MPRA Paper
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- 87801: Determinants of household direct CO2 emissions: Empirical evidence from Nigeria

- Olanrewaju Olaniyan, Mubaraq Dele Sulaimon and Wasiu Ademola
- 87800: The Determinants of Public Health Expenditures: Comparing Canada and Spain

- Livio Di Matteo and David Cantarero
- 87798: Modelowanie AHP wyboru menadżera ds. integracji organizacyjnej w procesie fuzji przedsiębiorstw w kontekście teorii struktury rozwoju przywództwa (Choosing the merger’s organizational integration manager via AHP modeling of Leadership Development Framework)

- Remigiusz Gawlik, Katarzyna Grzesik and Monika Kwiecińska
- 87793: Contemporary Trends in the Development of Industry in the World and Serbia

- Dragan Petrović and Rajko Bukvić
- 87790: Persistence of suicides in G20 countries: SPSM approach to three generations of unit root tests

- Izunna Anyikwa, Nicolene Hamman and Andrew Phiri
- 87777: Internal Conflict, Elite Action, and State Failure: Evidence from China, 1000-1911

- Mark Dincecco and Yuhua Wang
- 87772: Fiscal Fraud- A Difficult Reality to Quantify

- Florentina Istrate
- 87771: Adapting Public Services to Citizen Requirements: Trend or Need?

- Marin Mirea
- 87770: Human as Capital: An Imperative for Africa

- Emeka Akpa, Henry Onuoha and Friday Nwakpa
- 87769: Insurance, A Guaranteed Risk Or A Risk Assumed?

- Ersilia Catrina
- 87768: An Investigation into Two Modes of Eccentric Hamstring Training on Parameters of Strength and Fatigue Resistance

- David John Roche
- 87767: Relations Between Unemployment, Competence and Training

- Nicea Mergeani
- 87766: To Become a Cawir Metua: Life Satisfaction of The Karo Elderly A Social Security Case Study on The Karo Elderly in Lingga Village, Simpang Empat Sub-District, Tanah Karo Regency

- Nurman Achmad, R. Hamdani Harahap, M. Arif Nasution and Subhilhar Subhilhar
- 87765: Qualification and Certification – Tools to Increase Employment Case Study: Mechanization of Processes Involved in The Fabrication

- Nicea Mergeani and Ionel Dănuț Savu
- 87764: Trump's tariff’s impact on Africa and the ambiguous role of African agency

- Dirk Kohnert
- 87763: The Mediation Effect of Regional Development in Relationship Between Community Participation to Sustainable Transportation in The City of Medan, North Sumatra Indonesia

- Andi Estetiono, Badaruddin Badaruddin, Moh. Sofian Asmirza and Rujiman Rujiman
- 87762: Analysis Of Weaknesses Of Coastal Community Economy Empowerment Program (Pemp) And National Program Of Community Empowerment Of Independent Marine And Fisheries (Pnpm-Mkp) On Traditional Fishermen In Indonesia

- Bengkel Ginting, M. Arif Nasution, Subhilhar Subhilhar and R. Hamdani Harahap
- 87761: Tjong Yong Hian And the Development of The City of Medan, The Existence of Chinese The Economy Field in Indonesia

- Pin Pin, Subhilhar Subhilhar, Heri Kusmanto and Amir Purba
- 87760: Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility, Default Risk and Conservatism Effect to Earning Management with Good Corporate Governance as Moderating Variable in Manufacturing Company Whose Shares Incorporated in Indonesia Sharia Stock Index

- Budi Gautama Siregar, Ade Fatma Lubis, Azhar Maksum and Fachrudin Fachrudin
- 87759: Effect of corporate governance on cost of equity before and after international financial reporting standard implementation

- Situmeang Chandra, Erlina Erlina, Azhar Maksum and Tavi Supriana
- 87755: The Impact of Exchange Rate Dynamics on Agricultural Output Performance in Nigeria

- Wasiu Adekunle and Innocent Ndukwe
- 87754: A Re-examination of the Relationship between Foreign Capital Flows and Economic Growth in Nigeria

