MPRA Paper
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- 56527: Does oil price uncertainty transmit to the Thai stock market?

- Komain Jiranyakul
- 56526: Cournot Competition and Reduction of Corruption to Prevent Garment Factory Fires in Bangladesh

- Hideki Sato
- 56525: Traded Goods, Tax and Intermediation - the Role of Corrupt Nontraded Sector

- Biswajit Mandal
- 56524: Trade Reform, Environment and Intermediation: Implication for Health Standard

- Biswajit Mandal
- 56523: A Note on How and Why Growth and Unemployment Go Hand in Hand in Developing Economies

- Biswajit Mandal and Arindam Mandal
- 56520: Consideration on the single currency seen from a competitiveness perspective

- Nicolae Iordan-Constantinescu and Silvia Dusa
- 56517: Does the Impact of Remittances on Poverty and Human Development Depend on the Climate of Receiving Areas?

- George Joseph and Quentin Wodon
- 56512: Tendinte si provocari in implementarea Programului Operational Regional 2007-2013

- Daniela Antonescu
- 56510: Интегрированная информационная система управления ресурсами предприятия (Integrated information system of enterprise's resource management)

- Stanislav Levitskiy, Igor Frunze and Nataliya Zaiceva
- 56508: The Paradox of Misaligned Profiling: Theory and Experimental Evidence

- Charles Holt, Andrew Kydd, Laura Razzolini and Roman Sheremeta
- 56507: Spillover Effects of Homicides across Mexican Municipalities: A Spatial Regime Model Approach

- Miguel Flores and Eduardo Rodriguez-Oreggia
- 56506: Evolution de la législation agraire russe (Evolution of the Russian agrarian legislation)

- Vladimir Yefimov
- 56505: La campagne russe face à l'accession du pays à l'OMC: analyse institutionnelle (The Russian countryside facing the country's accession to the WTO: institutional analysis)

- Vladimir Yefimov
- 56499: Two disputes of methods, three constructivisms, and three liberalisms

- Vladimir Yefimov
- 56496: A Futures Trading Experiment: An Active Classroom Approach to Learning

- David Mitchell, Kenneth Hunsader and Scott Parker
- 56494: Output, renewable and non-renewable energy consumption and international trade: Evidence from a panel of 69 countries

- Mehdi Ben Jebli and Slim Ben Youssef
- 56491: Unionised Labour Market, Unemployment Allowances, Productive Public Expenditure and Endogenous Growth

- Chandril Bhattacharyya and Manash Gupta
- 56490: Readmission and Hospital Quality under Prospective Payment System

- Calogero Guccio, Domenico Lisi and Giacomo Pignataro
- 56487: When Heirs Become Major Shareholders: Evidence on Tunneling and Succession through Related-Party Transactions

- Sunwoo Hwang and Woochan Kim
- 56486: Large Deficits Produce High Interest Rates

- Richard Cebula, Mark Schwartzburt and Gerald Scott
- 56485: The Diffusion of Corporate Governance to Emerging Markets: Evaluating Two Dimensions of Investor Heterogeneity

- Woochan Kim, Taeyoon Sung and Shang-Jin Wei
- 56484: Total State In-Migration and Public Policy in the United States: A Comparative Analysis of the Great recession and the Pre- and Post-Great Recession Years

- Richard Cebula, Usha Nair-Reichert and Christopher Coombs
- 56483: An Assessment of the Young Lives Sampling Approach in Peru

- Javier Escobal and Eva Flores
- 56482: Tracking Disparities: Who Gets Left Behind? Initial Findings from Peru Round 3 Survey

- Santiago Cueto, Javier Escobal, Mary Penny and Patricia Ames
- 56481: Economic Shocks and Changes in School Attendance Levels and Education Expenditure in Peru

- Javier Escobal, Jaime Saavedra and Pablo Suárez
- 56480: Algunos impactos del programa JUNTOS en el bienestar de los niños: Evidencia basada en el estudio Niños del Milenio (Impacts of the Conditional Cash Transfer programme JUNTOS for children in Peru)

- Javier Escobal and Sara Benites
- 56479: Transferencias y Condiciones: Efectos no previstos del Programa JUNTOS (Transfers and Conditions: Unexpected effects of the Juntos programme in Peru)

