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59126: Local Determinacy of Prices in an Overlapping Generations Model with Continuous Trading Downloads
Hippolyte d'Albis, Emmanuelle Augeraud-Véron and Herman Jan Hupkes
59124: Ценностные ориентиры воспитания и воспитательные стратегии в семьях поздних переселенцев в Германии (Values in the pedagogic area and education strategies in families of russian germans in Germany) Downloads
Olga Frik
59123: Профессиональная биография и развитие идентичности женщин-поздних переселенок в Германии (The Professional biography and progress of identity of women – russian germans (Spätaussiedlerinnen) in Germany) Downloads
Olga Frik
59122: Некоторые аспекты подготовки менеджеров в сфере международного взаимодействия (Some aspects of preparation of managers in area of the international interoperability) Downloads
Olga Frik
59121: Testing for weak-form efficiency of Crude Palm Oil Spot and Futures Markets: New Evidence from a GARCH Unit Root Test with Multiple Structural Breaks Downloads
Hooi Hooi Lean and Russell Smyth
59120: Effects of Threshold Uncertainty on Common-Pool Resources Downloads
Sara E Adler Mandelbaum
59119: Performance and Performance Persistence of Socially Responsible Investment Funds in Europe and North America Downloads
Hooi Hooi Lean, Wei Rong Ang and Russell Smyth
59117: Demand Model Simulation in R with Endogenous Prices and Unobservable Quality Downloads
Daniel Toro González
59116: The Effect of the Business Cycle on Apprenticeship Training: Evidence from Germany Downloads
Guido Baldi, Imke Brüggemann-Borck and Thore Schlaak
59114: Technological Change and Population Downloads
Joseph Wesson
59112: Did China Tire Safeguard Save U.S. Workers? Downloads
Sunghoon Chung, Joonhyung Lee and Thomas Osang
59111: Globalization and Environment: Can Pollution Haven Hypothesis alone explain the impact of Globalization on Environment? Downloads
Soumyananda Dinda
59110: Intergenerational mobility, composition of human capital and distance to frontier Downloads
Sujata Basu
59109: Vybrané faktory ovlivňující zapojení žen v mikrofinancích (The Selected Factors Influencing the Participation of Women in Microfinance) Downloads
Karel Janda, Quang Van Tran and Pavel Zetek
59107: R & D sector outsourcing, human capital formation and growth in the context of developed versus developing economies Downloads
Sujata Basu
59103: Культурные стандарты в интернациональном менеджменте персонала (Cultural standards in international personal management) Downloads
Olga Frik
59102: Applying knowledge management in university research Downloads
Loh Benjamin, Tang Ai-Chee, Menkhoff Thomas, Hans-Dieter Evers and Chay Yue Wah
59101: Perché il Sud è rimasto indietro? Il Mezzogiorno fra storia e pubblicistica (Why Did the South Fall Behind? The Italian Mezzogiorno between History and Pamphlets) Downloads
Vittorio Daniele and Paolo Malanima
59099: LADE-based inference for ARMA models with unspecified and heavy-tailed heteroscedastic noises Downloads
Ke Zhu and Shiqing Ling
59092: Local Systems’ Strategies Copying with Globalization: Collective Local Entrepreneurship Downloads
Giovanni Covi
59091: Assessing the Political Impacts of a Conditional Cash Transfer: Evidence from a Randomized Policy Experiment in Indonesia Downloads
Tobias Julia, Sudarno Sumarto and Habib Moody
59090: Crop diversification, economic performance and household’s behaviours Evidence from Vietnam Downloads
Huy Nguyen
59082: Least squares estimation for GARCH (1,1) model with heavy tailed errors Downloads
Arie Preminger and Giuseppe Storti
59081: Efficiency of the R&D Sector in the EU-27 at the Regional Level: An Application of DEA Downloads
Aleksander Aristovnik
59079: The puzzle of job search and housing tenure. A reconciliation of theory and empirical evidence Downloads
Andrea Morescalchi
59078: How Risky Is the Choice of a University Major? Downloads
Otto Kässi
59077: Italian industrial districts: a model of success or a weak productive system? Downloads
Daniele Schiliro'
59076: Interregional Inequality and Federal Expenditures and Transfers in Russia Downloads
Alexander Torbenko
59075: Tax Power and Economics Downloads
Fernando Estrada and Jorge Iván González
59074: Strategic Trade Policies with Endogenous Choice of Competition Mode under a Vertical Structure Downloads
Kangsik Choi and Seonyoung Lim
59069: Incentive for adoption of new technology in duopoly under absolute and relative profit maximization Downloads
Masahiko Hattori and Yasuhito Tanaka
