MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 15172: Presion y ataques especulativos en el mercado cambiario de la Republica Dominicana (Pressure and speculative attacks on the foreign exchange market of the Dominican Republic)

- Alexis Cruz Rodriguez
- 15169: Hyper-spherical and Elliptical Stochastic Cycles

- Alessandra Luati and Tommaso Proietti
- 15164: Combining autocracy and majority voting: the canonical succession rules of the Latin Church

- Luisa Giuriato
- 15161: Population, Forest Degradation and Environment: A Nexus

- Nimai Das and Debnarayan Sarker
- 15158: A Phillips curve to the Dominican Republic

- Alexis Cruz Rodriguez
- 15157: Existence, continuity and utility representation of strictly monotonic preferences on continuum of goods commodity spaces

- Carlos Hervés-Beloso and Paulo Monteiro
- 15155: Poisson Indices of Segregation

- Angelo Mele
- 15153: OLS Estimator for a Mixed Regressive, Spatial Autoregressive Model: Extended Version

- Kairat Mynbaev
- 15152: Modelling and predicting labor force productivity

- Ivan Kitov and Oleg Kitov
- 15151: Re-Think Russian Investment in Southern Africa

- Ivetta Gerasimchuk
- 15149: Instituições: uma caracterização crítica (Institutions: a critical characterization)

- Eduardo Strachman
- 15147: Inconsistency of the QMLE and asymptotic normality of the weighted LSE for a class of conditionally heteroscedastic models

- Christian Francq and Jean-Michel Zakoian
- 15146: Speaking the Same Language within the International Organizations; A Proposal for an Enhanced Evaluation Approach to Measure and Compare Success of International Organizations

- Amir Farmanesh, Ariel Ortiz Bobea, Jisha Sarwar and Tamiko Hasegawa
- 15143: Merits and drawbacks of variance targeting in GARCH models

- Christian Francq, Lajos Horvath and Jean-Michel Zakoian
- 15142: Independent inflation-targeting regime versus monetary union: An analysis of dynamic stability under endogenous inflation expectations

- Meixing Dai
- 15141: Estimating structural VARMA models with uncorrelated but non-independent error terms

- Yacouba Boubacar Mainassara and Christian Francq
- 15140: Concepts and tools for nonlinear time series modelling

- Alessandra Amendola and Christian Francq
- 15139: Passenger Car Ownership Estimation toward 2030 in Japan: BAU Scenario with Socio-economic Factors

- Keiko Hirota
- 15138: Dynamic effects of government expenditure in a finance constrained economy: A Note

- Yan Chen and Yan Zhang
- 15132: Indirect Network Effects and Trade Liberalization

- Kazumichi Iwasa and Toru Kikuchi
- 15131: Implementing inflation targeting in Brazil: an institutional analysis

- Eduardo Strachman
- 15129: Relations between institutions and industrial policies

- Eduardo Strachman
- 15128: An institutional analysis of some monetary issues in developing economies

- Eduardo Strachman and Marcos Vasconcelos
- 15127: Acceso al mercado de productos lácteos de Europa: Un análisis de equilibrio parcial para evaluar las potenciales ganancias de los exportadores argentinos (Access to European dairy product markets: A Computable Partial Equilibrium analysis to assess Argentine exporters surplus)

- Sonia León, Mauricio Roitman and Carlos Romero
- 15125: I would walk 500 miles (if it paid)

- Romulo Chumacero, Daniel Gómez Caorsi and Ricardo Paredes
- 15124: How are social ties formed?: Interaction of neighborhood and individual immobility

- Eiji Yamamura
- 15122: Finite State Markov-Chain Approximations to Highly Persistent Processes

- Karen Kopecky and Richard M. H. Suen
- 15120: Monopolistic Competition and New Products: A Conjectural Equilibrium Approach

- Francesco Bogliacino and G Rampa
- 15119: A Decision Analysis Approach To Solving the Signaling Game

- Barry Cobb and Atin Basuchoudhary
- 15116: Measuring the Persistence on Consumption in Portugal

- José Belbute and António Caleiro
- 15114: Overborrowing and Systemic Externalities in the Business Cycle

- Javier Bianchi
- 15112: Taking Stock of Research on Regional Migration in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Guy Blaise Nkamleu and Louise Fox
- 15111: Intergenerational Transfers in Italy

- Cannnari Luigi and Giovanni D'Alessio
- 15110: La pratique de la jachere en afrique de l’ouest: Importance comparee du phenomene au Nigeria et au Cameroun (Fallow practices in West Africa: A comparative importance of phenomenon in Cameroon and Nigeria)

- Guy Blaise Nkamleu
- 15109: Адекватность закрытой модели для российской экономики в задаче сравнительного анализа Энергетической стратегии России (Adequacy of a closed model for Russian economy in the problem of comparative analysis of Russia's Energy Strategy)

