MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 111624: Optimal patent licensing: from three to two part tariffs

- Siyu Ma, Debapriya Sen and Yair Tauman
- 111620: Revisiting the EKC hypothesis in South Asia: The role of Export Quality Improvement

- Muntasir Murshed and Nhung Thi Tuyet Dao
- 111615: Are Financial Development and Financial Stability Complements or Substitutes in Poverty Reduction?

- Sunny Singh and Chandan Jha
- 111604: Are growth effects of foreign capital significant for increasing access to electricity in Africa?

- Stéphane Mbiankeu Nguea and Ulrich Vianney Elisée Kaguendo
- 111594: Innovative Financing for Development and Growth: Infrastructure Asset Securitization of Airport, Seaports, and Electricity in Focus

- Andriansyah Andriansyah, Adelia Surya Pratiwi and Faiza Tiara Hapsari
- 111592: Does uncertainty matter for the fiscal consolidation and capital intensity nexus?

- Ioannis Bournakis and Nelson R. Ramírez-Rondán
- 111591: Emprendimiento en entornos rurales: Evidencia con la Encuesta Europea sobre Condiciones Laborales (Entrepreneurship in rural settings: Evidence from the European Working Conditions Survey)

- Ignacio Belloc
- 111589: A Country-Specific Analysis of Social Trust Formation: The Case of Ukraine

- Larysa Tamilina
- 111587: A Comparative Analysis of Worries About a War in the Context of Ukraine-Russia Relations

- Larysa Tamilina
- 111586: Understanding the political challenges of introducing a carbon tax in Indonesia

- Rakhmindyarto Rakhmindyarto and Dhani Setyawan
- 111583: The Imperialism of International Currency

- Abdurrahman Arum Rahman
- 111582: On the impact of the occult on state legitimacy and democratization aid in Africa

- Dirk Kohnert
- 111580: Millenials’ Employer Brand Perception in a German Retail Context

- Daniel Krummel, Patrick Siegfried and Alex Michel
- 111579: Review of International Supply Chain Risk Within Banking Regulations in Asia, US and EU Including Proposals to Improve Cost Efficiency by Meeting Regulatory Compliance

- Vanessa Seipp, Alex Michel and Patrick Siegfried
- 111577: Business Cycle Accounting for the COVID-19 Recession

- Daniel Fernandes
- 111573: Thoughts on the Economic Life of the Tathagata Buddha

- Rakshit Bagde
- 111572: Behavior-based price discrimination and signaling of product quality

- Jianpei Li and Wanzhu Zhang
- 111570: COVID-19 and the GDP fall in Germany: A Business Cycle Accounting Approach

- Christoph Scholl
- 111568: Controlling Chaos in New Keynesian Macroeconomics

- William Barnett, Giovanni Bella, Taniya Ghosh, Paolo Mattana and Beatrice Venturi
- 111567: Monetary Policy and Determinacy: An Inquiry in Open Economy New Keynesian Framework

- William Barnett and Unal Eryilmaz
- 111564: The Role of Romania in the Current European Union Refugee Crisis: is the Country Able to Integrate Asylum Seekers?

- Edina Lilla Mészáros
- 111563: Factors of Purchase Intentions toward Foreign Products: Empirical Evidence from Vietnamese Consumers’ Perspective

- Trinh Bao Trung Nguyen and Cong Minh Huynh
- 111561: Tourism management for financial access in Sub-Saharan Africa: inequality thresholds

- Simplice Asongu, Mushfiqur Rahman, Okeoma Okeke and Afzal Munna
- 111560: COVID-19 Global Pandemic, Financial Development and Financial Inclusion

- Nathanael Ojong and Simplice Asongu
- 111559: Financial determinants of informal financial development in Sub-Saharan Africa

- Simplice Asongu, Valentine Soumtang and Ofeh Edoh
- 111558: Central Banks’ responses to the Covid-19 pandemic: The case of the Bank of Central African States

- Simplice Asongu, Nathanael Ojong and Valentine Soumtang
- 111557: The asymmetric effect of internet access on economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa

