MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 105223: Mechanistic Framework of Global Value Chains

- Sourish Dutta
- 105222: Measurement of Global Value Chain (GVC) Participation in World Development Report 2020

- Sourish Dutta
- 105221: On the Theory of Knowledge Resource Inequality: Role of Knowledge Capital in Social Transformation

- Sidharta Chatterjee
- 105219: Covid-19 et déficit du développement: pour une réponse conjointe au Maroc (Covid-19 and development deficit: for a joint response in Morocco)

- Yasser Y. Tamsamani
- 105218: Показатељи тржишне концентрације и њихова дискриминаторна моћ: пример банковног сектора Србије (Indicators of Market Concentration and Its Discriminatory Power: Example of the Banking Sector of Serbia)

- Rajko Bukvić
- 105216: Brecha de género en la universidad, productivismo y tecnologías de la información (Gender gap in the university, productivism and information technologies)

- Irma Lorena Acosta Reveles
- 105215: How to Identify Health Innovation Gaps? Insights from Data on Diseases’ Costs, Mortality, and Funding

- Claude Lopez, Hyeongyul Roh and Brittney Butler
- 105207: Work, wealth, and welfare From Islamic perspective

- Zubair Hasan
- 105203: Determinantes de la dinámica en salarios (Determinants of wage dynamics)

- Joab Valdivia Coria and Daney Valdivia Coria
- 105200: Human capital dynamics in China: Evidence from a club convergence approach

- Octasiano Valerio Mendoza, Mihály Borsi and Flavio Comim
- 105197: An Analysis of Resilience in Complex Socioeconomic Systems

- Amitrajeet Batabyal and Karima Kourtit
- 105196: On the Existence of an Equilibrium in Models of Local Public Good Use by Cities to Attract the Creative Class

- Amitrajeet Batabyal and Hamid Beladi
- 105195: Property Rights and Income Inequality

- Germinal Van
- 105194: A critique of modern theories of trade

- Godwin Uddin
- 105183: Accounting and financial reporting during a pandemic

- Peterson Ozili
- 105182: Расчетная модель общего равновесия для оценки экономического эффекта ранней диагностики болезни Паркинсона (Computable general equilibrium model for assessing the economic effect of early diagnosis of Parkinson's disease)

- Natalia Tourdyeva, Irina Bogatova, Sergey Vartanov, Irina Denisova, Tatiana Chubarova, Marina Shakleina and Victor Polterovich
- 105181: Asalariados versus autoempleados: Diferencias en el uso del tiempo entre España y Aragón (Employed versus self-employed: Time use differences between Spain and Aragon)

- Giménez-Nadal J. Ignacio and De la Fuente Ignacio
- 105180: Patrimonio Cultural, Ciudadanos y Ciencias Económicas. 3 vértices de un mismo triángulo (Cultural Heritage, Citizens and Economic Sciences. 3 vertices of the same triangle)

- Carolina Asuaga
- 105179: La evaluación universitaria en el marco de las Tecnologías de la Información (The university computer based assessment and the thecnology)

- Carolina Asuaga, Ana Golpe and Esther Hochsztain
- 105178: EL RECURSO AUDIOVISUAL COMO HERRAMIENTA PEDAGÓGICA EN TIEMPOS DE COVID-19: UN ANÁLISIS EMPÍRICO SOBRE SU EFICIENCIA EN LA UNIVERSIDAD DE LA REPÚBLICA, URUGUAY (The audiovisual resource as a pedagogical tools in times of Covid: an empirical analysis of its efficiency at the Republic University, Uruguay)

- Juan Rodriguez Basignana and Carolina Asuaga
- 105177: Structural Change and Regional Economic Growth in Indonesia

- Andriansyah Andriansyah, Asep Nurwanda and Bakhtiar Rifai
- 105176: Dünya sosial-iqtisadi həyatın rəqəmsallaşması: qlobal trendlər, nailiyyətlər və çağırışlar kontekstində Azərbaycanın milli maraqları və inkişaf perspektivləri (Digitalization of the world economy and social life: global trends, achievements, and challenges to the national interests and growth perspectives of Azerbaijan)

- Ali Abbasov and Oktay Ibrahimov
- 105171: Testing Theories with Qualitative and Quantitative Predictions

