MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 37311: Effect of Mergers and Acquisitions on Market Concentration and Interest Spread

- Mehwish Aziz Khan, Ferheen Kayani and Attiya Javid
- 37310: Regional inflation and industrial structure in monetary union

- Jun Nagayasu
- 37309: Asset bubbles, economic growth, and a self-fulfilling financial crisis: a dynamic general equilibrium model of infinitely lived heterogeneous agents

- Takuma Kunieda and Akihisa Shibata
- 37308: Technical progress and maturity in a Kaleckian model of growth with an endogenous employment rate

- Abe Taro
- 37305: Allocation rules on networks

- Rahmi İlkılıç and Cagatay Kayi
- 37304: Politica monetara în sistemele financiare moderne (Monetary policy in modern financial systems)

- Cristian Paun
- 37302: An Optimal Design of Early Warning Systems: A Bayesian Quickest Change Detection Approach

- Haixi Li
- 37299: R&D intensity and market valuation of firm: a study of R&D incurring manufacturing firms in India

- Pramod Naik, Krishnan Narayanan and Padhi Puja
- 37297: An unbalanced two-sector growth model with constant returns:a turnpike approach

- Takahshi Harutaka
- 37295: The Arm's Length Principle and Tacit Collusion

- Chongwoo Choe and Noriaki Matsushima
- 37293: Government expenditure and economic development: empirical evidence from Nigeria

- Taiwo Muritala and Abayomi Taiwo
- 37289: The parent and grandparent immigration program in Canada: costs and proposed changes

- Patrick Grady
- 37288: Diversification with idiosyncratic credit spreads: a pooled estimation on heterogeneous panels

- William Lin and David Sun
- 37287: Privatisation versus capital market: the corporate governance case of Bulgaria

- Plamen Tchipev
- 37285: Does trading remove or bring frictions?

- William Lin, David Sun and Shih-Chuan Tsai
- 37284: Search costs and investor trading activity: evidences from limit order book

- William Lin, Shih-Chuan Tsai and David Sun
- 37283: Long run credit risk diversification: empirical decomposition of corporate bond spreads

- David Sun, William T. Lin and Chien-Chung Nieh
- 37282: Liquidity-adjusted benchmark yield curves: a look at trading concentration and information

- William Lin and David Sun
- 37281: Behavioral investment strategy matters: a statistical arbitrage approach

- David Sun, Shih-Chuan Tsai and Wei Wang
- 37280: The silence of the archive: post-colonialism and the practice of historical reconstruction from archival evidence

- Stephanie Decker
- 37278: Determinants of FDI inflows to developing countries: a panel data analysis

- Qayoom Khachoo and Mohd Imran Khan
- 37267: Contributions to oligopoly theory

- Antonios Pavlopoulos
- 37262: The dangerous rise of economic interventionism

- Thomas Zimmermann
- 37261: Why are migrant students better off in certain types of educational systems or schools than in others?

- Jaap Dronkers, Rolf Van der Velden and Allison Dunne
- 37260: Intra-Industry Trade and Development: Revisiting Theory, Measurement and New Evidences

- Gouranga Das
- 37258: Absorption Capacity, Structural Similarity and Embodied Technology Spillovers in A ‘Macro’ Model: An Implementation within a CGE Framework

- Gouranga Das and Alan Powell
- 37257: Absorptive capacity and structural congruence: the binding constraints on the acquisition of technology--an analytical survey of the underlying issues

- Gouranga Das
- 37256: How does trade-mediated technology transfer affect interregional and intersectoral competition? Exploring multi-sectoral effects in a global trade model

- Gouranga Das
- 37255: Do south-south trade agreements enhance member countries' trade? evaluating implications for development potential in the context of SAARC

- Gouranga Das and Swapan K. Bhattacharya
- 37254: Trade-mediated biotechnology transfer and its effective absorption: an application to the U.S. forestry sector

- Gouranga Das and Janaki Alavalapati
- 37252: Globalization, socio-institutional factors and North–South knowledge diffusion: Role of India and China as Southern growth progenitors

- Gouranga Das
- 37251: Interaction of leading and supporting factors for the SME competitiveness

- Zhelyu Vladimirov, Ralitsa Simeonova-Ganeva and Kaloyan Ganev
- 37250: Information age to genetic revolution: Embodied technology transfer and assimilation — A tale of two technologies

- Gouranga Das
- 37249: Teaching consumer theory to business students: an integrative approach

- Dan Axelsen, Hal W. Snarr and Dan Friesner
- 37248: Analyzing Washington state's welfare program design, workfirst

- Dan Axelsen and Hal W. Snarr
- 37247: The Influence of a wife’s working status on her husband’s accumulation of human capital

- Yukichi Mano and Eiji Yamamura
- 37246: Managing risk exposures using the risk budgeting approach

