MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 110923: Връзката между помощ за развитие и външна търговия: кратък преглед на икономическата литература (The relationship between development aid and foreign trade: a brief review of the economic literature)

- Eduard Marinov
- 110922: Най-голямата зона за свободна търговия в света (The largest free trade area in the world)

- Eduard Marinov
- 110921: Новият шок COVID 19 – въздействие върху международната търговия на глобално и национално ниво (The new shock COVID 19 - impact on international trade on a global and national level)

- Eduard Marinov
- 110920: Обобщена оценка на конкурентоспособността на Южен Централен район: Приложение на индекса за регионална конкурентоспособност (Summarized assessment of the competitiveness of the South Central region: Application of the index for regional competitiveness)

- Eduard Marinov
- 110919: Африканската континентална зона за свободна търговия: защо Африка се връща към мултилатерализма (The African Continental Free Trade Area)

- Eduard Marinov
- 110918: Развитие на европейската политика в областта на миграцията и убежището (Development of the European policy in the field of migration and asylum)

- Eduard Marinov
- 110917: Мястото на България на пазара на електрическа енергия на ЕС (Bulgaria's place on the EU electricity market)

- Eduard Marinov
- 110916: The African Continental Free Trade Area: Why is Africa turning to multilateralism?

- Eduard Marinov
- 110915: Terms of trade in Bulgarian post-crisis international trade

- Eduard Marinov
- 110914: Stock market as a nowcasting indicator for real investment

- Stavros Degiannakis
- 110913: Productivity and Real Exchange Rates for India: Does Balassa-Samuelson Effect Explain?

- Saurabh Ghosh, Siddhartha Nath and Sauhard Srivastava
- 110912: Cash, and "Drops": Boosting vaccine registrations

- Jing Lian Suah
- 110907: La bonne gouvernance est-elle un déterminant de croissance économique et de réduction de la pauvreté ? (Does good governance improve economic growth and poverty reduction?)

- Abderrazek Ben Hamouda
- 110905: In quest for policy 'silver bullets' towards triggering a v-shaped recovery

- Soumya Bhadury, Saurabh Ghosh and Pawan Gopalakrishnan
- 110902: Субсахарска Африка: поле на борба за ресурси и пазари или новият икономически тигър (Sub-Saharan Africa: a battleground for resources and markets or the new economic tiger)

- Eduard Marinov
- 110901: Modeling and forecasting international tourism demand in Zimbabwe: a bright future for Zimbabwe's tourism industry

- Thabani Nyoni
- 110899: Size-corrected Bootstrap Test after Pretesting for Exogeneity with Heteroskedastic or Clustered Data

- Firmin Doko Tchatoka and Wenjie Wang
- 110897: What Has Been the Impact of COVID-19 on Debt? Turning a Wave into a Tsunami

- Ayhan Kose, Peter Nagle, Franziska Ohnsorge and Naotaka Sugawara
- 110893: Theoretical Economics and the Second-Order Economic Theory. What is it?

- Victor Olkhov
- 110888: Production Analysis with Asymmetric Noise

- Oleg Badunenko and Daniel Henderson
- 110887: Smart Banknotes and Cryptobanknotes: Hybrid Banknotes for Central Bank Digital Currencies and Cryptocurrency Payments

- Franklin Noll and Andrei Lipkin
- 110884: Infrastructure development and population growth on economic growth in South Africa

- Sanele Stungwa and Olebogeng David Daw
- 110881: Exploring the factors influencing the self-initiated expatriates’ motivation for work

- Asma Siddiqua Rita
- 110879: Regional sentiments in Covid tweets in the Netherlands before and during peak infections

- Vyacheslav Tykhonov and Bas van Leeuwen
- 110878: Cassandra's Curse: A Second Tragedy of the Commons

- Philippe Colo
- 110873: Formation of committees under constraints through random voting rules

- Souvik Roy and Soumyarup Sadhukhan
- 110872: Local incentive compatibility in non-convex type-spaces

- Souvik Roy and Ujjwal Kumar
- 110870: Development loans, poverty trap, and economic dynamics

- Cuong Le Van, Ngoc-Sang Pham and Thi Kim Cuong Pham
- 110869: Economic diplomacy and genocide in Xinjiang

- Cullen Hendrix and Marcus Noland
- 110867: Lifetime employment and reaction functions of socially concerned firms under quantity competition

- Kazuhiro Ohnishi
- 110866: Peer Groups and Bias Detection in Least Squares Regression

- Eric Blankmeyer
- 110865: Unit Labour Cost and Unit Capital Cost Indicators in Slovenia and the Other Euro Area Countries

- Črt Lenarčič
- 110862: Исследование интеллектуального потенциала российских регионов и оценка их резилентности (Research of intellectual potential of Russian regions and assessment of their resilence)

- Anastasia Belykh and Oleg Tolstoguzov
- 110859: An Anomaly within an Anomaly: The Halloween Effect in the Long-term Reversal Anomaly

- King Fuei Lee
- 110858: (SARS-CoV-2) COVID 19: Vigilancia genómica y evaluación del impacto en la población hablante de lengua indígena en México ((SARS-CoV-2) COVID 19: Genomic surveillance and impact assessment on the indigenous language-speaking population in Mexico)

