MPRA Paper
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- 22848: Organization of Innovation and Capital Markets

- Cuneyt Orman
- 22847: Book Review: The Mediterranean tradition in economic thought by Louis Baeck

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 22846: Does university choice drive graduates’ employability?

- Daria Ciriaci and Alessandro Muscio
- 22843: A Dynamic Incentive Mechanism for Transmission Expansion in Electricity Networks – Theory, Modeling and Application

- Juan Rosellon and Hannes Weigt
- 22842: Long-run Cost Functions for Electricity Transmission

- Juan Rosellon, Ingo Vogelsang and Hannes Weigt
- 22841: An exact, unified distributional characterization of statistics used to test linear hypotheses in simple regression models

- Thomas Parker
- 22840: Нестабильность демократии в странах, богатых ресурсами (Instability of Democracy in Resource Abundant Countries)

- Victor Polterovich, Vladimir Popov and Alexander Tonis
- 22837: Integration, decoupling and the global financial crisis: A global perspective

- Adil Miankhel, Kaliappa Kalirajan and Shandre Thangavelu
- 22835: What does a comparison between Latvia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan tell about the cognition and institutions as social capital in the extended market order?

- Joseph Baafi Antwi
- 22833: War and Economics: Spanish Civil War Finances Revisited

- Pablo Martin-Acena, Elena Martinez Ruiz and Maria A. Pons Brias
- 22832: The global start ups from Indian IT

- Sumati Varma
- 22831: The Socio-Economic and Demographic Determinants of Women Work Participation in Pakistan: Evidence from Bahawalpur District

- Muhammad Zahir Faridi, Imran Chaudhry and Mumtaz Anwar
- 22830: Estimation, Analysis and Projection of India’s GDP

- Ugam Raj Daga, Rituparna Das and Bhishma Maheshwari
- 22829: Factors Affecting Cotton Production in Pakistan:Empirical Evidence from Multan District

- Mumtaz Anwar, Imran Chaudhry and Bashir Muhammad
- 22827: Small and Micro Enterprises: A tool in the fight against poverty

- Perumal Koshy and V.n Prasad
- 22825: An Outline of the Existing Literature on Monetary Economics in India

- Rituparna Das
- 22824: How effective is a Big Push to the Small? Evidence from a Quasi-random Experiment

- Debdulal Mallick
- 22821: The Rhetoric of Economics: Why Words Are Important

- Gustavo Morles
- 22818: Multiple-Father Fertility and Arrest Rates

- Eirik Evenhouse and Siobhan Reilly
- 22813: Le SIDA et les choix de stratégie sanitaire: l'exemple de la Côte d'Ivoire (HIV/AIDS and the choices of health strategy: the case of Cote d'Ivoire)

- Joseph Brunet-Jailly
- 22810: Emigration of Skilled Labor under Risk Aversion: The Case of Medical Doctors from Middle Eastern and North African Economies

- Ahmed Driouchi and Molk Kadiri
- 22806: The Structural Relationship between Current and Capital Account Balance in India: A Time Series Analysis

- Debashis Chakraborty, Jaydeep Mukherjee and Tanaya Sinha
- 22804: Predicting Instability

- Weshah Razzak
- 22802: Trade Competitiveness, Subsidies and Barriers to Trade:Implication for Indian Agriculture

- Yogesh Bandhu
- 22797: GDP Forecast for Australia

- Ravi Saraogi
- 22793: Market and pricing mechanism in pre-classical literature

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 22787: Heat waves, droughts, and preferences for environmental policy

- Ann Owen, Emily Conover, Julio Videras and Stephen Wu
- 22786: Measuring the dependence structure between yield and weather variables

- Raushan Bokusheva
- 22785: Book Review on Islamic finance: law, economics and practice by Mahmoud A. El-Gamal

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 22784: Labour Cost and Export Behaviour of Firms in Indian Textile and Clothing Industry

- Vinoj Abraham and S.K. Sasikumar
- 22783: Synthetic and composite estimators for small area estimation under Lahiri – Midzuno sampling scheme

- Krishan Pandey and G.C. Tikkiwal
- 22780: Political Cycles in Active Labor Market Policies

- Mario Mechtel and Niklas Potrafke
- 22776: Does Fiscal Decentralization Dampen All Ethnic Conflicts? The heterogeneous Impact of Fiscal Decentralization on Local Minorities and Local Majorities

