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115326: The social cost of playing by the rules in the credit market Downloads
Rosaria Distefano
115323: The use of technology to counter frauds and scams for the benefit of society: a detailed study Downloads
Devashish Sharma
115318: Segregation across neighborhoods in a small city Downloads
Shu En Lee, Jing Zhi Lim and Lucas Shen
115316: Role of worker flows in the relationship between job offers and employment Downloads
Toyoki Matsue
115314: Content Licensing with Endogenous Homing Downloads
Qiuyu Lu
115307: Real estate tokenization as an alternative investment solution Downloads
Aleksander Berentsen and Marina Markheim
115305: The Impact of Behavioral Economics on Marketing: The Case of Multinational Consumer Companies in Egypt Downloads
Sherihan Radi
115304: Does Globalization Promote Financial Integration in South Asian Economies? Unveiling the Role of Monetary and Fiscal Performance in Internationalization Downloads
Amjad Ali, Rehan Ehsan, Marc Audi and Hani Fayad Hamadeh
115303: Foreign direct investments flows detected world-wide Downloads
Liviu Catalin Andrei and Dalina Andrei
115301: Segregation Across Neighborhoods in a Small City Downloads
Shu En Lee, Jing Zhi Lim and Lucas Shen
115299: Italian subsidised crop insurance: what the role of policy changes Downloads
Santeramo Fabio G., Russo Ilaria and Emilia Lamonaca
115298: Stabilité monétaire et Currency Board régional: Vers un système à deux niveaux pour accélérer l'intégration régionale dans la Corne de l'Afrique. (Une proposition de politique monétaire) (Monetary Stability and Regional Currency Board: towards a two-tier system to accelerate regional integration in the Horn of Africa. (A Policy Proposal)) Downloads
Moustapha Aman and Nikolay Nenovsky
115295: Study Examining New Technologies and Sustainable Development with a Focus on Social Entrepreneurship Downloads
Ambrose Jude Preminger
115292: A Thrifty North and An Impecunious South: Nigeria's External Debt and the Tyranny of Political Economy Downloads
Douglason G. Omotor
115291: Travel Circle: A Model of Supply Chains Downloads
C. Oscar Lau
115289: The relationship between Competition, Tourism and Sustainable Development: three interdependent topics Downloads
Panagiotis Fotis and Maria Korre
115288: Quantitative easing and the U.K. economy Downloads
Kees De Koning
115285: Патернализъм ли е задължителното здравно осигуряване? (Is mandatory health insurance paternalism?) Downloads
Мария Радева
115284: Електронните здравни записи и електронното здравно досие (Electronic records and elektronic health files) Downloads
Мария Радева
115283: The Impact of an Online Macroeconomics Simulation Game on Student Engagement and Performance Downloads
Tim Rogmans
115282: New media technologies, fake news, and disinformation: challenges for the society Downloads
George Banasiewicz
115275: A comparative analysis of energy subsidy in the MENA region Downloads
Karim Boudekhdekh
115273: Explaining foreign direct investment patterns: a testable micro-macro gravity model for FDI Downloads
Henk Kox
115272: The Role of Workers Militia in the Ethio-Somalia War,1977-78 Downloads
Adane K. Bezabih
115271: Government size and automation Downloads
Pablo Casas and Jose Torres
115270: The dynamic interactions of hate, violence and economic well-being Downloads
Elie Appelbaum
115267: From Hyper-globalization to Global Value Chains Decoupling: Withering Global Trade Governance? Downloads
Hubert Escaith
115266: A multivariate semi-parametric portfolio risk optimization and forecasting framework Downloads
Giuseppe Storti and Chao Wang
115265: The Role of Technology and Mobile Governance in Today’s Society: Analyzing How Apps Are Used in Governance Downloads
Bernard Clayton
115262: Categorization of countries according to CO2eq emissions per capita Downloads
Ronny Suarez
115258: The Formative Period of the Ethiopian Labour Movement, 1962-1974 Downloads
Adane Bezabih
115254: State-dependent asset allocation using neural networks Downloads
Reza Bradrania and Davood Pirayesh Neghab
115253: Remote Work and Team Productivity Downloads
E. Dutcher and Krista Saral
115248: Sesgos de revisión en el Estimador Mensual de Actividad Económica de Argentina (Revision biases in the Monthly Estimator of Economic Activity of Argentina) Downloads
Luis Frank
115246: Memo Writing Procedures in Grounded Theory Research Methodology Downloads
Devajit Mohajan and Haradhan Mohajan
115245: The European Monetary Integration Trap: incomplete sovereignty and the State-mimicking method Downloads
Nazaré Costa Cabral
