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82035: Why it makes economic sense to help the have-nots in times of a financial crisis Downloads
Kees De Koning
82034: Методологические возможности “Блумингтонской школы”: и перспективы развития современного неоинституционализма (The Formation of the “Bloomington School”: Methodological Opportunities and Perspectives of Contemporary New Institutionalism Development) Downloads
Maksim Barbashin
82030: Le résidu de Solow de l’économie tunisienne: chocs technologiques ou taux d’utilisation des capacités de production ? (The Solow residue for Tunisia: technology shocks or factor utilization?) Downloads
Mohamed Mabrouki
82025: A Dynamic Measure of Intentional Herd Behavior in Financial Markets Downloads
Beum Jo Park and Myung-Joong Kim
82022: Openness and Government Size:The Compensation and Efficiency Hypotheses Considered for Nigeria Downloads
Kolawole Olawole and Temidayo Adebayo
82018: Which Institutions are more relevant than others in inequality mitigation? Downloads
Dawood Mamoon
82017: Does Growth Respond to a Good Trade Policy? Downloads
Dawood Mamoon and Mansoob S. Murshed
82016: Factors Effecting Commercial Banks Profitability in Pakistan Downloads
Mumtaz Hussain Shah and Sajjad Khan
82015: Factors determining capital structure of Pakistani non-financial firms Downloads
Mumtaz Hussain Shah and Atta Ullah Khan
82014: The Effect of Macroeconomic Stability on Inward FDI in African Developing Countries Downloads
Mumtaz Hussain Shah
82013: Financial development and foreign direct investment: The case of Middle East and North African (MENA) developing nations Downloads
Mumtaz Hussain Shah
82012: Expectations versus Reality of Pakistan China FTA Downloads
Dawood Mamoon
82010: Principle-Agent Analysis of Technology Project (LINCOS) in Costa Rica Downloads
Dawood Mamoon and SIlvia Hernandez
82009: The Significance of WTO’s Trade Related Investment Measures (TRIMs) Agreement For Inward FDI in Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Mumtaz Hussain Shah
82008: Terrorism and Foreign Direct Investment: An Empirical Analysis of SAARC Countries Downloads
Mumtaz Hussain Shah and Mehreen Faiz
82005: The Opportunities and Challenges Overview: Implementing Performance Based Standards Regulation for High Capacity Passenger Vehicle in Malaysia Downloads
Muhamad Shaharudin Osmin, Jezan Md. Diah and Sariwati Mohd. Sharif
82000: On the effects of static and autoregressive conditional higher order moments on dynamic optimal hedging Downloads
Yang Hou and Mark Holmes
81999: Time-Varying Price Discovery and Autoregressive Loading Factors: Evidence from S&P 500 Cash and E-Mini Futures Markets Downloads
Yang Hou and Steven Li
81995: Price Discovery in the Stock Index Futures Market: Evidence from the Chinese stock market crash Downloads
Yang Hou and Gilbert Nartea
81987: The effect of house prices on the long-term care market: Evidence from England Downloads
Volodymyr Bilotkach, Nils Braakmann, Eduardo Gonzalo-Almorox and John Wildman
81985: L’Italia e il problema della crescita dopo l’euro (Italy and the problem of growth after the euro) Downloads
Schilirò Daniele
81983: Le Rôle du Capital Humain dans le Processus de Croissance Économique en Algérie (The Role of the Human Capital in the Economic Growth Process in Algeria) Downloads
Ahmed Zakane
81982: Public debt, pollution and environmental taxes: Nash and Stackelberg equilibria Downloads
George Halkos and George Papageorgiou
81979: Robust inference in conditionally heteroskedastic autoregressions Downloads
Rasmus Søndergaard Pedersen