- Idris Abdulqadir and Simplice Asongu
- 111556: Unravelling the Mysteries of Underdevelopment in Africa

- Elvis Achuo, Tii Nchofoung, Simplice Asongu and Gildas Dinga
- 111555: The political implication of women and industrialisation in Africa

- Tii Nchofoung, Simplice Asongu and Vanessa Tchamyou
- 111553: On the impact of the occult on state legitimacy and democratization aid in Africa

- Dirk Kohnert
- 111548: Saving and dissaving under Ramsey - Rawls criterion

- Thai Ha-Huy and Thi Tuyet Mai Nguyen
- 111546: Deciding Not To Decide

- Florian Ellsaesser and Guido Fioretti
- 111540: Экономическая теория и формирование человеческих качеств (Economic theory and the formation of human qualities)

- Victor Polterovich
- 111539: Monetary Transmission and Bank Lending Channel under the Currency Board: The Case of Bulgaria, 1999-2010

- Didar Erdinç
- 111538: На пути к общей теории социально-экономического развития: к синтезу двух канонов (On the way to a general theory of socio-economic development: Towards the synthesis of two canons)

- Victor Polterovich
- 111537: Pemodelan Tingkat Suku Bunga Surat Perbendaharaan Negara 3 Bulan (Interest Rate Model of 3-Month Treasury Bill)

- Fadhlul Mubarak, Siti Arni Wulandya, Karlina Seran, Agus M Soleh and Andriansyah Andriansyah
- 111535: Managing Airbnb: A Cross-Jurisdictional Review of Approaches for Regulating the Short-Term Rental Market

- Anna Cameron, Mukesh Khanal and Lindsay Tedds
- 111534: Efficient Regional Taxes in the Presence of Mobile Creative Capital

- Amitrajeet Batabyal and Peter Nijkamp
- 111533: Central bank securities and FX market intervention in a developing economy

- Eli Direye and Tarron Khemraj
- 111532: L’emprise de l'occulte sur la légitimité de l'état et l'aide à la démocratisation en Afrique (The impact of the occult on state legitimacy and aid for democratization in Africa)

- Dirk Kohnert
- 111531: Nonlinearity of Competition-Stability Nexus: Evidence from Bangladesh

- Kumar Debasis Dutta and Mallika Saha
- 111530: Use of digital technologies for HR management in Germany: Survey evidence

- Anastasia Danilov and Marina Chugunova
- 111529: La economía gallega post-COVID (Post-COVID Galician Economics)

- Fernando González Laxe, José Francisco Armesto Pina and Patricio Sánchez-Fernández
- 111528: Network intelligence as a necessity of the new time

- Anastasia Belykh and Oleg Tolstoguzov
- 111527: Quanto conta il modo in cui viene posta la domanda? Un’analisi dell’effetto “framing” sul livello di alfabetizzazione finanziaria in Italia (Does the question wording matter? A study of the framing effect on financial literacy in Italy)

- Giovanna Paladino
- 111524: Government Intervention in the Education Sector and the Consequences of the Privatisation of Education

- Ameya Sathya Kakade
- 111519: Economic and Social Crisis Management Strategies by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in Medina

- Usama Alani
- 111516: Presumptive taxation and firms’ efficiency: an integrated approach for tax compliance analysis

- Giancarlo Ferrara, Arianna Campagna, Valeria Bucci and Vincenzo Atella
- 111515: Fiscal decentralization and efficiency: empirical evidence from Italian municipalities

- Valeria Bucci, Giancarlo Ferrara and Giuliano Resce
- 111511: Agilität über Unternehmensgrenzen hinaus (Agility across Company boundaries)

- Erik Bockhaus-Odenthal and Patrick Siegfried
- 111505: Tentang Penyesuaian Atas Saham Yang Tersedia Di Pasar (On Free Float Shares Adjustment)

- Andriansyah Andriansyah, Basri Pohan and Bayu Husodo
- 111504: Exchange rate and Economic Growth - a comparative analysis of the possible relationship between them

