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93512: Macro Aspects of Housing Downloads
Charles Leung and Joe Cho Yiu Ng
93511: Determinants of death among under-5 children in Bangladesh Downloads
Md. Sazedur Rahman, Md. Saidur Rahman and Md. Ashfikur Rahman
93510: What do we know about Housing Supply? The case of Hong Kong Downloads
Charles Leung, Joe Cho Yiu Ng and Edward Chi Ho Tang
93506: A Macroeconomic Model of the Russian Economy Downloads
Dmitriy Skrypnik
93500: L’éducation au Togo: vers une stratégie renouvelée du triptyque formation-emploi-développement économique (Education in Togo: towards a renewed strategy of the triptych training-employment-economic development) Downloads
Nimonka Bayale, Kuawo-Assan Johnson and Kodjo Evlo
93499: Household Heterogeneity and the Value of Government Spending Multiplier: an Analytical Characterization Downloads
Paweł Kopiec
93498: Negative interest rate policy in a permanent liquidity trap Downloads
Ryu-ichiro Murota
93489: Addressing urban sprawl from the complexity sciences Downloads
Martí Bosch, Jérôme Chenal and Stéphane Joost
93488: Sectoral productivity Growth and Innovation Policies Downloads
Olga Ivanova and Moustafa Chatzouz
93486: The Magnification of a Lagging Region's Initial Economic Disadvantages on the Balanced Growth Path Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal and Peter Nijkamp
93485: The Impact of Rental Housing on Neighborhood Racial and Social Integration Downloads
Keith Ihlanfeldt and Cynthia Fan Yang
93484: Maximum likelihood estimation and inference for high dimensional nonlinear factor models with application to factor-augmented regressions Downloads
Fa Wang
93483: Distributional Impacts of Low for Long Interest Rates Downloads
Jeremy Kronick and Francisco Villarreal
93476: The Advancement in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and Economic Development: A Panel Analysis Downloads
Marc Audi and Amjad Ali
93466: Central Bank Intervention in Foreign Exchange Market under Managed Float: A Three Regime Threshold VAR Analysis of Indian Rupee-US Dollar Exchange Rate Downloads
Sunandan Ghosh and Srikanta Kundu
93462: Dynamics between Financial development, Energy consumption and Economic growth in Sub-Saharan African countries: Evidence from an asymmetrical and nonlinear analysis Downloads
Diby Francois Kassi, Gang Sun, Yobouet Thierry Gnangoin, Akadje Jean Roland Edjoukou and Guy Roland Assamoi
93460: Aggregate and Disaggregate Natural Resources Agglomeration and Foreign Direct Investment in France Downloads
Marc Audi and Amjad Ali
93459: Economic Misery, Urbanization and Life Expectancy in MENA Nations: An Empirical Analysis Downloads
Amjad Ali and Marc Audi
93450: Endogenous Public and Private Leadership with Diverging Social and Private Marginal Costs Downloads
Junichi Haraguchi and Toshihiro Matsumura
93449: Is Tourism a Sustainable Haven for Economic Growth in North African Countries? An Evidence From Panel Analysis Downloads
Rasheed Oluwaseyi Azeez
93447: A Survey of US and International Financial Regulation Architecture Downloads
Muhammad Mustafa Rashid
93445: Lognormal city size distribution and distance Downloads
Rafael González-Val
93444: An Unconventional Way to Support Health Expenditure Downloads
Ahmed Mehedi Nizam
93441: Leaning Against the Wind: Efectos de la Política Macroprudencial en el Crecimiento Sectorial (Leaning Against the Wind: Effects of Macroprudential Policy on Sectoral Growth) Downloads
Joab Valdivia Coria and Daney David Valdivia Coria
93436: Effective Leadership Selection in Complementary Teams Downloads
Keisuke Hattori and Mai Yamada
93435: St. Thomas Aquinas and the Development of Natural Law in Economic Thought Downloads
Muhammad Mustafa Rashid
93433: البعد التعبدي في ارتباط المصالح بالأحكام الشرعية (The devotional dimension in tnterest-oriented Shariah rulings) Downloads
Abdualzeem Abozaid
93432: التمويل الإسلامي المعاصر بين شكلية العقود ومقاصد الشريعة (Islamic modes of fianance bwteen technicalities and Shariah objectives) Downloads
Abdulazeem Abozaid
93431: مدى شرعية تطبيقات المصارف الإسلامية الماليزية لبيوع الدين (Examining the new applications of sale of debt in the Islamic financial institutions) Downloads
Abdulazeem Abozaid
93430: مدى شرعية التطبيقات المصرفية لبيوع العينة (Examining Bay' al-einah and its new applications in the Islamic financial institutions) Downloads
Abdulazeem Abozaid
93429: نحو صكوك إسلامية حقيقية (Toward genuine Islamic Sukuk) Downloads
Abdulazeem Abozaid
93428: New essentials of economic theory II. Economic transactions, expectations and asset pricing Downloads
Victor Olkhov