- Wasiu Adekunle and Mubaraq Sulaimon
- 87750: The Impact of Exchange Rate Dynamics on Agricultural Output Performance in Nigeria

- Wasiu Adekunle and Innocent Ndukwe
- 87747: Return level applied to portfolio analysis

- Ronny Suarez
- 87746: Granger causality testing in mixed-frequency Vars with possibly (co)integrated processes

- Alain Hecq and Thomas Goetz
- 87743: Beyond Normalization of Trade Ties - A Pakistan – India Free Trade Agreement (FTA): A Stochastic Frontier Gravity Model (SFGM) Approach

- Asmma Kamal
- 87742: Two classes of weighted values for coalition structures with extensions to level structures

- Manfred Besner
- 87741: “Re-make/Re-model”: Should big data change the modelling paradigm in official statistics?

- Barteld Braaksma and Kees Zeelenberg
- 87740: R&D and productivity growth: evidence from firm-level data for the Netherlands

- Eric Bartelsman, George Leeuwen, Henry Nieuwenhuijsen and Kees Zeelenberg
- 87739: Income Inequality and the Great Recession: A Comparative Study

- Marjan Petreski and Branimir Jovanovic
- 87738: Technological complexity and economic development

- Daniel Nepelski and Giuditta De Prato
- 87737: Box-Jenkins ARIMA approach to predicting net FDI inflows in Zimbabwe

- Thabani Nyoni
- 87736: Investigating the Relationship of Disparity in Income, Private investment and wage rate in Indian states: A Panel Cointegration Approach

- Jagannath Mallick
- 87735: The entrepreneurship miracle: a desperate move to rectify Zimbabwe's socio-economic herculean?

- Thabani Nyoni
- 87729: The roles of the public sector and the private sector in the economy of North Cyprus: Empirical evidence from Markov Switching

- Turgut Türsoy
- 87727: The Value Added Tax and Red Tape: What Contributes More to Electricity Tariffs in the Philippines

- Ramon Clarete
- 87726: Is there green growth in OECD countries?

- Markus Pasche
- 87725: The Market Testing of Power Supply Agreements: Rationale and Design Evolution in the Philippines

- Raul Fabella
- 87723: A Comparison of TFP Estimates via Distribution Dynamics: Evidence from Light Manufacturing Firms in Brazil

- Carlos Mendez-Guerra and Erick Gonzales-Rocha
- 87722: An Error Correction Model for Forecasting Philippine Aggregate Electricity Consumption

- Rolando Danao and Geoffrey Ducanes
- 87721: Filipino 2040 Energy: Power Security and Competitiveness

- Majah-Leah Ravago, Raul Fabella, Ruperto Alonzo, Rolando Danao and Dennis Mapa
- 87718: The Role of Power Prices in Structural Transformation: Evidence from the Philippines

- Majah-Leah Ravago, Arlan Brucal, Jan Carlo Punongbayan and James Roumasset
- 87717: An Economic and Environmental Analysis of the Impact of Higher-Blended Biodiesel on the Philippine Economy

- Ruperto Alonzo
- 87715: Environmental Resources, Shocks, and National Well-Being

- James Roumasset, Majah-Leah Ravago, Karl Jandoc and Clarissa Arellano
- 87713: The effectiveness of Feminine and Masculine Leadership styles in relation to contrasting gender's performances

- Riffat Faizan, Sree Lekshmi Sreekumaran Nair and Adnan ul Haque
- 87712: Análisis del canal del crédito en presencia de racionamiento: Evidencia para Centroamérica y la República Dominicana (Credit Channel Analysis in Presence of Credit Crunches: Evidence for Central America and the Dominican Republic)

- Miguel Jiménez Polanco and Francisco Ramírez de León
- 87711: Pay Level Comparisons in Job Satisfaction Research and Mainstream Economic Methodology

- Stavros Drakopoulos
- 87703: Monetary Policy Announcements and Market Interest Rates’ Response: Evidence from China