- Benjamin Bruder and Thierry Roncalli
- 37244: Влияние на човешкия капитал върху икономическия растеж (България, 1949-2005 г.) (The Impact of Human Capital on the Economic Growth (Bulgaria, 1949-2005))

- Ralitsa Simeonova-Ganeva
- 37239: Consumer protection and contingent charges

- Mark Armstrong and John Vickers
- 37237: Quality of ski resorts and competition between the Emilian Apennines and Altipiani Trentini. An estimate of the hedonic price

- Sergio Alessandrini
- 37221: The relationship between elderly employment and youth employment: evidence from China

- Chuanchuan Zhang
- 37216: Diaspora et dévelopement: Quelles intercations dans le cas marocain? (Diaspora and developement: What intercations in the Moroccan case?)

- Jamal Bouoiyour
- 37215: Stability, efficiency and monotonicity in two-sided matching

- Sherif Gamal Salem
- 37213: Dynamics in a environmental model with tourism taxation

- Paolo Russu
- 37212: Estado y poder fiscal (State and power to tax)

- Fernando Estrada
- 37211: Analizando la determinación de impuesto a la renta y sus efectos sobre el crecimiento de la economía boliviana (On the determination of income tax and its effects on the economic growth in Bolivia)

- Daney Valdivia and Lilian Loayza
- 37210: Bases del proceso de internacionalización de las cadenas hoteleras de las Islas Baleares (Bases of the globalisation of the hotel chains of the Balearic Islands)

- Joan Carles Cirer-Costa
- 37206: Resource curse: new evidence on the role of institutions

- Tamat Sarmidi, Siong Hook Law and Yaghoob Jafari
- 37204: A practical approach on making use of case study research in economics

- Codrin Teiu and Daniel Juravle
- 37201: Sostenibilità e sviluppo sostenibile. Evoluzione del concetto

- Scattola Elena
- 37200: EMU sovereign spreads and macroeconomic news

- Daniela Arru, Davide Iacovoni, Libero Monteforte and Filippo Maria Pericoli
- 37199: The economic impact of climate change on food security in Malaysia

- Pek Chuen Khee, Lim Yet Mee and Chee-Keong Choong
- 37198: Ownership structures, corporate governance and earnings management in the European Oil Industry

- Giulio Greco
- 37192: Rethinking How Establishment Skills Surveys Can More Effectively Identify Workforce Skills Gaps

- Wes Schwalje
- 37191: Cheltuielile Publice în domeniul Sănătății- principalii factori care le influențează (Public Health Systems Expenditures and the main factors that drives them)

- Puiu Fatulescu
- 37190: Concerning domestic violence against women, is there a threshold for empowerment? The cases of tho areas in Mexico

- Maribel Lozano-Cortes and Luis Cabrera-Castellanos
- 37183: Fundamentos de econometría intermedia: Teoría y aplicaciones (Intermediate economics: Theory and applications)

- Rosales Alvarez Ramon Antonio, Jorge Perdomo Calvo, Morales Torrado Carlos Andres and Urrego Mondragon Jaime Alejandro
- 37181: Factores que afectan la eficiencia técnica y asignativa en el sector cafetero colombiano: una aplicación con análisis envolvente de datos (Factors that affect the technical and allocative efficiency in the colombian coffee sector: An application with data envelopment analysis)

- Perdomo Calvo Jorge Andres, Perdomo Calvo Jorge Andres and Mendieta Lopez Juan Carlos
- 37180: A methodological proposal to estimate changes of residential property value: case study developed in Bogota

- Perdomo Calvo Jorge Andres and Perdomo Calvo Jorge Andres
- 37179: Funciones de producción, análisis de economías a escala y eficiencia técnica en el eje cafetero colombiano: una aproximación con frontera estocástica (Estimation of the Production Functional Form, Returns to Scale and Technical Efficiency in Colombian Coffee Zone by Means Stochastic Frontier)

- Perdomo Calvo Jorge Andres, Hueth Darrell Lee and Perdomo Calvo Jorge Andres
- 37178: Una propuesta metodológica para estimar los cambios sobre el valor de la propiedad: estudio de caso para Bogotá aplicando Propensity Score Matching y Precios Hedónicos Espaciales (A Propensity Score Matching and Spatial Hedonic Prices Approach for Estimating Property Value Fluctuations in Bogotá)

- Perdomo Calvo Jorge Andres and Perdomo Calvo Jorge Andres
- 37176: Gender inequality and economic growth: a time series analysis for Pakistan

- Zahid Pervaiz, Muhammad Chani, Sajjad Ahmad Jan and Amatul R. Chaudhary
- 37174: Identifying regime shifts in Indian stock market: A Markov switching approach

- Wasim Ahmad and Kamaiah Bandi
- 37172: The implication of the value added tax in Pakistan: administration, experiences and fears