81978: Competitive Pressure from Neighboring Markets and Optimal Privatization Policy Downloads
Junichi Haraguchi, Toshihiro Matsumura and Shohei Yoshida
81977: Politics Case Study: Bad News in Good Times of General Musharraf Presidency: Economics versus Politics Downloads
Dawood Mamoon
81976: Kształtowanie kompetencji z obszaru inteligencji emocjonalnej w procesie sukcesji współczesnych przedsiębiorstw rodzinnych (The development of competence in the area of emotional intelligence in the process of succession of modern family enterprises) Downloads
Mariola Dźwigoł-Barosz
81975: Determinants of FDI in Afghanistan: An Empirical Analysis Downloads
Mr. Nassir Ul Haq Wani and Mr. Noor Rehman
81972: From Solow to Romer: Teaching Endogenous Technological Change in Undergraduate Economics Downloads
Angus Chu
81970: The money creation process: A theoretical and empirical analysis for the US Downloads
Enrico Levrero and Matteo Deleidi
81967: Global Energy and Sustainable Development: Introduction Downloads
George Halkos
81963: Exploring the world of Economics through RePEc data Downloads
Sultan Orazbayev
81962: Globalization under Hysteresis: A Study of Eastern Bloc Countries, China and India Downloads
Sudhanshu Mishra
81960: Moving Beyond Rhetoric: Can Islamic Banking become Mainstream in Pakistan Downloads
Dawood Mamoon
81959: An Empirical assessment of factors that influence the implementation of E-Procurement in Technical Universities in Ghana Downloads
Kwadwo Prempeh and Evelyn Nsiah Asare
81952: Türkiye'nin Kalkınma Sorunu ve Çözüm Noktasında Özel Finans Kurumları (Development Problem of Turkey and the Role of Special Finance Houses) Downloads
Osman Nuri Aras
81949: India's trade linkage with BRCS: An econometric study Downloads
Mr. Nassir Ul Haq Wani, Dr. Jasdeep Kaur Dhami and Dr. Neeru Sidana
81947: Alternative approach to costing on Indian Railways: Linking outputs and expenses to activity centres Downloads
Gopalan R. S., Ravibabu M. and Sasmita Sahu
81945: Internal Rebellions and External Threats: A Model of Government Organizational Forms in Ancient China Downloads
Haiwen Zhou
81944: Confucianism and the Legalism: A Model of the National Strategy of Governance in Ancient China Downloads
Haiwen Zhou
81943: International Trade with Increasing Returns in the Transportation Sector Downloads
Haiwen Zhou
81942: Intermediate Inputs and External Economies Downloads
Haiwen Zhou
81938: Critiques on ‘‘Mining and Local Corruption in Africa’’ Downloads
Bizuayehu Lema
81936: Codetermination: the Presence of Workers on the Board. A Depth Analysis Downloads
Donato Forcillo
81935: Codetermination: the Necessary Presence of Workers on the Board. A Mathematical Model Downloads
Donato Forcillo
81933: The ambiguous causal relationship between body-mass and labour income in emerging economies: The case of Mexico Downloads
Pierre Levasseur
81932: DEDOLLARISATION DE L’ECONOMIE CONGOLAISE: Atouts, contraintes et perspectives (Congolese's Economy dedollarization: strengths, constraints and prospects) Downloads
Crispin Malingumu
81931: 1929 və 2008 böhranlarının makroiqtisadi səbəb və nəticələr baxımından müqayisəsi (The Comparative Analysis of Macroeconomic Reason and Consequences of Crisis in 1929 and 2008) Downloads
Osman Nuri Aras and Elçin Süleymanov
81930: Azərbaycan Respublikasında qeyri-neft sektoru üzrə idxal-ixracın mövcud vəziyyətinin təhlili və qiymətləndirilməsi (Analyzing and Valuing of the Existing Situation of Export and Import Non-Oil Sector in the Azerbaijan Republic) Downloads
Osman Nuri Aras, Elçin Süleymanov and Ayaz Zeynalov
