MPRA Paper
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- 45327: Cyclical relationship between exchange rates and macro-fundamentals in Central and Eastern Europe

- Daniel Stavarek
- 45318: A disaggregated approach to the government spending shocks: an theoretical analysis

- Orcan Çörtük and Mustafa Guler
- 45310: Pre- versus Post-Crisis Central Banking in Qatar

- Elsayed Mousa Elsamadisy, Khalid Rashid Alkhater and Syed Abul Basher
- 45309: Thematic Paper: Comprehensive Education

- Alethea Dopart and Quentin Wodon
- 45292: Motivation to Work in Russia: The Case of Protracted Transition from Noncompetitive to Competitive System

- Vasiliy Anikin
- 45289: Dziedzictwo analizy wartości (Heritage of Value Analysis)

- Marek Ćwiklicki
- 45281: International Portfolios and the U.S. Current Account

- Jorge Leon
- 45280: The Exponential Model for the Spectrum of a Time Series: Extensions and Applications

- Tommaso Proietti and Alessandra Luati
- 45279: Costos de Transacciones en Costa Rica (Costs of transactions in Costa Rica)

- Jorge Leon and Adolfo Rodriguez Vargas
- 45278: Hábitos de Pago en Costa Rica (Payment Habits in Costa Rica)

- Jorge Leon
- 45272: On the pricing and hedging of options for highly volatile periods

- Youssef El-Khatib and Abdulnasser Hatemi-J
- 45271: Optimal delegation via a strategic intermediary

- Pinghan Liang
- 45270: Love me, love my dog: an experimental study on social connections and indirect reciprocity

- Pinghan Liang and Juanjuan Meng
- 45268: Exit and voice: a game-theoretic analysis of customer complaint management

- Pinghan Liang
- 45267: Earnings differences between homosexuals and heterosexuals and the effects of anti-discriminatory laws: equal but still unmarried

- David Christafore and J. Sebastian Leguizamon
- 45264: New Wars in Numbers. An exploration of various datasets on intra-state violence

- Anouk S. Rigterink
- 45263: The wrong suspect. An enquiry into the endogeneity of natural resource measures to civil war

- Anouk S. Rigterink
- 45258: Rural Poverty in Jharkhand, India: An Empirical Study based on Panel Data

- K.M. Singh, M.S. Meena, R.K.P. Singh, Abhay Kumar and Anjani Kumar
- 45257: Currency Devaluation, External Finance and Economic Growth: A Note on the Greek Case

- Theodore Mariolis
- 45252: Information studies for the business sector in Spanish universities

- Antonio Munoz-Canavate and Pedro Hipola
- 45251: Business information through Spain's Chambers of Commerce: meeting business needs

- Antonio Munoz-Canavate and Pedro Hipola
- 45250: Information transfer in the agricultural sector in Spain

- Antonio Munoz-Canavate and Pedro Hipola
- 45247: The Universitary Educational System, Cibernetic System

- Ioan Constantin Dima, Diana Mihaescu and Liviu Mihaescu
- 45246: The Analyses of the Teacher’s Activities Facing with Efficiency

- Liviu Mihaescu, Diana Mihaescu, Olivia Andrei and Lia Ilie-Bologa
- 45245: Some aspects regarding efficiency and meaning of indicators used in Romanian Educational System

- Liviu Mihaescu, Diana Mihaescu, Olivia Andrei and Lia Bologa
- 45243: Investments in physical capital, relationship-specificity, and the property rights approach

- Patrick W. Schmitz
- 45242: Learning to Live Life Depth

- Luigi Dumitrescu, Liviu Mihaescu and Diana Mihaescu
- 45241: Managing Economic Solution for a global sustainable Development

- Luigi Dumitrescu, Liviu Mihaescu and DIiana Mihaescu
- 45239: Wzajemne zależności uczelni wyższych i przedsiębiorstw w gospodarce opartej na wiedzy (Interdependencies of Universities and Companies in a Knowledge - Based Economy)

- Dominika Salwa and Remigiusz Gawlik
- 45237: Working in Southern Europe in Times of Crisis – Myths and Demons

- Aristidis Tsatsos
- 45235: Diamonds and violence in Africa. Uncovering relationships and mechanisms

- Anouk S. Rigterink
- 45232: A Village-level Study of Poverty in Bihar: Using panel data Approach

- Krishna M. Singh, R.K.P. Singh, M.S. Meena, Abhay Kumar and Anjani Kumar
- 45230: A Review of Indian Water Policy

- Krishna M. Singh, R.K.P. Singh, M.S. Meena and Abhay Kumar
- 45226: Estabilidad política y tributación (Taxation and political stability)

- Fernando Estrada, Mihai Mutascu and Aviral Tiwari
- 45225: Dynamic interaction between markets for leasing and selling automobiles

- Athanasios Andrikopoulos and Raphael Markellos
- 45224: Spin Off Enterprises as a Financing Solution for the Innovative Clients of Science and Technology Parks