- Rongrong Sun
- 87702: ‘Economics’ of prosperity: Why the dominant perspectives may be unhelpful to make sense of underdevelopment

- Avinash Gupta
- 87700: Requiem for the Interest-Rate Controls in China

- Rongrong Sun
- 87683: Valuation Simulation for a Net Smelter Return Royalty on a Mining Project

- Peter Bell
- 87679: Does identity affect intermarriage decision? Evidence from NLSY

- Won Fy Lee
- 87676: Art, Music and Science: Economics of Inter-Stellar Travel

- Dawood Mamoon
- 87674: Overeducation among graduates in developing countries: What impact on economic growth?

- Vichet Sam
- 87673: Unemployment duration and educational mismatches: A theoretical and empirical investigation among graduates in Cambodia

- Vichet Sam
- 87672: Lumping Together Democracy and Dictatorship: Has Macro Dynamics of Poverty Remained Steady in Pakistan

- Dawood Mamoon, Fozia Hyat and Shahid Hassan
- 87666: Un modelo estocástico de equilibrio general de una economía pequeña y abierta para evaluar el desempeño de la política fiscal y monetaria: el caso mexicano 1990-2015 (A Stochastic General Equilibrium Model of a Small, Open Economy to Assess the Performance of Fiscal and Monetary Policies: the Mexican Case 1990-2015)

- Lesdy Natalie Hernández-Ramos and Francisco Venegas-Martínez
- 87664: Statistik und Organisation der NS-Kriegswirtschaft und der DDR-Planwirtschaft 1933-1949/50 (Statistics and Organization of the NS-War Economy and the East-German Planned Economy 1933-1949/50)

- Rainer Fremdling
- 87663: The collapse of Real Socialism in Eastern Europe: linking external and internal causes

- Luiz Gomes
- 87662: Pengumpulan Zakat Fitrah Dan Efek Pemerataan Ekonomi Untuk Masyarakat di Kota Bandung (Kasus di Kecamatan Cibiru Bandung Timur) (Collection of Zakat Fitrah and Effects of Economic Equity For Communities in Bandung (Case in District Cibiru East Bandung))

- Azizah Rumaisha
- 87659: Participatory Budgeting in Poland – Finance and Marketing Selected Issues

- Dorota Bednarska-Olejniczak and Jaroslaw Olejniczak
- 87658: Humanism or Racism. Pilot Project Europe at the Crossroads

- Hardy Hanappi
- 87654: Workers’ Health and Establishment Size

- Tommaso Tempesti
- 87652: Soft Data Modeling via Type 2 Fuzzy Distributions for Corporate Credit Risk Assessment in Commercial Banking

- Sabina Brkic, Migdat Hodzic and Enis Dzanic
- 87651: Geographic information system and local development: Panorama assets

- Iyad Dhaoui
- 87650: Urban sprawl: The GIS and remote sensing data assessments

- Iyad Dhaoui
- 87649: Analyse des enjeux et de la vulnérabilité au risque d’inondation d’oued Medjerda (Analysis of vulnerability to risk of Medjerda Oued)

- Iyad Dhaoui
- 87648: Transcription cartographique et prévention des risques (Cartographic transcription and risk prevention)

- Iyad Dhaoui
- 87647: Trump's tariff’s impact on Africa and the ambiguous role of African agency

- Dirk Kohnert
- 87641: Do both demand-following and supply-leading theories hold true in developing countries?

