MPRA Paper
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- 18510: European integration and inequality among countries: a lifecycle income analysis

- José Pastor and Lorenzo Serrano
- 18509: A Survey of Safety and Health at Work in Greece

- Stavros Drakopoulos, Athina Economou and Aikaterini Grimani
- 18505: Identifikace, měření a analýza poruch E-Commerce systémů (Identification, Measurement and Analysis of the E-Commerce System Disturbances)

- Petr Suchánek and Dominik Vymetal
- 18504: Consistency of the Multi-Choice Shapley Value

- Chih-Ru Hsiao
- 18503: Federal provincial fiscal arrangements and shared-cost programs in agriculture

- Patrick Grady
- 18502: Social Networking: Changing the way we communicate and do business

- Kevin Jones
- 18501: Arbeitswerte und die Theorie der Unternehmung. Teil I: Die Unternehmung unter vollständiger Konkurrenz (Labour Values and the Theory of the Firm. Part I: The Competitive Firm)

- Klaus Hagendorf
- 18500: Mergers & Acquisitions: A snapshot of a SPECIAL pre and post M&A process

- Kevin Jones
- 18497: Das Problem der Spezifikation einer Konsumfunktion im Rahmen der VGR 2005 (The specification problem of the consumption function in the framework of the NIA-system 2005)

- Georg Quaas
- 18495: Conceptualizari privind managementul performantei

- Ionela Carmen Rizea and Denisa Elena Parpandel
- 18494: Comparison of the corporate tax regimes in the eu member states

- Beata Blechová
- 18492: Strategiile de patrundere pe pietele externe si importanta managementului bazat pe cunostinte in conditiile actualei crize economice globale

- Denisa Elena Parpandel, Cecilia Gabriela Stanciulescu and Ionela Carmen Rizea
- 18490: Constitutional Design and Political Communication

- Dimitrios Xefteris
- 18489: Is there a direct effect of corruption on growth?

- Ratbek Dzhumashev
- 18487: Tax and Transfer Programs in an Incomplete Markets Model

- Jorge Alonso Ortiz and Richard Rogerson
- 18486: The role of foreign firms in domestic exporting

- Sizhong Sun
- 18485: The Economic Impacts of Improved Foreign Investor Confidence in Bangladesh: A CGE Analysis

- Serajul Hoque
- 18481: Optimal Allocation without Transfer Payments

- Surajeet Chakravarty and Todd Kaplan
- 18479: Rose Effect and the Euro: Is the Magic Gone?

- Tomas Havranek
- 18467: The Internationalization of Inventive Activity: A Gravity Model Using Patent Data

- Lucio Picci
- 18466: Ibn Taimiyah's concept of market mechanism

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 18464: A Time Series Approach to the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle with Panel Data from the OECD Countries

- Saten Kumar and B. Rao
- 18461: On the Non-Cooperative Foundations of Cooperative Bargaining

- Luis Corchon and Klaus Ritzberger
- 18458: Come mai il Veneto è diventato così ricco? Tempi, forme e ragioni dello sviluppo di una regione di successo (How was that the Veneto region became so rich? Time and causes of a recent success)

- Giuseppe Tattara and Bruno Anastasia
- 18457: Distretti industriali e anelli affini (Industrial districts and elective affinities)

- Giuseppe Tattara, Mario Volpe and Serafino Pitingaro
- 18454: The New Cosmology: Its Implications to Religiousity (The New Cosmology: Its Implications to Religiousity)

- Hardiansyah Suteja
- 18453: A New World Monetary System: Keynes' view revisited

- Shehu Mohammed
- 18452: Domestic Debt Dynamics and Fiscal Sustainability in Nigeria: An Empirical Evidence

- Shehu Mohammed
- 18448: Asymptotic properties of OLS estimates in autoregressions with bounded or slowly growing deterministic trends

- Kairat Mynbaev
- 18447: $L_p$-Approximable sequences of vectors and limit distribution of quadratic forms of random variables

- Kairat Mynbaev
- 18446: The energy consumption-GDP nexus: Panel data evidence from 88 countries

- Dipendra Sinha
- 18445: Works on market supervision and shar'iyah governance (al-hisbah wa al-siyasah al-shar'iyah) by the sixteenth century scholars

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 18444: Internet auctions with a temporary buyout option

- Xiaogang Che
- 18443: Методы анализа межрегионального неравенства по доходам и их приложение к России (Methodologies of analyzing inter-regional income inequality and their applications to Russia)

- Konstantin Gluschenko
- 18441: How Do Female Spouses’ Political Interests Affect Male Spouses’ Views About a Women’s Issue?