93426: New Approach to Estimating Gravity Models with Heteroscedasticity and Zero Trade Values Downloads
Ayman Mnasri and Salem Nechi
93424: Statuts juridiques, gouvernance et performance des institutions de microfinance au Cameroun (Legal status, governance and performance of microfinance institutions in Cameroon) Downloads
Wulli Faustin Djoufouet
93421: The Effects of Introducing the Euro on Southern Mediterranean Countries Downloads
Chris Kirrane
93420: Issues Concerning Cypriot Ascension to the European Union Downloads
Chris Kirrane
93419: Competition Policy in the Single European Market Downloads
Chris Kirrane
93418: Some Fiscal Budgetary Consequences of EMU Downloads
Chris Kirrane
93417: Why European monetary union? Downloads
Chris Kirrane
93414: Charity, Status, and Optimal Taxation: Welfarist and Paternalist Approaches Downloads
Thomas Aronsson, Olof Johansson-Stenman and Ron Wendner
93413: Обзор моделей управляемых производственных процессов поточных линий производственных систем (Overview of models of controlled production processes of production line production lines) Downloads
Олег Пигнастый
93412: Skill and Wage Overshooting in Occupational Training with the Trade Adjustment Assistance Program Downloads
Justin Barnette and Jooyoun Park
93408: Contempoary Islamic modes of finance betweem the technicalities of contracts and Shariah objectives Downloads
Abdulazeem Abozaid
93406: MODES DE FINANCEMENT ISLAMIQUES CONTEMPORAINS: ENTRE LES SPECIFICITES TECHNIQUES DES CONTRATS ET LES OBJECTIFS DE LA CHARI‘AH (Contemporary Islamic financing modes between contract Technicalities and Shariah objectives) Downloads
Abdulazeem Abozaid
93405: القروض التبادلية بين شبهة الربا وشكلية العقود (Reciprocal loans in Islmic finance) Downloads
Abdulazeem Abozaid
93404: قراءة فقهية نقدية للمعايير الشرعية في المختلط حلالا وحراما (Examining the Shariah parameters set for tolerating the unlawful activities in investment and financing) Downloads
Abdulazeem Abozaid
93403: Production Technology and Carbon Emission: Long run relation with Short run Dynamics Downloads
Soumyananda Dinda
93401: Financial Market Responses to Bank Indonesia’s Policy Announcements Downloads
Sahminan Sahminan
93400: Monotonic Estimation for Probability Distribution and Multivariate Risk Scales by Constrained Minimum Generalized Cross-Entropy Downloads
Bill Huajian Yang
93398: Monotonic Estimation for the Survival Probability over a Risk-Rated Portfolio by Discrete-Time Hazard Rate Models Downloads
Bill Huajian Yang
93389: Resolutions to flip-over credit risk and beyond Downloads
Bill Huajian Yang
Amr Abdelbary
93385: Академичното самоуправление в България -традиции и предизвикателства (Тне academic self-government in Bulgaria - traditions and challenges) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva and Darina Dimitrova
93384: The potential of the EU economies in attracting FDI – A composite index based approach Downloads
Roberto Dell'Anno and Vasile Alecsandru Strat
93383: وقفات شرعية في صيغ التأمين الإسلامية (Shariah issues in Takaful insurance) Downloads
Abdulazeem Abozaid
93382: التحليل الفقهي والمقاصدي للمشتقات المالية (Shariah and Maqasid analysis of financial derivatives) Downloads
Abdulazeem Abozaid
93379: Effects of foreign aid on the recipient country's economic growth Downloads
Ngoc-Sang Pham and Thi Kim Cuong Pham
93374: Growth and Inflation Regimes in Greater Tumen Initiative Area Downloads
Erdenebat Bataa
93367: Practising Subnational Public Finance in an Emerging Economy: Fiscal Marksmanship in Kerala Downloads
Ruzel Shreshtha and Lekha Chakraborty
93366: TF-MIDAS: a new mixed-frequency model to forecast macroeconomic variables Downloads
Nicolás Bonino-Gayoso and Alfredo Garcia-Hiernaux
93361: Decision-making under environmental uncertainty Downloads
Remigiusz Gawlik
93357: Shape Factor Asymptotic Analysis I Downloads
Frank Xuyan Wang
93353: Bitcoin's return behaviour: What do We know so far? Downloads
José Fajardo
93341: Long-Term Electricity Investments Accounting for Demand and Supply Side Flexibility Downloads
Hector Marañón-Ledesma and Asgeir Tomasgard
93336: Effective Demand and Quantity Constrained Growth: A Simple Two-Sector Disequilibrium Approach Downloads
Shogo Ogawa
93328: Introduction: Malaise dans la science économique ? (Introduction: Economics and Its Discontents) Downloads
Amanar Akhabbar
93327: Circulation du capital et explication du changement économique chez Marschak, Frisch et Leontief (Capital Circulation and the Explanation of Economic Change by Marschak, Frisch and Leontief) Downloads
Amanar Akhabbar
93323: Sustainability of agricultural sub-sectors in Bulgaria Downloads
