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93006: A note on the UEFA Euro 2020 qualifying play-offs Downloads
László Csató
92999: Waste Decomposition Analysis in Japanese manufacturing sectors for Material Flow Cost Accounting Downloads
Michiyuki Yagi and Katsuhiko Kokubu
92997: Changes in Canada’s Preferential Trade Network and the Welfare Effects in Agricultural Markets Downloads
Pascal Ghazalian and Bahareh Mosadegh Sedghy
92991: Sabah-Kalimantan Road Connectivity: The Effect of Common Border on Export Downloads
Rafiq Idris
92989: Analyzing gold returns: Indian perspective Downloads
Abha Moradia and Ashish C. Mehta
92988: Inflation targeting and the pass-through effect: The case of Mongolia Downloads
Hiroyuki Taguchi
92984: Актуальное состояние и проблемы сельского хозяйства Сербии (Actual Status and Problems of Serbian Agriculture) Downloads
Ivan Pajović, Dragan Petrović and Rajko Bukvić
92980: التوظيف الفقهي المعاصر لأدوات الاجتهاد في التمويل الإسلامي (Deployment of tools of Ijtihad in Islamic finance) Downloads
Abdulazeem Abozaid
92976: What nexus exists between exchange rate and trade balance? The case of Nigeria vis-à-vis UK, US and Hong Kong Downloads
Isiaka Raifu, Alarudeen Aminu and Oluwatosin Ademola Adeniyi
92975: Reforming the methodolgoy of product development in Islamic finance Downloads
Abdulazeem Abozaid
92974: Нормативни гаранции за опазване данните от електронните документи в трудовото досие на работника или служителя (Normative guarantees for safety of electronic documents in the employee's file - modern labor law) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva
92973: Airport charges and marginal costs for Spanish airports before the process of partial privatization Downloads
Ramón Núñez-Sánchez, Soraya Hidalgo-Gallego and Valeriano Martinez-San Roman
92972: Правомощия на академичния съвет - традиции в българското висше образование (Powers of the academic council – traditions in the bulgarian higher education) Downloads
Darina Dimitrova
92971: Consumption-leisure complementarity versus income elasticity of demand under equilibrium price dispersion Downloads
Sergey Malakhov
92967: Exchange Rate Pass-through to Prices: Bayesian VAR Evidence for Ghana Downloads
Shuffield Asafo
92966: Capital markets union and the prospect for Bulgaria Downloads
Stefan Petranov
92964: Revenue, Welfare and Trade Effects of European Union Free Trade Agreement on South Africa Downloads
M A Guei
92962: Commuting and internet traffic congestion Downloads
Marcus Berliant
92961: The nexus between underlying dynamics of bank capital buffer and performance Downloads
Emmanuel Mamatzakis and Anna Bagntasarian
92960: The interplay between problem loans and Japanese bank productivity Downloads
Emmanuel Mamatzakis, Roman Matousek and Anh Vu
92957: Long-Term Electricity Investments Accounting for Demand and Supply Side Flexibility Downloads
Hector Marañón-Ledesma and Asgeir Tomasgard
92943: Informal employment and work health risks: Evidence from Cambodia Downloads
Onyemaechi Dike
92934: Knowledge Sharing among Employees in Organizations Downloads
Dr Haradhan Mohajan
92933: Returns to Investment in Education: The Case of Turkey Downloads
Harry Patrinos, George Psacharopoulos and Aysıt Tansel
92923: Legal Aspects Regarding the Regulation of the Administrative Process in Romania and Italy Downloads
Bogdan Berceanu
92917: ICT sector, output and employment generation in Nigeria: Input-output approach Downloads
Alarudeen Aminu and Isiaka Raifu
92916: Economic growth in Africa: Does gender education still matter? Downloads
Isiaka Raifu
92915: Love of Novelty: A Source of Innovation-Based Growth... or Underdevelopment Traps? Downloads
Yuichi Furukawa, Tat-kei Lai and Kenji Sato
Jean de Dieu Ntanga Ntita, François Kazadi Ntita and Jean Ntita Ntita