- Subhajit Pramanik
- 111501: The preserving effect of social protection on social cohesion during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from Kenya

- Christoph Strupat
- 111499: An Essay on Labor Supply Decisions and Reference Dependent Preferences

- Subhajit Pramanik
- 111498: Холистичен подход за дефиниране, оценяване и подобряване на конкурентоспособността на земеделските стопанства в България (A holistic framework for defining, evaluating, and improving the competitiveness of agricultural farms in Bulgaria)

- Hrabrin Bachev, Nina Koteva, Bojidar Ivanov, Dilyana Mitova, Ivan Boevski, Dimitar Terziev, Nadejda Dimova, Reneta Dimitrova, Petar Marinov, Daniela Zvyatkova, Angel Sarov, Krasimir Kostenarov and Emilia Yanevska
- 111495: Studie über die Nutzung von Newsfeed-Reader-Apps als Grundlage für Verhaltensdesign (Study about the Usage of Newsfeed Reader Apps Informing Behavioural Design)

- Christina Timko, Malte Niederstadt, Nicholas Schmidt, Carina Deing, Moritz Pohl, Marlon Schulte and Katharina Werbeck
- 111493: Healthcare expenditure progress in Tunisia: a qualitative analysis

- Safa Ismaïl
- 111483: Caesarean section delivery in private and public facilities in Tunisia

- Safa Ismaïl
- 111482: Explaining the nature of economic volatility based on GDP and international trade: a study on China and the United States

- Mallika Saha, Kumar Debasis Dutta and MD. Shafiqul Islam
- 111475: Magic and Witchcraft: Implications for Democratization and Poverty-Alleviating Aid in Africa

- Dirk Kohnert
- 111462: ICT and financial development: Empirical evidence from ASEAN countries

- Quoc Duy Tran and Cong Minh Huynh
- 111461: The Theory of Efficient Growth

- Germinal Van
- 111457: Tiempo de desplazamientos hogar-trabajo en Bélgica: diferencias entre asalariados y autónomos (Home-work commuting time in Belgium: differences between employees and self-employed persons)

- Eva Caudevilla Biota
- 111445: Are the Chinese in Africa More Innovative than the Africans? Comparing Chinese and Nigerian Entrepreneurial Migrants’ Cultures of Innovation

- Dirk Kohnert
- 111439: Economic Integration and Agglomeration of Multinational Production with Transfer Pricing

- Hayato Kato and Hirofumi Okoshi
- 111434: La transmisión intergeneracional de educación: evidencia en América Latina (1870 – 2010) (The Intergenerational Transmission of Education: Evidence from Latin America (1870 - 2010))

- Raúl Claver Sanz
- 111433: In-kind financing during a pandemic: Trade credit and COVID-19

- Jagriti Srivastava and Balagopal Gopalakrishnan
- 111431: Large-scale generalized linear longitudinal data models with grouped patterns of unobserved heterogeneity

- Tomohiro Ando and Jushan Bai
- 111427: Nota metodológica sobre la proyección de exportaciones de productos agro-industriales. Revisión 2020 (Methodological Note on the Projection of Exports of Agri-industrial Products. Review 2020)

- Luis Frank
- 111425: Estimación de elasticidades de demanda de exportaciones por grandes rubros a través de un modelo VARX(p,q) (Estimation of Exports Demand-elasticities of Major Items through a VARX(p,q) Model)

- Luis Frank
- 111424: Nota metodológica sobre la proyección de exportaciones de bienes y servicios reales (Methodological Note on the Projection of Exports of Goods and Real Services)

- Luis Frank
- 111423: Revisión de modelos para la desestacionalización de series mensuales y trimestrales de actividad económica (Review of models for the seasonal adjustment of monthly and quarterly series of economic activity)

- Luis Frank
- 111418: Short-term Prediction of Bank Deposit Flows: Do Textual Features matter?