Hrabrin Bachev, Bodjidar Ivanov and Dessislava Toteva
93322: Anchoring in Project Duration Estimation Downloads
Matej Lorko, Maroš Servátka and Le Zhang
93321: Informal manufacturing sector in Bihar: A brief overview Downloads
Dipa Mukherjee and Rajarshi Majumder
93320: Sustainability of agro-ecosystems in Bulgaria Downloads
Hrabrin Bachev, Bodjidar Ivanov and Dessislava Toteva
93319: Gender inequality in wage and employment in Indian labour market Downloads
Sita Lama and Rajarshi Majumder
93318: Internal migration and inclusive development: Insights from the field Downloads
Jhilam Ray, Farhat Naaz, Poulomi Khasnobis and Rajarshi Majumder
93313: Why do firms incorporate and what difference does it make? Downloads
James Holmes
93312: Factors Affecting Women’s Participation in Livestock Management Activities: A Case of Punjab-Pakistan Downloads
Tusawar Iftikhar Ahmad and Farooq Tanwir
93310: Модель реального обменного курса рубля с марковскими переключениями режимов (Modeling real exchange rate of the Russian ruble using Markov regime-switching approach) Downloads
Andrey Polbin, Andrei Shumilov, Andrey Bedin and Alexander Kulikov
93301: ضوابط وأدوات تجاوب المؤسسات المالية الإسلامية مع المستجدات الاجتماعية (The social responsibility of the Islamic financial institutions and its Shariah parameters) Downloads
Abdulazeem Abozaid
93300: Measuring Systemic Risk on Indonesia’s Banking System Downloads
Alfan Mansur
93297: Application of teh Kalman Filter to Interest Rate Modelling Downloads
Oyakhilome Ibhagui
93296: Manufacturing Sector Performance, Exchange Rate Volatility and Inclusive Growth In Nigeria (1981-2015) Downloads
Victoria Kenny S
93295: Effects of Human Capital Investment on Unemployment Volatility in Nigeria (1981-2015) Downloads
Victoria Kenny S
93294: Employee productivity and organizational performance: A theoretical perspective Downloads
Victoria Kenny S
93293: Determinants of Manufacturing Sector Performance and Its Contribution To Gross Domestic Product In Nigeria Downloads
Victoria Kenny S
93292: Macroeconomic Performance Indicators and Exchange Rate Misalignment in Nigeria Downloads
Victoria Kenny S
93291: The Role of Public Sector Enterprise on Economic Development: A Case Study Of The Nigerian Power Sector (1981-2015) Downloads
Victoria Kenny S
93290: الحكم الشرعي للاتجار بالديون الناشئة عن الوساطة المالية (Trading of debts arising from financial inter-mediation) Downloads
Abdulazeem Abozaid
93289: هل تعترف الشرعية بثمنية العملات الرقمية المشفرة (Shariah stand on cryptocurrencies) Downloads
Abdulazeem Abozaid
93288: Price distortions and public information: theory, experiments and simulations Downloads
Alba Ruiz-Buforn, Simone Alfarano and Eva Camacho-Cuena
93287: حكم التعامل بالأسهم على ضوء الممارسة والتطبيق (Shariah stand on trading in shares in light of the current market practices) Downloads
Abdulazeem Abozaid
93286: Impacts of Exchange Rate on Vietnam-Japan Trade Balance: A Nonlinear Asymmetric Cointegration Approach Downloads
Thi Ha Tran
93279: The Greek Economy and European Integration Downloads
Panayota Leandros
93278: Распределенная динамическая PDE-модель программного управления загрузкой технологического оборудования производственной линии (Distributed dynamic PDE-model of a program control by utilization of the technological equipment of production line) Downloads
Олег Пигнастый and Георгий Koжевников
93277: Analysis of Sustainable Procurement in SMEs in Developing Countries Downloads
Krishnendu Mukherjee
93271: Disaggregated relationship between economic growth and energy use in OECD countries: Time-series and cross-country evidence Downloads
Hélène Syed Zwick, Sarfaraz Ali Shah Syed, Brantley Liddle and Sidney Lung
93269: Economic and Financial Transactions Govern Business Cycles Downloads
Victor Olkhov
93266: Characterization of the painting rule for multi-source minimal cost spanning tree problems Downloads
Gustavo Bergantiños and Adriana Navarro
93265: Rentas de vivienda y suministros en el hogar: Selección del modelo microeconómico ideal para representar las preferencias del consumidor (Household income and supplies in the home: Selection of the ideal microeconomic model to represent consumer preferences) Downloads
Bárbara Baigorri and Ana Ledesma
93263: Teaching and Learning Schumpeter: A Dialogue Between Professor and Student Downloads
John Dalton and Andrew Logan
93261: Constitution, Institutions and A Model for Economic Development in Nepal Downloads
Keshab Bhattarai
93260: Market Concentration and the Productivity Slowdown Downloads
Jane Olmstead-Rumsey
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