MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 41001: The cultural and tourist policy dimension in city marketing: the case of the olympic municipality of Nea Ionia, Magnesia, Greece

- Alex Deffner and Theodore Metaxas
- 40998: Using Monte Carlo simulation to calculate match importance: the case of English Premier League

- Jiří Lahvička
- 40993: La teoría clásica de la renta y de la distribución (The classical theory of income and distribution)

- Eloy Ávalos
- 40992: Coordination, compensation and the expansion of trade: The merchant guilds revisited

- David Harbord and Nils Henrik von der Fehr
- 40991: El excedente económico (The economic surplus)

- Eloy Ávalos
- 40990: Public housing units vs. housing vouchers: accessibility, local public goods, and welfare

- Charles Leung, Sinan Sarpca and Kuzey Yilmaz
- 40982: Fluctuating staple prices and household poverty in India

- Lindsay Shutes, Anand Ganesh-Kumar and Gerdien Meijerink
- 40978: RMB Undervaluation and Appreciation

- Zhang Zhibai
- 40972: Dimensiunea Economică a Strategiei Europa 2020 (The Economic Dimension of the Europe 2020 Strategy)

- Casian Anton
- 40971: Introduction to Recent Developments in Alternative Finance: Empirical Assessments and Economic Implications

- William Barnett and Fredj Jawadi
- 40970: Irreversibilidad e incertidumbre de las decisiones financieras en i&d (Irreversibility and uncertainty of the financial investments on r&d)

- Martin Masci
- 40969: Annex to “Connecting labour values and relative prices”. New explanatory graphic

- Vicenc Melendez-Plumed
- 40966: Simple techniques for likelihood analysis of univariate and multivariate stable distributions: with extensions to multivariate stochastic volatility and dynamic factor models

- Mike Tsionas
- 40965: Some notes on the behavioral equilibrium exchange rate model

- Zhibai Zhang
- 40962: Trade policies and agricultural exports of Sub-Saharan African countries: Some stylized facts and perspectives

- Mathilde Douillet
- 40960: A Critical Evaluation of the Significance of Round Numbers in European Equity Markets in Light of the Predictions from Benford’s Law

- Mohandass Kalaichelvan and Kai Jie Shawn Lim
- 40959: Natural Gas Consumption and Economic Growth in Pakistan

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Hooi Hooi Lean and Abdul Farooq
- 40958: Does Kitchen Garden and Backyard Livestock Farming Help Combat Food Insecurity?

- Kiran Bhatta, Akira Ishida, Kenji Taniguchi and Raksha Sharma
- 40957: Profitability and Sustainability of the Emerging Poultry Business in Developing Countries: A Case of a Poultry Grower of Nepal

- Kiran Bhatta, Akira Ishida, Kenji Taniguchi and Raksha Sharma
- 40956: Role of non-farm sector in poverty and income distribution among rural households: a case of Nepal

- Kiran Bhatta, Akira Ishida, Kenji Taniguchi and Raksha Sharma
- 40955: Technical Efficiency of Rural Nepalese Farmers as Affected by Farm Family Education and Extension Services

- Kiran Bhatta, Akira Ishida, Kenji Taniguchi and Raksha Sharma
- 40954: Performance of a reciprocity model in predicting a positive reciprocity decision

- Kornpob Bhirombhakdi and Tanapong Potipiti
- 40953: A Simple Model and Its Application in the Valuation of Five Asian Real Exchange Rates

- Zhang Zhibai
- 40952: A different point of view in collective bargaining: legal perspective versus business perspective

- Chutinon Putthiwanit and Sawitree Santipiriyapon
- 40951: Second-Degree Price Discrimination on Two-Sided Markets

- Enrico Böhme
- 40950: 2008 Global Economic Crisis and Its Impact on India's Exports and Imports

- Sivakumar Marimuthu
- 40949: Вариации квот в производственной системе с фиксированными ценами (Quota Variations in an Industrial Fixed Price System)

- Victor Polterovich and Vladimir Spivak
- 40948: Trade and agricultural policies in Malawi: Not all policy reform is equally good for the poor

- Mathilde Douillet
- 40947: Transmission of fiscal policy shocks into Romania's economy

- Georgian Valentin Serbanoiu
- 40946: Strategy Formulation Approach, Industry Factors, Competition and the Notion of Learning Organization: Evidences from KAO Corporation

- D.M.N.S.W. Dissanayake
- 40945: Simple taxation schemes on non–renewable resources extraction

- George Halkos and George Papageorgiou
- 40943: Impact of monetary policy on US stock market

