MPRA Paper
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- 73731: Impulsive Behavior in Competition: Testing Theories of Overbidding in Rent-Seeking Contests

- Roman Sheremeta
- 73729: Beyond the distinction between necessaries and luxuries

- Maurizio Pugno
- 73726: Urban Sprawl and Loss of Agricultural Land in Peri-urban Areas of Lagos

- Samuel Dekolo, Leke Oduwaye and Immaculata Nwokoro
- 73725: How to Measure the Local Economic Impact of Universities? Methodological Overview

- Balázs Kotosz, Miklós Lukovics, Gabriella Molnár and Bence Zuti
- 73722: The Simple Analytics of Aggregate Supply Demand and Structural Adjustment

- Ashima Goyal
- 73720: 2016 Global Opportunity Index

- Jonathon Adams-Kane, Claude Lopez and Jakob Wilhelmus
- 73712: Human Capital-Growth nexus: the role of Government Spending on Education and Health in Nigeria

- Taofik Ibrahim
- 73709: Trade Liberalization and Wage Inequality in the Indian Manufacturing Sector

- Manabu Furuta
- 73707: Money, Asset Prices and the Liquidity Premium

- Seungduck Lee
- 73700: Selecting the Most Adequate Spatial Weighting Matrix:A Study on Criteria

- Marcos Herrera Gómez, Jesus Mur and Manuel Ruiz Marin
- 73694: A Bayesian implementable social choice function may not be truthfully implementable

- Haoyang Wu
- 73690: Perspectiva sobre la sostenibilidad de los recursos naturales a largo plazo: caso industria camaronera ecuatoriana (Perspective on the sustainability of natural resources in the long term: shrimp industry in the Ecuadorian case)

- Carolina Uzcátegui, Javier Solano and Paulina Figueroa
- 73687: Financial Development and Geographic Isolation: Global Evidence

- Oasis Kodila-Tedika, Simplice Asongu and Matthias Cinyabuguma
- 73686: Political Regimes and Stock Market Performance in Africa

- Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
- 73685: Reconciliation of the Washington Consensus with the Beijing Model in Africa

- Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
- 73684: On Income Inequality and Population Size

- Thitithep Sitthiyot and Kanyarat Holasut
- 73681: Top down strategy for renewable energy investment: sizing methodologies and Integrated Renewable Energy System models

- Peyman Ahmadian and Afshin Jalilzadeh
- 73678: Healthcare Spending: The Role of Healthcare Institutions from an International Perspective

- Hannes Titeca
- 73677: Back to the Sixties: A Note on Multi-Primary-Factor Linear Models with Homogeneous Capital

- Giuseppe Freni
- 73676: Sen cycles and externalities

- Ashley Piggins and Gillian Salerno
- 73674: An Over View of the Implementation of Precision Farming Projects in Tamil Nadu, India

- Dr. R. Ravikumar Ramamoorthy and Mr Jagan Gopu A
- 73671: Do Loan-to-Value Ratio Regulation Changes Affect Canadian Mortgage Credit?

- Jeremy Kronick
- 73670: Istraživanja tržišnih struktura u privredi druge Jugoslavije (Researches of the Market Structures in the Economy of the Former Yugoslavia)

- Rajko Bukvić
- 73669: Turning Human Waste into Renewable Energy: Scope and Options for India

- Sacchidananda Mukherjee and Debashis Chakraborty
- 73663: Corporate Restructuring in the Asian electronics market: Insights from Philips and Panasonic

- Srinivasa Reddy Kotapati
- 73662: Analysis of ABC Model of Annual Research Productivity using ABCD Framework

- Sreeramana Aithal, Shailashree V. T. and Suresh Kumar P. M.
- 73661: Opportunities & Challenges for Green Technology in 21st Century

- Sreeramana Aithal and Shubhrajyotsna Aithal
- 73660: A Bayesian implementable social choice function cannot be implemented by a direct mechanism

- Haoyang Wu
- 73658: A Brief Political Economy of Globalization and EMU

- Gerasimos T. Soldatos
- 73656: Краснодарска покрајина и Република Србија: могућности и перспективе сарадње (Krasnodar Krai and Republic of Serbia: possibilities and perspectives of cooperation)

- Rajko Bukvić
- 73653: Потенциал научной школы в развитии аграрной экономики региона: опыт, проблемы (Potential of scientific school is in development of agrarian economy of region: experience, problems)

- Виктор Стукач
- 73644: The Gross Domestic Product. History, relevance and limitations in its interpretation

- George Georgescu
- 73630: Do Stronger Patents Stimulate or Stifle Innovation? The Crucial Role of Financial Development

- Angus Chu, Guido Cozzi, Shiyuan Pan and Mengbo Zhang
- 73628: Two consecutive steps in transformation: from Values to Prices and from Sectoral Rates to a Weighted Common Rate

- Vicenc Melendez-Plumed
- 73627: Democracy and social capital in Greece

- Irene Daskalopoulou
- 73626: Luka zasobowa w procesie tworzenia innowacji (Resource gap in the process of innovation creation)