- Apostolos Katsafados and Dimitris Anastasiou
- 111417: The Ownership of Oil, Democracy, and Iraq’s Past, Present, and Future

- Weshah Razzak
- 111413: Symmetric and asymmetric relationships between renewable energy, oil imports, arms exports, military spending, and economic growth in China

- Slim Ben Youssef
- 111409: Angewandtes Service Engineering für KMU (Applied Service Engineering for SMEs)

- Patrick Siegfried
- 111408: The importance of the service sector for the industry

- Patrick Siegfried
- 111405: The Dark Side of Samsung’s Value Chain: The Human Costs of Cobalt Mining “BLOOD, SWEAT AND COBALT”

- Daniel Krummel and Patrick Siegfried
- 111404: Developing a Sustainable Concept for Urban Last-Mile Delivery

- Patrick Siegfried and John Jiyuan Zhang
- 111403: Child Labour Ethics through the Prism of Utilitarianism and Deontology

- Daniel Krummel and Patrick Siegfried
- 111401: Important Trends and Developments Influencing the Nursing Care

- Annelie Thor and Patrick Siegfried
- 111400: Reasons and Potential Solution Approaches for the Shortage of Nursing Staff in German Hospitals

- Annelie Thor and Patrick Siegfried
- 111398: Digitale Speditionen in der Lebensmittellogistik (Digital freight forwarders in food logistics)

- Viktor Michel and Patrick Siegfried
- 111397: Optimization of Supply Chain Network using Genetic Algorithms based on Bill of materials

- Dennis Kallina and Patrick Siegfried
- 111396: Analyzing Sustainability Issues in Urban Logistics in the Context of Growth of E-Commerce

- Patrick Siegfried, Alex Michel, Jan Tänzler and John Jiyuan Zhang
- 111395: Die Gelegenheiten und Bedrohungen des Omnichannels im Hinblick auf die logistischen Herausforderungen der Möbelbranche (The opportunities and threats of the Omnichannel in terms of the logistical challenges of the Furniture Industry)

- Marisa Sann and Patrick Siegfried
- 111394: Financial Management. Green Bonds – Success or Failure?

- Thomas Hammer and Patrick Siegfried
- 111393: E-commerce Live streaming – An Emerging Industry in China and A Potential Future Trend in the World

- Yang Lu and Patrick Siegfried
- 111390: Optimal H2 Production and Consumption for Improved Utility Operations: Path to Net-Zero Emission Energy Production

- Hamed Haggi, James M. Fenton, Paul Brooker and Wei Sun
- 111389: Central bank digital currency research around the World: a review of literature

- Peterson Ozili
- 111386: Equilibrium and dominance in fuzzy games

- Lina Mallozzi and Juan Vidal-Puga
- 111384: Disruptive Technology of the Banking and Finance Market: Pedagogical guide to its labour design

- Emmanuel Senzu
- 111378: Regulating Credit Booms from Micro and Macro Perspectives

- Toshiaki Ogawa
- 111377: Tourism and Economic Growth in South Asian Countries: Asymmetric Analysis and Lessons for Mitigating the Adverse Effects of Covid-19 Pandemic

- Keshmeer Makun and Tk Jayaraman
- 111372: A Soft Optimization Model to Solve Space Allocation Problems in Breakbulk Terminals

- Masood Jafari Kang, Pooyan Mobtahej, Atefe Sedaghat and Maryam Hamidi
- 111367: Tax Reform and Tax Compliance Behaviour of Companies in Nigeria

- Clement Okeke and Yinka Mashood Saluadeen
- 111361: A Decentralized Central Bank Digital Currency

- Abdurrahman Arum Rahman
- 111359: Repackaging FDI for Inclusive Growth: Nullifying Effects and Policy Relevant Thresholds of Governance

- Isaac Kwesi Ofori and Simplice Asongu
- 111355: Le sort des migrants africains en Chine: L'afrophobie entrave la course de la Chine pour les ressources et les marchés de l'Afrique (African migrants plight in China: Afrophobia impedes China's race for Africa's resources and markets)

- Dirk Kohnert
- 111353: Bibliometric Review of Research in Financial Health

- Jorge Sepulveda Velasquez
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