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73731: Impulsive Behavior in Competition: Testing Theories of Overbidding in Rent-Seeking Contests Downloads
Roman Sheremeta
73729: Beyond the distinction between necessaries and luxuries Downloads
Maurizio Pugno
73726: Urban Sprawl and Loss of Agricultural Land in Peri-urban Areas of Lagos Downloads
Samuel Dekolo, Leke Oduwaye and Immaculata Nwokoro
73725: How to Measure the Local Economic Impact of Universities? Methodological Overview Downloads
Balázs Kotosz, Miklós Lukovics, Gabriella Molnár and Bence Zuti
73722: The Simple Analytics of Aggregate Supply Demand and Structural Adjustment Downloads
Ashima Goyal
73720: 2016 Global Opportunity Index Downloads
Jonathon Adams-Kane, Claude Lopez and Jakob Wilhelmus
73712: Human Capital-Growth nexus: the role of Government Spending on Education and Health in Nigeria Downloads
Taofik Ibrahim
73709: Trade Liberalization and Wage Inequality in the Indian Manufacturing Sector Downloads
Manabu Furuta
73707: Money, Asset Prices and the Liquidity Premium Downloads
Seungduck Lee
73700: Selecting the Most Adequate Spatial Weighting Matrix:A Study on Criteria Downloads
Marcos Herrera Gómez, Jesus Mur and Manuel Ruiz Marin
73694: A Bayesian implementable social choice function may not be truthfully implementable Downloads
Haoyang Wu
73690: Perspectiva sobre la sostenibilidad de los recursos naturales a largo plazo: caso industria camaronera ecuatoriana (Perspective on the sustainability of natural resources in the long term: shrimp industry in the Ecuadorian case) Downloads
Carolina Uzcátegui, Javier Solano and Paulina Figueroa
73687: Financial Development and Geographic Isolation: Global Evidence Downloads
Oasis Kodila-Tedika, Simplice Asongu and Matthias Cinyabuguma
73686: Political Regimes and Stock Market Performance in Africa Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
73685: Reconciliation of the Washington Consensus with the Beijing Model in Africa Downloads
Simplice Asongu and Jacinta Nwachukwu
73684: On Income Inequality and Population Size Downloads
Thitithep Sitthiyot and Kanyarat Holasut
73681: Top down strategy for renewable energy investment: sizing methodologies and Integrated Renewable Energy System models Downloads
Peyman Ahmadian and Afshin Jalilzadeh
73678: Healthcare Spending: The Role of Healthcare Institutions from an International Perspective Downloads
Hannes Titeca
73677: Back to the Sixties: A Note on Multi-Primary-Factor Linear Models with Homogeneous Capital Downloads
Giuseppe Freni
73676: Sen cycles and externalities Downloads
Ashley Piggins and Gillian Salerno
73674: An Over View of the Implementation of Precision Farming Projects in Tamil Nadu, India Downloads
Dr. R. Ravikumar Ramamoorthy and Mr Jagan Gopu A
73671: Do Loan-to-Value Ratio Regulation Changes Affect Canadian Mortgage Credit? Downloads
Jeremy Kronick
73670: Istraživanja tržišnih struktura u privredi druge Jugoslavije (Researches of the Market Structures in the Economy of the Former Yugoslavia) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
73669: Turning Human Waste into Renewable Energy: Scope and Options for India Downloads
Sacchidananda Mukherjee and Debashis Chakraborty
73663: Corporate Restructuring in the Asian electronics market: Insights from Philips and Panasonic Downloads
Srinivasa Reddy Kotapati
73662: Analysis of ABC Model of Annual Research Productivity using ABCD Framework Downloads
Sreeramana Aithal, Shailashree V. T. and Suresh Kumar P. M.