- Martin Sirucek
- 40942: Dimensiunea Economica a Strategiei Europa 2020 (The Economic Dimension of the Europe 2020 Strategy)

- Casian Anton
- 40941: Removing poverty and inequality in India: the role of infrastructure

- Rajarshi Majumder
- 40940: Paternal migration, child labour and education: a study in brickfield areas of West Bengal

- Rajarshi Majumder
- 40939: Intergenerational mobility in educational & occupational attainment: a comparative study of social classes in India

- Rajarshi Majumder
- 40938: Sustainable Heterogeneity as the Unique Socially Optimal Allocation for Almost All Social Welfare Functions

- Taiji Harashima
- 40936: Threshold Effects of Sovereign Debt: Evidence from the Caribbean

- Roland Craigwell, Kevin Greenidge, Chrystal Thomas and Lisa Drakes
- 40935: The effectiveness of government expenditure on education and health care in the Caribbean

- Roland Craigwell, Shane Lowe and Danielle Bynoe
- 40934: Price Reform and Household Demand for Electricity

- Adrian Carter, Roland Craigwell and Winston Moore
- 40933: Foreign Direct Investment and Corruption in Developing Economies: Evidence form Linear and Non-Linear Panel Causality Tests

- Roland Craigwell and Allan Wright
- 40932: Private Consumption Expenditure in the Eastern Caribbean Currency Union

- Richard Sutherland and Roland Craigwell
- 40931: A Note on Causality between Debt and Sovereign Credit Ratings using Panel Tests

- Kevin Greenidge, Lisa Drakes and Roland Craigwell
- 40930: Convergence of Caribbean Stock Exchanges

- Stacia Howard and Roland Craigwell
- 40928: Does Consumer Price Rigidity Exist in Barbados?

- Roland Craigwell, Winston Moore and DeLisle Worrell
- 40927: Price Rigidity: A Survey of Evidence From Micro-Level Data

- Roland Craigwell, Winston Moore, Diego Morris and DeLisle Worrell
- 40926: War for Profit: Macroculture, Corsairs and partnership companies

- Nicholas Kyriazis and Theodore Metaxas
- 40923: Politique monétaire et croissance économique en zone cemac [une évaluation empirique en données de panel] (Monetary policy and economic growth in cemac zone [a panel data approach])

- Simon Yannick Fouda Ekobena
- 40922: Smokers’ Preference for Divorce and Extramarital Sex

- Eiji Yamamura
- 40921: Black and White Fertility, Differential Baby Booms: The Value of Civil Rights

- Robert Tamura, Curtis Simon and Kevin Murphy
- 40919: The impact of money supply on stock prices and stock bubbles

- Martin Sirucek
- 40916: Shehu Uthman Dan Fodio and his economic ideas

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 40910: Macroeconomic Aspects of Real Exchange Rate Volatility in the Central European Countries

- Rajmund Mirdala
- 40908: Individual versus Collective Enforcement Rights in Sovereign Bonds

- Sönke Häseler
- 40907: Уравновешенные состояния в задачах векторной оптимизации (Balanced States in Vector Optimization Problems)

- Victor Polterovich
- 40900: What can we learn from univariate time series models? The case of sugar production in Mauritius 1879-1987

- Naguib Lallmahomed and Peter Taubert
- 40899: Financial Development and Income Inequality: Is there any Financial Kuznets curve in Iran?

- Muhammad Shahbaz, Aviral Tiwari and Sherafatian-Jahromi Reza
- 40895: The Link between Extreme Poverty and Young Dependents in the Philippines:Evidence from Household Surveys

- Dennis Mapa, Manuel Leonard Albis and Michael Lucagbo
- 40892: Transaction Costs can Encourage Coasean Bargaining

- Alex Robson
- 40891: Strategic commitment to pursue a goal other than profit in a Cournot duopoly

- Dimitry Rtischev
- 40890: Evolution of mindsight, transparency and rule-rationality

- Dimitry Rtischev
- 40888: Repenser le futur de la politique de cohésion européenne pour les pays d’europe centrale et orientale: la prise en compte de l’espace géographique comme piste de recherche (Rethinking the future of the european cohesion policy for CEECs: taking into account the space as track research)

- Sébastien Bourdin
- 40887: Legal Centralization and the Birth of the Secular State

- Noel Johnson and Mark Koyama
- 40886: F.D.I. through the imitation procedure The case of China: A Note

- Theodore Metaxas and Polyxeny Kechagia
- 40884: Pressupostos de Eficiência de Mercado: um estudo empírico na Bovespa (Assumptions of Market Efficiency: an empirical analysis at Bovespa/Brazil)