- Carlos Medel-Ramírez, Hilario Medel-López and Jennifer Lara-Mérida
- 110853: The asymmetric effect of internet access on economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa

- Idris Abdulqadir and Simplice Asongu
- 110852: The rise and fall of the energy-carbon Kuznets curve: Evidence from Africa

- Olatunji Shobande and Simplice Asongu
- 110850: Demographic policy construction: Inapt use of growth rates illustrated

- Zubair Hasan
- 110849: Toward Cleaner Production: Can Mobile Phone Technology Help Reduce Inorganic Fertilizer Application? Evidence Using a National Level Dataset

- Nawab Khan, Ram Ray, Hazem Kassem, Muhammad Ihtisham, . Abdullah, Simplice Asongu, Stephen Ansah and Shemei Zhang
- 110843: Cryptocurrencies responses to the Covid-19 waves

- Souhir Amri Amamou
- 110839: Macroeconomic Effects of Intellectual Property Rights: An Updated Survey

- Angus Chu
- 110838: The decline of labour share in OECD and non-OECD since the 1980s

- Veasna Kheng, Justin McKinley and Lei Pan
- 110836: The Determinants of Design Applications in Europe

- Angelo Leogrande, Alberto Costantiello, Lucio Laureti and Domenico Leogrande
- 110831: What should be taken into consideration when forecasting oil implied volatility index?

- Panagiotis Delis, Stavros Degiannakis and Kostantinos Giannopoulos
- 110827: Shape factor asymptotic analysis II

- Frank Xuyan Wang
- 110825: Договорът за управление с ректорите на държавните висши училища (The management agreementwith the chancellor of the public higher education institutions)

- Andriyana Andreeva and Darina Dimitrova
- 110824: Development of an Ensemble of Models for Predicting Socio-Economic Indicators of the Russian Federation using IRT-Theory and Bagging Methods

- Olga Kitova and Victoria Savinova
- 110823: Labor Taxation: Insights From The World Economic Forum Survey

- Michael Moutsopoulos and Theodore Pelagidis
- 110820: Nurturing Career Development for Human Sustainablel Development

- Emerson Jackson, Elijah Jackson and Hudson Jackson
- 110819: Diaspora Income, Financial Development and Ecological footprint in Africa

- Sodiq Arogundade, Adewale Hassan and Santos Bila
- 110818: Retail Pricing Format and Rigidity of Regular Prices

- Sourav Ray, Avichai Snir and Daniel Levy
- 110816: House price convergence in the very long run: new evidence from Fourier quantile unit root test

- Lei Pan and Takashi Matsuki
- 110814: The Determinants of Landscape and Cultural Heritage Among Italian Regions in the Period 2004-2019

- Angelo Leogrande, Alberto Costantiello, Lucio Laureti and Domenico Leogrande
- 110813: Evidence of the middle-income trap in Pacific Alliance countries using Bayesian inference

- Eduardo Andres Pardo Piñashca
- 110808: О возможности эффективного ответа на индустриальный вызов в контексте взаимодействия человека и природы (On the possibility of an effective response to the industrial challenge in the context of human-nature interaction)

- Oleg Tolstoguzov
- 110807: Factors Influencing Consumer Purchase Intentions in buying Honda City in Karachi, Pakistan

- Shahzaib Sattar Khan and Emadul Karim
- 110805: Optimal Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy with Non-tradable Goods

- Pengfei Jia
- 110801: Banking Resolution: Expansion of the Resolution Toolkit and the Changing Role of Deposit Insurers

- Ryan Defina
- 110800: Profit-Sharing vs Price-Fixing Collusion with Heterogeneous Firms

- Keisuke Hattori
- 110795: PLAN DE TRÉSORERIE DIFFÉRENT DE LA LOI DE FINANCES 2020 DE LA RDC: fondement et perspectives (CASH PLAN DIFFERENT FROM THE 2020 DRC FINANCE LAW: basis and outlook)

- François Tekilasaya Kavunzu
- 110794: The Old Institutional School and Labour Market Functions and Policies

- Stavros Drakopoulos and Ioannis Katselidis
- 110792: Analisis Volatilitas Return Saham Syariah Studi Kasus pada Saham Syariah Yang Terdaftar di Jakarta Islamic Index (JII)

- Fahmi Khalamillah
- 110786: Can central bank digital currency increase financial inclusion? Arguments for and against

- Peterson Ozili
- 110782: Sub-interval images. Big Data

- Alexander Harin
- 110780: Environmental Productivity and Convergence of European Manufacturing Industries. Are they Under Pressure?