- Stephen Coleman
- 105169: Consumer Demand Estimation

- Carlos Merino Troncoso
- 105168: Macroeconomic effects of EU Competition Policy

- Carlos Merino Troncoso
- 105165: Rules, institutions, or both? Estimating the drivers of telecommunication investment in Latin America

- Juan Jung and Angel Melguizo
- 105164: Togo - 2020: Politique intérieure, affaires étrangères, le développement socio-économique (Togo 2020: Domestic politics, foreign affairs, socio-economic development)

- Dirk Kohnert
- 105162: Dynamics of Return and Liquidity (Co)Jumps in Emerging Foreign Exchange Markets

- Suleyman Serdengecti, Ahmet Sensoy and Duc Khuong Nguyen
- 105161: Togo 2020: Domestic politics, foreign affairs, socio-economic development

- Dirk Kohnert
- 105160: A Typology of Long-term Care Systems in Europe

- Markus Kraus, Monika Riedel, Esther Mot, Peter Willemé, Gerald Röhrling and Thomas Czypionka
- 105157: Removing the basic flaw in deposit insurance leads automatically to full reserve banking

- Ralph Musgrave
- 105156: Identifying the effect of Digital Marketing channels on the growth of SME in South Asia: A Case Study on Faheem Haydar Dealzmag

- Liam James
- 105151: Socioeconomic Disparities in the Effects of Pollution on Spread of Covid-19: Evidence from US Counties

- Osvalso Allen, Ava Brown and Ersong Wang
- 105150: Health Returns to Birth Weight: Evidence from Developing Countries

- Vaibhav Kamble
- 105149: Quantitative Research: A Successful Investigation in Natural and Social Sciences

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 105146: Silk Roads to Riches: Persistence Along an Ancient Trade Network

- Zofia Ahmad and Luke Chicoine
- 105138: Proposed National Indicator Framework for SDG 4: The Case of Pakistan

- Haroon Jamal
- 105135: Updating Pakistan’s Poverty Numbers for the Year 2019

- Haroon Jamal
- 105134: Una pequeña contribución de la teoría racional del consumidor a la resolución de ecuaciones diferenciales de primer orden no homogéneas con condiciones inicial y final (A Small Contribution of Rational Consumer Theory to Solving Inhomogeneous First-Order Differential Equations with initial and final conditions)

- Francisco Venegas-Martínez
- 105133: Reducción de la brecha del crédito en México en un ambiente de incertidumbre generada por la pandemia COVID-19: Un enfoque de ciencia de datos (machine learning) (Reducing the credit gap in Mexico in an environment of uncertainty generated by the COVID-19 pandemic: A data science approach (machine learning))

- Jair Hissarly Rodríguez-García and Francisco Venegas-Martínez
- 105132: Estimación de multiplicadores fiscales para Nicaragua con datos trimestrales de 2006 a 2018 (Estimation of fiscal multipliers for Nicaragua with quarterly data from 2006 to 2018)

- Luis Membreño, Jennifer López and Kenneth Jiménez
- 105127: Restructuring under Radical Uncertainty: The Case of Argentina

- Francisco Rodríguez
- 105121: The political economy of Maduro’s economic policies

- Francisco Rodríguez
- 105118: Do Shifts in Late-Counted Votes Signal Fraud? Evidence From Bolivia

- Nicolás Idrobo, Dorothy Kronick and Francisco Rodríguez
- 105115: Measuring Sudden Stops in Mongolia

- Dulamzaya Batjargal and Gan-Ochir Doojav
- 105113: Liquidity Traps in a World Economy

- Robert Kollmann
- 105110: Who manages savings in the U.S. and why should they be managed?

