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75135: Mobile Phone Expansion, Informal Risk Sharing, and Consumption Smoothing: Evidence from Rural Uganda Downloads
Kazushi Takahashi
75133: Trade Openness-Carbon Emissions Nexus: The Importance of Turning Points of Trade Openness for Country Panels Downloads
Muhammad Shahbaz, Samia Tavares, Khalid Ahmed and Shawkat Hammoudeh
75123: Decomposing the Gender Wage Gap Across the Wage Distribution: South Korea in 2003 vs. 2013 Downloads
Nikolas Tromp
75122: External Debt and Domestic Debt impact on the growth of the Nigerian Economy Downloads
Umaru Aminu, Hamidu Ahmad Aminu and Musa Salihu
75121: Asian Giants' Fossil Fuel Dependence and the Challenge of Low Carbon Growth: Contrasting Performance of Clean Energy Development, Trade and Investment Downloads
Varinder Jain
75113: Fiscal Requirements for Price Stability in Economies with Private Provision of Liquidity and Unemployment Downloads
Pedro Gomis-Porqueras
75112: Education and Earnings nexus in Zimbabwe after the 2005-2008 hyper-inflationary period: An empirical analysis Downloads
Musharavati Munyanyi
75111: The term structure of psychological discount rate: characteristics and functional forms Downloads
Aboudou Ouattara and Hubert de La Bruslerie
75107: Economics and How Obama Could Have Lost the 2016 Election Too Downloads
Cheng Wu
75100: Information Disclosure and Cooperation in a Finitely-repeated Dilemma: Experimental Evidence Downloads
Kenju Kamei
75096: The Effects of Secondary Markets and Unsecured Credit on Inflation Dynamics Downloads
Begona Dominguez and Pedro Gomis-Porqueras
75091: On the Effectiveness of Inflation Targeting: Evidence from a Semiparametric Approach Downloads
Omid Ardakani, N Kishor and Suyong Song
75089: The Role of Knowledge Economy in African Business Downloads
Vanessa Tchamyou
75087: Tourism and Globalization: A Trade Theoretic Approach Downloads
Jean-Jacques Nowak, Sylvain Petit and Mondher Sahli
75086: Panel data analysis in Tourism Research Downloads
Neelu Seetaram and Sylvain Petit
75083: Tourism and Globalization: The International Division of Tourism Production Downloads
Jean-Jacques Nowak, Sylvain Petit and Mondher Sahli
75082: Do some teams consistently underperform against same opponents? - The curious case of the Croatian football league Downloads
Tomislav Globan and Ed Jägers
75080: Destination performance: Introducing the utility function in the mean-variance space Downloads
Linjia Zhang, Laurent Botti and Sylvain Petit
75067: The Thermo-Economic 'Progress' of Social/Global Poverty Downloads
Stephen Ternyik
75065: Water Conservation Behavior and Environmental Concerns Downloads
Maria Carmela Aprile and Damiano Fiorillo
75062: Disability: A Brief Conceptual Overview Downloads
Anooja Chacko
75057: A real-time measure of business conditions in Malta Downloads
Reuben Ellul Dimech
75055: DEZVOLTAREA ECONOMICĂ REGIONALĂ A ROMÂNIEI ÎN PERIOADA DE TRANZIȚIE (Regional economic development policy in Romania in transition period) Downloads
Daniela Antonescu
75053: Liberalization of Trade with Leading Trade Partners: Some Evidence from Bosnia and Herzegovina Downloads
Safet Kurtovic, Blerim Halili and Nehat Maxhuni
Sayef Bakari
75048: Enhancing ICT for Inclusive Human Development in Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Sara le Roux
75047: Welfare Spending and Quality of Growth in Developing Countries: A Note on Evidence from Hopefuls, Contenders and Best Performers Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
75046: Mobile Phone Innovation and Inclusive Human Development: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Simplice Asongu, Agyenim Boateng and Raphael Akamavi
75045: Positivistic models of long-run labor allocation dynamics Downloads
Denis Stijepic
75044: Linkages between Formal Institutions, ICT Adoption and Inclusive Human Development in Sub Saharan Africa Downloads
Antonio Andres, Voxi Heinrich Amavilah and Simplice Asongu
75043: Reducing Information Asymmetry with ICT: A critical review of loan price and quantity effects in Africa Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Sara le Roux
75041: Price Levels across Russian Regions Downloads
Konstantin Gluschenko and Maria Karandashova
75040: Corporate Social Responsibility: A Review on definitions, core characteristics and theoretical perspectives Downloads
Hamidu Ahmad Aminu, Haron Md. Harashid and Amran Azlan
75037: Climate change impacts: Understanding the synergetic interactions using graph computing Downloads
George Halkos and Kyriaki Tsilika
75035: ASEAN- India free trade agreement: an assessment of merchandise exports and imports Downloads
Anil Varma
75032: Изследване на устойчивостта на земеделските стопанства в България (A study on sustainability of Bulgarian agricultural farms) Downloads
Hrabrin Bachev