- Javier Escobal and Sara Benites
- 56478: The Interaction of Public Assets, Private Assets and Community Characteristics and its Effect on Early Childhood Height-for-Age in Peru

- Javier Escobal, Jaime Saavedra and Pablo Suárez
- 56477: Trade Liberalisation and Child Welfare: Assessing the Impact of a Free Trade Agreement Between Peru and the USA

- Javier Escobal and Carmen Ponce San Roman
- 56476: Does Having a Newborn Child Affect Income Diversification Opportunities?: Evidence from the Peruvian Young Lives Study

- Javier Escobal, Pablo Suárez, Sharon Huttly, Claudio Lanata and Mary Penny
- 56470: Cross-Sectors Skill Intensity, Productivity and Temporary Employment

- Domenico Lisi and Miguel Malo
- 56467: Poverty and Intelligence: Evidence Using Quantile Regression

- Oasis Kodila-Tedika and Bolito-Losembe Remy
- 56463: Maternal Migration and Child Well-Being in Peru

- Javier Escobal and Eva Flores
- 56461: Multidimensional Poverty and Inequality of Opportunity in Peru: Taking Advantage of the Longitudinal Dimension of Young Lives

- Javier Escobal
- 56460: Methods for Multicountry Studies of Coporate Governance: Evidence from the BRIKT Countries

- Bernard Black, Antonio Gledson De Carvalho, Vikramaditya Khanna, Woochan Kim and Burcin Yurtoglu
- 56459: Test de l’équivalence Ricardienne par la Modélisation SVAR (Ricardian Equivalence Test by SVAR Modeling)

- Hassan Ghassan
- 56457: Wirtschaftliche Partnerschaftsabkommen (EPAs) der EU mit Afrika: Dominanz der EU Exportinteressen statt Partnerschaft auf Augenhöhe (Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs) of the EU with Africa: Dominance of EU export interests instead of partnership on eye level)

- Dirk Kohnert
- 56455: Development of the information society and its impact on the education sector in the EU: Efficiency at the regional (NUTS 2) level

- Aleksander Aristovnik
- 56451: The evaluation of recession magnitudes in EU countries during the global financial crisis 2008-2010

- Jiri Mazurek
- 56448: Regulatory emission limits for mobile sources and the Porter hypothesis: a survey of the literature

- Laurent Franckx
- 56446: Basel Accords and Islamic banking: A critical evaluation

- Zubair Hasan
- 56443: Rent-Seeking and Reform: Relationship Revisited

- Sugata Marjit and Vivekananda Mukherjee
- 56442: The Adequacy of Household Saving

- Eric Engen, William Gale and Cori Uccello
- 56440: Death Watch for the Estate Tax?

- William Gale and Joel Slemrod
- 56437: Fluctuations conjoncturelles et croissance tendancielle de l’économie Marocaine (Cyclical Variations and Trend of Growth: Evidence from Moroccan Economy)

- Mohamed Achiq, Hassan Ghassan and Khalil Meslouhi
- 56436: Online networks and subjective well-being

- Fabio Sabatini and Francesco Sarracino
- 56435: آثار عجز الميزانية على الإدخار الخاص في الإقتصاد المغربي عبر نمذجة التقهقر الذاتي البنيوي (Effects of Budget Deficit on Private Savings in Moroccan Economy using SVAR Modeling)

- Hassan Ghassan
- 56433: Tests de G-causalité et spécification d’un modèle économétrique: Application sur un panel sectoriel marocain (G-causality tests and specification of an econometric model: Evidence form Sectoral Moroccan panel)

- Hassan Ghassan and Miloud ElHafidi
- 56432: Formes et méthodes d’estimation des systèmes récursifs dynamiques à double indice (Forms and Estimation Methods of Panel Recursive Dynamic Systems)

- Hassan Ghassan
- 56431: L’actionnariat éthique: une solution aux conflits successoraux des entreprises familiales (The ethical shareholding: a solution to the inheritance conflicts of the family companies)

- Essaid Tarbalouti, Mohamed Hamdaoui and Abderrazak Ouali
- 56430: Is India Ready for Flexible Inflation-Targeting?