92908: Анализ принципов и методов построения систем управления производственным процессом (ANALYSIS OF THE PRINCIPLES AND METHODS OF CONSTRUCTION CONTROL SYSTEMS OF TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESS) Downloads
Олег Пигнастый
92905: Investissement public et croissance économique en République Démocratique Du Congo (Public investment and economic growth in Democratic Republic of Congo) Downloads
Jean Ntita Ntita, Jean de Dieu Ntanga Ntita and François Kazadi Ntita
92904: Compensation trends into the 21st century Downloads
Richard Works and Ruth Meharenna
François Kazadi Ntita, Jean de Dieu Ntanga Ntita and Jean Ntita Ntita
Jean Ntita Ntita, François Kazadi Ntita and Jean de Dieu Ntanga Ntita
92900: Leveraging Loyalty Programs Using Competitor Based Targeting Downloads
Brett Hollenbeck and Wayne Taylor
92896: Endogenous and Exogenous Explanations for the Financial Crises in Mexico, SE Asian and Russia Downloads
Nur Sinta
92893: Η συμβολή των Ευρωπαϊκών Συμβουλίων Εργασίας στον Ευρωπαϊσμό των Εργασιακών Σχέσεων: οι στάσεις των αντιπροσώπων του προσωπικού (The contribution of EWCS in the Europeanisation of Industrial Relations: the Worker Representatives' attitudes) Downloads
Θεόδωρος Κουτρούκης
92891: Asymmetric Oil Price Shocks and Stock Prices in Nigeria Downloads
Gbenga Oladapo Awolaja and Dasauki C. Musa
92888: Patent protection, innovation, and technology transfer in a Schumpeterian economy Downloads
Chien-Yu Huang, Yibai Yang and Zhijie Zheng
92883: Structural Change and the Fertility Transition Downloads
Philipp Ager and Benedikt Herz
92881: The Macroprudential Policy Framework Needs to Be Global Downloads
Claude Lopez and Franco Bruni
92880: Monetary Policy and Financial System Resilience Downloads
Franco Bruni and Claude Lopez
92875: Inmersión en los ecosistemas digitales, una forma de mejora de la educación en las áreas rurales en Colombia (Immersion in digital ecosystems, a way to improve education in rural areas in Colombia) Downloads
María Nathalia Ramírez Chaparro and Catalina Chacón Mejía
92874: Comparative analysis of government spending, external debt, domestic credit to private sector, exchange rate and net investment to non-financial companies Downloads
Godwin Aipoh
92873: Effect of Foreign Direct Investment and Economic Growth in Nigeria Downloads
Kenny Victoria S
92871: الصناعة التقليدية في الجزائر: تقييم الملائمة الاقتصادية و البيئية في ظل النموذج الاقتصادي الاجتماعي الأخلاقي (Traditional handicraft in Algeria: Assessment of Economic and Environmental Relevance under the Socio-Economic and moral model) Downloads
Benzarour Choukri and Aissam Mekhnache
92869: Costs and competitive advantage of nearshore wind energy Downloads
Henrik Klinge Jacobsen, Pablo Hevia-Koch and Christoph Wolter
92867: Managerial accountability under yardstick competition Downloads
Michele Giuranno, Marcella Scrimitore and Giorgos Stamatopoulos
92863: Comités de savants islamiques (Islamic boards) Downloads
Soheir Mehagni
92862: Cooperative games with externalities and probabilistic coalitional beliefs Downloads
Giorgos Stamatopoulos
92861: Preferences over public good, political delegation and leadership in tax competition Downloads
Rupayan Pal and Ajay Sharma
92853: The Impact of a Pre-Opening Session on Subsequent Trading: an Experimental Analysis Downloads
Rocco Caferra, Andrea Morone and Simone Nuzzo
92849: Economic growth, exchange rate and FDI: A comparative analysis of Nigeria and Ghana between the year 1990 to 2000 Downloads
Olatunji Y Sakiru
92848: Marriage, Divorce and Sorting: A Reassessment of Unilateral Divorce Laws Downloads
Danqing Shen
92847: Murshidabad Silk Industry in West Bengal: A Study of its Glorious Past & Present Crisis Downloads
Chandan Roy and Arindam Dey