- Pierre Lucena and Antonio Carlos Fugueiredo
- 40881: Fair value accounting in banking - Issues in convergence to IFRS

- Vighneswara Swamy
- 40880: Impact of Self Help Groups on the food security and non-food consumption of weaker sections of the society

- Vighneswara Swamy and Tulasimala B.K.
- 40879: On superpositional filtrations

- Francesco Strati
- 40877: The long diverfence: how Islamic law held back the Middle East by Timur Kuran

- Abdul Azim Islahi
- 40875: Forecasting Volatility in Developing Countries' Nominal Exchange Returns

- Nikolaos Antonakakis and Julia Darby
- 40874: (When) Do Stronger Patents Increase Continual Innovation?

- Yongmin Chen, Shiyuan Pan and Tianle Zhang
- 40861: The crisis of euro’s governance: institutional aspects and policy issues

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 40860: La teoría del consumidor: enfoques alternativos (Consumer theory: alternative approaches)

- Eloy Ávalos
- 40859: La teoría del consumidor: la demanda individual (Consumer theory: the individual demand)

- Eloy Ávalos
- 40858: La teoría del consumidor: preferencias y utilidad (Consumer theory: preferences and utility)

- Eloy Ávalos
- 40857: Credit Constraints, Quality, and Export Prices: Theory and Evidence from China

- Haichao Fan, Edwin Lai and Yao Li
- 40855: Savings and Investments: Theoretical Underpinnings of Investment Theories of Finance and the Taxation Regime on Investments in United Kingdom

- D.M.N.S.W. Dissanayake
- 40854: Managing People in Organizations: Perspectives of Creativity, Innovation and Entrepreneurship

- D.M.N.S.W. Dissanayake
- 40853: Horizontal versus Vertical Electronic Business-to-Business Marketplaces

- Marco Henseler
- 40851: Российские финансовые институты развития: процесс становления и основные проблемы в повышении результативности

- Yuri Simachev, Mikhail Kuzyk and Denis Ivanov
- 40850: What can we learn from univariate time series models? The case of sugar production in Mauritius 1879-1987

- Naguib Lallmahomed and Peter Taubert
- 40849: The Impact of a Public Option in the Health Insurance Market

- Andrei Barbos and Yi Deng
- 40848: Project Screening with Tiered Evaluation

- Andrei Barbos
- 40847: Imperfect Evaluation in Project Screening

- Andrei Barbos
- 40846: De-synchornized Clocks in Preemption Games with Risky Prospects

- Andrei Barbos
- 40845: Optimal quality choice under uncertainty on market development

- Lota Tamini
- 40843: Sectoral System of Innovation and Exploring Technological Upgrading Strategies in Late-Industrializing Countries

- Cem Okan Tuncel
- 40842: Fluxurile ISD in contextul crizei globale (The FDI flows under the global crisis effects)

- George Georgescu
- 40841: Impacts of Intermediate Trade on Structural Change

- Denis Stijepic and Helmut Wagner
- 40836: Fiscal policy and the duration of financial crises

- Roland Craigwell, Troy Lorde and Winston Moore
- 40834: Nonlinear exchange rate pass-through in timber products: the case of oriented strand board in Canada and the United States

- Barry Goodwin, Matthew T. Holt and Jeffrey P. Prestemon
- 40829: Variance Risk Premium Differentials and Foreign Exchange Returns

- Arash Aloosh
- 40827: Концепция В. Леонтьева «затраты – выпуск», как основа формирования системы динамических уравнений в пространстве состояний экономики

- Victor Peresada
- 40822: Essai de justification de la croissance des dépenses publiques au Cameroun (Attempt to justify the growth of public expenditure in Cameroon)

- Romuald Foueka
- 40821: Faible financement bancaire dans la zone uemoa: une analyse des causes de ce mal récurrent (Low financing in the waemu zone: an analysis of the causes of this disease recurring)

- Aboubakar Sidiki Cissé
- 40820: Spatial Allocation of Economy as a Fiber Bundle

- Andrei Van-Ilya
- 40818: Gains and Losses from International Trade in a Knowledge-driven Semi-endogenous Growth Model with Heterogeneous Firms

- Fukuda Katsufumi
- 40812: Determinants of Peace: A Cross-Country Analysis

- Oasis Kodila-Tedika
- 40811: Algorithm for calculating corporate marginal tax rate using Monte Carlo simulation

- Pankaj Sinha and Vishakha Bansal
- 40809: Veblen effect, search for status goods, and negative utility of conspicuous leisure

- Sergey Malakhov
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