MPRA Paper
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- 77077: The Role of Telecommunication over the Economic Development of Bangladesh

- Sajjad Hossine Sharif
- 77076: Analisis Faktor-Faktor Sikap Yang Membentuk Niat Mahasiswa Menjadi Teknopreneur (The Analysis of Attitude Factors on Students to Become Entrepreneur)

- Iwan Sidharta and Rahmahwati Sidh
- 77075: Perception of Work and Commitment toward Employee Satisfaction on Non-Ministerial Government Agencies in Bandung Indonesia

- Aan Hardiyana, Maulana Yusup and Iwan Sidharta
- 77073: Capacidades Locales: Una propuesta de política pública para la promoción de capacidades locales y la disminución de la pobreza, la desigualdad y la vulnerabilidad de la población del municipio de Puerto López (Local Capabilities: a public policy proposal for the promotion of local capacity and the reduction of poverty, inequality and vulnerability of the population of the municipality of Puerto López)

- Dorian Leon, Jose Moreno Castellanos and Lorena Lascarro
- 77072: New ways to slice the pie: Span of control and wage and salary distribution within firms

- Eric Kemp-Benedict
- 77068: Economic Valuation of Rural Wetlands and Household Food Security: A Case Study from the North-West Bangladesh

- Syed Wadood and Ayub Ali
- 77060: How the U.S. financial crisis could have been averted

- Kees De Koning
- 77059: The Perils of Modelling How Migration Responds to Climate Change

- Bo Feng, Mark Partridge and Mark Rembert
- 77058: The shale revolution and entrepreneurship: an assessment of the relationship between energy sector expansion and small business entrepreneurship in US counties

- Alexandra Tsvetkova and Mark Partridge
- 77056: PERSEPSI MAHASISWA AKUNTANSI MENGENAI FAKTOR-FAKTOR PEMILIHAN PROFESI (Studi PERSEPSI MAHASISWA AKUNTANSI MENGENAI FAKTOR-FAKTOR PEMILIHAN PROFESI (Studi Emperis pada Mahasiswa Akuntansi di Perguruan Tinggi di Medan-Sumatera Utara) pada Mahasiswa Akuntansi di Perguruan Tinggi di Medan-Sumatera Utara) (THE PERCEPTION OF ACCOUNTING STUDENTS ABOUT THE FACTORS WHICH OF CAREER SELECTION (Emperis Studi: Accounting Students in Medan-North Sumatera))

- Herti Diana Hutapea
- 77055: Cognitive abilities and sustainable development: a global analysis

- Mastura Solieva
- 77038: Pengaruh Good Corporate Governance (GCG) dan Struktur Modal Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan dengan kinerja Keuangan Sebagai Variabel Mediasi (Studi Pada Perusahaan Manufaktur yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia) (Analysis The Influence of Good Corporate Governance and Capital Structure to Firm Value With Financial Performance as Intervening Variable (Study at Manufacturing Companies that Listed at Indonesia Stock Exchange))

- Meilinda Stefani Harefa
- 77037: Pengaruh Citra Merek Dan Kualitas Layanan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Melalui Minat Beli (Studi Kasus Pada KASKUS) (Influence of Brand Image And Quality Service Through the Buying Decision Against Interests Buy (Case Study On KASKUS))

- Bantu Tampubolo and Martin Purba
- 77033: Action revision, information and collusion in an experimental duopoly market

- Nilanjan Roy
- 77032: The Framework of Tunisian Textile and Clothing Industry

- Montassar Kahia
- 77031: EQUILIBRIUM UNEMPLOYMENT AS A WORKER INSURANCE DEVICE. Wage setting in worker owned enterprises

- Marina Albanese, Cecilia Navarra and Ermanno Tortia
- 77029: Dividend Taxes, Household Heterogeneity, and the US Great Depression

- Lunan Jiang
- 77027: A Power Booster Factor for Out-of-Sample Tests of Predictability

- Pablo Pincheira
- 77026: L’islamisme Politique: Echec de Gouvernance et Chute Inévitable (Political Islamism: Failure of Governance and Inevitable Fall)

- Mohamed Ali Trabelsi
- 77025: Child Nutrition Outcomes of Market Participation of Smallholder Farmers in Central Ethiopia

- Leykun Demeke and Jemma Haji
- 77024: Econometric analysis of factors affecting market participation of smallholder farming in Central Ethiopia

