MPRA Paper
From University Library of Munich, Germany Ludwigstraße 33, D-80539 Munich, Germany. Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Joachim Winter (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 54290: Cognitive enhancement. Current status and its impact on improving of the performance of organizations

- Juraj Misun and Ivana Hudakova
- 54289: A Political Economy Perspective on Redistribution and Growth in Transition

- Michael Keane and Eswar Prasad
- 54287: Importance and role of social maturity in the concept of holistic managerial competence

- Jan Porvaznik and Juraj Misun
- 54286: Bayesian Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Conditional Distribution of Earnings of Men in the United States, 1967-1996: Appendices

- John Geweke and Michael Keane
- 54283: Teoretické vymedzenie podnikového emailingu ako nástroja podnikového správania v systéme podnikovej identity (Theoretical definition of corporate emailing as an instrument of the corporate behavior in the system of corporate identity)

- Juraj Misun
- 54282: Skupinové rozhodovanie: metódy podľa renomovaných zahraničných autorov (Group decision making: methods according to the reputable foreign authors)

- Juraj Misun
- 54281: Bayesian Cross-Sectional Analysis of the Conditional Distribution of Earnings of Men in the United States, 1967-1996

- John Geweke and Michael Keane
- 54280: Meranie turbulencie podnikateľského prostredia. Výsledky prieskumu (Measuring of the turbulence of the business environment. Survey results)

- Ivana Misunová Hudaková and Juraj Misun
- 54279: Simulation Based Inference for Dynamic Multinomial Choice Models

- John Geweke, Daniel Houser and Michael Keane
- 54278: Podnikový dizajn vo verejnej správe na príklade švajčiarskeho kantónu Luzern (Corporate design in the public government on the example of the Swiss canton Lucerne)

- Juraj Misun and Ivana Hudakova
- 54277: Syndróm Bore Out – aktuálne poznatky o syndróme unudenia (The Bore Out syndrome – current knowledge)

- Juraj Misun and Ivana Hudakova
- 54275: Competency model as a tool of valuation of management capability

- Juraj Misun
- 54274: Znalosti ako jeden zo zdrojov konkurenčnej výhody (Knowledge as one of the sources of competitive advantage)

- Lubos Misun and Juraj Misun
- 54272: Does Consumer Behaviour on Meat Consumption Increase Obesity? - Empirical Evidence from European Countries

- Hasan Mohammad Monirul
- 54271: Podnikateľský model multiplex a jeho aplikácia na Slovensku (Business model multiplex cinema and its application in Slovakia)

- Juraj Misun
- 54270: Zvyšovanie výkonnosti manažérov a zamestnancov prostredníctvom kognitívneho vylepšenia (Improvement of the performance of managers and employees by cognitive enhancement)

- Juraj Misun and Ivana Misunova Hudakova
- 54268: Model Uncertainty and Intertemporal Tax Smoothing

- Yulei Luo, Jun Nie and Eric Young
- 54267: Rational Inattention in Macroeconomics: A Survey

- Yulei Luo and Eric Young
- 54265: Do Asset Regulations Impede Portfolio Diversification? Evidence from European Life Insurance Funds

- Mohan Bijapur, Manuela Croci and Rida Zaidi
- 54257: Brazil’s Place in the Global Economy

- Arturo Porzecanski
- 54256: Volatility Transmission of Overnight Rate along the Yield Curve in Pakistan

- Asif Mahmood
- 54254: Diszkriminatív áras és egyenáras aukciók (Discriminatory versus uniform-price auctions)

- Zoltán Monostori
- 54253: Magyar szuverén fix kamatozású forintkötvények hozamdekompozíciója (Decomposition of the five-year Hungarian sovereign fixed income forint yields)

- Zoltán Monostori
- 54252: Migration and Inbound Tourism: An Italian Perspective

- Ivan Etzo, Carla Massidda and Romano Piras
- 54250: Estimating multivariate GARCH and stochastic correlation models equation by equation

- Christian Francq and Jean-Michel Zakoian
- 54247: Formalización de Derechos de Propiedad en Mercados Informales: Evidencia desde las Calles (Property Rights in Informal Settings. The Street Labour Market)

- Alejandro Cid and José María Cabrera
- 54246: Социалнопсихологически аспекти на пазарната размяна в институционалната икономика (SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF MARKET EXCHANGE IN INSTITUTIONAL ECONOMICS)

- Teodor Sedlarski
- 54240: Food, Agriculture and Economic Situation of Bangladesh

- Dr Haradhan Mohajan
- 54238: Borrowing Constraints, College Aid, and Intergenerational Mobility

- Eric Hanushek, Charles Leung and Kuzey Yilmaz
- 54237: Inequality, Decomposition of Inequality and Stationarity of State Domestic Product: An Empirical Evidence from Twenty Indian States

- Alok Pandey and Annapurna Dixit
- 54234: Capital Requirements, Banking Supervision and Lending Behavior: Evidence from Tunisia

- Brahim Guizani
- 54232: Estimates of the Price Elasticities of Natural Gas Supply and Demand in the United States