92839: After the Great Recession; the Laws of Unintended Consequences Downloads
Kees De Koning
92835: Tariffs, Domestic Import Substitution and Trade Diversion in Input-Output Production Networks: how to deal with Brexit Downloads
Raffaele Giammetti
92834: Gender Differences within the Firm: Evidence from Two Million Travelers Downloads
Javier Donna and Gregory Veramendi
92833: Economic complexity and environmental performance: Evidence from a world sample Downloads
Athanasios Lapatinas, Antonios Garas, Eirini Boleti and Alexandra Kyriakou
92831: The development of nations conditions the disease space Downloads
Antonios Garas, Sophie Guthmuller and Athanasios Lapatinas
92827: Nash Equilibrium in Tax and Public Investment Competition Downloads
Ajay Sharma and Rupayan Pal
92826: Employment Rights Implementation and Industrial Relations Systems: The Case of the Outsourcing Policy in Banking Industry Downloads
Yoyok S Waluyo, Tri Widodo, Muhadjir Darwin, Sukamdi Sukamdi and Mulyadi Mulyadi
92823: Does financial structure matter for economic growth: An evidence from South Africa Downloads
M A Guei
92820: Установяване на качество на стокa в производството по предявена рекламация (Establishment of the quality of merchandise in the procedure of claimed reclamation) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva and Vladimir Danev
92819: Защита правата на потребителите при доброволното осигуряване (Protection of consumer rights in voluntary insurance) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva and Galina Yolova
92813: Dampak Dari Penambangan Timah Inkonvensional Di Desa Lampur Kabupaten Bangka Tengah (Impact of Unconventional Tin Mining in Lampur Village, Central Bangka Regency) Downloads
Citra Asmara Indra
92811: The Impact of Fiscal and Monetary Policy on Nigerian Economic Growth Downloads
Olalekan Bodunrin
92810: Benefit of Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI) on the mineral dependent economies Downloads
Olalekan Bodunrin
92807: Контрол за спазване реда при провеждане на обществени поръчки в Р България (Control for complying with the order for conducting public procurement in the Republic of Bulgaria) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva and Diana Dimitrova
92806: Институтът на почивка в българското трудово право - традиция и съвремие (The institute rest in the Bulgarian labour law – traditions and modernity) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva
92798: CAPM: A Tale of Two Versions Downloads
Hammad Siddiqi
92796: Women Empowerment Index: Construction of a Tool to Measure Rural Women Empowerment Level in India Downloads
Chandan Roy, Susmita Chatterjee and Sangita Dutta Gupta
92791: Identifikasi Modal Sosial Masyarakat Terhadap Restorasi Lahan Pasca Tambang: (Studi Masyarakat Desa Bukit Kijang, Kecamatan Namang, Kabupaten Bangka Tengah) (Identification of Community Social Capital to Post-Mining Land Restoration: (Study of the Bukit Kijang Village, Namang District, Bangka Tengah Regency)) Downloads
Herdiyanti Herdiyanti
92790: Hegemoni Pemerintah Terhadap Pedagang Pasar: (Analisis Dominasi Pemerintah Pasca Revitalisasi Pasar Kite Sungailiat Menurut Antonio Gramsci) (Government Hegemony Against Market Traders: (Analysis of Government Domination After Revitalization of Sungailiat Kite Market According to Antonio Gramsci)) Downloads
Puspita Sari and Citra Asmara Indra
92787: Ekspansi Desa dan Implikasinya Terhadap Kehidupan Sosial Budaya Masyarakat: (Studi Pada Masyarakat 'Kundi Bersatu' Kecamatan Simpang Teritip Kabupaten Bangka) (Village Expansion And Its Implication Towards Socio-Cultural Life Of The Society: (A Study At ‘Kundi Bersatu’ Society Simpang Teritip Sub-District West Bangka Regency)) Downloads
Rezi Prayoga