- Kees De Koning
- 105107: Préserver l’Économie à l’Ere de la COVID-19: Une Pensée Optimale à la Fujita (Safeguarding the Economy in the Age of COVID-19: A Fujita-style Optimal Thinking)

- Christian Pinshi
- 105106: Contracting under Adverse Selection: Certifiable vs. Uncertifiable Information

- Patrick W. Schmitz
- 105102: A New Capital Structure Theory: The Four-Factor Model

- Anton Miglo
- 105100: Inflation forecasting by hybrid singular spectrum analysis – multilayer perceptrons neural network method, case of Indonesia

- Muhammad Fajar and Sri Hartini
- 105099: Estimasi angka reproduksi Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), Kasus Indonesia (Estimation of COVID-19 reproductive number, case of Indonesia (ESTIMATION OF COVID-19 REPRODUCTIVE NUMBER (CASE OF INDONESIA))

- Muhammad Fajar
- 105097: Teacher to an Educator: (Re) locating the role of ICTs in the backdrop of the theoretical framework - TPACK

- Nevil Stephen S
- 105095: Part and Full-Time Employment over the Business Cycle

- Benjamin Griffy and Pedro Gomis-Porqueras
- 105093: Upswing in Industrial Activity and Infant Mortality during Late 19th Century US

- Nahid Tavassoli, Hamid Noghanibehambari, Farzaneh Noghani and Mostafa Toranji
- 105091: Potential Versus Actual HDIs: The Case of Pakistan

- Haroon Jamal
- 105089: Financial reporting under economic policy uncertainty

- Peterson Ozili
- 105088: Writing Tips for Economics Research Papers

- Plamen Nikolov
- 105087: Solving the bi-objective multidimensional knapsack problem exploiting the concept of core

- George Mavrotas, José Rui Figueira and Kostas Florios
- 105084: Методические аспекты оценки элементов структурных изменений в технологическом развитии промышленности регионов Казахстана (Methodological aspects of assessing the elements of structural changes in the technological development of industry in the regions of Kazakhstan)

- Marat Myrzakhmet
- 105083: Banking sector earnings management using loan loss provisions in the Fintech era

- Peterson Ozili
- 105081: General equilibrium modelling: The state of the art

- Olatunji Shobande, Godwin Uddin and Festus Ashogbon
- 105080: Digital control over the working process technological and legal aspects (Digital control over the working process technological and legal aspects)

- Andriyana Andreeva and Oleg Asenov
- 105078: Food Security in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

- Mehdi Zolfaghari and Farzaneh Jariani
- 105077: Kentucky and the Thoroughbred Industries: Prospects and Challenges as Gambling Popularity Declines

- Thoomas Lambert
- 105076: Über die Versklavung von Tieren und Pflanzen, das So-Sein und das gute Leben (An Inquiry into the enslavements of animals and planta, their Suchness ('So-Sein') and the good life)

- Justina A. V. Fischer
- 105074: Generation of the exact Pareto set in multi-objective traveling salesman and set covering problems

- Kostas Florios and George Mavrotas
- 105072: Government measures and economic activity during the COVID-19 outbreak: some preliminary short-term evidence from Europe

- Maria Daniela Giammanco and Lara Gitto
- 105070: Willingness to Pay for Improved Sanitation in Indonesia: Cross-Sectional Difference-in-Differences

- Mohammad Yasin, Hasyim Ali Shahab, Tegar Rismanuar Nuryitmawan, Hesti Retno Budi Arini and Rumayya Rumayya
- 105067: Environmental Culture and Economic Complexity

- Athanasios Lapatinas, Anastasia Litina and Skerdilajda Zanaj
- 105066: Exchange Rate Volatility and Import Demand Function: A Comparative Analysis of Selected SAARC Countries

- Amina Ghulam Nabi and Usman Ullah Khan
- 105064: Impact Assessment of Pradhan Mantri Jan-Dhan Yojana in Augmenting Financial Inclusion in India - A District-Level Analysis

- Vishal Yadav, Shishir Kumar Singh, Nirmala Velan and Md Asif Aftab
- 105062: Coping with COVID impact on self-employment: Do gender and academic education matters?

- Manish Thapa
- 105058: The Effect of Democracy on Migration: A Panel Data Approach

- Kalam Azad
- 105056: Summary of the Paper Entitled: Forecasting Fuel Prices with the Chilean Exchange Rate

- Pablo Pincheira and Nabil Jarsun
- 105053: Pricing (almost) any used goods: a first step towards a theoretical framework

- Victor Cianni
- 105052: Investigation of Institutional and Legislative Barriers and Drivers for Sustainable Transition Development of SMEs in Sri Lanka: A Literature Review

- Psk Rajapakshe, Jmsb Jayasundara, Rpir Prasanna, Ems Ekanayake, Sisira Kumara Naradda Gamage, Gaknj Abeyrathne, Makn Aravinda, Kbtuk Bandara and Btdn Senarath
- 105051: Modest and Incomplete Incentives May Have Very Large Effects: The Impact of Prices on the Demand for Plastic Bags

- José María Cabrera, Marcelo Caffera and Alejandro Cid
- 105050: Coping with COVID impact on self-employment: Do gender and academic education matters?