- Adam Karbowski
- 73625: The corporate governance implications for China

- Adam Karbowski
- 73624: Sieci społeczne i technologiczne: wpływ na proces powstawania innowacji w gospodarce (Social and Technological Networks and its Effects on Innovation Dynamics)

- Adam Karbowski
- 73622: Finite-sample and asymptotic analysis of generalization ability with an application to penalized regression

- Ning Xu, Jian Hong and Timothy Fisher
- 73621: Student Centric Learning Through Planned Hard work - An Innovative Model

- Sreeramana Aithal and Shubrajyotsna Aithal
- 73620: Formy forfaitingu (Forms of forfaiting)

- Adam Karbowski
- 73619: Kontrowersje związane z ekonomicznym uzasadnieniem ochrony patentowej (Controversies over the economic justifications for patent protection)

- Adam Karbowski and Jacek Prokop
- 73618: Estudio de las posibilidades de inversión en los mercados frontera (Study of the possibilities of investment in the frontier market)

- Álvaro Cuervo Valledor, Adolfo Pérez Mena, Miguel Vicente López and Rosalía Calvo Clúa
- 73617: Innowacyjność przedsiębiorstw: miary oraz modele (Firm innovativeness: measures and models)

- Adam Karbowski
- 73616: Współpraca badawczo-rozwojowa przedsiębiorstw a kartelizacja gałęzi (R&D cooperation of firms and the cartelization of industry)

- Jacek Prokop and Adam Karbowski
- 73615: Stress Testing in the Nigerian Banking Sector

- Adesoji Farayibi
- 73614: Investigating the Application of Queue Theory in the Nigerian Banking System

- Adesoji Farayibi
- 73613: The Funded Pension Scheme and Economic Growth in Nigeria

- Adesoji Farayibi
- 73612: Service Delivery and Customer Satisfaction in Nigerian Banks

- Adesoji Farayibi
- 73611: Bayesian Process Networks: An approach to systemic process risk analysis by mapping process models onto Bayesian networks

- Hardy Oepping
- 73608: Modeling Business Cycle Fluctuations through Markov Switching VAR:An Application to Iran

- Alireza Moradi
- 73606: Measuring and decomposing the distance to the Shapley wage function with limited data

- Victor Aguiar, Roland Pongou and Jean-Baptiste Tondji
- 73605: Pozioma współpraca badawczo-rozwojowa a kartelizacja gałęzi (Horizontal R&D cooperation and market cartelization)

- Jacek Prokop and Karbowski Adam
- 73604: Organizacja współpracy badawczo-rozwojowej przedsiębiorstw (Organization of R&D cooperation of firms)

- Adam Karbowski
- 73603: Strategiczne znaczenie kosztu stałego ustanowienia współpracy badawczo-rozwojowej przedsiębiorstw (Strategic meaning of the fixed set-up cost of R&D cooperation)

- Adam Karbowski
- 73602: Ein Bayes-Netz zur Analyse des Absturzrisikos im Gerüstbau (A Bayesian network for analysing the risk of falling from height in scaffolding)

- Hardy Oepping
- 73601: Манифест Биткойна или Крипто-Социализм как следующая фаза Социально-Экономического развития (Bitcoin Manifesto Or Crypto-Socialism as next phase of Socio-Economic Relations)

- Dmitri Kosten
- 73600: Model Perancangan Sistem Informasi Dalam Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan (Design of Information Systems to Support Food Security)

- Dadi Rosadi and Iwan Sidharta
- 73598: Bank Concentration, Competition, and Financial Inclusion

- Ann Owen and Javier Pereira
- 73596: Analisa Pengaruh Rasio Keuangan Model Springate Terhadap Harga Saham Pada Perusahaan Publik Sektor Telekomunikasi (The Effect of Financial Ratio Analysis on Springate`s Model at Telecommunication Sector in Indonesia)

- Effendi Effendi, Azhar Affandi and Iwan Sidharta
- 73594: Strategic Default Induced by Loan Modification Programs

- Xianghong Li and Xinlei Zhao
- 73585: Ordenación de la actividad económica, ley natural y justicia en Aristóteles y en Santo Tomás (Ordination of economic activity, natural law and justice in Aristotle and Saint Thomas)

- José Luis Cendejas Bueno
- 73581: Perancangan Dan Implementasi Sistem Informasi Urunan Desa (URDES) Berdasarkan Pada Pajak Bumi Dan Bangunan (Design and Implementation of Information Systems Village Tax Based On Tax And Building)

- Iwan Sidharta and Mirna Wati
- 73578: License or entry in oligopoly

- Masahiko Hattori and Yasuhito Tanaka
- 73572: Миссия Биткоин – Децентрализация Финансовых и Законодательных Рычагов Управления Обществом (Bitcoin Mission - Decentralization of Financial and Governing Levers of Regulatory Institutions)

- Dmitri Kosten
- 73568: Bitcoin Mission Statement. Or What does it mean Sharing Economy and Distributed Trust?