- Remigiusz Gawlik and Janusz Teczke
- 45223: Estado y política pública en Colombia: Un balance desde la teoría política (State and public policy in Colombia)

- Fernando Estrada
- 45221: The euro crisis and its lessons from a Greek perspective

- Thanos Skouras
- 45216: Exchange Rate Uncertainty and Import Demand of Thailand

- Komain Jiranyakul
- 45215: L’effet de domino des études européennes: le développement de l’Ouest vers l’Est de l’Europe (The Domino Effect of European Studies: the Development from the West to the East of Europe)

- Mariana Buda
- 45214: The introduction of European Studies in the Universities from Romania

- Mariana Buda
- 45206: Evaluating Case-based Decision Theory: Predicting Empirical Patterns of Human Classification Learning (Extensions)

- Andreas Pape and Kenneth Kurtz
- 45204: Deep or aggregate habit formation? Evidence from a new-Keynesian business cycle model

- Gregory Givens
- 45203: Optimal capital taxation for time-nonseparable preferences

- Sebastian Koehne and Moritz Kuhn
- 45199: Передумови створення системи контролінгу альтернативних джерел енергії на підприємстві (The conditions of controlling system of renewable energy resources in the enterprise)

- Olga Degtiareva and Galina Pudycheva
- 45198: Fiscal Austerity, Unemployment and Suicide Rates in Greece

- Nikolaos Antonakakis
- 45197: Money flexibility and optimal consumption-leisure choice under price dispersion

- Sergey Malakhov
- 45196: Price trends and income inequalities: will Sub-Saharan-Africa reduce the gap?

- Francesco Caracciolo and Fabio Gaetano Santeramo
- 45187: Direct & Indirect Effects of Aid Volatility on Growth: Do Stronger Institutions Play a Role?

- Jay Kathavate
- 45186: Evaluation of Probabilistic Forecasts: Proper Scoring Rules and Moments

- Alexander Tsyplakov
- 45185: The Effects of Trade Openness on Malaysian Exchange Rate

- Chin Lee and Chee-Hong Law
- 45183: The long-run Relationship between Human Capital and Economic Growth in Sweden

- Ahmed Mohammed Awel
- 45182: Previsão para as Exportações Brasileiras de 2011 utilizando modelos estruturais (Forecasts for the Brazilian Exports in 2011 using structural models)

- Lucas Godeiro
- 45178: Macro-Institutional Instability and the Incentive to Innovate

- Serena Masino
- 45172: On option pricing in illiquid markets with random jumps

- Youssef El-Khatib and Abdulnasser Hatemi-J
- 45170: A New Asymmetric GARCH Model: Testing, Estimation and Application

- Abdulnasser Hatemi-J
- 45168: Environmental Taxation Evolution in Ukraine: Trends, Challenges and Outlook

- Serhiy Shkarlet and Yaroslav Petrakov
- 45157: Financial Inclusion for Stability: Access to Bank Deposits and the Deposit Growth during the Global Financial Crisis

- Rui Han and Martin Melecký
- 45156: Market Procyclicality and Systemic Risk

- Paolo Tasca and Stefano Battiston
- 45153: Constant Returns to Scale: Can the Neoclassical Economy Exist?

- M. Shahid Alam
- 45152: Current Demographical Issues in the Eastern Poland Macroregion

- Dorota Celinska-Janowicz, Andrzej Miszczuk, Adam Ploszaj and Maciej Smętkowski
- 45151: The privatization effects on Iran insurance industry

- Mohammad Karimi, Ali Cheshomi and Behzad Hassannezhad Kashani
- 45146: Estimando o VaR (Value-at-Risk) de carteiras via modelos da família GARCH e via Simulação de Monte Carlo (Estimating the VaR (Value-at-Risk) of portfolios via GARCH family models and via Monte Carlo Simulation)

- Lucas Godeiro
- 45144: Will T20 clean sweep other formats of Cricket in future?

- Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani, Syed Akif Hasan and Amber Osman
- 45143: Co-Integration in Write Offs ratios of the world

- Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani, Syed Akif Hasan and Amber Osman
- 45142: Are the Prices of Light Diesel Oil, Gasoline, CNG and Kerosene Oil Co-Integrated?

- Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani, Syed Akif Hasan and Amber Osman
- 45141: Consumers recall and recognition for brand symbols

- Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani, Syed Akif Hasan and Amber Osman
- 45140: Bye to Vertical Integration and Welcome to the Horizontal Integration in the Textile Business

- Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani, Syed Akif Hasan and Amber Osman
- 45139: Is Sudden News an Origin of More Systematic Risk in Common Stocks?

- Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani, Syed Akif Hasan and Amber Osman
- 45136: Technical Efficiency of Commercial Banks in Malaysia: An Application of Window Data Envelopment Analysis

- Ahmad Nazri Wahidudin
- 45117: The Glue of Democracy: Economics, Warfare and Values in Classical Greece

- Nicholas Kyriazis, Xenophon Paparrigopoulos and Emmanouil-Marios-Lazaros Economou
- 45110: The seasonal KPSS Test: some extensions and further results

- Ghassen El Montasser
- 45101: Towards a pure state theory of money

- Clint Ballinger
- 45095: Stock market efficiency: Behavioral or traditional paradigm?Evidence from Karachi Stock Exchange (KSE) and investors community of Pakistan

- Syed jawad hussain Shahzad, Paeman Ali, Fawad Saleem, Sajid Ali and Sehrish Akram
- 45094: Do consumers buy bread and diamond with the same attachment?

- Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani, Syed Akif Hasan and Amber Osman
- 45092: Quem vai à igreja? Um teste de regressão logística ordenada do modelo de Azzi-Ehrenberg para o Brasil (Who goes to church: A test of the ordered logistic regression model of Azzi-Ehrenberg to Brazil)

- Livio Oliveira, Giácomo Balbinotto Neto and Renan Xavier Cortes
- 45091: Quem acredita em Deus? testando o modelo de Durkin e Greeley de escolha racional envolvendo incerteza (Who believes in God? testing the model's Durkin and Greeley to Brazil)

- Livio Oliveira, Giácomo Balbinotto Neto, Renan Xavier Cortes and Lucas Schmidt
- 45090: Impact of Organization Culture on Promoting Green Supply Chain

- Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani, Syed Akif Hasan and Amber Osman
- 45089: An Application of GARCH while investigating volatility in stock returns of the World

- Muhammad Imtiaz Subhani, Syed Akif Hasan and Amber Osman
- 45084: Explaining the Patenting Propensity: A Regional Analysis using EPO-OECD Data

- Claudio Cozza and Francesco Schettino
- 45083: Abc-Modell eines Ponzi-Systems (Abc-model of a Ponzi system)

- Bernhard R. Parodi
- 45080: An Analysis of the Determinants of Thailand’s Exports and Imports wtih Major Trading Partners

- Komain Jiranyakul and Tantatape Brahmasrene
- 45079: Assessing Farmer’s Willingness to Participate in the On-farm Conservation of Minor Millet using Direct Compensation Payment

- Prabhakaran Tenkasi Raghu, Sukanya Das, Bala Ravi S and Edwin Devarathna Israel King
- 45077: Trade, Poverty and Employment: Empirical Evidence from Pakistan

- Muhammad Majeed
- 45076: Cointegration between Investment and Saving in Selected Asian Countries: ARDL Bounds Testing Procedure

- Komain Jiranyakul and Tantatape Brahmasrene
- 45073: Testing Independence for a Large Number of High–Dimensional Random Vectors

- Jiti Gao, Guangming Pan and Yanrong Yang
- 45072: Spatial spillovers of land use regulation in the United States

- David Christafore and Susane Leguizamon
- 45069: Innovation Concepts and Typology – An Evolutionary Discussion

- Maxim Kotsemir and Alexander Abroskin
- 45067: The Economic Development of China

- Brandon Levy
- 45065: Δημιουργώντας αγορές από το τίποτα: η περίπτωση της συνεχιζόμενης επαγγελματικής κατάρτισης στην Ελλάδα (Creating Markets out of nothing: the case of vocational training market in Greece)

- Yiorgos Ioannidis
- 45064: Una aproximación metodológica al Balance Estructural: Aplicación a Ecuador (A Methodological Approach to Structural Balance: Application to Ecuador)

- Edison Bolívar Reza Paocarina
- 45063: Ρυθμίζοντας την απορρύθμιση: μια κριτική δεύτερη ματιά στην ευρωπαϊκή πολιτική απασχόληση (Regulated deregulation: a critical review of the European Employment Strategy)

- Yiorgos Ioannidis
- 45062: Employment in the Keynesian and neoliberal universe: theoretical transformations and political correlations

- Yiorgos Ioannidis
- 45061: Private Tutoring and the Question of Equitable Opportunities in Turkey

- Aysıt Tansel
- 45060: Management-Employee Relations, Firm Size and Job Satisfaction

- Aysıt Tansel and Saziye Gazioglu
- 45045: La atribución de responsabilidades políticas en Estados descentralizados (The atribution of political responsibilities in decentralized countries)

- Santiago Lago-Peñas and Ignacio Lago
- 45044: Publication Activity of Russian Researches in Leading International Scientific Journals

- Maxim Kotsemir
- 45043: Rynek finansowy w Federacji Rosyjskiej - wybrane zagadnienia (Financial market in Russian Federation – selected issues)

- Krystian Zawadzki and Marta Lewicka
- 45042: The Socially Optimal Policy Choices by the Supreme Court – A Strategic Analysis

- Indrajit Mallick
- 45040: Portugalia jako organizator Mistrzostw Europy w Piłce Nożnej w 2004 roku (Portugal as a host of Football European Championship in 2004)

- Krystian Zawadzki
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