- Nadeem Uz Zaman, Gul Ghutai and Syed Raza Irfan Shah Zaidi
- 37167: School-to-work transitions in Europe: Paths towards a permanent contract

- Christelle Garrouste and Massimo Loi
- 37163: Generalized class of composite method of estimation for crop acreage in small domain

- Krishan Pandey and G.C. Tikkiwal
- 37162: Kuznets-Kaldor-puzzle, neutral structural change and independent preferences and technologies

- Denis Stijepic and Helmut Wagner
- 37161: Generalized class of synthetic estimators for small areas under systematic sampling scheme

- Krishan Pandey and G.C. Tikkiwal
- 37160: Was Italy ever on gold?

- Giuseppe Tattara
- 37157: Learning by exporting in Turkey: an investigation for existence and channels

- Daniela Maggioni
- 37155: Italy, the fiscal dominance model, and the gold standard age

- Giuseppe Tattara and Mario Volpe
- 37154: Productivity dispersion and its determinants: the role of import penetration

- Daniela Maggioni
- 37153: Towards a benchmark on the contribution of education and training to employability: methodological note

- Christelle Garrouste
- 37151: Testing for predictability in a noninvertible ARMA model

- Markku Lanne, Mika Meitz and Pentti Saikkonen
- 37150: 베이지안 추정법을 이용한 주택선택의 다항프로빗 모형 분석 (Analysis of housing choice using multinomial probit model – Bayesian estimation)

- Sang Soo Park and Chung-Ki Lee
- 37149: Confidence sets for some partially identified parameters

- Yanqin Fan and Sang Soo Park
- 37148: Partial identification of the distribution of treatment effects and its confidence sets

- Yanqin Fan and Sang Soo Park
- 37146: Median-based seasonal adjustment in the presence of seasonal volatility

- Peter Julian Cayton and Lisa Grace Bersales
- 37144: The flypaper effect: evidence from a natural experiment in Hesse

- Thushyanthan Baskaran
- 37142: Effectiveness of foreign aid in the light of millennium development goal on the health sector: a case study of Pakistan

- Mumtaz Anwar and Muhammad Khalid Rashid
- 37141: Effectiveness of foreign aid in the light of millennium development goal on the education sector: a case study of Pakistan

- Mumtaz Anwar and Muhammad Khalid Rashid
- 37140: Repeat tourism in Uruguay: modelling truncated distributions of count data

- Juan Brida, Juan Sebastián Pereira and Raffaele Scuderi
- 37139: Multiproduct search

- Jidong Zhou
- 37138: Knowledge-based economies and the institutional environment

- Daniele Schiliro'
- 37134: The policy dilemma of economic openness and seigniorage-maximizing inflation in dollarised developing countries: The Ghanaian experience

- Deodat Adenutsi
- 37133: Paving the Way for Unfair Competition: The Imposition of EU Anti-Dumping Duties on Ceramic Tiles from China

- Jonas Kasteng
- 37132: Entropic selection of Nash equilibrium

- Zeynel Harun Alioğulları and Mehmet Barlo
- 37130: Do remittances alleviate poverty and income inequality in poor countries? Empirical evidence from sub-Saharan Africa

- Deodat Adenutsi
- 37127: Trade Productivity Upgrading, Trade Fragmentation, and FDI in Manufacturing: The Asian Development Experience

- Jesse Mora and Nirvikar Singh
- 37124: Trade Dynamics in the East Asian Miracle: A Time Series Analysis of U.S.-East Asia Commodity Trade, 1962-1992

- Terrie Carolan, Jesse Mora and Nirvikar Singh
- 37121: Rational expectations in urban economics

- Marcus Berliant and Chia-Ming Yu
- 37116: Effects of trade openness and foreign direct investment on industrial performance in Ghana

- Deodat Adenutsi
- 37115: Long-run macroeconomic impact of international migrant remittances on human development in low-income countries: A panel analysis of sub-Saharan Africa

- Deodat Adenutsi
- 37114: The relationship between everyday practices and financial literacy. an empirical analysis

- Massimo Caratelli and Ornella Ricci
- 37112: Impact of financial education and transparency on borrowing decisions. the case of consumer credit

- Massimo Caratelli and Ricci Ornella
- 37111: Transparency in consumer credit. the usage of the APR

- Massimo Caratelli
- 37109: The impact of remittances on economic growth in small-open developing economies

- Christian R.K. Ahortor and Deodat Adenutsi
- 37108: Transparency between banks and their customers. information needs and public intervention

- Massimo Caratelli
- 37105: Information needs and efficiency in banking services. A 'demand-side' approach

- Massimo Caratelli
- 37103: Estimates of the fiscal impact multiplier in reduced-form equations

- Stefan Belliveau
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