turkey

- Cevat Bilgin
- 101315: Does Financial Development Contribute to Income Inequality in Latin America?

- Peter Mikek
- 101307: The Impact of Trade Agreement Policy on Employment

- Genevieve Gyasi
- 101304: Modelling total factor productivity in a developing economy: evidence from Angola

- Joel Eita and Marcio Jose Pedro
- 101303: An Empirical Test of Real Exchange Rate Overshooting in Selected African Countries

- Zitsile Zamantungwa Khumalo, Joel Eita and Ireen Choga
- 101301: A test of integration between the South African and selected African stock markets

- Rumbidzai Praise Sithole and Joel Eita
- 101300: The mystery of growth mechanism in a centrally planned economy: Planning process and economics of shortages

- Vladimir Popov
- 101299: Привлекување на странските инвестиции во регионот на Западен Балкан и државната помош: трка до дното или неопходност? (Attracting foreign investments in the Western Balkans region and state aid: a race to the bottom or necessity?)

- Goran Kovachev, Ivana Velkovska, Vesna Garvanlieva Andonova and Marjan Nikolov
- 101296: A Study of Financial Cycles and the Macroeconomy in Taiwan

- Nan-Kuang Chen and Han-Liang Cheng
- 101293: Metodologie preliminară Analiza Cost Beneficiu pentru bazine hidrografice (Preliminary methodology Cost benefit analysis for river basins)

- Victor Platon, Daniela Antonescu and Andreea Constantinescu
- 101291: Does media coverage affect governments' preparation for natural disasters?

- Pierre Magontier
- 101290: BITCOIN: Systematic Force of Cryptocurrency Portfolio

- Bojan Tomić
- 101287: The Lack of Convergence of Latin-America Compared with CESEE: Is Low Investment to Blame?

- Bas Bakker, Manuk Ghazanchyan, Alex Ho and Vibha Nanda
- 101282: Could Fiscal Policies Overcome a Deep Recession at the Zero Lower Bound?

- Shih-fu Liu, Wei-chi Huang and Ching-chong Lai
- 101278: Central Bank Communication: Information and Policy shocks

- Nataliia Ostapenko
- 101276: Endogenous Financial Uncertainty and Macroeconomic Volatility: Evidence from the United States

- Haithem Awijen, Younes Ben Zaied, Duc Khuong Nguyen and Ahmet Sensoy
- 101273: From the Right to Work to Freedom from Work: Introduction to the Human Economy

- Nicolas Bueno
- 101267: The protective effect of smoking against COVID-19: A population-based study using instrumental variables

- Nikita Zakharov
- 101266: Is “The General Law of Capitalist Accumulation” Still Valid? An Analysis Based on Direct and Indirect Marxian Effects

- Serdal Bahçe
- 101263: Two ethnic security dilemmas and their economic origin

- Tarron Khemraj
- 101262: Human capital and the COVID-19 pandemic

- Tarron Khemraj and Sherry Yu
- 101256: Are the ASEAN stock markets integrated with the US market ? new evidence from wavelet coherence

- Mustafa Musa and Abul Masih
- 101255: La sensibilité de l'économie congolaise face aux chocs monétaire et budgétaire: une approche en modèle var standard (The sensitivity of the congolese economy to monetary and budgetary shocks: a standard var model approach)

- Freddy Asiani
- 101249: Are Self-Employed no better than Wage Labourers in Rural India: A Quick Analysis of Wages and Earnings in India based on PLFS 2017-18

- Venkatanarayana Motkuri
- 101248: What drives shariah (islamic) stock index? a case study of Malaysia

- Khairul Anuar and Abul Masih
- 101247: Persistencia Intergeneracional del Trabajo Infantil y Adolescente en Perú (Intergenerational Persistence of Child Labor in Peru)

- Edson Raúl Huamaní-Huapaya
- 101245: Modelling perceived value as a driver of tourism development

- Andrea Guizzardi, Annalisa Stacchini and Michele Costa
- 101240: The impact of Brexit on Africa in times of the Corona Crisis

- Dirk Kohnert
- 101237: Economic complexity and health outcomes: A global perspective

- Trung Vu
- 101236: Monetary Growth with Disequilibrium: a Non-Walrasian baseline model

- Shogo Ogawa
- 101235: Is democracy affecting the economic policy responses to COVID-19? A cross-country analysis

- João Costa-Filho and Antonio Neto
- 101234: The Contingent Valuation Method: Retrospect and Prospect

- Clive Spash
- 101233: Ecosystems Services Valuation

- Clive Spash
- 101232: The golden rule of public finance under active monetary stance: endogenous setting for a developing economy

- Serhii Shvets
- 101231: Organisation, financing and productivity of agricultural research in Bulgaria

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 101229: Stock returns and macroeconomic factors in an emerging economy: Malaysian evidence

- Hassan Miras and Abul Masih
- 101228: Optimal Capital Taxation in an Economy with Innovation-Driven Growth

- Ping-Ho Chen, Angus Chu, Hsun Chu and Ching-chong Lai
- 101217: Thinking ahead of the next big crash: Clues from Athens in classical times

- George Bitros
- 101207: Modelling GDP for Sudan using ARIMA

- Hisham Moahmed Hassan and Amin Haleeb
- 101205: Central banks' voting contest

- Wojciech Charemza
- 101202: The impact of Brexit on Africa in times of the Corona Crisis

- Dirk Kohnert
- 101201: Iluzii financiare, Partea întâi (Financial Illusions, Part 1)

- Ramona Dumitriu and Răzvan Stefanescu
- 101199: Inflation – Harrod-Balassa-Samuelson effect in a DSGE model setting

- Črt Lenarčič
- 101198: Slovene Residential Property Prices Misalignment with Fundamentals

- Črt Lenarčič and Milan Damjanović
- 101197: Hedonic Pricing in Realistic Urban Structures

- Spencer Banzhaf
- 101195: The Spanish spatial city size distribution

- Rafael González-Val
- 101194: Difference-in-Difference Hedonics

- Spencer Banzhaf
- 101193: Economics at the Fringe: Non-Market Valuation Studies and their Role in Land Use Plans in the United States

- Spencer Banzhaf
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