- Leykun Demeke and Jemma Haji
- 77023: On development paths minimizing the structural change costs in the three-sector framework and an application to structural policy

- Denis Stijepic
- 77022: Men and Women Are Equally Effective Leaders

- Krisztina Timko
- 77021: Gender, Communication Styles, and Leader Effectiveness

- Krisztina Timko
- 77019: Les Institutions de Microcrédit et la Lutte Contre la Pauvreté: L’initiative d’Enda Interarabe en Tunisie (Microcredit Institutions and the Battle Against Poverty: The Pan-Arab Enda Initiative in Tunisia)

- Mohamed Ali Trabelsi and Jameleddine Chichti
- 77017: Creación de Comunidades (CoP) y Redes de Práctica docentes (NoPs) para mejorar el aprendizaje activo en el contexto universitario (Creation of teaching Communities (CoP) and Networks of Practice (NoP) for enhancing active learning in the University context)

- María Gil-Izquierdo, Nadia Fernández-Pinedo and Adriana Pérez-Encinas
- 77015: What Have We Learned? Assessing the Effectiveness of Counterterrorism Strategies in Pakistan

- Faiz Rehman, Muhammad Nasir and Muhammad Shahbaz
- 77014: Nexus between defense expenditure and economic growth in BRIC economies: An empirical investigation

- Devi Prasad Dash, Debi Prasad Bal and Manoranjan Sahoo
- 77013: Analisis Perbandingan Respons Time Squid Proxy Pada Windows Server dan Linux Server (An Analysis Comparative of Response Time Squid Proxy on Windows Server and Linux Server)

- Parulian Sirait
- 77008: Representation and Social Regret in Risk-Taking

- Doruk İriş
- 77007: Government Debt and Wealth Inequality: Theory and Insights from Altruism

- Moustafa Chatzouz
- 77004: Economic crisis and the unemployment effect on household food expenditure: The case of Spain

- Manel Antelo, Pilar Magdalena and Juan Reboredo
- 77001: Participative Management, Organizational Procedures and Organizational Commitment in Higher Education Institutions

- Ryan Dale Elnar
- 76998: Determinantes del Desempleo en la República Dominicana: Dinámica Temporal y Microsimulaciones (Determinants of Unemployment in the Dominican Republic: Temporal Dynamics and Microsimulations)

- Nerys Ramírez Mordán
- 76996: Determinantes de la Pobreza y Vulnerabilidad Social en República Dominicana. 2000-2012 (Determinants of Poverty and Social Vulnerability in the Dominican Republic. 2000-2012)

- Nerys Ramírez Mordán
- 76995: Spatial pattern of Russia’s market integration

- Konstantin Gluschenko
- 76994: Persistencia estadística de la inflación y cambio de régimen:El caso de la República Dominicana 1984-2011 (Statistical Persistence of Inflation and Regime Change: The Case of the Dominican Republic from 1984-2011)

- Nerys Ramírez Mordán
- 76993: Measuring Organizational Commitment and Occupational Stress of Pakistani Doctors: Comparing Lahore and Karachi Public Hospitals in Gender Perspective

- Syeda Zufiesha Zehra, Beenish Zehra, Fakhr-un Nisa, Syed Zain Ali, Syeda Hira Zehra and Marium Ather
- 76992: Incidental emotions and risk-taking: An experimental analysis

- Annarita Colasante, Matteo M. Marini and Alberto Russo
- 76991: Impact of Organizational Culture on the Indian I.T Workforce's Job Satisfaction and Stress: Qualitative Report from SMEs operating in Trivandruam

- Sree Lekshmi Sreekumaran Nair and Steve Sommerville
- 76987: Breve aproximación a la Pobreza Multidimensional a partir del enfoque de capacidades de Amartya Sen (Brief Multidimensional approximation to Poverty from the capabilities approach of Amartya Sen)

- Dorian Fernando León Tamayo and Miller Gonzalez
- 76984: ثلاثية الابداع ومدى فاعلية المسؤولية الاجتماعية لبعض المؤسسات الكبرى بقطاع غزة: الواقع وسيناريو المستقبل (The Triple Helix and Social Responsibility Effective for some large Institution in Gaza Strip)

- Mahmoud Sabra and Samar Haroun
- 76983: Intergovernmental transfers and regional income inequalities in Uruguay