- Dmitri Kosten
- 73564: An Alternative Characterization for Iterated Kalai-Smorodinsky-Nash Compromise

- Ismail Saglam
- 73562: The impact of (co-) ownership of renewable energy production facilities on demand flexibility

- Lucas Roth, Jens Lowitzsch, Özgür Yildiz and Alban Hashani
- 73561: Methodology of the National Health Account for Germany - Database, compilation and results

- Marion Cornelia Schwärzler and Tobias Kronenberg
- 73559: Money Influence on Real Economy Activity: Evidences Review on Japanese Context

- Soon-Ming Wong and Siew-Ling Loi
- 73557: Technological innovation and employment in derived labour demand models: A hierarchical meta-regression analysis

- Mehmet Ugur, Sefa Awaworyi Churchill and Edna Solomon
- 73556: Macroeconomic determinants of crude oil demand in Ghana

- Eric Oteng-Abayie, Prosper Awuni Ayimbila and Maame Esi Eshun
- 73553: A Study of Financial Services provided by Foreign Financial Institutions (FFIs) Operating in India consistently during the period 2003-04 to 2012-13 with reference to India’s Foreign Trade

- Ashok Edurkar and Dr.Dattatrya G. Chougule
- 73551: Wagner's law, fiscal discipline, and intergovernmental transfer: Empirical evidence at the U.S. and German state levels

- Yoshito Funashima and Kazuki Hiraga
- 73549: Analysis of the relationship between Oil price, Exchange rate and Stock market in Nigeria

- Aremu Idowu Raheem and Musa Adebiyi Ayodeji
- 73548: Intertemporal stability of survey-based measures of risk and time preferences over a three-year course

- Andreas Drichoutis and Achilleas Vassilopoulos
- 73547: License or entry in oligopoly

- Masahiko Hattori and Yasuhito Tanaka
- 73544: Кризис и рост неравенства. Оптимальный путь экономического роста (The crisis and increasing inequality. The best equilibrium growth path)

- Pete Yashin
- 73539: Two-Stage Contests with Preferences over Style

- Todd Kaplan and David Wettstein
- 73537: Foreign Capital Flows, Real Exchange and Interest Rates: An Analytical Framework

- Ashima Goyal
- 73536: Application of Factor and Cluster Analysis for an evaluation of Business Practices Models of Foreign Banks

- Ashok Edurkar and Dr.Dattatrya G. Chougule
- 73533: Money, Asset Prices and the Liquidity Premium

- Seungduck Lee
- 73532: Money evolution and control in the context of current financial crisis with Islamic inputs

- Zubair Hasan
- 73526: Determinants of Child Labor in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: An Econometric Analysis

- Shujaat Ahmed, Waqas Haider and Dilawar Khan
- 73525: A stochastic production frontier estimator of the degree of oligopsony power in the U.S. cattle industry

- Dimitrios Panagiotou and Athanassios Stavrakoudis
- 73512: Change in Strategic Interaction after Introducing Policy

- Katsuyoshi Nakazawa and Hirokazu Matsuoka
- 73507: Knowledge Economy, Global Innovation Indices, Rents and Governance in Arab Economies

- Ahmed Driouchi and Tahar Harkat
- 73502: A review of the global financial crisis and its effects on U.S. working class households - a tale of vulnerability and neglect

- Kees De Koning
- 73500: Macroeconomic Effect of Consumption Tax on ”Dynamic” and ”Myopic” Agents

- Seiya Fujisaki
- 73499: Dysfonctionnement de la théorie néoclassique: Le salaire minimum un des exemples (Dysfunction of the neoclassical theory: The minimum wage is one of the examples)

- Abdellatif Gharyeni
- 73498: Are Labor Inspections Protecting Workers’ Rights? Adding the Evidence from Size-based Labor Regulations and Fines in Peru

- Mariana Viollaz
- 73495: Conventional and Islamic stock markets: what about financial performance?

- Aymen Ben Rejeb and Arfaoui Mongi
- 73491: Crowding Out of Monetary Policy as a Limitation of Fiscal Policy

- Martin Hiermeyer
- 73489: The Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Output in South Africa (1997-2012)

- Free Ncube, Priviledge Cheteni, Prince Ncube and Strugle Muzawazi
- 73488: The Impact of the BRICS alliance on South Africa economic growth - a VECM approach

- Prince Ncube and Priviledge Cheteni
- 73487: Political corruption in the execution of public contracts

- Olga Chiappinelli
- 73485: A Comment on "Sequential Spatial Competition in Vertically Related Industries with Different Product Varieties"

- Konstantinos Eleftheriou and Nickolas Michelacakis
- 73482: Patents vs R&D Subsidies on Income Inequality

- Angus Chu and Guido Cozzi
- 73481: Particularitǎţi ale evoluţiei variabilelor financiare (Some particularities of the financial variables evolution)

- Razvan Stefanescu and Ramona Dumitriu
- 73480: Economic Based Neural Control Switching of TCR and TSC for Optimal Reactive Power Flow and Harmonic Minimization with Fuzzy-Genetic

- Farzad Mirzaei, Farnoosh Ashkaboosi and Sadegh Mahdavi
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