- Vipin Arora
- 54231: Impactos de alterações nas exportações brasileiras de carnes sobre a economia brasileira (Impacts of changes in the Brazilian meat exports on the Brazilian economy)

- Flávia Maria de Mello Bliska and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54230: Exchange rate versus tariff policies in Brazil: results from MIBRA-USP, an interrregional applied general equilibrium model of the Brazilian economy

- Marcelo Theoto Rocha, Joaquim Guilhoto, Patrícia Verônica Pinheiro Sales Lima, Francisco Casimiro Filho and Silvia Helena G. de Miranda
- 54229: Economic landscapes, what are they? An application to the Brazilian economy and to sugar cane complex

- Joaquim Guilhoto, Marta C. Marjotta-Maistro and Geoffrey J. D. Hewings
- 54227: Impact of business environment on investment and output of manufacturing firms in Senegal

- Youssoupha Diagne
- 54226: A importância do setor sucroalcooleiro e suas relações com a estrutura produtiva da economia (The importance of the sugar cane and alcohol sector and its relationships with the economic structure of Brazil)

- Maria Cristina Marjotta-Maistro and Joaquim Guilhoto
- 54225: A distribuição setorial do PIB do agronegócio brasileiro (The sectoral distribution of the Brazilian agribusiness GDP)

- Joaquim Guilhoto and Maria Cristina Ortiz Furtuoso
- 54223: The globalization process and the productive structure of the Brazilian economy in the 1990s: an input-output approach

- Joaquim Guilhoto, Cleise M. A. Tupich Hilgemberg and Emerson M. Hilgemberg
- 54222: Gender Equality in Education, Health Care, and Employment: Evidence from Vietnam

- Cuong Nguyen
- 54219: Exchange rate regime and household's choice of debt

- Neven Vidaković
- 54218: National or international public funding? Subsidies or loans? Evaluating the innovation impact of R&D support programmes

- Elena Huergo and Lourdes Moreno
- 54216: Impact of Provincial Rural Roads on Inclusive Development: Evidence from Vietnam

- Nga Dao, Tim McGrath and Cuong Nguyen
- 54214: Why didn't economists predict the Great Depression?

- Leon Taylor
- 54209: Assessment of Natural Disasters in Vietnam’s Northern Mountains

- Trang Do, Cuong Nguyen and Tung Phung
- 54208: The theory of money supply: a case study

- Leon Taylor
- 54207: Achievements and challenges in the progress of reaching millennium development goals of Vietnam

- Vinh Dang, Trang Do, Cuong Nguyen, Thu Phung and Tung Phung
- 54205: Central bank independence, policies and reforms: addressing political and economic linkages

- Marianne Ojo
- 54202: Dezvoltarea regională şi planificarea teritorială în contextul noii politici de coeziune (2014-2020) (Regional development and territorial programming in context of new cohesion policy (2014-2020))

- Daniela Antonescu and Florina Popa
- 54201: Distribution Theory of the Least Squares Averaging Estimator

- Chu-An Liu
- 54198: Model Averaging in Predictive Regressions

- Chu-An Liu and Biing-Shen Kuo
- 54195: New CNB measures to stimulate credit growth: problems and solutions

- Neven Vidaković and Dušan Zbašnik
- 54191: IMPACT of Internal Migration on Political Participation in TURKEY

- Ali Akarca and Aysıt Tansel
- 54190: Economic Development, Inequality and Climate Change in Vietnam

- Vinh Dang, Trang Do, Cuong Nguyen, Thu Phung and Tung Phung
- 54189: A Comparison of VaR Estimation Procedures for Leptokurtic Equity Index Returns

- Malay Bhattacharyya and Siddarth Madhav R
- 54187: The Impact of Recentralization on Public Services: A Difference-in-Differences Analysis of the Abolition of Elected Councils in Vietnam

- Edmund Malesky, Cuong Nguyen and Anh Tran
- 54186: Was There a Contagion during the Asian Crises?

- Hossein Kazemi and Ayla Ogus Binatli
- 54185: Stock Market Volatility, Speculative Short Sellers and Weekend Effect: International Evidence

- Hossein Kazemi, Weili Zhai, Jibao He and Jinghan Cai
- 54183: El impacto de la educación temprana en el mediano plazo (Medium term effect of early Child-care)

- Rafael Sanchez, Eugenio Rojas and Zapata Isidora
- 54182: Nota metodológica: a construção da matriz insumo-produto utilizando dados preliminares das contas nacionais (Methodological note: construction of the input-output matrix using preliminary data from national accounts)

- Joaquim Guilhoto, Umberto Antonio Sesso Filho, Ricardo Lopes, Cleise M. A. Tupich Hilgemberg and Emerson M. Hilgemberg
- 54179: Economic growth x environment: forecasts for the Brazilian economy and its 5 macro regions, 2002 to 2012

- Joaquim Guilhoto, Ricardo Lopes and Ronaldo Seroa da Motta
- 54178: Naxal problem in India an economic analysis

- Raj Pradhan
- 54177: Amplitude-Duration-Persistence Trade-off Relationship for Long Term Bear Stock Markets

- Ziran Li, Jiajing Sun and Shouyang Wang
- 54173: Migration and Outbound Tourism: Evidence From Italy

