MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 933: Unfinished business: Customary Land Individualization in Olilit Village, Tanimbar Islands

- Bayuni Shantiko
- 931: On nesting nonhomothetic preferences

- Pawel Kowal
- 929: Growth of the Spanish Multinational in Latin America during the 1990s

- Bernardo Batiz-Lazo, Ana Blanco Mendialdua and Sara Urionabarrenetxea Zabalandikoetxea
- 928: Comparative Advante and Efficient Advertising in the Attention Economy

- Bernardo Huberman and Fang Wu
- 926: Explicit Evidence on an Implicit Contract

- Andrew Young and Daniel Levy
- 925: The European Union and its neighbours: "Everything but institutions"?

- Alberto Chilosi
- 924: A Water Monetary Standard: An Economic Thesis

- Michael Jackson
- 922: The many dimensions of poverty in Albania: income, wealth and perceptions

- Luciano Canova
- 920: Structural Effects of a Real Exchange Rate Revaluation in China: A CGE Assessment

- Dirk Willenbockel
- 919: Does Consumer Confidence Forecast Household Spending? The Euro Area Case (Appendix to the main text)

- David Dion
- 918: Unfinished business: customary land individualization in olilit village, tanimbar islands

- Bayuni Shantiko
- 917: Fair Disclosure and Investor Asymmetric Awareness in Stock Markets

- Zhen Liu
- 916: On a relationship between distorted and spectral risk measures

- Henryk Gzyl and Silvia Mayoral
- 915: Coalition Formation, Bargaining and Investments in Networks with Externalities: Analysis of the Eurasian Gas Supply Network

- Svetlana Ikonnikova
- 914: Modelling Central Bank Intervention Activity under Inflation Targeting

- Roman Horvath
- 913: Poverty Alleviation Programs: Monitoring vs. Workfare

- Márcia Oliveira and Paulo Côrte-Real
- 911: Does Consumer Confidence Forecast Household Spending? The Euro Area Case

- David Dion
- 905: The Sustainability of Budget Deficits in an Inflationary Economy

- Taiji Harashima
- 902: Does Consumer Confidence Forecast Household Spending?

- David Dion
- 896: Kerangka Kerja Ekonofisika dalam Basel II

- Hokky Situngkir and Yohanes Surya
- 895: Value at Risk yang memperhatikan sifat statistika distribusi return

- Hokky Situngkir
- 893: What can we do with the Research Institute for Social Complexity Sciences in Indonesia?

- Hokky Situngkir
- 892: Re-examination of the Mayer Median Voter Model of Trade Policy

- Swati Dhingra
- 891: Peculiarities of the Major League Baseball Posting System

- Duane Rockerbie
- 885: Advertising in Duopoly Market

- Hokky Situngkir
- 883: Shipping the Good Apples Out: Alchian-Allen Theorem of Various Qualities

- Tetsuya Saito
- 881: Fitting an Origin-Displaced Logarithmic Spiral to Empirical Data by Differential Evolution Method of Global Optimization

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 880: Model-based Clustering of non-Gaussian Panel Data

- Miguel Juárez and Mark Steel
- 879: Monetary Policy before Euro Adoption: Challenges for EU New Members

- Jan Filáček, Roman Horvath and Michal Skorepa
- 876: Equity Premiums In a Small Open Economy

- Mohamed Douch
- 875: Elda Pavan Cecchele e il mondo della moda: 1950-1970

- Irina Inguanotto and Francesca Piva
- 874: Global Optimization by Particle Swarm Method:A Fortran Program

- Sudhanshu Mishra
- 873: Private Enforcement against Collusion in Mechanism Design

- Zhijun Chen
- 872: Fighting Collusion in Tournaments

- Zhijun Chen
- 867: Reflexiones sobre el cambio de moneda en Colombia (Reflections on the currency exchange in Colombia)

- Ramon Javier Mesa Callejas
- 866: Sector externo y política cambiaria en Colombia 1999 - 2002: del desequilibrio externo al equilibrio precario (External sector and exchange political in Colombia 1999 - 2002: of the external imbalance to the precarious balance (in Spanish))