- Eirini Stergiou, Nikos Rigas and Kostantinos Kounetas
- 110777: Individual decision-making experiment with risk and intertemporal choice: a replication study

- Andrea Morone, Alessia Casamassima and Alessandro Cascavilla
- 110774: Hedging Cryptocurrency Options

- Jovanka Matic, Natalie Packham and Wolfgang Karl Härdle
- 110773: мировой опыт применения экономико- правовых режимов и его использование в пространственной организации экономики арктического региона (World experience of economic and legal regimes and its application in the spatial organization of the arctic region)

- Александр Волков
- 110772: Mechanical analyses and derivations of money velocity

- Alessandro Saccal
- 110771: Climate variability impacts on agricultural output in East Africa

- Jean Luc Mubenga-Tshitaka, Johane Dikgang, John Weirstrass Muteba Mwamba and Dambala Gelo
- 110770: Varieties of Capitalism and re-thinking the East Asian model of economic growth after the Covid-19 pandemic: Rebalancing shareholder and stakeholder capitalism

- Keun Lee
- 110769: Institutions Matter differently depending on the Ownership Types of Firms: Interacting Effects on Firm Productivity in China

- Hyuntai Lee and Keun Lee
- 110766: The Countries of North Africa And the Prospects for The Region's Interaction with The Russian Federation

- Anna Agapova, N Budarina, R Shafiev, I. Tataeva and Svetlana Bludova
- 110763: Open banking in Europe: The impact of the Revised Payments Services Directive on Solarisbank and Insha

- Zhamal Nanaeva, Ahmet Faruk Aysan and Nasim Shah Shirazi
- 110757: Financial constraints, risk sharing, and optimal monetary policy

- Aliaksandr Zaretski
- 110756: Does Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative Dissuade the Increasing Electoral Violence in sub-Saharan Africa? Evidence from Nigeria’s Oil Producing Region

- Joseph Uduji, Elda Okolo-Obasi and Simplice Asongu
- 110755: Effects of Infrastructures on Environmental Quality Contingent on Trade Openness and Governance Dynamics in Africa

- Tii Nchofoung and Simplice Asongu
- 110754: ICT for Sustainable Development: Global Comparative Evidence of Globalisation Thresholds

- Tii Nchofoung and Simplice Asongu
- 110753: Differing Labor Supply: A Study on the Role of Culture

- Sarthak Behera and Divya Sadana
- 110750: Corruption et sorties illicites de capitaux dans les pays de l’Afrique subsaharienne: La démocratie compte-elle vraiment? (Corruption and Illicit Capital Outflows in Sub-Saharan Africa: Does Democracy Really Matter?)

- Tchablemane Yenlide
- 110749: Panamax markets behaviour: explaining volatility and expectations

- Ioannis Karaoulanis and Theodore Pelagidis
- 110746: The Equilibrium Value of Bitcoin

- Juliusz Radwanski
- 110745: Development of a tool for optimizing the management processes in the field of innovation in the Bulgarian furniture enterprises

- Daniela Georgieva, Radostina Popova-Terziyska and Nikolay Neykov
- 110743: Видове дружества с ограничена отговорност (Types of limited liability partnerships)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 110742: Забраната за дискриминация в трудовите отношения и колективното трудово договаряне (The prohibition of discrimination in labour relations and the collective bargaining process)

- Ивайло Стайков
- 110734: The competitiveness of cruise tourism The case of Greece

- Athanasios Yfantis and Georgios Galanos
- 110733: Η ανταγωνιστικότητα του τουρισμού κρουαζιέρας Η περίπτωση της Ελλάδας (The competitiveness of cruise tourism The case of Greece)

- Athanasios Yfantis and Georgios Galanos
- 110721: Konsep Perdagangan Ibnu Khaldun Dan Relevansinya Dengan Undang-Undang Perdagangan Di Indonesia

- Nur Ratulangi
- 110717: Lack of integration between land use and transportation planning in greece! [:] impacts on space and methodology of future integration!

- Athanasios Yfatnis
- 110716: Does financial development drive economic growth ? an ARDL approach

- Mohammed Kaleemuddin and Abul Masih
- 110715: Climate Change Fever: Can Deposit Insurers Stay Cool?

- Bert Van Roosebeke and Ryan Defina
- 110713: Five Emerging Issues in Deposit Insurance

- Bert Van Roosebeke and Ryan Defina
- 110712: Machine Learning Methods: Potential for Deposit Insurance

- Ryan Defina
- 110710: Les relations entre l'ANASE et l'Afrique: vers un partenariat renouvelé ? (ASEAN and African relations: towards a renewed partnership ?)

- Dirk Kohnert
- 110709: ASEAN and African relations: towards a renewed partnership ?

- Dirk Kohnert
- 110706: The Concept, Evolution, Impacts and Critical Success Factors of Regional Economic Corridors

- Aradhna Aggarwal
- 110704: Анализ пространственной зависимости распространения COVID-19 в России (Analysis of the spatial dependence of COVID-19 prevalue in Russia)

- Venera Timiryanova, Aleksandr Zimin and Larisa Plushcheva
- 110703: Uncovering Heterogeneous Regional Impacts of Chinese Monetary Policy

- Andrew Tsang
- 110702: The green and the dark side of distance learning: from environmental quality to economic inequality

- Alessandro Cascavilla, Rocco Caferra and Andrea Morone
- 110700: Discerning the effect of international stock markets before and after the subprime crisis

- Atiqah Rahmali and Abul Masih
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