- Leonel Muinelo-Gallo, Adrián Rodriguez-Miranda and Pablo Castro-Scavone
- 76982: Older entrepreneurs-by-necessity using fuzzy set methods: differences between developed and developing countries

- José Alberto Molina, Raquel Ortega and Jorge Velilla
- 76981: Feminization of entrepreneurship in developing countries

- José Alberto Molina, Raquel Ortega and Jorge Velilla
- 76980: University Students and Entrepreneurship. Some insights from a population-based survey

- Francesco Ferrante, Daniela Federici and Valentino Parisi
- 76974: The Impact of The Sovereign Debt Crisis on The Eurozone Countries

- Mohamed Ali Trabelsi
- 76970: Improving competitiveness and trade balance of Greek economy: a coopetitive strategy model

- David Carfì and Schiliro' Daniele
- 76967: Determinants of Money Demand for India in Presence of Structural Break: An Empirical Analysis

- Sakshi Aggarwal
- 76964: Spatial Price Discrimination and Privatization on Vertically Related Markets

- Konstantinos Eleftheriou and Nickolas Michelacakis
- 76961: Assessing the level of cross-border fuel tourism

- Sean Kennedy, Sean Lyons, Edgar Morgenroth and Keith Walsh
- 76960: Анализа на ефектите од економската криза во Грција врз Македонската економија (Study on the Effects of The Greek Economic Crisis on The Macedonian Economy)

- Borce Trenovski and Hristijan Risteski
- 76956: Microeconomic Impact of Remittances on Household Welfare: Evidences from Bangladesh

- Syed Wadood and Md. Amzad Hossain
- 76954: Les Nouveaux Modèles de Décision dans le Risque et l’Incertain: Quel Apport ? (The New Models of Decision Under Risk or Uncertainty: What Approach?)

- Mohamed Ali Trabelsi
- 76935: Адаптация к обязательствам члена ВТО в сфере продовольственной помощи населению: создание в России специфической региональной инфраструктуры (Adapting to the obligations of WTO members in the sphere of food aid to the population: the creation of specific regional infrastructure in Russia)

- Виктор Стукач and Наталья Старовойтова
- 76931: ‘Private sector’ Emiratisation: job satisfaction and sociocultural influences

- Emilie Rutledge and Khaled Alkaabi
- 76930: Moralizing Gods and Armed Conflict

- Ahmed Skali
- 76925: Sur-réaction sur le marché tunisien des actions: une investigation empirique (Overreaction on the Tunisian stock market: an empirical test)

- Mohamed Ali Trabelsi
- 76922: A cross-country empirical test of cognitive abilities and innovation nexus

- Sardor Azam
- 76918: Governance and performance of Tunisian banks

- Mohamed Ali Trabelsi
- 76915: Directional predictability from stock market sector indices to gold: A cross-quantilogram analysis

- Eduard Baumohl and Štefan Lyócsa
- 76910: Analysis Of Factors Affecting the Electricity Supply in Indonesia

- Tongam Sihol Nababan
- 76903: One Lab, Two Firms, Many Possibilities: on R&D outsourcing in the biopharmaceutical industry

- Etienne Billette de Villemeur and Bruno Versaevel
- 76902: Government size, intelligence and life satisfaction

- Raufhon Salahodjaev
- 76899: Sustainability of farms of natural persons in Bulgaria

- Hrabrin Bachev
- 76898: Quality in museums as a way to increase sustainability

- Izabela Pop and Anca Borza
- 76897: Do negative externalities have any impact on population agglomerations? Evidence from Urban India

- Sabyasachi Tripathi and Shupinder Kaur
- 76894: Ways of increasing the visibility of the Romanian rural tourism

- Daniel Avram
- 76884: Demand Fluctuations and Innovation Investments: Evidence from the Great Recession in Spain

- Alex Armand and Pedro Mendi
- 76881: Occupational Mobility, Educational Mobility and Intergenerational Transmission of Disadvantages in Europe

- Tomas Zelinsky, Martina Mysíková and Jiri Vecernik
- 76880: Vliv nízké pracovní intenzity na chudobu v České republice a Slovenské republice (The Impact of Low Work Intensity on Poverty in the Czech Republic and the Slovak Republic)

- Martina Mysíková, Jiri Vecernik and Tomas Zelinsky
- 76879: Faktory míry materiální deprivace v České republice a jejich vztahy k typu domácnosti (The Factors of Material Deprivation Rate in the Czech Republic by Household Type)