- Ramon Javier Mesa Callejas and Elizeth Ramos O.
- 864: Interpolating Value Functions in Discrete Choice Dynamic Programming Models

- Paul Sullivan
- 863: Empirical Evidence on Occupation and Industry Specific Human Capital

- Paul Sullivan
- 862: Estimation of an Occupational Choice Model when Occupations are Misclassified

- Paul Sullivan
- 861: A Dynamic Analysis of Educational Attainment, Occupational Choices, and Job Search

- Paul Sullivan
- 860: Loss Given Default Modelling under the Asymptotic Single Risk Factor Assumption

- Joocheol Kim and Kihyung Kim
- 859: Un modelo RSDAIDS para las importaciones de madera de Estados Unidos y sus implicaciones para Colombia

- Mauricio Alviar, Medardo Restrepo Patiño and Santiago Gallón Gómez
- 858: Early childhood development and social mobility

- W. Barnett and Clive R. Belfield
- 857: Organismos reguladores del sistema de salud colombiano: Conformación, funcionamiento y resposabilidades

- Durfari Velandia Naranjo, Jairo Humberto Restrepo Zea and Sandra Rodríguez Acosta
- 856: The social norm of leaving the toilet seat down: A game theoretic analysis

- Hammad Siddiqi
- 855: International Intertemporal Solvency in OECD Countries: Evidence From Panel Unit Root

- Huseyin Kalyoncu
- 854: An Introduction to International Factoring & Project Finance

- Ioannis Glinavos
- 853: The patenting universities: Problems and perils

- Nicola Baldini
- 850: Volatility says less about the future than accounting rules suggest

- Gerhard Schroeder
- 849: Testing the Opportunistic Approach to Monetary Policy

- Christopher Martin and Costas Milas
- 846: Cluster Complexes: A Framework for Understanding the Internationalisation of Innovation Systems

- Brian Wixted
- 845: Real-Time Time-Varying Equilibrium Interest Rates: Evidence on the Czech Republic

- Roman Horvath
- 843: Downward nominal wage rigidity in Poland

- Michal Brzoza-Brzezina and Jacek Socha
- 841: The potential use of derivatives to manage the price risk of seafood markets: the case of sole and cuttlefish in France

- Jean-Loïc Bégué-Turon, Yves Perraudeau and Nicolas Rautureau
- 839: Optimal Policy Projections

- Lars O Svensson and Robert Tetlow
- 838: Inflation Targeting and Inflation Behavior: A Successful Story?

- Marco Vega and Diego Winkelried
- 836: Understanding and Comparing Factor-Based Forecasts

- Jean Boivin and Serena Ng
- 835: One Market, One Money, One Price?

- Nigel FB Allington, Paul A Kattuman and Florian A Waldmann
- 834: What Explains the Varying Monetary Response to Technology Shocks in G-7 Countries?

- Neville R Francis, Michael Owyang and Athena T Theodorou
- 833: How Should Monetary Policy Respond to Asset-Price Bubbles?

- David Gruen, Michael Plumb and Andrew Stone
- 832: Dollar Shortages and Crises

- Raghuram Rajan and Ioannis Tokatlidis
- 831: Where Are We Now? Real-Time Estimates of the Macroeconomy

- Martin Evans
- 830: Learning about Monetary Policy Rules when Long-Horizon Expectations Matter

- Bruce Preston
- 829: Financial Accelerator Effects in the Balance Sheets of Czech Firms

- Roman Horvath
- 826: Liquidity, Risk Taking, and the Lender of Last Resort

- Rafael Repullo
- 825: Firm-Specific Capital and the New Keynesian Phillips Curve

- Michael Woodford
- 824: Exchange Rate Volatility and the Credit Channel in Emerging Markets: A Vertical Perspective

- Ricardo Caballero and Arvind Krishnamurthy
- 823: Committees Versus Individuals: An Experimental Analysis of Monetary Policy Decision Making

- Clare Lombardelli, James Proudman and James Talbot
- 822: Monetary Policy Neglect and the Great Inflation in Canada, Australia, and New Zealand

- Edward Nelson
- 821: The Performance and Robustness of Interest-Rate Rules in Models of the Euro Area