- Jean-Pierre Tranchant
- 22775: Truly Non-Cooperative Games: A Unified Theory

- Matt Funk
- 22773: Matemática Financeira com aplicações em Excel e R (Financial Mathematics with Excel and R application)

- Pedro Vieira
- 22767: On the estimation of hospital cost: the approach

- Hari K K Kurup
- 22763: Foreign direct investment, exports, and economic growth in selected emerging countries: Multivariate VAR analysis

- Kaliappa Kalirajan, Adil Miankhel and Shandre Thangavelu
- 22761: Uses of the argumentation in the negotiation

- Fernando Estrada
- 22760: The classical notion of competition revisited

- Neri Salvadori and Rodolfo Signorino
- 22758: Avenues for Export Diversification: Issues for Low-Income Countries

- Paul Brenton, Richard Newfarmer and Peter Walkenhorst
- 22755: Mondialisation et fluctuations des cycles économiques (globalisation and business cycle fluctuation)

- Ramzi Knani and Ali Fredj
- 22754: Evolución de la pobreza en argentina: evidencia, perfil y determinantes (1974‐2004) (Evolution of the poverty in argentina)

- Candelaria Logares
- 22753: Экономическая наука и экономическое образование в России: проблема интеграции (Economic Science and Economic Education in Russia: The Problem of Integration)

- Victor Polterovich and Alexander Fridman
- 22751: Стратегии институциональных реформ, или искусство реформ (Institutional Reform Strategies or Art of Reforms)

- Victor Polterovich
- 22748: The elusiveness of neutrality – why is it so difficult to apply VAT to financial services?

- Arthur Kerrigan
- 22740: Book Review: Risk analysis for Islamic banks by Hennie Van Greuning and Zamir Iqbal

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 22738: Entry, Competitiveness and Exports: Evidence from Firm Level Data of Indian Manufacturing

- Alokesh Barua, Debashis Chakraborty and C. G. Hariprasad
- 22737: Survey of Literature on Covered and Uncovered Interest Parities

- Gurnain Pasricha
- 22735: Introduzione allo studio dei modelli di "matching" del mercato del lavoro (Introduction to the study of matching models of unemployment)

- Gaetano Lisi
- 22734: Kalman Filter and its Economic Applications

- Gurnain Pasricha
- 22728: Incidencia del Auge en la salud privada (AUGE`s impact in private health)

- René Fernández Montt
- 22723: Modelling Stock Returns Volatility In Nigeria Using GARCH Models

- Kalu O. Emenike
- 22720: Ranking the stocks listed on Bovespa according to their relative efficiency

- Ricardo Giglio and Sergio Da Silva
- 22716: Разработка модели макроэкономического равновесия с использованием метода системной динамики (Development of Macroeconomic Equilibrium Model with the System Dynamics Method)

- Valerijs Skribans
- 22713: Can Macroeconomic Factors Explain Equity Returns in the Long Run? The Case of Jordan

- Gazi Hassan and Al refai Hisham
- 22712: Examining the Evidence of Purchasing Power Parity by Recursive Mean Adjustment

- Hyeongwoo Kim and Young-Kyu Moh
- 22711: Participation in private retirement savings plans, 1997 to 2008

- Karim Moussaly Sergieh
- 22710: Kingmakers and leaders in coalition formation

- Steven Brams and D. Marc Kilgour
- 22709: Satisfaction approval voting

- Steven Brams and D. Marc Kilgour
- 22708: An Empirical Study on Audit Expectation Gap: Role of Auditing Education in Bangladesh

- Rehana Fowzia
- 22704: Divide-and-conquer: A proportional, minimal-envy cake-cutting algorithm

- Steven Brams, Michael A. Jones and Christian Klamler
- 22703: Two-person pie-cutting: The fairest cuts

- Julius B. Barbanel and Steven Brams
- 22702: Conflict of Exchange Rates

- Rituparna Das and U R Daga
- 22699: Advertising Message Processing Amongst Urban Children: With Reference To TV Advertising in Pakistan

- Ul Abideen Zain and Waqas Farooq
- 22698: Sex selection and gender balance

- V Bhaskar
- 22695: The impact of the securities transaction taxes on the Chinese stock market

- Yongyang Su
- 22693: Interactive management for time series

- Giorgio Calzolari
- 22692: A Re-assessment of Credit Development in European Transition Economies

- Aleksandra Zdzienicka
- 22690: Seasonal and Periodic Long Memory Models in the In�ation Rates