- Andrei Bazhanov and Alexander Belyaev
- 15108: Capital Gains and Wealth Distribution in Italy

- Cannnari Luigi, Giovanni D'Alessio and Romina Gambacorta
- 15107: Analyse economique de la consommation du bois de feu en regions forestieres: Leçons des zones urbaines Camerounaises (Economic analysis of fuelwood consumption in forest regions: Lessons from Cameroonians urban area)

- Guy Blaise Nkamleu, Dominique Endamana, Ousseynou Ndoye, Jim Gockowski and Willams Sunderlin
- 15106: Italian Household Wealth: Background, Main Results, Outlook

- Luigi Cannari, Giovanni D'Alessio and Marchese Grazia
- 15105: Poverty and Child Farm Labor in Africa: Wealth Paradox or bad Orthodoxy

- Guy Blaise Nkamleu
- 15104: L’echec de la croissance de la productivite agricole en afrique francophone (Failure of agricultural productivity growth in African French speaking countries)

- Guy Blaise Nkamleu
- 15103: Metafrontier Analysis of Technology Gap and Productivity Difference in African Agriculture

- Guy Blaise Nkamleu, Joachim Nyemeck and Diakalia Sanogo
- 15100: Cross-Entropy Estimation of Linear Cointegrated Equations

- Kelvin Balcombe
- 15099: Should for-profit schools be banned?

- Romulo Chumacero and Ricardo Paredes
- 15097: Monitoring Business Cycles with Structural Breaks

- Marcelle Chauvet and Simon Potter
- 15096: Why State Constitutions Differ in their Treatment of Same-Sex Marriage

- Arthur Lupia, Yanna Krupnikov, Adam Seth Levine, Spencer Piston and Alexander von Hagen-Jamae
- 15094: Crédito, producto y eficiencia en la producción de crecimiento (Credit, production and efficiency in the production of growth)

- Gustavo Ferro and Martín Antón Rodríguez
- 15093: Foreign direct investment. A bid for progress?

- Gustavo Ferro and Martín Antón Rodríguez
- 15092: The Almost Ideal and Translog Demand Systems

- Matthew T. Holt and Barry Goodwin
- 15084: An Attempt to Control Tax Evasion

- Antonio Rosato
- 15083: “Matching Auctions” for Hostile Takeovers: A Model with Endogenous Target

- Antonio Rosato
- 15081: Policy for better Air Quality in Asia: Proposal for a Policy Evaluation Method for four ASEAN Countries

- Keiko Hirota
- 15080: Determinants of Workers’ Remittances in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study

- Shubhasish Barua, Md. Alauddin Majumder and Dr. Md. Akhtaruzzaman
- 15076: A Joint Dynamic Bi-Factor Model of the Yield Curve and the Economy as a Predictor of Business Cycles

- Marcelle Chauvet and Zeynep Senyuz
- 15073: How petty is petty corruption? Evidence from firm survey in Africa

- George Clarke
- 15070: Simulating Online Business Models

- Stephan Schuster and Nigel Gilbert
- 15069: Metas de inflación ¿qué hay de nuevo bajo el sol? (Inflation Targeting. What's new under the sun?)

- Gustavo Ferro
- 15068: Asset-Liability Management under time-varying Investment Opportunities

- Robert Ferstl and Alex Weissensteiner
- 15065: Agricultural productivity and mortality: evidence from Kagera, Tanzania

- Munenobu Ikegami
- 15064: Demand analysis of food in Malaysia: A study of Malay ethnic

- TEY (John) Yeong-Sheng, Mad Nasir Shamsudin, Zainalabidin Mohamed and Amin Mahir Abdullah
- 15063: Demand analyses of food in Malaysia: Effects of model specification and demographic variables

- TEY (John) Yeong-Sheng, Mad Nasir Shamsudin, Zainalabidin Mohamed, Amin Mahir Abdullah and Alias Radam
- 15062: Demand analyses of rice in Malaysia

- TEY (John) Yeong-Sheng, Mad Nasir Shamsudin, Zainalabidin Mohamed, Amin Mahir Abdullah and Alias Radam
- 15061: Micro-level Rigidity vs. Macro-level Flexibility: Lessons from Finland

- Petri Böckerman, Seppo Laaksonen and Jari Vainiomäki
- 15058: Dynamic Unawareness and Rationalizable Behavior

- Aviad Heifetz, Martin Meier and Burkhard C Schipper
- 15057: The Relative Decline of Agriculture in China

- TEY (John) Yeong-Sheng
- 15056: Energy Demand in Pakistan: A Disaggregate Analysis

- Muhammad Khan and Usman Ahmed
- 15055: De la España que emigra a la España que acoge: contexto, dimensión y características de la inmigración latinoamericana en España (From the Spain who migrates to the Spain who hosts: Context, dimension and characteristics of Latin American immigration in Spain)

- Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo and José Ignacio Antón
- 15054: Efficiency Dynamics and Financial Reforms: Case Study of Pakistani Banks