81929: Debt Sustainability of States in India: An Assessment Downloads
Balbir Kaur, Atri Mukherjee and Anand Prakash Ekka
81927: Haydar Aliyev Döneminde Azerbaycan Ekonomisi (Azerbaijani Economy in the Period of Haydar Aliyev) Downloads
Osman Nuri Aras
81920: Bayesian Parametric and Semiparametric Factor Models for Large Realized Covariance Matrices Downloads
Xin Jin, John Maheu and Qiao Yang
81919: Industry Transition - Challenges for Value Capture Downloads
Marta Najda-Janoszka
81914: Credit Rationing and Firm Exports: Micro Evidence from SMEs in China Downloads
Dong Cheng, Yong Tan and Jian Yu
81911: An empirical analysis of credit accessibility of small and medium sized enterprises in Vietnam Downloads
Nhung Nguyen, Christopher Gan and Baiding Hu
81908: The Effect of Job Readiness Programs on Criminal Behavior Downloads
Michael Jones
81907: Gender and Multidimensional Poverty in Nicaragua, An Individual-based Approach Downloads
José Espinoza-Delgado and Stephan Klasen
Fousseni Ramde and Serigne Bassirou Lo
81905: Türkiye’de Uygulanan Orta Vadeli Programın Ödemeler Dengesi Tahminleri Doğrultusunda Performansının Analizi (Analysis of the Medium Term Program Performance Applied in Turkey According to the Balance of Payments Estimates) Downloads
Osman Nuri Aras, Eren Erdoğan and Rukiye Kök
81904: Türkiye'nin Komşu ve Çevre Ülkelerle Dış Ticaret Stratejisinin Bölgesel Stratejiler İçindeki Performansı (The Performance of Turkey's Foreign Trade Strategy of Neighbouring and Surrounding Countries within the Regional Strategies) Downloads
Osman Nuri Aras and Eren Erdoğan
81903: Reel Ekonomiye Katkıları Bakımından katılım Bankalarının Kullandırdığı Fonların Analizi (Analysis of Allocated Funds of Participation Banks in Terms of Contribution to the Real Economy) Downloads
Osman Nuri Aras and Mustafa Öztürk
81902: Mediterraneo e Unione Europea tra migrazioni e crescita sostenibile (Mediterranean Sea and European Union between migrations and sustainable growth) Downloads
Daniele Schiliro'
81901: Society Case Study: Why Formal Education is the Common Goal of Human Progress Downloads
Dawood Mamoon
81900: Развитие на иновационната теория от края на XVIII в. до началото на XXI в (Development of innovative theories from the end of 18th. century to the beginning of the 21th. century) Downloads
Daniela Georgieva
81899: Common Dreams, Different Circumstances: Lessons from Contemporary Development Economics Downloads
Dawood Mamoon
81897: Blyth’s paradox «of three pies»: setwise vs. pairwise event preferences Downloads
Oleg Yu. Vorobyev
81895: The bet on a bald Downloads
Oleg Yu. Vorobyev
81894: Triangle room paradox of negative probabilities of events Downloads
Oleg Yu. Vorobyev
81893: The theory of dual co~event means Downloads
Oleg Yu. Vorobyev
81892: Postulating the theory of experience and chance as a theory of co~events (co~beings) Downloads
Oleg Yu. Vorobyev
81891: An element-set labelling a Cartesian product by measurable binary relations which leads to postulates of the theory of experience and chance as a theory of co~events Downloads
Oleg Yu. Vorobyev
81884: The Widening Black-White Wage Gap among Women Downloads
Christina Houseworth and Jonathan Fisher
81878: Effect of Welfare and Economic Performance on Good Governance Outcomes in Pakistan Downloads
Dawood Mamoon
81877: Simple vs. Complex Carbohydrate Dietary Patterns and the Global Overweight and Obesity Pandemic Downloads
Fabrizio Ferretti and Michele Mariani
81868: Determinants of Financing Pattern and Access to Formal -Informal Credit: The Case of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises in Viet Nam Downloads