- Adnen Ben Nasr and Abdelwahed Trabelsi
- 22689: The unemployment volatility puzzle: the role of the underground economy

- Gaetano Lisi
- 22684: Some results on the stochastic simulation of a nonlinear model of the Italian economy

- Carlo Bianchi, Giorgio Calzolari and Paolo Corsi
- 22680: The Impact of Marine Park Gazettement to Local Community Sustainable Livelihoods: A Case Study of Redang and Tioman Islands

- Mohd Salleh Norlida Hanim, Othman Redzuan and Harun Nurul Fahana Aini
- 22679: Importance-Satisfaction Analysis for Tioman Island Marine Park

- Mohd Salleh Norlida Hanim and Othman Redzuan
- 22678: Standard errors of multipliers and forecasts from structural coefficients with block-diagonal covariance matrix

- Carlo Bianchi, Giorgio Calzolari and Paolo Corsi
- 22677: Aggiornamento del modello al 1974 e nuove simulazioni (Updating the model and new simulations for 1974)

- Carlo Bianchi, Giorgio Calzolari, Paolo Corsi, Franco Sartori and Isidoro Specioso
- 22675: A Life Insurance Deterrent to Risky Behavior in Africa

- Pedro de Araujo and James Murray
- 22672: The Nigerian economy and monetary policy: Some simple empirics

- Douglason G. Omotor
- 22671: Single vote multiple seats elections. Didactics of district versus proportional representation, using the examples of the United Kingdom and The Netherlands

- Thomas Colignatus
- 22670: Two examples to break through classical theorems on Nash implementation with two agents

- Haoyang Wu
- 22669: Food Security and Nutition trend in Nigeria

- Douglason G. Omotor
- 22666: Entrepreneurial culture and innovation in the services sector: case study evidence from Greece

- Anastasia Petrou and Irene Daskalopoulou
- 22665: Stime 2SLS con componenti principali di un modello non lineare dell' economia italiana (2SLS with principal components: estimation of a nonlinear model of the Italian economy)

- Carlo Bianchi, Giorgio Calzolari and Franco Sartori
- 22664: Book review. The politics of Islamic finance edited by Clement M. Henry and Rodney Wilson

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 22663: Entrepreneurial growth expectations and information flows in networks

- Irene Daskalopoulou and Anastasia Petrou
- 22661: An Input-Output Approach to the Estimation of the Maximum Attainable Economic Dependency Ratio in four European Economies

- Theodore Mariolis, George Soklis and Heleni Groza
- 22658: Learning-by-Exporting and Destination Effects: Evidence from African SMEs

- Martijn Boermans
- 22657: Standard errors of forecasts in dynamic simulation of nonlinear econometric models: some empirical results

- Carlo Bianchi and Giorgio Calzolari
- 22652: The effect of international trade on mark-ups distribution

- Lourdes Moreno and D Rodríguez
- 22651: Tax audit impact on voluntary compliance

- Yongzhi Niu
- 22648: Remittances, Inflation and Exchange Rate Regimes in Small Open Economies

- Christopher Ball, Claude Lopez, Javier Reyes and Martha Cruz-Zuniga
- 22647: Interacting nominal and real labour market rigidities

- Lukas Vogel
- 22643: Regionale Wachstumseffekte der GRW-Förderung?: Eine räumlich-ökonometrische Analyse auf Basis deutscher Arbeitsmarktregionen (Regional Growth Effects of Private Sector Investment Grants in Germany?: A spatial econometric analysis for German labour markets)

- Björn Alecke, Timo Mitze and Gerhard Untiedt
- 22642: A conditionally heteroskedastic model with time-varying coefficients for daily gas spot prices

- Nazim Regnard and Jean-Michel Zakoian
- 22641: Income Inequality, Status Seeking, and Consumption

- Ye Jin, Binzhen Wu and Hongbin Li
- 22640: Ethico-economics, the future system

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 22638: Estimating the buyer's willingness to pay using Bayesian belief distribution with IFR

- Xavier Brusset and Roxane Cattan-Jallet
- 22637: How do neighbors influence investment in social capital?: Homeownership and length of residence

- Eiji Yamamura
- 22634: Vastgoed en ALM (Real Estate and ALM)

- Peter Gool van and Franciscus Leonardus Muller
- 22633: Теорема о существовании разрывов в шкале вероятностей. II (Theorem of existence of ruptures in the probability scale. II)

- Alexander Harin
- 22632: Mercantilism and the Muslim states: Lessons from the history

- Abdul Azim Islahi
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