115242: Violencia contra la mujer en ecuador, como consecuencia de la pobreza, desempleo, nivel de educación y demás factores socioeconómicos (Violence against women in Ecuador, as a result of poverty, unemployment, level of education and other socioeconomic factors) Downloads
Edison Joel Arévalo Morocho and Elizabeth Lozano Veintimilla
115241: Climbing the Social Ladder: Does Intergenerational Solidarity matter? Downloads
Xinmiao Zhang and Thibaud Deguilhem
115239: A Multivariate Analysis of Technology and Education in the 21st Century: Antecedents and Determinants Downloads
Sarvesh Raj Rocque
115237: Cross Ownership, Loan Commitment, Managerial Delegation and the “Prisoner’s Dilemma” Downloads
Jie Ma, Leonard F.S. Wang and Ji Sun
115234: Motivations for Foreign Bank Entry in Ghana: A Country-level Analysis Downloads
Ibrahim Nandom Yakubu, Alhassan Bunyaminu and Iliasu Abdallah
115230: Exploring the Drivers of Economic Growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Interactive Effect of Globalization and Financial Development Downloads
Ibrahim Nandom Yakubu
115227: Examining the technological advances and innovations of integrated technologies in terms of their economic and social impact Downloads
Shoucheng Zhang
115226: The 2019 Merged model for Madagascar Downloads
Franck Ramaharo
115225: Anti-Insurgency Measures and Community Policing: The Revitalized Pulis sa Barangay (R-PSB) in Region 11, Philippines Downloads
Adrian Tamayo, Hamlet Lerios, Napoleon Carpio, Mohammad Hashim Sahidaini and Jesus Juevesano
115224: Green transformation in oligopoly markets under common ownership Downloads
Kosuke Hirose and Toshihiro Matsumura
115222: Econometric modelling of exchange rate volatility using mixed-frequency data Downloads
Priya Chaturvedi and Kuldeep Kumar
115221: Impact of entry costs on aggregate productivity: financial development matters Downloads
Saeed Shaker Akhtekhane
115220: Nexus among innovations, financial development and economic growth in developing countries Downloads
Marc Audi, Amjad Ali and Hani Fayad Hamadeh
115219: Unveiling the role of business freedom to determine environmental degradation in developing countries Downloads
Amjad Ali, Marc Audi and Hani Fayad Hamadeh
115216: Polluting tanneries and small farmers in Kanpur, India: a theoretical analysis Downloads
Amitrajeet Batabyal, Karima Kourtit and Peter Nijkamp
115215: Экономика природо- и землепользования в контексте карбоновой повестки (Economics of nature and land use in the context of the carbon agenda) Downloads
Oleg Tolstoguzov and Anastasia Belykh
115213: A Nash equilibrium against gun control Downloads
Alessandro Saccal
115212: Network Perception in Network Games Downloads
Sofía Ruiz Palazuelos
115207: The food euro: method and new results to analyze distribution of value in the French food chain Downloads
Philippe Boyer
115203: Two-player bargaining problems with unilateral pre-donation Downloads
Ismail Saglam
115198: التمويل الجماعي الإسلامي: فرص بديلة للتمويل في العالم العربي (Islamic crowdfunding: alternative opportunities for financing in the Arab world) Downloads
Faycal Chiad
115196: British Public Investment, Government Spending, Housing, and the Industrial Revolution: A Study of Governmental and Social Surplus Absorption Downloads
Thomas Lambert
115193: Evaluating the Competitiveness of Government Mobile Apps: An Assessment of Their Impact on Society Downloads
David Driskell
115184: Stock market development, foreign private investment and economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Ibrahim Nandom Yakubu, Alhassan Bunyaminu and Nuhu Alhassan Abdulrahman
115183: Financial Inclusion and Economic Growth in West Africa: The Moderating Effect of Financial Openness Downloads
Ibrahim Nandom Yakubu and Alhassan Bunyaminu
115182: The effects of admittingi Immigrants: a look at Japan’s school and pension systems Downloads
Masatoshi Jinno and Masaya Yasuoka
115180: A synthesis of local and effective tax progressivity measurement Downloads
Satya Chakravarty and Palash Sarkar
115177: Welfare effects of common ownership in an international duopoly Downloads
Yi Liu and Toshihiro Matsumura
115174: Making friends: the role of assortative interests and capacity constraints Downloads
Antonio Jimenez Martínez and Isabel Melguizo
115172: Group representation concerns and network formation Downloads
Isabel Melguizo
115171: Initial conditions and cross-country macroeconomic impact during Covid-19 Downloads
Francis Kuriakose
115170: Contagion or decoupling? Evidence from emerging stock markets Downloads
Zinzile Lorna Ndiweni and Lumengo Bonga-Bonga
115169: Privatization, entry and corporate social responsibility with consumer cognition Downloads