59067: Causality and Cointegration between Economic Growth and Energy Consumption: Econometric Evidence from Jordan Downloads
Mohammed Issa Shahateet, Khalid Ali Al-Majali and Fedel Al-Hahabashneh
59066: Rescue costs and financial risk Downloads
Fernando Estrada
59065: Tobacco Consumption Determinants in Russia Downloads
Nosirjon Juraev
59064: Essays on Expectations and the Econometrics of Asset Pricing Downloads
Matthijs Lof
59063: How can trade unionism affect welfare consequences of trade and investment reforms in a developing economy? Downloads
Sarbajit Chaudhuri
59061: Long memory in the ukrainian stock market and financial crises Downloads
Guglielmo Maria Caporale, Luis Gil-Alana, Alex Plastun and Inna Makarenko
59060: Y-a-t-il une discrimination salariale à l'encontre des migrants d'origine Africaine en France ? (Is there any wage discrimination against African migrants in France) Downloads
Nacer-Eddine Hammouda and Ali Souag
59057: Housing Dynamics: Theory Behind Empirics Downloads
Ping Wang and Danyang Xie
59054: Environmental Management in Agriculture – Case of Bulgaria Downloads
Hrabrin Bachev
59053: Schumpeter and the History of Economic Thought Downloads
Fernando Estrada
59052: Why Give it Away When You Need it Yourself? Understanding Public Support for Foreign Aid in China Downloads
Zhiming Cheng and Russell Smyth
59046: A Measure of Early Warning of Exchange-Rate Crises Based on the Hurst Coefficient and the Αlpha-Stable Parameter Downloads
Roman Aguilar, Salvador Cruz-Aké and Francisco Venegas-Martínez
59039: Job-Searching and Job-Matching in a Two-Sector General Equilibrium Model Downloads
Titas Kumar Bandopadhyay
59038: Evolution of the Russian Political Party System under the Influence of Social Conformity: 1993-2011 Downloads
Stephen Coleman
59033: Bottleneck congestion and distribution of work start times: The economics of staggered work hours revisited Downloads
Yuki Takayama
59031: An analysis of anti poaching techniques in Africa: A case of rhino poaching Downloads
Priviledge Cheteni
59030: Zur optimalen Anlagestrategie von Betriebsgewinnen und Privatvermögen (Optimal Investment Strategy of Company Profits and Private Assets) Downloads
Bettina Friedl, Daniel Gull and Theresa Krimm
59029: Barriers and Incentives to Potential Adoption of Biofuels Crops by Smallholder Farmers in the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa Downloads
Priviledge Cheteni, Abbyssinia Mushunje and Amon Taruvinga
59028: Behavioral Finance Downloads
David Hirshleifer
59027: Which economic states are sustainable under a slightly constrained tax-rate adjustment policy Downloads
Jacek Krawczyk and Kenneth Judd
59025: Modeling Systematic Risk and Point-in-Time Probability of Default under the Vasicek Asymptotic Single Risk Factor Model Framework Downloads
Bill Huajian Yang
59022: Economie distrettuali e canali di distribuzione all’estero. Varietà di percorsi delle imprese pesaresi del mobile (Local economies and distribution channels in foreign markets) Downloads
Fabio Musso
59021: The Conservative GST Cut Has Catalyzed Sales Tax Harmonization Downloads
Patrick Grady
59020: Home Production and Small Open Economy Business Cycles Downloads
Kuan-Jen Chen, Angus Chu and Ching-chong Lai
59019: Schumpeter y la Historia del Pensamiento Económico (Schumpeter and the History of Economic Thought) Downloads
Fernando Estrada
59018: Housing market cycles – a disequilibrium model and its application to the primary housing market in Warsaw Downloads
Hanna Augustyniak, Jacek Łaszek, Krzysztof Olszewski and Joanna Waszczuk
59017: Panel analysis of home prices in the primary and secondary market in 17 largest cities in Poland Downloads
Robert Leszczyński and Krzysztof Olszewski
59016: Introduction of innovations during the 2007-8 financial crisis: US companies compared with universities Downloads
James Waters
59014: Capital mobility in the panel GMM framework: Evidence from EU members Downloads
Natalya Ketenci
59013: Capital Mobility in Russia Downloads
Natalya Ketenci
59012: Nepal-Potential Projects in a New Model of Economy Downloads
Alida Paunic
59009: Beauty, Polygyny, and Fertility: Theory and Evidence Downloads
Paul Cahu, Falilou Fall and Roland Pongou
59008: Spurious Regression Downloads
Daniel Ventosa-Santaulària
59005: Spurious Instrumental Variables Downloads
Daniel Ventosa-Santaulària
59002: About winners and losers: the Euro Area example Downloads
Kees De Koning
58992: Teaching business cycles with the IS-TR model Downloads
Juha Tervala