- Eiji Yamamura
- 18440: How do neighbors influence investment in social capital?: Homeownership and length of residence

- Eiji Yamamura
- 18439: The influence of government size on economic growth and life satisfaction. A case study from Japan

- Eiji Yamamura
- 18437: Unawareness, Beliefs and Speculative Trade

- Aviad Heifetz, Martin Meier and Burkhard C Schipper
- 18433: Trade Collapse, Trade Relapse and Global Production Networks: Supply Chains in the Great Recession

- Hubert Escaith
- 18428: Peer Group Effects on the Academic Performance of Italian Students

- Maria De Paola and Vincenzo Scoppa
- 18427: La lectura de "Operación Masacre" como herramienta fundamental para la comprensión de la historia argentina de la segunda mitad del siglo XX

- Federico Marongiu
- 18426: The Conduct of Monetary Policy in Turkey in the Pre- and Post-crisis Period of 2001 in Comparative Perspective: a Case for Central Bank Independence

- C. Emre Alper and Ozan Hatipoglu
- 18424: The Multi-Scale Interaction between Interest Rate, Exchange Rate and Stock Price

- Mohamed Essaied Hamrita, Nidhal Ben Abdallah and Samir Ben Ammou
- 18416: Money: A Market Microstructure Approach

- Malte Krueger
- 18415: Systemy Emerytalne w Europie - Belgia (Pension systems in Europe - Belgium)

- Jarosław Poteraj
- 18414: Category Reporting in Charitable Giving: An Experimental Analysis

- Jingping Li and Yohanes Riyanto
- 18413: A Poisson Regression Examination of the Relationship between Website Traffic and Search Engine Queries

- Heather Tierney and Bing Pan
- 18408: The accounting profession and professionist in romania

- Ovidiu Constantin Bunget, Nicoleta Farcane, Alin-Constantin Dumitrescu and Adina Popa
- 18404: How do the social norms sustain?

- Indervir Singh
- 18403: Predicting unemployment in short samples with internet job search query data

- D'Amuri Francesco
- 18398: Varieties of governance

- Ciaran Driver
- 18397: Agent oriented modeling of business information systems

- Dominik Vymetal
- 18394: Argentina-Canada from 1870: Explaining the dynamics of divergence

- Germán González and Valentina Viego
- 18392: Choosing a transport contract over multiple periods

- Xavier Brusset
- 18391: Financial markets trend: ageing and pension system reform

- Ida Panetta
- 18390: Constructing a GDP-based Index for Use as Benchmark

- Ruben Cohen
- 18386: Internationale Währungsmarktstabilität durch eine Globalwährung? (International Monetary Stability via a Global Currency?)

- Lukas Menkhoff
- 18384: The emergence of mercantilism as a reaction against Muslim power: some of the evidences from history

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 18381: Skill Formation, Capital Adjustment Cost and Wage Inequality

- Shigemi Yabuuchi and Sarbajit Chaudhuri
- 18380: Macroeconomic Analysis on the Basis of Trade Theory: A Review Essay

- Xiang Gao
- 18376: Evoluţii şi semnificaţii ale operaţiunilor de franchising pe plan naţional şi internaţional

- Denisa Elena Parpandel, Cecilia Gabriela Stanciulescu, Iuliana Ciochina, Carmen Iordache and Ionela Carmen Rizea
- 18374: Optimal auditing with scoring: theory and application to insurance fraud

- Georges Dionne, Florence Giuliano and Pierre Picard
- 18369: Education, Rent Seeking and Growth

- Binyamin Berdugo and Uri Meir
- 18358: On Price Data Elicitation: a Laboratory Investigation

- Andrea Morone
- 18357: Supply Chain Control: A Theory of Vertical Integration

- Giovanni Ursino
- 18355: 语言政策与语言规划:一个经济学与语言学比较的视角 (Language Policy and Language Planning: A Comparative Perspective of Economics and Linguistics)