- Hana Rezankova and Tomas Zelinsky
- 76877: Porovnanie alternatívnych prístupov k odhadu individuálneho blahobytu domácností ohrozených rizikom chudoby (The Comparison of Alternative Approaches to the Estimation of Individual Welfare of Poor Households)

- Tomas Zelinsky
- 76869: Panel Data Analysis with Stata Part 1 Fixed Effects and Random Effects Models

- Vijayamohanan Pillai N.
- 76868: Chudoba a deprivácia na Slovensku: Metodologické aspekty a empíria (Poverty and Deprivation in Slovakia: Methodological Aspects and Empirics)

- Tomas Zelinsky
- 76867: How Do You Interpret Your Regression Coefficients?

- Vijayamohanan Pillai N.
- 76864: What account for the differences in rent-price ratio and turnover rate? A search-and-matching approach

- Daisy J. Huang, Charles Leung and Chung-Yi Tse
- 76863: American Exceptionalism in Market Income Inequality: An Analysis Based on Microdata from the Luxembourg Income Study (LIS) Database

- Janet Gornick, Branko Milanovic and Nathaniel Johnson
- 76862: Does the economic crisis have an influence on the higher education dropout rate?

- Graca Fernandes and Margarida Lopes
- 76861: Cognitive abilities, institutions and software piracy: a note

- Shoirahon Odilova
- 76860: Organizations, Occupations and Decentral Work: On Hybridity and Ambiguity of Own-Account Workers

- Dieter Bögenhold and Andrea Klinglmair
- 76859: Default contagion among credit modalities: evidence from Brazilian data

- Michel Alexandre, Giovani Antônio Silva Brito and Theo Cotrim Martins
- 76856: Brand wars in cyberspace: a GIS solution

- Ákos Jakobi and Hajnalka Lőcsei
- 76854: Characteristics of transit tourism in Hungary with a focus on expenditure

- Áron Kincses, Géza Tóth, Mihály Tömöri and Gábor Michalkó
- 76853: Estimates of Net Capital Stock and Consumption of Fixed Capital for Australian States and Territories, 1990–2013

- Serguei Mikhailitchenko
- 76852: Migration settlement networks in the Carpathian Basin, 2001–2011

- Áron Kincses and Lajos Bálint
- 76851: The transport in our time-budget

- Tamás Fleischer and Melinda Tir
- 76849: Aggregate Density Forecasting from Disaggregate Components Using Large VARs

- Marcus Cobb
- 76840: Una muy breve aproximación a ¿Qué es el enfoque de capacidad de Amartya Sen? (A very brief approximation to ¿What is the capability approach of Amartya Sen?)

- Dorian Fernando León Tamayo and Lorena Eloisa Lascarro Camargo
- 76839: Using Student Outcome Survey Data for institutional performance measurement

- Peter Fieger
- 76838: Discretion Rather than Rules? Binding Commitments versus Discretionary Policymaking

- Christian Jensen
- 76836: Wealth Effects and Macroeconomic Dynamics – Evidence from Indian Economy

- Vighneswara Swamy
- 76833: Does municipal mergers internalize spatial spillover effects? Empirical evidence from Japanese municipalities

- Hitoshi Saito, Haruaki Hirota, Hideo Yunoue and Miki Miyaki
- 76832: Soft Commitments, Reminders and Academic Performance

- Oliver Himmler, Robert Jaeckle and Philipp Weinschenk
- 76831: Can we Identify the Fed's Preferences?

- Jean-Bernard Chatelain and Kirsten Ralf
- 76830: The effect of pro-shareholder income distribution on capital accumulation: evidence from Japanese non-financial firms

- Norihito Shimano
- 76828: Cariere, destine și atitudini naționale romanești in Basarabia: Constantin Stere și revista Viața Romaneasca (Careers, destinies and Romanian national attitudes in Bessarabia: Constantin Stere and Romanian Life Journal)

- Răducu Rușeț
- 76827: China’s rural – urban migration: Who gains, who loses?

- Emmanuel Olusegun Stober
- 76826: Online tourism in Romania in the context of globalization - study concerning the presence of the travel agencys on the internet

- Alina-Cerasela Aluculesei
- 76825: Publish and Perish: Creative Destruction and Macroeconomic Theory

- Jean-Bernard Chatelain and Kirsten Ralf
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