92783: Peran Modal Sosial Masyarakat dalam Pengelolaan Potensi Alam Sebagai Strategi Bertahan Hidup di Dusung Limang, Kecamatan Kelapa, Kabupaten Bangka Barat (The Role of Community Social Capital in Managing Natural Potential as a Survival Strategy in Dusung Limang, Kelapa District, Bangka Barat Regency) Downloads
Nopa Laura, Rani Dian Sari, Irfandi Setiawan and Herdiyanti Herdiyanti
92782: Modal Sosial Dalam Pengembangan Madu Kelulut Sebagai Komoditas Ekonomi Dan Pariwisata Di Kecamatan Lubuk Kabupaten Bangka Tengah (Social Capital in the Development of Kelulut Honey as an Economic and Tourism Commodity in Lubuk Subdistrict, Bangka Tengah Regency) Downloads
Luna Febriani and Putra Pratama Saputra
92781: Dampak Urbanisasi Bagi Perkembangan Kota Di Indonesia (Impact of Urbanization for City Developments in Indonesia) Downloads
Fitri Ramdhani Harahap
92779: Male victimization of women Covered in Society’s Expectation in Razia Sultana Khan’s Seduction: The Perspective of Seven Building Tasks of Language Downloads
Nurvita Wijayanti
92772: Antecedents and Effects of App-user Satisfaction: Empirical Evidence from Greece Downloads
Meletios Niros, Irene Samanta, Yannis Pollalis and Angelica Niros
92771: Parallel axiomatizations of weighted and multiweighted Shapley values, random order values, and the Harsanyi set Downloads
Manfred Besner
92770: Does deregulation drive innovation intensity? Lessons learned from the OECD telecommunications sector Downloads
Michael Polemis and Markos Tselekounis
92764: Impact Of Sales Management Control Strategy On Sales Perfomance In Life Insurance Sector Downloads
S Syahputra
92759: Determinant Factors of Employee Satisfaction in the Performance Appraisal Based on Management by Objectives Downloads
Fiera Wardhani Gladisa and Ade Irma Susanty
92758: Hijabers on Instagram: Using Visual Social Media to Construct the Ideal Muslim Woman Downloads
Emma Baulch and Alila Pramiyanti
92755: EU Relations with the IMF Downloads
Amber Yeoh
92754: Changes in Environmentally Sensitive Productivity and Technological Modernization in China’s Iron and Steel Industry in the 1990s Downloads
Hidemichi Fujii, Shinji Kaneko and Shunsuke Managi
92753: Advertising strategy in the presence of reviews: An empirical analysis Downloads
Brett Hollenbeck, Sridhar Moorthy and Davide Proserpio
92752: Multilevel assessment of agrarian sustainability in Bulgaria Downloads
Hrabrin Bachev
92739: Senegal: Presidential elections 2019 - The shining example of democratic transition immersed in muddy power-politics Downloads
Dirk Kohnert and Laurence Marfaing
92738: Relocation in conditions of uncertainty: the Spanish automobile components industry during the economic crisis (2008-2012) Downloads
Jesús Lampón
92734: Forecasting bubbles with mixed causal-noncausal autoregressive models Downloads
Elisa Voisin and Alain Hecq
92730: Uncertainty in cooperative interval games: How Hurwicz criterion compatibility leads to egalitarianism Downloads
Lina Mallozzi and Juan Vidal-Puga
92729: How to Break the Bandwagon Effect of Corruption Downloads
Pazhani Samy
92727: Forecasting the capacity of mobile networks Downloads
João Bastos
92724: Transfers by force and deception lead to stability in an evolutionary learning process when controlled by net profit but not by turnover Downloads
Thomas Friedrich
92720: Student-Project-Resource Matching-Allocation Problems: Game Theoretic Analysis Downloads
Tomoaki Yamaguchi, Kentaro Yahiro and Makoto Yokoo
92719: On the Maximum Number of Players Voluntarily Contributing to Two or More Public Goods Downloads
Shintaro Nakagawa
92717: Decent work and the effect of job instability on consumption of Colombian households Downloads
Freddy Ruiz and Alba Lugilde
92713: Climate Finance Portfolio Management: Measuring Efficiency ($/CO2) at Risk Downloads
Ronny Suarez
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