75030: Ordinal Space, Utility, and Consumer Demand: A Clarifying Note Downloads
C-Rene Dominique
75027: First Stochastic Dominance and Risk Measurement Downloads
Cuizhen Niu, Wing-Keung Wong and Lixing Zhu
75025: A natural language generation approach to support understanding and traceability of multi-dimensional preferential sensitivity analysis in multi-criteria decision making Downloads
David Wulf and Valentin Bertsch
75022: The DDT Effect: The case of Economic Growth, Public Debt and Democracy Relationship Downloads
Philip Adom
75017: Pakistan's productivity performance and TFP trends 1980-2015: Cause for real concern Downloads
Rashid Amjad and Namra Awais
75013: Do people gamble more in good times? Evidence from 27 European countries Downloads
Eduard Baumohl and Eva Výrostová
75008: الإدارة العامة: كيف يمكن الإفلات من لعنة أمراضها؟ (Public Administration diseases: How can we escape from its curse?) Downloads
Benzarour Choukri
75002: On the Third Order Stochastic Dominance for Risk-Averse and Risk-Seeking Investors with Analysis of their Traditional and Internet Stocks Downloads
Raymond H. Chan, Ephraim Clark and Wing-Keung Wong
75001: Heterogeneity in Guessing Games: An Experiment Downloads
Tianwei Liu
74998: Plaidoyer pour une autre approche des politiques climatiques: De la poursuite de l’intérêt propre à l’introduction du principe de responsabilité (For another approach to climate policy: From the pursuit of self interest to holding emitters responsible) Downloads
Etienne Billette de Villemeur and Justin Leroux
74997: Las tres Is de la pobreza multidimensional en Nicaragua y el diferencial de género en los primeros quince años del siglo XXI, a partir de un enfoque centrado en la persona (The three I’s of multidimensional poverty in Nicaragua and the gender differentials over the first fifteen years of the XXI century, an individual-based approach) Downloads
José Espinoza-Delgado and Julio López-Laborda
74995: Les déterminants de la pauvreté non-monétaire en République Démocratique du Congo (Determinants of the no monetary poverty in democratic Republic of Congo) Downloads
Konde Konde
74993: Analyse de la pauvreté multidimensionnelle en République Démocratique du Congo: une approche non monétaire par les capabilités (Analysis of multidimensional poverty in Democratic Republic of Congo: a non-monetary approach of capabilities) Downloads
Konde Konde
74986: An Updated Assessment of Oil Market Disruption Risks Downloads
Phillip Beccue and Hillard Huntington
74982: Fraud Detection, Conservatism and Political Economy of Whistle Blowing Downloads
Peterson Ozili
74979: Towards a more efficient railway: The Beesley lecture Downloads
Richard Price
74978: Socioeconomic Cleavages between Workers from New Member States and Host-country Labour Forces in the EU during the Great Recession Downloads
Martin Guzi and Martin Kahanec
74977: Governance, funding and finance for major infrastructure projects: bridging the gaps Downloads
Richard Price
74976: The Social Cost of Carbon and the Shadow Price of Carbon: what they are, and how to use them in economic appraisal in the UK Downloads
Richard Price, Simeon Thornton and Stephen Nelson
74975: Appropriate Exchange Rate Regime for economic structure of Pakistan Downloads
Faran Ali, Dawood Mamoon and Naveed Tahir
74973: Демографски предизвикателства – как да подготвим качествен човешки капитал при спазване правата на човека и основните свободи? (Demographic challenges - how to prepare quality human capital while respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms?) Downloads
Eduard Marinov
74972: Политически детерминанти на икономическата интеграция (Political Determinants of Economic Integration) Downloads
Eduard Marinov
74971: Economic Partnership Agreements and the Complex Framework of Regional Integration in Africa Downloads
Eduard Marinov
74970: Economic Effects of Open Access to Scientific Publications Downloads
Eduard Marinov
74969: Търговски отношения на държавите от Югоизточна Европа с Африка (Trade relations between South East European countries and Africa) Downloads
Eduard Marinov
74968: The economic and social costs of crime Downloads
Sam Brand and Richard Price
74965: Do Remittances Cause Dutch Disease in Resource Poor Countries of Central Asia? Downloads
Igor Eromenko
74963: Issue of Income Inequality under the perceptive of Macroeconomic Instability: An Empirical Analysis of Pakistan Downloads
Amjad Ali
74962: A Binomial Tree to Price European and American Options Downloads
Athos Brogi
74960: Zukunft der Gesundheitsversorgung – Leistungskatalog „Elementar+“ (Future of Health Services - basic package "Elementar+") Downloads
Axel Kern
74959: Bedeutung der Komplementärmedizin mit Fokus auf Homöopathie und Anthroposophische Medizin in Baden-Württemberg (Importance of Complimentary Medicine regarding Homoeopathy and Anthroposophic Medicine in the State of Baden-Württemberg) Downloads