Nhung Nguyen and Nhung Luu
81866: Financial development and the oil curse: Evidence from Algeria Downloads
Farah Elias Elhannani, Abou Bakr Boussalem and Mohamed Benbouziane
81862: Oil rents and institutional quality: empirical evidence from Algeria Downloads
Sidi Mohamed Chekouri, Mohamed Benbouziane and Abderrahim Chibi
81861: Sentiment and sign predictability of stock returns Downloads
Harri Pönkä
81860: High Performing Peers and Female STEM Choices in School Downloads
Pierre Mouganie and Yaojing Wang
81858: The Econometrics of the EU Fiscal Governance: is the European Commission methodology still adequate? Downloads
Marco Fioramanti and Robert Waldmann
81857: Does Overvalued Turkish Lira Affect Turkey's Foreign Trade Competitiveness? Downloads
Eren Erdoğan, Osman Nuri Aras and Mustafa Öztürk
81856: Constitutional Economics, Fiscal Policy Rules, and The Case of Turkey Downloads
Osman Nuri Aras and Mustafa Öztürk
81855: Foreign Capital Investment and Economic Crises in Turkey Downloads
Mustafa Öztürk and Osman Nuri Aras
81854: Determinants of Debt Crisis in EU and the Recovery Efforts Downloads
Mustafa Öztürk, Osman Nuri Aras and Filiz Kadı
81853: Effect of the Global Economic Crisis on Turkish Banking Sector Downloads
Osman Nuri Aras
81849: Economics of WTO plus: No to Conflict and Yes to Regionalism Downloads
Dawood Mamoon
81848: Gender Gap is a Trade Trap: The Road Ahead for International Development Downloads
Dawood Mamoon
81846: Technical Efficiency Analysis of Wheat Farms in the Punjab, Pakistan: DEA Approach Downloads
Shahzad Muhammad Aamir, Akram Waqar and Khan Muhammad
81843: The Relationship Between Human Capital and MBA Education: The Case of Turkey Downloads
Osman Nuri Aras and Mustafa Öztürk
81840: Bounds Testing Approach to Analyzing the Environment Kuznets Curve Hypothesis: The Role of Biomass Energy Consumption in the United States with Structural Breaks Downloads
Muhammad Shahbaz, Sakiru Adebola Solarin, Shawkat Hammoudeh and Syed Jawad Hussain Shahzad
81836: Politika otvorenog tržišta Narodne banke Srbije (Open-Market Policy of the National Bank of Serbia) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
81835: Almost equi-marginal principle based composite index of globalization: China, India and Pakistan Downloads
Sudhanshu Mishra
81830: Directed technical change: A macro perspective on life cycle earnings profiles Downloads
Randy Cragun, Robert Tamura and Michal Jerzmanowski
81829: How Sensitive are the U.S. Inpayments and Outpayments to Exchange Rate Changes: An Asymmetry Analysis Downloads
Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee and Hadiseh Fariditavana
81828: Determinants of children’s education in Vietnam: Evidence from the 2014 Intercensal Population and Housing Survey Downloads
Cuong Nguyen
81826: Does Your Birthdate Tell Your Future? Evidence from Vietnam Downloads
Cuong Nguyen
81825: The Ageing Trend and Related Socio-Economic Issues in Vietnam Downloads
Cuong Nguyen
81824: Population Sex-Age Structure in Vietnam: New Evidences from the 2014 Intercensal Population and Housing Survey Downloads
Cuong Nguyen and Phai Nguyen
81823: Estrategias de fijación y ofuscación de precios en los hoteles de sol y playa (Pricing and obfuscation strategies for sun and beach hotels) Downloads
Joan Carles Cirer-Costa
81820: Purchasing Power Parity in the 34 OECD Countries: Evidence from Quantile-Based Unit Root Tests with both Smooth and Sharp Breaks Downloads
Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee and Tsung-Pao Wu
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