58991: Experts’ Perceptions versus Firms’ Experiences of Corruption and Foreign Direct Investment Downloads
Robert Gillanders and Sinikka Parviainen
58989: An Analysis of Optimal Government Size for Growth: A Case Study of Pakistan Downloads
Shumaila Zareen and Abdul Qayyum
58985: Warfare at sea and profit: Corsairs, institutions and partnership companies Downloads
Emmanouil-Marios-Lazaros Economou, Nicholas Kyriazis and Theodore Metaxas
58983: Value Chains and Global Inequalities: Plantain, Contract Farming, and Vulnerability of the Small-Scale Farmers in Colombia (Discussion Paper) Downloads
Jairo Baquero Melo
58982: Capital Flows and Capital Account Management in Selected Asian Economies Downloads
Abhijit Sen Gupta and Rajeswari Sengupta
58978: Extreme Returns in the European Financial Crisis Downloads
Andreas Chouliaras and Theoharry Grammatikos
58977: Tax Evasion, Tax Policies and the Role Played by Financial Markets Downloads
Shalini Mitra
58975: Force-majeure events and financial market’s behavior Downloads
Alex Plastun and Vyacheslav Plastun
58969: Islamic Finance: Debt versus equity An empirical Issue Downloads
Zubair Hasan
58960: Foreign aid and its impact on governance in Nepal Downloads
Narayan Thapa
58959: Planning and costing of agricultural adaptation with reference to integrated hill farming systems in Nepal Downloads
Bikash Paudel, B B Tamang, Krishna Lamsal and Pratima Paudel
58958: Taking a Community Biodiversity Management Approach to ABS in Local Communities: The Nepal Experience Downloads
Bikash Paudel, Pitambar Shrestha, B B Tamang and Pratap Kumar Shrestha
58957: Empowering Rights-holders and Facilitating Duty-bearers to Secure Farmers’ Rights in Nepal Downloads
Bikash Paudel and Sajal Sthapit
58956: On the Sources of Uncertainty in Exchange Rate Predictability Downloads
Joseph Byrne, Dimitris Korobilis and Pinho Ribeiro
58955: On the composite indicators for food security: Decisions matter! Downloads
Fabio Gaetano Santeramo
58954: The Efficiency of Healthcare Systems in Europe: a Data Envelopment Analysis Approach Downloads
Laura Asandului, Monica Roman and Puiu Fatulescu
58952: A Simple Bargaining Model where Parties Make Errors Downloads
Matthew Van Essen
58948: The Most Fatal 2014 Outbreak of Ebolavirus Disease in Western Africa Downloads
Dr Haradhan Mohajan
58947: Controlling polluting firms: Nash and Stackelberg strategies Downloads
George Halkos and George Papageorgiou
58946: The Volatility and Correlations of Stock Returns of Some Crisis-Hit Countries: US, Greece, Thailand and Malaysia: Evidence from MGARCH-DCC applications Downloads
Abul Masih and Hamdan Abdul Majid
58945: Социоэкономический контроль управленческих объектов (Socioeconomic control of administrative objects) Downloads
Elena Kuznetsova
58944: Trade, Sectorial Reallocation, and Growth Downloads
Pengfei Wang and Danyang Xie
58942: Behavior of Financial Markets Efficiency During the Financial Market Crisis: 2007-2009 Downloads
H. R. Mynhardt, Alex Plastun and Inna Makarenko
58941: The Overreaction Hypothesis: The Case of Ukrainian Stock Market Downloads
H. R. Mynhardt and Alex Plastun
58940: Auctions and Leaks: A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation Downloads
Sven Fischer, Werner Guth, Todd Kaplan and Ro'i Zultan
58936: Effect of Fund Managers' Characteristics on Mutual Funds Performance and Fee in Emerging Market of Paksitan Downloads
Imtiaz Arif and Syed Tehseen Jawaid
58935: Integrating Agricultural Risks Management Strategies in selected EU Partner Countries: Syria, Tunisia, Turkey Downloads
Fabio Gaetano Santeramo, Fabian Capitanio and Felice Adinolfi
58928: Una estrategia de inversión y cobertura mediante la combinación de notas estructuradas (An Investment and Hedging Strategy by Combining Structured Notes) Downloads
Isabel Aguilar-Juárez and Francisco Venegas-Martínez
58924: Proceedings "Competitiveness of agro-food and environmental economy",2013 Downloads
Popescu Gabriel, Istudor Nicolae and Boboc Dan
58920: Gender Differences In Technology Adoption And Welfare Impact Among Nigerian Farming Households Downloads
Adekemi Obisesan
58919: Students' dependence on smart phone and its effect on purchase behavior Downloads
Imtiaz Arif and Wajeeha Aslam
58918: Terrorism and Stock Market Linkages: An Empirical Study from Pakistan Downloads
Imtiaz Arif and Tahir Suleman
58917: How public information affects asymmetrically informed lenders: evidence from credit registry reform Downloads
M. Ali Choudhary and Anil Jain
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