- Weiguo Zhang and Guohui Liu
- 18354: Signal Extraction and Forecasting of the UK Tourism Income Time Series. A Singular Spectrum Analysis Approach

- Christina Beneki, Bruno Eeckels and Costas Leon
- 18350: How exactly do networking Investments pay off? Analyzing the impact of nascent Entrepreneurs networking Investments on Access to Start-Up Resources

- Thorsten Semrau and Arndt Werner
- 18347: Economic growth and government expenditure in China

- Dipendra Sinha
- 18346: Monetary thought of the sixteenth century muslim scholars

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 18345: Dual Wage Rigidities: Theory and Some Evidence

- Insu Kim
- 18344: Spreading Academic Pay over Nine or Twelve Months: Economists Are Supposed to Know Better, but Do They Act Better?

- Victor Claar, Christine M Diestl and Ross D Poll
- 18342: Evidence and Policy Lessons on the Links between Disaster Risk and Poverty in Latin America

- Luis Lopez-Calva and Eduardo Ortiz-Juarez
- 18323: A bibliometric review of the research papers of the Central Bank of Turkey

- Mustafa Yücel
- 18322: Works on public finance by the sixteenth century Muslim scholars

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 18320: Setting the optimal type of equipment to be adopted and the optimal time to replace it

- Albici Mihaela
- 18318: The Exchange Rate and US Tourism Balance of Trade

- Ka Ming Cheng, Hyeongwoo Kim and Henry Thompson
- 18316: The 2002 Downturn in State Revenues: A Comparative Review and Analysis

- J. Giertz and Seth Giertz
- 18313: The Elasticity of Taxable Income over the 1980s and 1990s

- Seth Giertz
- 18312: Fundraising and optimal policy rules

- Murat Mungan and Barış Yörük
- 18311: Electoral Participation and Communicative Voting in Europe

- Francesco Sobbrio and Pietro Navarra
- 18309: The European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England: is the Taylor Rule an useful benchmark for the last decade?

- Antonio Forte
- 18306: Perception des obstacles aux activités d'innovation dans les entreprises tunisiennes (Perception of obstacles to innovation activities in Tunisian firms)

- Mohieddine Rahmouni
- 18302: Innovation Processes and Factors on Peripheral Regions of Portugal and Spain

- Maria Manuela Natário
- 18299: Properties of distributions with increasing failure rate

- Xavier Brusset
- 18298: Skill Shortage versus Subject Choice, Case of Pakistan

- Atiq Rehman, Hafsa Anis and Saud Ahmed Khan
- 18297: Financial development and economic growth: The case of eight Asian countries

- Dipendra Sinha and Joseph Macri
- 18296: Tariff and Equilibrium Indeterminacy - A Global Analysis

- Yan Zhang and Yan Chen
- 18295: Calculative practices in higher education: a retrospective analysis of curricular accounting about learning

- Keith Dixon
- 18292: On the Computation of the Hausdorff Dimension of the Walrasian Economy: Addendum

- C-Rene Dominique
- 18291: Britain, China, and the Irrelevance of Stage Theories

- Deirdre Nansen McCloskey
- 18290: Procedural Rationality and Happiness

- Marco Novarese, Marco Castellani and Viviana Di Giovinazzo
- 18289: Nýir kjarasamningar og launamunur kynjanna (New collective bargaining contracts and gender wage differentials)

- Katrin Olafsdottir
- 18288: Hversu vel tekst til með verðbólguspár greiningardeilda? (How accurate are the inflation forecasts published by the commercial banks?)

- Katrin Olafsdottir and Kari Sigurdsson
- 18287: Social capital and economic growth in Polish regions

- Jaroslaw Dzialek
- 18283: Saving and economic growth in India

- Dipendra Sinha
- 18281: Perception of market and pricing among the sixteenth century Muslim scholars

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 18279: The impact of ias/ifrs on the romanian accounting rules

- Ovidiu Constantin Bunget, Alin-Constantin Dumitrescu, Nicoleta Farcane, Leonora Caciuc and Adina Popa
- 18278: Are public policies effective in alleviating family income inequality in Iran?

- Nasser Khiabani and Ali Mazyaki
- 18277: Efficient coalition formation and stable coalition structures in a supply chain environment

- Alexandru W. A. Popp