- Nikolai Sheung-Chi Chow, João Paulo Vieito and Wing-Keung Wong
- 87640: Design, Sustainability Analysis and Multiobjective Optimisation of Ethanol Production via Syngas Fermentation

- Stavros Michailos, David Parker and Colin Webb
- 87638: Return and volatility spillovers between South African and Nigerian equity markets

- Maphelane Palesa Phume and Lumengo Bonga-Bonga
- 87637: The impact of oil and gold price fluctuations on the South African equity market: volatility spillovers and implications for portfolio management

- Kgotso Morema and Lumengo Bonga-Bonga
- 87636: Loss Minimization through the Allocation of DGs Considering the Stochastic Nature of Units

- Ali Parsa Sirat
- 87635: Equilibria in ordinal status games

- Nikolai Kukushkin
- 87633: Education and wage inequality before and during the fiscal crisis: A quantile regression analysis for Greece 2006-2016

- Michael Chletsos and Stelios Roupakias
- 87631: An Improved LM Curve

- Martin Hiermeyer
- 87630: Uluslararası Ticarette Satın Alma Gücü Paritesinin Geçerliliği Sorunu: Türkiye için Zaman Serisi Analizi (The Validity Problem of Purchasing Power Parity in International Trade: A Time Series Analysis for Turkey)

- Cevat Bilgin
- 87627: Beta, Sigma and Distributional Convergence in Human Development? Evidence from the Metropolitan Regions of Bolivia

- Carlos Mendez-Guerra
- 87625: Фактори, влияещи върху обезценката на репутацията (Goodwill Impairment Factors)

- Atanas Atanasov
- 87621: Output, renewable and non-renewable energy production, and international trade: Evidence from EU-15 countries

- Ferda Halicioglu and Natalya Ketenci
- 87620: Le rendite improduttive e parassitarie: Claudio Napoleoni sul capitalismo italiano (Unproductive and parasitic rents: Claudio Napoleoni on Italian capitalism)

- Nicolò Bellanca
- 87619: Alta Desigualdad en América Latina: desde cuándo y por qué (High inequality in Latin America: since when and why?)

- Javier Rodríguez Weber
- 87617: The weighted Shapley support levels values

- Manfred Besner
- 87615: The war against corruption in Nigeria: devouring or sharing the national cake?

- Thabani Nyoni
- 87614: What determines private investment in Burundi?

- Thabani Nyoni
- 87612: Spillovers from regulating corporate campaign contributions

- Adam Fremeth, Brian Richter and Brandon Schaufele
- 87610: Un análisis de la política monetaria y tasa de interés real neutral desde la perspectiva del principio de demanda efectiva (An analysis of monetary policy and neutral real interest rate from the perspective of the principle of effective demand)

- Giovanny Sandoval paucar
- 87608: The Real Meaning of the real Bills Doctrine

- Michael Sproul
- 87607: New Technological Knowledge, Rural and Urban Agriculture, and Steady State Economic Growth

- Amitrajeet Batabyal, Karima Kourtit and Peter Nijkamp
- 87606: Theory of catallactics, misapplication in monetary policy in developing economies and consequences

- Emmanuel Senzu
- 87601: Give it time: Education affects economic growth in the long term

- Gabriele Marconi
- 87600: European higher education policies and the problem of estimating a complex model with a small cross-section

- Gabriele Marconi
- 87599: On the determination of the granular size of the economy

- Omar Blanco-Arroyo, Alba Ruiz-Buforn, David Vidal-Tomás and Simone Alfarano
- 87598: Income terms of trade and economic convergence: Evidence from Latin America

- Ivan D. Trofimov
- 87593: Análisis de las oportunidades laborales de los excombatientes: un enfoque desde la perspectiva del sector empresarial (Analysis of the labor opportunities of the ex-combatant: an approach from the perspective of the business sector)

- Giovanny Sandoval paucar, Alexandra Arango ospina, Patricia Rodríguez vélez and Millerlandy Santana oviedo
- 87592: Special and Differential Treatment of Developing Countries in the WTO Agreement on Trade Facilitation: Is there a cause for optimism?

- Milton Ayoki
- 87588: Bitcoin: Future transaction currency?

- Md Sajjad Hosain
- 87586: La mesure du chômage au Maroc: rien n’est moins sûr (Measuring unemployment in Morocco: a dubious approach)

- Yasser Y. Tamsamani
- 87583: Basic Education curriculum effectiveness in East Africa: A descriptive analysis of primary mathematics in Uganda using the ‘Surveys of Enacted Curriculum’

- Julius Atuhurra and Violet Alinda
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