Jun Wen, Yu Diao, Leonard F. S. Wang and Ji Sun
115168: Wild bootstrap test of overidentification with many instruments and heteroskedasticity Downloads
Wenjie Wang
115167: The role of terrorist events in determining stock returns in Pakistan: covering most vibrant era 2003-2013 Downloads
Marc Audi, Fiaz Ahmad Sulehri, Amjad Ali and Razan Al-Masri
115166: The role of environmental conditions and purchasing power parity in determining quality of life among big Asian cities Downloads
Amjad Ali, Marc Audi and Razan Al-Masri
115164: Факторы риска, прибыльности и вероятности дефолта в российском банковском секторе (Determinants of risk, profitability and probability of default for Russian banking sector) Downloads
Olga Bekirova and Andrey Zubarev
115161: The relationship between unemployment, NAIRU and investment: microfundations for incomplete nominal adjustment Downloads
Denis Vîntu
115159: Арктические местные сообщества и зарубежная трудовая миграция в российской Арктике (Arctic local communities and foreign labour migration in Russian arctic) Downloads
Maria Pitukhina, Oleg Tolstoguzov and Anastasia Belykh
115154: Renewable electricity consumption and economic growth: A comparative study of South Africa and Zimbabwe Downloads
Nyiko Worship Hlongwane and Olebogeng David Daw
115149: Производство по медиация и пред етична комисия във висшето образование (Proceedings in mediation and before an ethics committee in higher education) Downloads
Andriyana Andreeva and Desislava Serafimova
115148: Препращане към медиация от съдилищата – тенденции и перспективи (Referral to mediation by the courts – trends and perspectives) Downloads
Diana Dimitrova
115146: The crisis of the social democratic movement Downloads
Emmanouil Mavrozacharakis
115142: The role of terrorist events in determining stock returns in Pakistan: covering most vibrant era 2003-2013 Downloads
Marc Audi, Fiaz Ahmad Sulehri and Amjad Ali
115141: Colonial origins of comparative development in Ghana Downloads
Mohammed Iddrisu Kambala
115139: Foreign exchange operation: a study on Bank Asia Lmited Downloads
Nazim Ullah
115136: Journal of economic refutations - a proposal Downloads
Peter Bowbrick
115134: Natural Disasters and Entrepreneurship Activity: the Moderating Role of Country Governance Downloads
Christopher Boudreaux, Anand Jha and Monica Escaleras
115133: Entitlement and food availability decline (FAD) – the use of fraud and abuse in famine economics Downloads
Peter Bowbrick
115130: Education and society: an analysis of the relationship between technological development and knowledge transfer Downloads
Shoucheng Zhang
115113: A U.S. home equity withdrawal scheme Downloads
Kees De Koning
115092: In Defence of the Endogenous Growth Theory: "Conditional" and "Unconditional" Convergence in Two-Country AK Models Downloads
Carmelo Parello
115091: Country size, per-capita income, and comparative advantage: services versus manufacturing Downloads
Scott Bradford, Satya Das and Anuradha Saha
115090: Capital-labor substitution and misallocation Downloads
Debdulal Mallick and Nabeel Maqsood
115088: Powering up a slow charging market: how do government subsidies affect charging station supply? Downloads
Zunian Luo
115085: Improving business environment: a key to unlock investment: evidence from manufacturing firms in Senegal Downloads
Youssouha Sakrya Siagne
115081: Economic policy uncertainty and forecast bias in the survey of professional forecasters Downloads
Elahe Boskabadi
115080: Health-related activities of Big Tech Downloads
Roman Retiene
115071: The role of terrorist events in determining stock returns in Pakistan: covering most viberiant era 2003-2013 Downloads
Marc Audi, Fiaz Ahmad Sulehri, Amjad Ali and Razan Al-Masri
115067: Comment expliquer la décision de création d’un fond éthique ? (What explain the creation of ethical funds?) Downloads
Jonathan Peillex
115061: Fiscal stabilisation rule Downloads
Hovick Shahnazarian
115060: Empirical rejection of mainstream economics' core postulates -on prices, firms' profits and markets structure Downloads
Joaquim Vergés-Jaime
115059: Procédures pour les mises à jour technologiques sur les machines par le biais de changements technologiques avec étude de cas (Procedures for technological updates on machines through technological changes with case study) Downloads
Farid Brara
115051: Procédures pour les mises à jour technologiques sur les machines par le biais de changements technologiques avec étude de cas (Procedures for technological updates on machines through technological changes with case study) Downloads
Farid Brara
Page updated 2025-03-25
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