- Abhijit Sen Gupta and Rajeswari Sengupta
- 56429: Estimation Robuste des Equations d’Importation à Contamination Ponctuelle (Robust estimation of the Equations of Punctual contaminated Imports)

- Hassan Ghassan
- 56423: Relations de Long Terme entre Investissement, Déficit Extérieur et Autofinancement sur un Panel Sectoriel (Long Run Relationships between Investment, Trade Deficit and Cash-Flow: Evidence from Sectorial Panel)

- Hassan Ghassan
- 56421: Determinantes de la desigualdad en el desempeño educativo en la Argentina (Determinants of the inequality in PISA test scores in Argentina)

- Mariana Marchionni, Florencia Pinto and Emmanuel Vazquez
- 56420: Desigualdad educativa en la Argentina. Análisis en base a los datos PISA 2009 (Education Inequality in Argentina. An analysis based on PISA 2009 data)

- Mariana Marchionni, Emmanuel Vazquez and Florencia Pinto
- 56415: Agent-Based Computational Models - A Formal Heuristic for Institutionalist Pattern Modelling?

- Claudius Gräbner-Radkowitsch
- 56413: How promising is South-South trade as a contributor to economic development in Asia and South America? Insights from estimating income elasticities of import demand

- Thomas Bernhardt
- 56408: Riesgo Agropecuario: Incidencia Económica e Innovaciones para su mitigación. El caso de Argentina (Agricultural Risk Managment: Economic Incidence and Mitigation Innovations. The Case of Argentina)

- Fusco Miguel, Bacchini Dario and Esteban Thomasz
- 56407: Transitional Dynamics of Oil Prices

- Suleyman Kal, Ferhat Arslaner and Nuran Arslaner
- 56406: Gold, Stock Price, Interest Rate and Exchange Rate Dynamics: An MS VAR Approach

- Suleyman Kal, Ferhat Arslaner and Nuran Arslaner
- 56396: Measuring Annual Real Exchange Rate Series for Turkey

- Güzin Erlat and Ferhat Arslaner
- 56394: Jordan: social protection in a low employment state

- Mel Cousins
- 56391: Total Factor Productivity of Thai Banks in 2007-2010: An Application of DEA and Malmquist Index

- Ngo Thanh and Nguyen Linh Thi Phuong
- 56390: Measuring the Performance of the Banking System: Case of Vietnam (1990-2010)

- Ngo Thanh
- 56389: Effectiveness of the Global Banking System in 2010: A Data Envelopment Analysis approach

- Ngo Thanh
- 56387: Test de l’effet de stabilisation automatique par la modélisation SVAR sans contrainte de long terme (Testing the Automatic Stabilization Effect: Evidence from SVAR Model without Long-Term Constraint)

- Hassan Ghassan
- 56386: Financial liberalization, Foreign Direct investment (FDI) and Economic Growth: A Panel Dynamic Data Validation

- Ayouni Saief Eddine, Issaoui Fakhri and Brahim Salem
- 56384: Test de l’Effet de la Fiscalité Foncière sur l’Investissement Touristique (Testing the Effect of the Land Tax on Tourism Investment)

- Hassan Ghassan, NourrEddine Raiss and Abdesalam ElMoudden
- 56383: نظام الزكاة المالي وتحسين المعاش العام تقدير كمي شمولي في الاقتصاد المغربي (Zakat and Improved Public Welfare: A Global Estimation in the Moroccan Economy)

- Hassan Ghassan and Houcine Ihnach
- 56381: الإنفاق العمومي والإستثمار الخاص اختبار أثر المزاحمة عبر المعاينة المعادة (Public Spending and Private Investment: Test of Crowding-out Effects through Re-sampling)

- Hassan Ghassan
- 56377: ما هي طبيعة العلاقة بين الإنفاق الحكومي والإستثمار الخاص في الإقتصاد السعودي؟ (What is the Nature of the Relationship between Government Spending and Private Investment in Saudi Arabia?)

- Hassan Ghassan and Hassan R. Alhajhoj
- 56376: اختبار التكامل المشترك غير الخطي بين الاستثمار الحكومي والاستثمار الخاص في الاقتصاد السعودي (Test of Non Linear Cointegration between Government Investment and Private Investment in Saudi Arabia Economy)

- Hassan Ghassan and Salman AlDehailan
- 56374: NAIRU estimates in transitional economy with extremely high unemployment rate: the case of the Republic of Macedonia

- Predrag Trpeski and Dragan Tevdovski
- 56372: Decoupling: Myth or Reality?