- Manish Thapa
- 105045: Comparison of ARIMA, SSA, and ARIMA – SSA hybrid model performance in Indonesian economic growth forecasting

- Muhammad Fajar and Sri Hartini
- 105044: An application of hybrid forecasting singular spectrum analysis – extreme learning machine method in foreign tourists forecasting

- Muhammad Fajar
- 105043: Modeling determinant of COVID-19 mortality in Indonesia

- Muhammad Fajar, Stephanie Magdhalena, Sri Hartini and Zelani Nurfalah
- 105042: Forecasting unemployment rate in the time of COVID-19 pandemic using Google trends data (case of Indonesia)

- Muhammad Fajar, Octavia Rizky Prasetyo, Septiarida Nonalisa and Wahyudi Wahyudi
- 105040: Estimación de multiplicadores fiscales para Nicaragua con datos trimestrales de 2006 a 2018 (Estimation of fiscal multipliers for Nicaragua with quarterly data from 2006 to 2018)

- Luis Membreño, Jennifer López and Kenneth Jiménez
- 105035: Do epidemics impose a trade-off between freedom and health? Evidence from Europe during Covid-19

- Stefano Bartolini, Francesco Sarracino and Giulia Slater
- 105034: An improved version of the augmented epsilon-constraint method (AUGMECON2) for finding the exact Pareto set in Multi-Objective Integer Programming problems

- George Mavrotas and Kostas Florios
- 105029: Information security breaches and financial market reaction: the French case (Information security breaches and financial market reaction: the French case)

- Pauline Mendiela
- 105027: Bond Lending and the Law of One Price in China's Treasury Markets

- Jacopo Magnani and Yabin Wang
- 105023: Impact of closing schools on mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence using panel data from Japan

- Eiji Yamamura and Yoshiro Tsutsui
- 105021: The impact of closing schools on working from home during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence using panel data from Japan

- Eiji Yamamura and Yoshiro Tsutsui
- 105020: The Mean Squared Prediction Error Paradox: A summary

- Pablo Pincheira and Nicolas Hardy
- 105015: Mixed ownership and R&D under discriminatory output subsidies

- Jiaqi Chen, Sang-Ho Lee and Timur Muminov
- 105013: La Caja Nacional de Ahorros y las cajas financieras estatales en Chile, c. 1920-1950 (The Caja Nacional de Ahorros and state-owned financial banks in Chile, c. 1920-1950)

- Ignacio González-Correa
- 105012: A New Keynesian Phillips Curve With Staggered Contracts and Indexation

- Olivier Musy
- 105011: Growth, development, and structural change at the firm-level: The example of the PR China

- Torsten Heinrich, Jangho Yang and Shuanping Dai
- 105009: State Capacity, Legal Design and the Venality of Judicial Offices

- Bertrand Crettez, Bruno Deffains, Olivier Musy and Ronan Tallec
- 105008: Photovoltaic Cleaning Frequency Optimization Under Different Degradation Rate Patterns

- Leonardo Micheli, Marios Theristis, Diego L. Talavera, Florencia Almonacid, Joshua S. Stein and Eduardo F. Fernandez
- 105007: BTI -2022 Togo Country Report: political and socio-economic development, 2019-2020 [enhanced author's version]

- Dirk Kohnert
- 105005: Tendance de l'inflation sous-jacente en RDC: une modélisation à partir de l'approche VAR structurelle (Trend of Core inflation in DRCongo: a model based on the Structural VAR approach)

- Pacifique Murhula
- 105004: Leaning against the bubble. Can theoretical models match the empirical evidence?

- Giuseppe Ciccarone, Francesco Giuli, Enrico Marchetti and Massimiliano Tancioni
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