- Usman Ahmad, Shujaat Farooq and Hafiz Jalil
- 15051: How are you doing in your grandpa’s country? Labour market performance of Latin American immigrants in Spain

- José Ignacio Antón, Miguel Carrera Troyano and Rafael Muñoz de Bustillo
- 15050: NAMA as a Tool of De-industrialization of Africa

- Mehdi Shafaeddin
- 15049: Bayes, Neyman and Neyman-Bayes Inference for Queueing Systems

- Daniel Ciuiu
- 15048: La crisis económica actual: una visión desde la economía política (The actual economic crisis: a vision from the political economy)

- Reuben Sergio
- 15046: Analýza volatility devizových kurzů vybraných ekonomik (The Analysis of Volatility of Selected Countries' Exchange Rates)

- Radek Bednarik
- 15045: When Eastern Labour Markets Enter Western Europe CEECs. Labour Market Institutions upon Euro Zone Accession

- Joanna Tyrowicz
- 15044: Intra-Provincial Inequalities and Economic Growth in China

- Jacek Kochanowicz, Joanna Gravier-Rymaszewska and Joanna Tyrowicz
- 15043: How Much (E)S in CSR?

- Anna Sienicka and Joanna Tyrowicz
- 15042: Active Labour Market Services Privided by NGOS - The Potential for Social Capital Building In Poland

- Maria Rogaczewska and Joanna Tyrowicz
- 15041: Self-Interest, Incentives and the Decision-Making

- Matjaz Steinbacher
- 15039: A fair price for motor fuel in the United States

- Ivan Kitov and Oleg Kitov
- 15037: Impact of Selectivity and Neutrality of trade Policy Incentives on Industrialization of Developing Countries; Implications for NAMA Negotiations

- Mehdi Shafaeddin
- 15035: Demand for beef in Malaysia: Quality or Quantity?

- TEY (John) Yeong-Sheng, Mad Nasir Shamsudin, Zainalabidin Mohamed, Amin Mahir Abdullah and Alias Radam
- 15034: Demand for meat products in Malaysia

- TEY (John) Yeong-Sheng, Mad Nasir Shamsudin, Zainalabidin Mohamed, Amin Mahir Abdullah and Alias Radam
- 15033: Analysis of demand for vegetable in Malaysia

- TEY (John) Yeong-Sheng, Mad Nasir Shamsudin, Zainalabidin Mohamed, Amin Mahir Abdullah and Alias Radam
- 15032: Demand for meat quantitu and quality in Malaysia: Implications to Australia

- TEY (John) Yeong-Sheng, Fatimah Mohamed Arshad, Mad Nasir Shamsudin, Zainalabidin Mohamed and Alias Radam
- 15031: Household expenditure on food at home in Malaysia

- TEY (John) Yeong-Sheng
- 15030: Demand for Money in the Asian Countries: A Systems GMM Panel Data Approach and Structural Breaks

- B. Rao, Artur Tamazian and Prakash Singh
- 15029: Une modalité d'éviter les tables des centiles dans la cas des régions de confiance et des tests statistiques (A method for avoiding tables for centiles in the case of confidence regions and statistical tests)

- Daniel Ciuiu
- 15027: Territorial marketing in the Czech Republic: a trial – and – error process

- Jan Sucháček
- 15026: L’aide pour le commerce dans le secteur manufacturier: Le cas du Cameroun (Aid for trade in manufacturing: the case of Cameroon)

- Arnaud Djemmo
- 15025: Regional Development in Transitional Economies after 1989: Reformation or Deformation?

- Jan Sucháček and Jan Malinovský
- 15024: Chosen informal institutions and their spatial implications in the Czech Republic

- Jan Sucháček
- 15023: The role of selected soft factors in the transformation of old industrial regions

- Jan Sucháček
- 15021: The Impact of Schooling Reform on Returns to Education in Malaysia

- Ramlee Ismail
- 15020: Testing Efficiency Performance of an Underdeveloped Stock Market

- Ibrahim Onour
- 15018: Analytical Approximations for the Critical Stock Prices of American Options: A Performance Comparison

- Minqiang Li
- 15017: The Analysis of ‘Leading Sectors’: A Long term view of 18 Latin American economies

- Alejandra Acevedo, Andrew Mold and Esteban Perez Caldentey
- 15016: A Methodology to Compute Regional Housing Index Price using Matching Estimator Methods

- Dusan Paredes - Araya
- 15013: The Value of Rents and the Likelihood of Conflicts

- Khaled Bennour
- 15010: A non-parametric investigation of risk premia

- Chiara Peroni
- 15009: Territorial development reconsidered

- Jan Sucháček
- 15008: Factors Influencing Students' Learning at KASB Institute of Technology

- Kashif Riaz, Syed Karamatullah Hussainy, Hamza Khalil and Gobind M. Herani
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