73661: Opportunities & Challenges for Green Technology in 21st Century Downloads
Sreeramana Aithal and Shubhrajyotsna Aithal
73660: A Bayesian implementable social choice function cannot be implemented by a direct mechanism Downloads
Haoyang Wu
73658: A Brief Political Economy of Globalization and EMU Downloads
Gerasimos T. Soldatos
73656: Краснодарска покрајина и Република Србија: могућности и перспективе сарадње (Krasnodar Krai and Republic of Serbia: possibilities and perspectives of cooperation) Downloads
Rajko Bukvić
73653: Потенциал научной школы в развитии аграрной экономики региона: опыт, проблемы (Potential of scientific school is in development of agrarian economy of region: experience, problems) Downloads
Виктор Стукач
73644: The Gross Domestic Product. History, relevance and limitations in its interpretation Downloads
George Georgescu
73630: Do Stronger Patents Stimulate or Stifle Innovation? The Crucial Role of Financial Development Downloads
Angus Chu, Guido Cozzi, Shiyuan Pan and Mengbo Zhang
73628: Two consecutive steps in transformation: from Values to Prices and from Sectoral Rates to a Weighted Common Rate Downloads
Vicenc Melendez-Plumed
73627: Democracy and social capital in Greece Downloads
Irene Daskalopoulou
73626: Luka zasobowa w procesie tworzenia innowacji (Resource gap in the process of innovation creation) Downloads
Adam Karbowski
73625: The corporate governance implications for China Downloads
Adam Karbowski
73624: Sieci społeczne i technologiczne: wpływ na proces powstawania innowacji w gospodarce (Social and Technological Networks and its Effects on Innovation Dynamics) Downloads
Adam Karbowski
73622: Finite-sample and asymptotic analysis of generalization ability with an application to penalized regression Downloads
Ning Xu, Jian Hong and Timothy Fisher
73621: Student Centric Learning Through Planned Hard work - An Innovative Model Downloads
Sreeramana Aithal and Shubrajyotsna Aithal
73620: Formy forfaitingu (Forms of forfaiting) Downloads
Adam Karbowski
73619: Kontrowersje związane z ekonomicznym uzasadnieniem ochrony patentowej (Controversies over the economic justifications for patent protection) Downloads
Adam Karbowski and Jacek Prokop
73618: Estudio de las posibilidades de inversión en los mercados frontera (Study of the possibilities of investment in the frontier market) Downloads
Álvaro Cuervo Valledor, Adolfo Pérez Mena, Miguel Vicente López and Rosalía Calvo Clúa
73617: Innowacyjność przedsiębiorstw: miary oraz modele (Firm innovativeness: measures and models) Downloads
Adam Karbowski
73616: Współpraca badawczo-rozwojowa przedsiębiorstw a kartelizacja gałęzi (R&D cooperation of firms and the cartelization of industry) Downloads
Jacek Prokop and Adam Karbowski
73615: Stress Testing in the Nigerian Banking Sector Downloads
Adesoji Farayibi
73614: Investigating the Application of Queue Theory in the Nigerian Banking System Downloads
Adesoji Farayibi
73613: The Funded Pension Scheme and Economic Growth in Nigeria Downloads
Adesoji Farayibi
73612: Service Delivery and Customer Satisfaction in Nigerian Banks Downloads
Adesoji Farayibi
73611: Bayesian Process Networks: An approach to systemic process risk analysis by mapping process models onto Bayesian networks Downloads
Hardy Oepping
73608: Modeling Business Cycle Fluctuations through Markov Switching VAR:An Application to Iran Downloads
Alireza Moradi
73606: Measuring and decomposing the distance to the Shapley wage function with limited data Downloads
Victor Aguiar, Roland Pongou and Jean-Baptiste Tondji
73605: Pozioma współpraca badawczo-rozwojowa a kartelizacja gałęzi (Horizontal R&D cooperation and market cartelization) Downloads