- Ivan Etzo, Carla Massidda and Romano Piras
- 54171: Rosenthal's potential and a discrete version of the Debreu--Gorman Theorem

- Nikolai Kukushkin
- 54163: The Unbalanced Physical Movements of International Trade

- Haiyang Liu
- 54162: An Empirical Test of Money Demand in Thailand from 1993 to 2012

- Komain Jiranyakul and Timothy Opiela
- 54158: Predicting risk of credit default using discriminant aproach:A study of tribal dairy darmers from Jharkhand

- Sinha Mk and Dhaka Jp
- 54155: Incidence and impacts of clinical mastitis in dairy cattle farms: case of Maharastra farmers

- Sinha Mk and Thombare Nn
- 54154: Impact of Micro-credit on Poverty and Inequality: The Case of the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies

- Cuong Nguyen, David Bigman, Marrit Van den Berg and Thieu Vu
- 54152: Assessment of the National Targeted Programmes for Poverty Reduction in Vietnam

- Tim McGrath, Cuong Nguyen and White Pamela
- 54151: Participatory and Pro-Poor Local Contribution Mechanisms in Poverty Reduction Program: Evidence from Vietnam

- Tim McGrath, Cuong Nguyen and White Pamela
- 54150: A Principal Component Approach to Measuring Investor Sentiment in China

- Haiqiang Chen, Terence Tai Leung Chong and Yingni She
- 54149: Revisiting the Performance of MACD and RSI Oscillators

- Terence Tai Leung Chong, Wing-Kam Ng and Venus Liew
- 54148: Uttar Pradesh: State Economy (AT A Glance)

- Alok Pandey
- 54146: Price Limits and Stock Market Volatility in China

- Dingyan Wang, Terence Tai Leung Chong and Wing Chan
- 54141: Training Strategically Improves Human Resource (HR) Productivity in Academic Institutions of Pakistan

- Asim Nasar, Muhammad Usman Aleem and Gobind M. Herani
- 54140: Firms’ Performance, Employment and Poverty during the Economic Slowdown Period in Vietnam

- Chau Le, Cuong Nguyen Viet, Thao Nguyen, Thuy Nguyen and Tung Phung
- 54139: An "Image Theory" of RPM

- Roman Inderst and Sebastian Pfeil
- 54137: Consumer price indices and the identification problem

- Mark Courtney
- 54135: A short-but-efficient test for overconfidence and prospect theory. Experimental validation

- David Peon, Anxo Calvo and Manel Antelo
- 54134: Digit Ratio Measurement Guide

- Levent Neyse and Pablo Brañas-Garza
- 54133: NGOs, from the Promotion of Civic Participation to Public Problems Solving

- Amin Banae Babazadeh and Kamran Golmohammadpoor Azar
- 54131: Consumer Loans in Cambodia: Implications on Banking Stability

- Channarith Meng
- 54130: Formal and informal volunteering and health across European countries

- Damiano Fiorillo and Nunzia Nappo
- 54129: Modeling the Transition Towards Renminbi's Full Convertibility: Implications for China’s Growth

- Luigi Bonatti and Andrea Fracasso
- 54125: What do Italian consumers know about Economic Data? An analysis based on the ISTAT Consumers Survey

- Enrico Giovannini and Marco Malgarini
- 54124: A gravity model of virtual water trade

- Andrea Fracasso
- 54123: Decentralization and the Welfare State: What Do Citizens Perceive?

- Luis Diaz-Serrano and Andrés Rodríguez-Pose
- 54122: The Structure and Growth of World Trade, and the Role of Europe in the Global Economy

- Shamnaaz Sufrauj, Stefano Schiavo and Massimo Riccaboni
- 54119: Weather and stock markets: empirical evidence from Portugal

- Pedro Silva and Liliana Almeida
- 54118: Does inequality affect the consumption patterns of the poor? – The role of “status seeking” behaviour

- Sugata Marjit, Sattwik Santra and Koushik Kumar Hati
- 54117: Los fondos estructurales europeos y el desarrollo regional: balance de una década desde la perspectiva española (European structural funds and regional development: evaluating a decade from the Spanish perspective)

- Pascual Fernandez
- 54116: Timing of Investment in LPG Pipelines in Mexico

- Dagobert Brito and Juan Rosellon

- Dagobert Brito and Juan Rosellon
- 54114: A Phillips Curve for the Dominican Republic

- Alexis Cruz-Rodriguez
- 54113: An Empirical Analysis of Halifax Municipal Water Consumption

- Thomas Fullerton, Katherine White, Wm. Doyle Smith and Adam G. Walke
- 54111: Economic Reforms and Gender-based Wage Inequality in the Presence of Factor Market Distortions

- Sarbajit Chaudhuri and Somasree Roychowdhury
- 54109: Corporate Bankruptcies in Czech Republic, Slovakia, Croatia and Serbia

- Karel Janda and Anna Rakicova
- 54108: Odhad nákladů na podporu české fotovoltaické energie (The Estimation of the Cost of Promotion of the Czech Photovoltaic Energy)

- Karel Janda, Stepan Krska and Jan Prusa
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