- Ramon Adalid, Günter Coenen, Peter McAdam and Stefano Siviero
- 820: Do Actions Speak Louder Than Words? The Response of Asset Prices to Monetary Policy Actions and Statements

- Refet Gürkaynak, Brian Sack and Eric T Swanson
- 819: Monetary Policy with Judgment: Forecast Targeting

- Lars O Svensson
- 818: Measuring Investors' Risk Appetite

- Prasanna Gai and Nicholas Vause
- 817: Using Market Information for Banking System Risk Assessment

- Helmut Elsinger, Alfred Lehar and Martin Summer
- 816: The Bank of Japan's Monetary Policy and Bank Risk Premiums in the Money Market

- Naohiko Baba, Motoharu Nakashima, Yosuke Shigemi and Kazuo Ueda
- 815: The Persistence of Inflation in OECD Countries: A Fractionally Integrated Approach

- María Gadea and Laura Mayoral
- 813: SIGMA: A New Open Economy Model for Policy Analysis

- Christopher Erceg, Luca Guerriei and Christopher Gust
- 812: Monetary Policy and Inflation Dynamics

- John Roberts
- 811: U.S. Wage and Price Dynamics: A Limited-Information Approach

- Argia M Sbordone
- 810: Firm-Specific Production Factors in a DSGE Model with Taylor Price Setting

- Grégory de Walque, Frank Smets and Raf Wouters
- 809: A Bayesian DSGE Model with Infinite-Horizon Learning: Do "Mechanical" Sources of Persistence Become Superfluous?

- Fabio Milani
- 808: What Firms' Surveys Tell Us about Price-Setting Behavior in the Euro Area

- Silvia Fabiani, Martine Druant, Ignacio Hernando, Claudia Kwapil, Bettina Landau, Claire Loupias, Fernando Martins, Thomas Mathä, Roberto Sabbatini, Harald Stahl and Ad Stokman
- 807: Factor Model Forecasts for New Zealand

- Troy Matheson
- 806: Interbank Contagion in the Dutch Banking Sector: A Sensitivity Analysis

- Iman Lelyveld and Franka Liedorp
- 805: Intrinsic and Inherited Inflation Persistence

- Jeffrey Fuhrer
- 804: Organisational change and the computerisation of British and Spanish savings banks, 1965-1985

- Bernardo Batiz-Lazo and J. Carles Maixé-Altés
- 803: On the choice of most-preferred alternatives

- Nikolai Kukushkin
- 802: Measuring the Stance of Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy: A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Approach

- Francis Vitek
- 801: Measuring the Stance of Monetary Policy in a Closed Economy: A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Approach

- Francis Vitek
- 800: Monetary Policy Analysis in a Small Open Economy: A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Approach

- Francis Vitek
- 799: Deceleration of industrial growth and rural industrialization strategy for Indian Punjab

- Lakhwinder Singh
- 797: Monetary Policy Analysis in a Closed Economy: A Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium Approach

- Francis Vitek
- 796: Le determinanti del capitale sociale in Italia, 1993-2000: una analisi esplorativa

- Damiano Fiorillo
- 791: Time series modelling and forecasting of Sarawak black pepper price

- Venus Liew, Mahendran Shitan and Huzaimi Hussain
- 777: Child poverty in Vietnam: using adult equivalence scales to estimate income-poverty for different age groups

- Howard White and Edoardo Masset
- 776: Efficiency inducing taxation for polluting oligopolists: the irrelevance of privatization

- Denis Claude and Mabel Tidball
- 775: Nash implementable domains for the Borda count

- Clemens Puppe and Attila Tasnádi
- 771: A Comparison of the Undergraduate Economics Major in Europe and in the United States

- Henrique Monteiro and Alexandra Lopes
- 770: A Flexibilidade das Estruturas Curriculares Portuguesas Enquanto Implicação do Processo de Bolonha nas Licenciaturas em Economia: uma comparação com a Europa (The Portuguese Study Plan's Flexibility as an Implication of the Bologna Process in Economics Undergraduate Degrees: a comparison with Europe)

- Henrique Monteiro and Alexandra Lopes
- 769: Growth and inequalities of height in Brazil (1939-1981)

- Leonardo Monasterio and Luiz Paulo Nogueról
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