Jacek Prokop and Karbowski Adam
73604: Organizacja współpracy badawczo-rozwojowej przedsiębiorstw (Organization of R&D cooperation of firms) Downloads
Adam Karbowski
73603: Strategiczne znaczenie kosztu stałego ustanowienia współpracy badawczo-rozwojowej przedsiębiorstw (Strategic meaning of the fixed set-up cost of R&D cooperation) Downloads
Adam Karbowski
73602: Ein Bayes-Netz zur Analyse des Absturzrisikos im Gerüstbau (A Bayesian network for analysing the risk of falling from height in scaffolding) Downloads
Hardy Oepping
73601: Манифест Биткойна или Крипто-Социализм как следующая фаза Социально-Экономического развития (Bitcoin Manifesto Or Crypto-Socialism as next phase of Socio-Economic Relations) Downloads
Dmitri Kosten
73600: Model Perancangan Sistem Informasi Dalam Mendukung Ketahanan Pangan (Design of Information Systems to Support Food Security) Downloads
Dadi Rosadi and Iwan Sidharta
73598: Bank Concentration, Competition, and Financial Inclusion Downloads
Ann Owen and Javier Pereira
73596: Analisa Pengaruh Rasio Keuangan Model Springate Terhadap Harga Saham Pada Perusahaan Publik Sektor Telekomunikasi (The Effect of Financial Ratio Analysis on Springate`s Model at Telecommunication Sector in Indonesia) Downloads
Effendi Effendi, Azhar Affandi and Iwan Sidharta
73594: Strategic Default Induced by Loan Modification Programs Downloads
Xianghong Li and Xinlei Zhao
73585: Ordenación de la actividad económica, ley natural y justicia en Aristóteles y en Santo Tomás (Ordination of economic activity, natural law and justice in Aristotle and Saint Thomas) Downloads
José Luis Cendejas Bueno
73581: Perancangan Dan Implementasi Sistem Informasi Urunan Desa (URDES) Berdasarkan Pada Pajak Bumi Dan Bangunan (Design and Implementation of Information Systems Village Tax Based On Tax And Building) Downloads
Iwan Sidharta and Mirna Wati
73578: License or entry in oligopoly Downloads
Masahiko Hattori and Yasuhito Tanaka
73572: Миссия Биткоин – Децентрализация Финансовых и Законодательных Рычагов Управления Обществом (Bitcoin Mission - Decentralization of Financial and Governing Levers of Regulatory Institutions) Downloads
Dmitri Kosten
73568: Bitcoin Mission Statement. Or What does it mean Sharing Economy and Distributed Trust? Downloads
Dmitri Kosten
73564: An Alternative Characterization for Iterated Kalai-Smorodinsky-Nash Compromise Downloads
Ismail Saglam
73562: The impact of (co-) ownership of renewable energy production facilities on demand flexibility Downloads
Lucas Roth, Jens Lowitzsch, Özgür Yildiz and Alban Hashani
73561: Methodology of the National Health Account for Germany - Database, compilation and results Downloads
Marion Cornelia Schwärzler and Tobias Kronenberg
73559: Money Influence on Real Economy Activity: Evidences Review on Japanese Context Downloads
Soon-Ming Wong and Siew-Ling Loi
73557: Technological innovation and employment in derived labour demand models: A hierarchical meta-regression analysis Downloads
Mehmet Ugur, Sefa Awaworyi Churchill and Edna Solomon
73556: Macroeconomic determinants of crude oil demand in Ghana Downloads
Eric Oteng-Abayie, Prosper Awuni Ayimbila and Maame Esi Eshun
73553: A Study of Financial Services provided by Foreign Financial Institutions (FFIs) Operating in India consistently during the period 2003-04 to 2012-13 with reference to India’s Foreign Trade Downloads
Ashok Edurkar and Dr.Dattatrya G. Chougule
73551: Wagner's law, fiscal discipline, and intergovernmental transfer: Empirical evidence at the U.S. and German state levels Downloads
Yoshito Funashima and Kazuki Hiraga