- Thomas Bernhardt
- 56370: Institutional quality, macroeconomic stabilization and economic growth: a case study of IMF programme countries

- Omer Javed
- 56369: Non-linearity behaviour of the ALBI Index: A case of Johannesburg Stock Exchange in South Africa

- Priviledge Cheteni
- 56367: Fodder Production Scenario and Strategies for Revitalizing Fodder Production Technologies

- M.s Meena and K.M. Singh
- 56362: Fragility Of Interest-Based Debt Financing: Is It Worth Sustaining A Regime Uncertainty?

- Mughees Shaukat, Abbas Mirakhor and Noureddine Krichene
- 56358: هل تؤثر الأزمة المالية العالمية في الاقتصاد السعودي؟ تلحيل عبر نموذج التقهقر الذاتي البنيوي (Does the International Financial Crisis impact the Saudi Arabia Economy? SVAR Model Analysis)

- Hassan Ghassan, Farid B. Taher and Salman AlDehailan
- 56357: Эффективность российских банков с точки зрения минимизации издержек, с учетом факторов риска (Cost efficiency of Russian banks. Models with risk factors)

- Sergei Golovan, Alexandr Karminsky and Anatoly Peresetsky
- 56356: Efficiency and Stability in a Process of Teams Formation

- Leonardo Boncinelli and Paolo Pin
- 56355: CUNOAŞTEREA ŞI DEZVOLTAREA REGIONALĂ (Knowledge and regional development)

- Daniela Antonescu
- 56354: La condition de Marshall-Lerner-Robinson est-elle stable ? Approche par le test GLS cointégration à niveau et puissance améliorés (Does the Marshall-Lerner-Robinson condition verify the stability? Evidence from GLS-cointegration test with Good Size and Power)

- Hassan Ghassan
- 56347: Sign-based specification tests for martingale difference with conditional heteroscedasity

- Min Chen and Ke Zhu
- 56346: Is There a Sustainable Learning Economy Regime?

- John Cotsomitis
- 56344: Features of Internal Audit in Pharmaceutical Industry

- Yulia Tsvetanova
- 56343: Internal Audit in the Pharmaceutical Sector: International and National Good Practices

- Yulia Tsvetanova
- 56342: The Liberal Red Book: The Economist’s Perspective

- Patrick Grady
- 56341: Whither Islamic Finance? Risk Sharing in An Age of Crises

- Abbas Mirakhor
- 56338: Islamic Finance, Risk Sharing and Macroeconomic Policies

- Abbas Mirakhor
- 56337: Monetary policy options for mitigating the impact of the global financial crisis on emerging market economies

- Marek Dąbrowski, Sławomir Śmiech and Monika Papież
- 56335: Metzler paradox and home market effects in presence of internationally mobile capital and non-traded goods

- Rajit Biswas
- 56330: Capital Structure of Internet Companies: Case Study

- Anton Miglo, Shuting Liang and Zhenting Lee
- 56326: Corporate governance in Islamic financial institutions

- Hussein Elasrag
- 56323: Choice of financing mode as a stochastic bounded control problem

- Anton Miglo
- 56319: Los principios de la administración pública europea (The principles of European public administration)

- Ana Ionela Cristea
- 56317: Avrupa Birliği’ne Uyum Sürecinde Türk Tarım İstatistikleri: Sorunlar, Öneriler (Turkish Agricultural Statistics in the Process of Adjustment to the EU: Problems, Suggestions)

- Mustafa Acar and Ferhat Arslaner
- 56312: Душевой ВВП и производительность труда в России: было ли догоняющее развитие? (Russia`s per capita and per hour GDP dynamics: have we seen the cathing-up?)

- Alexander Zaytsev
- 56310: Investissement, protectionnisme et décision de migration internationale (Investment, protectionism and decision of international migration)

- Essaid Tarbalouti
- 56309: El Espacio Administrativo Europeo en el contexto de la europeización (The European Administrative Space in the context of europeanization)

- Ana Ionela Cristea
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