Axel Kern
74958: Marketing und Soziale Arbeit. Mehrwert für dezidive und assistive Kunden und die soziale Einrichtung (Marketing and Social Work. Benefit for decisive and assistant clients and the social institution) Downloads
Perpetua Schmid and Axel Kern
74954: Cattle farmers’ perceptions of risk and risk management strategies Downloads
Kinfe Bishu, Seamus O'Reilly, Edward Lahiff and Bodo Steiner
74949: Group preferences over social risk: does (group) size matter? Downloads
Andrea Morone and Tiziana Temerario
74946: Does Financial Development Intensify Energy Consumption in Saudi Arabia? Downloads
Mantu Kumar, M Suresh Babu, Nanthakumar Loganathan and Muhammad Shahbaz
74944: Quel niveau de transformation économique pour réduire les inégalités de revenu en Afrique ? (What level of economic transformation for income inequality alleviation in Africa?) Downloads
Edém Djahini and Kokou Ayassou
74943: Online Labour Index: Measuring the Online Gig Economy for Policy and Research Downloads
Otto Kässi and Vili Lehdonvirta
74941: Characterizing Life Insurance Marketing: Clients' Perspectives Downloads
Reena Beth Sorizo, Filjhon Densing, Regine Tura and Garnette Mae Balacy
74938: Current Issues of the Sukuk Market and Using Sukuk for the Global Infrastructure Projects Downloads
Arif Orçun Söylemez
74935: The Historical “Roots” of U.S. Energy Price Shocks Downloads
Hillard Huntington
74928: Distributional Neutral Welfare Ranking-Extending Pareto Principle Downloads
Sugata Marjit and Sandip Sarkar
74925: Financial Intermediation Chains in an OTC Market Downloads
Ji Shen, Bin Wei and Hongjun Yan
74924: Exchange Rate Policy and Sovereign Bond Spreads in Developing Countries Downloads
Samir Jahjah, Bin Wei and Zhanwei Yue
74922: Do Seasonal Adjustments Induce Noncausal Dynamics in Inflation Rates? Downloads
Alain Hecq, Sean Telg and Lenard Lieb
74921: Debt Financing and Post-Privatization Performance of Firms: The Case of Nigerian Listed Firms Downloads
Ojonugwa Usman, Ihedioha O. Uwadiegwu and Joseph O. Olorunmolu
74919: Mathematical model of the economic trend Downloads
Alexei Krouglov
74918: A Global Voice for Survival: An Ecosystemic Approach for the Environment and the Quality of Life Downloads
André Pilon
74914: El crecimiento económico desde y para los territorios. Una revisión de la infraestructura institucional para la participación de las comunidades en el diseño de sus proyectos económicos (Economic growth from and to the territories. A review of the institutional infrastructure for community participation in the design of their economic projects) Downloads
Cristian Orlando Trujillo Castro
74913: The role of innovation transfer mechanisms in economic development: perspectives and legal approach Downloads
Wilson Enrique Amaya Muñoz, Brayan Alexander Barón Ortegón and Isis Catalina Páramo Herrera
74912: Environmental human rights issues on international investment arbitration and economic development: perspectives and legal approach Downloads
Wilson Enrique Amaya Muñoz, Brayan Alexander Barón Ortegón, Isis Catalina Páramo Herrera and Antonio José Martínez Castellanos
74909: Mixed Strategies in Games with Ambiguity Averse Agents Downloads
Evan Calford
74908: Composition of Capital and Gains from Trade in Equipment Downloads
Piyusha Mutreja
74905: The European refugee crisis and the natural rate of output Downloads
Katja Heinisch and Klaus Wohlrabe
74904: The myth of economic growth in the United States Downloads
Kees De Koning
74901: Asset Prices, Real Exchange Rate and Current Account Fluctuations: Some Structural VAR Evidence for Thailand Downloads
Komain Jiranyakul
74893: The Role of the Private Sector under Insecure Property Rights Downloads
Yohei Tenryu
74891: Bring your own device philosophy from the user's perspective: an empirical investigation Downloads
Panos Chountalas and Athanasios Karagiorgos
74889: Perú: Lecciones de la recesión de 2008-2009 (Peru: Lessons from the recession of 2008-2009) Downloads
Oscar Dancourt and Renzo Jiménez Sotelo
74888: Self Image and Environmental Attitude and Behavior Downloads
Damiano Fiorillo and Luigi Senatore
74887: Price Comovement Between Biodiesel and Natural Gas Downloads
Karel Janda and Jakub Kourilek
74885: Description of Biofuels and Shale Gas Development Downloads
Karel Janda and Jakub Kourilek
74884: Market viability of photovoltaic plants: merit order effect approach Downloads
Karel Janda and Ladislav Tuma
74883: Impact of solar production on Czech electricity grid system imbalance Downloads
Karel Janda and Ladislav Tuma
74881: International R&D Funding and Patent Collateral in an R&D-Growth Model Downloads
We-Chi Huang, Ping-Ho Chen and Ching-chong Lai
Page updated 2025-03-25
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