73549: Analysis of the relationship between Oil price, Exchange rate and Stock market in Nigeria Downloads
Aremu Idowu Raheem and Musa Adebiyi Ayodeji
73548: Intertemporal stability of survey-based measures of risk and time preferences over a three-year course Downloads
Andreas Drichoutis and Achilleas Vassilopoulos
73547: License or entry in oligopoly Downloads
Masahiko Hattori and Yasuhito Tanaka
73544: Кризис и рост неравенства. Оптимальный путь экономического роста (The crisis and increasing inequality. The best equilibrium growth path) Downloads
Pete Yashin
73539: Two-Stage Contests with Preferences over Style Downloads
Todd Kaplan and David Wettstein
73537: Foreign Capital Flows, Real Exchange and Interest Rates: An Analytical Framework Downloads
Ashima Goyal
73536: Application of Factor and Cluster Analysis for an evaluation of Business Practices Models of Foreign Banks Downloads
Ashok Edurkar and Dr.Dattatrya G. Chougule
73533: Money, Asset Prices and the Liquidity Premium Downloads
Seungduck Lee
73532: Money evolution and control in the context of current financial crisis with Islamic inputs Downloads
Zubair Hasan
73526: Determinants of Child Labor in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: An Econometric Analysis Downloads
Shujaat Ahmed, Waqas Haider and Dilawar Khan
73525: A stochastic production frontier estimator of the degree of oligopsony power in the U.S. cattle industry Downloads
Dimitrios Panagiotou and Athanassios Stavrakoudis
73512: Change in Strategic Interaction after Introducing Policy Downloads
Katsuyoshi Nakazawa and Hirokazu Matsuoka
73507: Knowledge Economy, Global Innovation Indices, Rents and Governance in Arab Economies Downloads
Ahmed Driouchi and Tahar Harkat
73502: A review of the global financial crisis and its effects on U.S. working class households - a tale of vulnerability and neglect Downloads
Kees De Koning
73500: Macroeconomic Effect of Consumption Tax on ”Dynamic” and ”Myopic” Agents Downloads
Seiya Fujisaki
73499: Dysfonctionnement de la théorie néoclassique: Le salaire minimum un des exemples (Dysfunction of the neoclassical theory: The minimum wage is one of the examples) Downloads
Abdellatif Gharyeni
73498: Are Labor Inspections Protecting Workers’ Rights? Adding the Evidence from Size-based Labor Regulations and Fines in Peru Downloads
Mariana Viollaz
73495: Conventional and Islamic stock markets: what about financial performance? Downloads
Aymen Ben Rejeb and Arfaoui Mongi
73491: Crowding Out of Monetary Policy as a Limitation of Fiscal Policy Downloads
Martin Hiermeyer
73489: The Impact of Climate Change on Agricultural Output in South Africa (1997-2012) Downloads
Free Ncube, Priviledge Cheteni, Prince Ncube and Strugle Muzawazi
73488: The Impact of the BRICS alliance on South Africa economic growth - a VECM approach Downloads
Prince Ncube and Priviledge Cheteni
73487: Political corruption in the execution of public contracts Downloads
Olga Chiappinelli
73485: A Comment on "Sequential Spatial Competition in Vertically Related Industries with Different Product Varieties" Downloads
Konstantinos Eleftheriou and Nickolas Michelacakis
73482: Patents vs R&D Subsidies on Income Inequality Downloads
Angus Chu and Guido Cozzi
73481: Particularitǎţi ale evoluţiei variabilelor financiare (Some particularities of the financial variables evolution) Downloads
Razvan Stefanescu and Ramona Dumitriu
73480: Economic Based Neural Control Switching of TCR and TSC for Optimal Reactive Power Flow and Harmonic Minimization with Fuzzy-Genetic Downloads
Farzad Mirzaei, Farnoosh Ashkaboosi and Sadegh Mahdavi
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